16375675? ago

Lose? There is no one else to vote for, they are all Jesuit Knights of Malta, groomed from birth to be presidents. Look it up.

16362054? ago

Promises made, promises kept. So much concernfagging.

16358216? ago

Trump has the Dems where he wants them. He is slow-cooking the Dem party. If the Dems fund the Wall, they will enrage their billionaire Globalist donors - Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg. On the other hand, if they don't fund the Wall - they will alienate U.S. citizens, who are dying of heroin overdoses at a rate of 300 / week. He is splintering and dividing the Dem party to destroy it. And why not? It is a criminal cartel, acting as a lobby for foreign nationals, drug cartels, and human trafficking. Can I get an amen?

16358242? ago


16355862? ago

The fuck he will .

16355709? ago

To whom?

16355386? ago

Trump is already loose. Pelosi bent his spokes with Chuck Schumer's nose.

16355382? ago

I couldn't DISAGREE more.

I WANT President Trump to get his merit based immigration reform bill (RAISE Act) ratified in exchange for offering DACAs a "pathway to citizenship".

This would be hilarious because less than 1% of the DACAs would pass the new quality controls.

We'd slash out annual immigration quota from 1,000,000 to 50,000 (a 950,000 reduction) and we'd keep the small handful of DACAs who run successful businesses who employ American citizens and who have proven themselves to be a massive win for our economy and we'd dump all the human trash back in Mexico.

I see no reason to deliberately send American companies to Mexico rather than accepting new immigrants who haven't proven themselves.

This is a win-win-win because that small handful of valuable DACAs would also come out of our massively reduced annual immigration quota.

16355583? ago

That is not amnesty, that is deferrered action or path to citizenship mol.

16355702? ago

Yeah, but it sounds like amnesty when President Trump offers ALL the DACAs a "path to citizenship".

The beautiful part is how the Jew-fake-news will have conniption fits if this is successful. They'll be interviewing fat, illiterate, unskilled taconiggers using an interpreter as they complain about failing the quality controls because they are intolerably useless. All the CNN reporters will be crying while the rest of America celebrates.

16356680? ago


16355491? ago

Your assessment is spot on. My greatest concern is that the American people simply don't have any more left to give with 'wait and see' and 'soon, I promise' plans. There may just not be enough time.

16355620? ago

American people should be stockpiling guns and ammo and supplies in case not everything "goes to plan".

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

That's where people's attention and effort should be - to makes themselves ready to save America and western civilization because if the Jews are able to assassinate President Trump and his inner circle, we'll need a revolution to save our children from being enslaved.

The (((UN))) and (((NATO))) and possibly the (((EU))) will send troops to invade our cities and disarm us and destroy our farms and power stations. Millions of us will die from starvation within the first few months, the Jews will destroy our economy and we'll become a starving third-world country within six months if we don't fight.

16355741? ago

That’s what the wall is really all about: Stopping the coming invasion. We need one to the north as well.

16355825? ago

This is also why POTUS has rebuilt our military - for the dark days ahead.

You can bet Israel will start nuking our allies in false-flag attacks intended to entangle us in financially devastating wars as we end the Fed and our allies start making moves to do the same.

16355946? ago

Unless they’re suddenly too busy defending themselves.

16355266? ago

Think if he makes all these compromises when he knows they'll refuse then when they are Soo desperate to come back to the table Boom! Give them little to nothing

16355226? ago

If he caves on either, he won’t make it to 2020.

16355385? ago


16356389? ago

Your moralityfaggin’ don’t mean shit here fuckhead.

16355205? ago

the amnesty is bait, dont scare away the prey before they bite.