16313378? ago

Q said, "You have more than you know." multiple times in the last year. Keep the faith and God bless you! WWG1WGA

16313117? ago

wTf are you waiting for.. i got my case of 7.62 by 39 in 2004 AND IT IS STANDING BY,,,,as am I

16312306? ago

You don’t need Q. Handle your business, faggot. 2nd amendment is your okay to go ahead. Get a gun , learn how to use it and buy ammo. You’ll know when it’s time.

16313124? ago

M1911 arms reach with two full mags.

16311674? ago

Where the fuck are you?!!!

Do you need Q to tell you to stockpile guns and munition and supplies?

Also, have some faith in President Trump rather than demanding he come and entertain you. Don't be a nigger.

16311921? ago

^ this anon knows what is up.

Always be prepared. Now is the time to do it in case shit hits the fan for a while. (Which it probably will.)

16310815? ago

Still waiting on those high-level arrests.... any day now.....

16312886? ago


16310949? ago

You mean Sessions hasn't called you to tell you all about it? Have you checked your voicemail?

16310971? ago

Trust Sessions!

16317069? ago

I don't understand this retarded phrase that shills use all the time. Do you know why you are saying it? Sessions did his job that he was supposed to do.

16310765? ago

Wait until Mueller’s report comes back with SFA - sweet fuck all.

The Left will be in shock and then all of a sudden the Dems will start blindly throwing haymakers that don’t connect. Trump comes back with a left jab - right cross POP - POP. Dems throw another haymaker that started from their toes and... it missed again. That momentum takes the Dems face first into the canvas breaking their nose.

Blood everywhere.

16311590? ago

😉😂😂 i played that series of combos in my head...

cuck shumer throwing arm punches while trump doubles up the 1.. circles out.. faint.. side step.. right cross.. switch stance. crushing left hook.. DOWN GOESS SHUMER....DOWN GOES SHUMER

16312346? ago

Exactly. I picture him swing his arms in a circle furiously- with his eyes closed. Fuck that retard

16313672? ago

yelling "reeeeeeeee" "orange man bad" 😂😂

16311114? ago

When is that report due?

16311210? ago



Much later.

Oh look, it's delayed again.

16311240? ago


16310938? ago

Do you enjoy MMA? Ever watch UFC?

16310978? ago

Ali & Foreman in Zaire. "When We Were Kings"

16310759? ago

I have my wiener in hand and I am going to shank a dem with it.

16310780? ago

Take no prisoners, Oscar Meyer.

16310742? ago

If today is the first day you feel we are at war, you are very late to the battle.

16312850? ago

War on the people has been in progress for decades.

The real war... is in ones mind.

The horror...

The horror...

The horror...

16315792? ago


16310929? ago

Better late than never! We are all at different stages.