16380300? ago

I'd hate to go to a movie with you! Get a grip dude.

16378441? ago

Manafort/ Cohen/ Stone

Sympathy for the devil. Your post is shit.

16383669? ago

Where was the sympathy? I'm taking about Trump Q and the military s inability to protect their own

16391735? ago

Those you mention aren't "their own".

Those you mention were plants into the Trump campaign.

16377846? ago

Patriots have never been in control kek

16377932? ago

I know but I began to believe. I tried to believe. But we are still being walked on and those of us speaking out publicly continue to be embarrassed and receive no vindication. We look like fucking fools because Trump and Q control nothing.

16376669? ago

So many weak and scared boys I here. I have no problem dying for freedom. Everyone fighting for your freedom doesn't hold themselves higher than the movement. This is good vs evil and we should feel privileged to fight for good.

16377501? ago

you're the one that sounds weak, swallowing that dribble of useless diarrhea. Trust Sessions! You have nothing. fucking nothing. you got sold a bill of goods. your heart may have been in the right place but this was a big distraction.

we should have spent all this energy getting out the vite in 2018 instead of decoding

16376799? ago

Who's scared. My point is we aren't fighting.

Me and you going back and forward on voat is exactly what the Kikes want. You aren't fighting so calm down. We've been pigeonholed. Just admit it. We're losing.

16376122? ago

I've got 1 boobytrap and lots of bullets for it.

16376232? ago


I was just watching a video about all the traps the Vietnamese used to make. Very simple but effective designs and began to ponder making my house a death trap if I decide to arm it. Could be a fun project.

The difficult part is making it safe and being able to arm all traps quickly. Guess I could do it electronically these days.

16377429? ago

Do it. Please. Get yourself hauled off to jail over your paranoia.

16377473? ago

That's a bit paranoid don't ya think

16376422? ago

That actually sounds like a good video, I'm gonna watch some of those type too.

and on point 2... that WOULD be an awesome project, which I would also view videos for.

16376507? ago

Ye man it wouldn't even take much. A trap that has a safety pin. Doesn't take much energy or a large motor to power a pnumatic pin.

1 touch of a button and every trap goes live.

16376752? ago

The biggest issue I see with the whole plan, is when/if that switch malfunctions, I could walk into my house with the revolver armed and pointed at me. Even unarmed, a system like this, IMHO, whether containing firearms or not, if lethal, needs the same rule as a firearm (ie: Pretend it's always loaded). In this case, that brings a dilemma, if it's "always" armed we cant go in.

This makes me ponder all sorts of moving contraptions, concealed in/on walls, to lower the lethal weapon into place once armed and remove it from firing position entirely when unarmed, additionally, there would need to be a trustworthy(as in with your life) device to indicate the lethal portions are inactive.

It all sounds incredibly dangerous even to experiment with.

Lets do it.

16376897? ago

Let's do it 😂😂😂😂😂

What a way to end your message. I enjoyed that

16376120? ago

Manafort and Stone may be better men than we think they are. I think they will be exonerated when the witch hunt is killed

16376281? ago

That's not my point though. It shouldn't matter how good or strong they are.

The fact that anyone close to POTUS can be picked up and tortured still to this day gives me a lot to be concerned about.

What makes you think the witch Hunt will end. It hasn't so far. These people don't care about optics or public perception. They are still doing whatever they want. Hardly on the ropes then are they. Panic,, yea right.

16380488? ago

psy-op. pay closer attention, fool.

16383661? ago

Sorry mate i didn't stop being a critical thinker when Q arrived in the scene.

You'll get there eventually

16375993? ago

Ah, the fear shill.

16376060? ago

Afraid you recently woke (still sleeping) lefty wankers are destroying the credibility of this great site. Carry on faggot.

16375883? ago

I agree with you, and now Trump gave in to the dems WITHOUT any money for the wall. I am starting to think that Trump is working for the dems behind closed doors. And feeding us what he thinks we want to hear. All he had to do was issue a state of emergency at the boarder and build the damn wall. But NO once again he failed. Everyone keeps saying wait,wait wait, well the time is coming to start thinking for ourself, not what Q wants you to think. Cant wait to read the comments from the Q cult. Good post God bless you.

16377454? ago

I mean he spent years giving Hillary money. fuck that.

16376404? ago

((( Jared Kushner ))) is his Chief Advisor. That tells you everything

16376175? ago

I always did my own research and when Q came along I hoped he was going to unite us but instead he has walled us in. Calmed us down. Just when conservatives we're about to blow up and take back our countries by force.

Looks more and more like the Steinlight Plan everyday.

16377465? ago

isolated it. stuck us in this ghetto, chasing shadows and adding up numbers

16377513? ago

It's beginning to be hard to deny.

16375773? ago

This is a fight for the survival of America and western civilization against the most rich and powerful Jew dynasties in human history.

Those Jews aren't going down without a fight and some of the "good guys" may take some bumps.

Grow the fuck up - we're at war and you're peeing your panties over two black eyes.

16376133? ago

No I'm not.

I'm upset that we are at war but WE are sidelined. We have agreed to sideline ourselves and 'enjoy the show'.

Stop fucking pretending like you are enjoying the show. We're losing. We're losing bad. And you are cheering our losses.

We have been pigeonholed by the Kikes and you're celebrating and getting angry with your fellow brothers for asking questions.

Seems like the opposite of what Q is all about..

Isn't the entire point to ask questions.


16376160? ago

We have agreed to sideline ourselves and 'enjoy the show'.

By "we" you mean you.

You don't speak for the rest of us.

Many of us have been prepping gun and ammo stockpiles and supplies for years.

16377533? ago

as if you speak for anybody but your loser self

16376355? ago

Prepping. Exactly. And are you using it yet? No.. why not? Oh cause you trust the plan. Gotya. Initial assessment stands. You lot are worse than liberals. Terrified and offended by questions.

It's a time of uncertainty and you expect zero questions. That makes you a sheep. No better than liberals.

16376776? ago

Yes - I'm prepped enough to invade a small country.

I even wrote a beginner's guide for newbies:

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

I'm sorry if that makes you sad.

"I bought lots of guns and ammo and I'm on the sideline waiting on .........................".

I've prepared myself for decades of civil war in case Hillary Clinton stole the election or if President Trump is assassinated.

I'm "on the sideline waiting" to make the most of the opportunity that President Trump, who is leading the world-wide anti-globalist movement, can bring about real change and I will continue to support him 100% until there is good reason not to.

If I'm wrong about President Trump then I've lost nothing and we'll need a revolution to fight for the survival of America... but if I'm right about President Trump then he's our best chance in this war against the Jews. It's a no-brainer to take the risk when we've got nothing to lose.

16376868? ago

What's your take on the Steinlight Plan?

Have you even heard of it?

16377009? ago

Yes I'm aware of the Steinlight Plan - but you can't have it both ways.

You can't claim that flooding our country with useless Negroes and sandniggers is bad but it's also bad not to because that will stop the white people from fighting back.

Given the choice between being flooded with shitskins or not being flooded with shitskins, I'd always choose the later... even if that makes you REEEEEEEE.

16377134? ago

Agree with that. Trump may be part of the Steinlight Plan but it's better than the alternative and it buys us time to continue the awakening of our sleeping brothers and sisters but then let's not pretend that it isn't very possible that Q and Trump are playing us.

You can't know about the Steinlight Plan and also blindly 'trust the Plan'.

We can 'use the Plan' to get us to a certain point but then we need to be willing to break away if it does become clear that Q and Trump are the Steinlight Plan.

No blind allegiance from this midddle aged goat. I can use them to help awaken other but like the internet I use it, it doesn't use me. I'll use Trump and Q to help beging my loved ones awakening but I'll be careful how I allow them to use me.


16377226? ago

You can't know about the Steinlight Plan and also blindly 'trust the Plan'.

I don't blindly trust the plan, but I am open minded about it until I see more of those names on the 72,000 sealed criminal cases.

I hope for the best but plan for the worst.

if it does become clear that Q and Trump are the Steinlight Plan.

As long as President Trump is moving this country in the right direction, he will have my 100% support.

Be warned though, we are headed for dark times when the economy crashes. I'm not sure what POTUS has planned but I hope it involves ending the Fed and returning us to a gold / silver backed currency. I've been prepping for that too.

16377443? ago

So even if it becomes clear he is working for the Jews you'll still support him?

I think you should read the Steinlight Plan again.

Nationalism is to placate to people like you and I. It's not in order to move the country in the right direction as you hope. It's to slow down moving it in the wrong direction so we don't rise up against the Jew.

Are you sure u understand the Steinlight Plan because you just described doing exactly what it's designed to make you do. And you sound happy about it.

I got plenty of silver and gold too. Gotta plan for the worst. But if Trump is really a white hat I am seeing blue skies ahead. Trillions of dollars re-entering the world economy.

16377492? ago

Your reading comprehension is poor and talking to you is clearly a waste of my time.

I didn't waste my time reading anything but the first line of your REEEEEEEEE comment.

16378258? ago

Btw for someone complaining about my reading comprehension you're clearly isn't the best. The first line was a question not a comment. You couldn't get past the question? You're fucked. It wasn't even a difficult question.

I think you got triggered because your answer was yes.

16377556? ago

As long as President Trump is moving this country in the right direction, he will have my 100% support.

Your fucking words.

Jesus Christ.

16376857? ago

At what stage did I say I don't support Trump?

But I don't think we're winning. That's all. Everyone acting like we're winning are lying to themselves

16376834? ago

Great you have weapons in a closet.


16377108? ago

If the shit hits the fan and we need a revolution, it's likely the Jews will send the (((UN))) and (((NATO))) and even the (((EU))) to "help". They will try to disarm us while destroying our farming infrastructure and sabotaging our nuclear power stations.

Weapons are precisely how revolutions / civil wars are won.

16377273? ago

Yep. I'm prepped as fuck. Have been for years.

Just look at the EU raising an army to fight, wait for it, nationalism.

Sovereign Nation leaders fearing Nationalism should be the real giveaway for normies but alas I expect too much from them and instead they will cheer as the Bolsheviks destroy Europe and round up their brothers and sisters by the millions.

I'm living in Australia but really really thinking hard about going back to Europe. War is upon my people.

16375723? ago

its almost as if trusting Sessions and trusting Huber instead of doing anything pet Pelosi take control. she's got Donnie by the fucking balls.

16375922? ago

Thats what i have been saying at some point people are going to have to wake up and see Q and Trump for what they are.

16377440? ago

they serve their own agenda. Trump I can get... he loves attention and money. if he can do some good stuff along the way, fine. But Q? what's the deal there? people trying to demotivate the right? several people with competing agendas? its nothing good.

not any more.

16375698? ago

Trump Trump Trump

I like Trump

I love Trump

He is my patronus