16387978? ago

I think Stone is a fucking degenerate.

I cant trust anyone that dresses like he does and wears black rimmed glasses. If he is a ourguy he is DEEP into character and has been for years.

16388507? ago

And where did he live? And was arrested where?.. BROWARD COUNTY BABY !

16388555? ago

Heh, whattya know....

You would think Miami is the only city in America with all the news that comes out of that dump.

16387929? ago

patriot? go do your research.

16387899? ago

Stone is no patriot, he is Mossad.

16387696? ago

Apparently you are unaware of roger stones history

16387590? ago

Occult meanings of Yellow?

16387010? ago

Maybe they have to get public used to these charges and willing to accept them when half gov gone for worse charges. What has mkultra done to the masses ? I do prefer the big jolt into reality myself but. ..are all the bombs and bio weapons gone ? I also doubt Rogers is squeaky clean if you check his involvement with rhino's in the past. And anyone who won't say "natnyaho is a natzi " I am highly suspicious of.

16386897? ago

it is not only about justice, it is also about keeping the country running, economy.

16386813? ago

Where is Qanon?

16386715? ago

Arrest patriots? Paytriot at best, mossad asset at worst. Freedom is never given its earned? Yeah okay quick draw, you go start the revolution I'll make ready a nice pine box for you. Meanwhile back in reality I'm watching President Trump turn America around. Jobs, taxes, immigration, North Korea, China, ISIS, the list goes on and on. But yeah sure, you go earn that freedom ...

16388008? ago

My money is on Mossad asset.

16386567? ago

you have no proof to back up that bullshit fiction. The only proof you can provide is your feeling, your wishes, wants and hopes. You can wait all you want, 15 days, 21 days, 1 month, 2 months, 6 months, or whatever magical future date that you pick and absolutely nothing will change, except of course n 01/20/2021 whatever piece of shit the left puts into office will be sworn in as the new president of America.

Stop referring to America as the United States, we are now the Socialist States of The Democratic Party.

16386925? ago

sorry, Trump runs the show. everything else is noise

16387581? ago

Trump is totally in control, oh wait, no Pelosi owned his ass live on TV and forced him to go live and beg the dems to sign a bill with no wall funding.

16386747? ago

Found the shill! Donald Trump will be re-elected, so your logic is flawed. The Republicans will put Trump in office, not the Democrats.

16387719? ago

The republicans could have signed a wall bill at any point in the last two years.

16386918? ago

You wish.

16386555? ago

Even though I am in no way convinced there have been ANY secret arrests or tribunals, I wholeheartedly agree with all of your comment except one detail.

American revolutionary vests should be Hunter Orange.

16387371? ago

How about urban camo?

16387415? ago

Urban camo would be good for special ops.

16386947? ago

16386555? , the reason you are "in no way convinced there have been been ANY secret arrests or tribunals" is that (with the exception of highly visible political figures , who - wrongly , in my opinion , but I don't run anything but my mouth - have been enjoying the "Catch and Release" program mentioned by Q -) none of them HAVE taken place in secret. Look at the human trafficking , serial murderers , and pedophiles that have been put away in the past 2 years , and compare that to the past ____ number of years throughout history. But , full on hard-core agreement with the attire suggestions . kek .

16387562? ago

It's convenient Q laid out a plan that would make it seem like nothing at all is happening.

16387649? ago

Q didn't lay it out that way , it's the way the MSM wants to play it (I guess you expect them to cheerlead for Trump locking them up - dang guy , use your noggin for something besides a convenient hat rack)!

16387945? ago

MSM is done with Q. They dont give a shit.

Its also funny how Q tried to meme that there was all this shit talking about Q when there was next to none.

Its a fucking LARP! He's quiet not because he's trying to salvage his piss away credibility. Gotta keep the bit going until just the right time for maximum black pilling.

The plan is to keep people home in 2020

16388709? ago

You obviously have no clue as to what is really going on . Lurk moar , concernfag.

16388775? ago

Hurp your not a smart as you think you are, derp.

All i can tell your goofy ass is.....I shatposted with the Alt Right during the Trump campaign, took a year long dive into pizzgate, have been on the chanz for 4 years.

My take on Q at this point? Its bullshit and we have all been had. Q isnt posting because there is little credibility left. They dont want to throw the rest of it away.

Dude, this was all a containment op.

16389469? ago

Don't let the door hit cha then , was real , but wasn't real fun knowing ya - ie , get the f*ck out and quit concern fagging.

16387737? ago

So, there were arrests, we just didn't see them because CNN didn't report on them?

16388022? ago

How many you seen on CNN , ABC , CBS , NBC , Fox , etc...? Done told you once, MSM isn't going to cheerlead for Trump (they don't mind trotting out en masse whenever they anticipate something may happen which may be construed as being against Trump , his agenda or his base - how long did it take for every "news" network in the country to begin condemning those schoolkids wearing a MAGA hat , or would a "news" network ordinarily go out on a non-violent politically driven arrest [where were they when Papadoupolis was arrested at the airport in 2015], but , no , nothing going on here , just massive numbers of pedo , human trafficking and serial murderer charges , move along - nothing to see)!

16392982? ago

Oh jesus, you were serious. HAHAHAHAHA

16393231? ago


16387065? ago

The increase in arrests and prosecutions in human trafficing and pedophilia is there for all to see. Akin to busting nicklebag dealers and letting the cartels operate unopposed.

Catch and release is either Q disinformation or a gross miscarriage of justice.

16387592? ago

Catch and release is a necessity to stop a all-out civil war between those of us awake and those who are not.

What you termed "either Q disinformation or a gross miscarriage of justice" is simply to close to the 4 foot level , think of things at the 100,000 foot level.

16386905? ago

Its all a show. this is all part of the script. Nothing will happen.

16387149? ago

You are very mistaken.

Either Trump succeeds is reelected and justice is restored to America, or he fails and a leftist is elected in 2020 and a bloodbath is triggered by the reimplimentation of the 16 year plan to destroy America

16386506? ago

RS may be mossad and may have been planted into the trump campaign in 2015. We just don’t know yet.

16388517? ago

Roger Stone's House = BROWARD COUNTY. Was arrested there (Ft. Lauderdale)

16387572? ago

This is the exact case. Stone is a hardcore plant. He has been doing NOTHING but making Trump look bad since day one, and now he'll sing like a bird.

16392267? ago

16392966? ago

Lol, New Yorker, GTFO

16393218? ago

Direct DJT quotes BTFO.

16396952? ago

They just make it up. DJT himself says so!

16397118? ago

DJT never noticed the New Yorker putting potential libel in his name for a decade? Wew lad, try again shekel-nigger

16397441? ago

Why would he read it, he has said he doesn't read them.

16397922? ago

Keep trying shekel-nigger someday you will convince somebody DJT is incompetent.

16387984? ago

Exactly this^ I simply cannot believe people can’t see this fact. It’s like we’re getting dumber. Stone was Manafort the plants handler

16386156? ago

It's cute the OP assumes what little he knows is the whole story...

...when the truth is we are trying to understand the chess game being played while looking through a keyhole.

I will trust President Trump 100000% until I have a rational and informed reason not to.

In the meantime, I will continue to prepare myself for civil war - in case no everything "goes to plan".

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16386189? ago

Care to enlighten us with the "whole story"

16386978? ago

take out SES, control oil flow, lower oil cost for the US, defund cabal, win time to release new technology, defeat old NWO by building new economy, new NWO.

16386573? ago

He doesn't know, he is trusting in the Q's magical mysterious "The Plan".

16386514? ago

The point of my comment went right over your head... so let me explain it again in a way that even a Somali can understand:

We don't know 90% of what really goes on in the White House. All we can do is try to make theories and understand what is happening based on what little we are allowed to know.

16386332? ago

7d chess

16386532? ago


Yet President Trump hasn't put a foot wrong yet.

16387541? ago

Yeah, totally. Luckily the elections were secure and we got that wall! Trust Sessions. Trust Kansas. Trust the Plan!!

Are you tired of winning?


16398152? ago

The WINNING has been awesome!

I'm not sure what POTUS has planned for the Dems regarding them taking the House, however we are about to get the wall through either emergency or military spending and President Trump is only half way through his first term.

After the wall, the only remaining big budget campaign promise will be massive infrastructure renewal... and then he'll have delivered on all of his major promises.

16386415? ago

I thought we were at 17d