16294781? ago

And when this week is a nothingburger, it will be "wait till next year".

16293776? ago

I wonder if the shot was a reference to mlk

16296627? ago

The shot heard round the world happened on 11/11/2018. It was all about communications. Being able to communicate around the world (unity) using the Earth's crust as a conductor. It came in the form of 17 second low frequency seismic waves. An article about it was published in National Geographic, On the morning of November 11, just before 9:30 UT, a mysterious rumble rolled around the world.

These waves didn't just zip by; they rang for more than 20 minutes. And yet, it seems, no human felt them.

However, there was no big earthquake kicking off the recent slow waves. Adding to the weirdness, Mayotte's mystery waves are what scientists call monochromatic. Most earthquakes send out waves with a slew of different frequencies, but Mayotte's signal was a clean zigzag dominated by one type of wave that took a steady 17 seconds to repeat.

Many features of the waves are remarkably weird—from their surprisingly monotone, low-frequency “ring” to their global spread. And researchers are still chasing down the geologic conundrum.

Now jump back a little ways in time before these waves were detected. About 1½ years ago a strange tower was erected outside the small Texas town of Milford. Beside it a building was that employs approximately 50 people. The facility and tower was built by a technology company named Viziv Tech. The tower was getting people's attention so the local news talked a representative of the tower. Turns out it's a Tesla tower and the company rep said that it could possibly transmit wireless electricity but right now they are working on signals tech (communications).

Link to the article and video: Strange-looking tower a sign of Texas’ high-tech future:

Believe it or not that tower sits at the intersection of energy, communication and technology.

The theory behind this tower goes back more than 100 years, to scientist Nicola Tesla. Yes, that Tesla.

The man who gave us AC electric motors, which eventually turned into electric cars, had a theory about sending electricity through the air.

Now, the technology exists to make that possible, but first Viziv Technologies has other experiments to carry out.

“We’re focusing early-on communication, on continuous signaling, things like regional GPS, radio navigation and broadcast signaling,” said Michael Taylor of Viziv Technologies.

It was all about classified Tesla technology.

Jan 19, 2018 Q 560 - https://imgoat.com/uploads/ff8a7b5dc7/171841.png

Why are American taxpayer subsidizing Tesla?

Welfare for the rich.


Private emails: GOOG: NK: Tesla




It was all about comms. When the White Hats took down all the SATcomms it forced the deep state to activate the "hidden" classified (CLAS) technology. Once it was activated the White Hats knew as soon as the first 17 second wave registered. That's when they initiated the takeover [CONTROL]. The tech now belongs to the good guys.

Q confirmed this on Dec. 2, 2018 in Drop #2527. Remember when the deep state shill called Q out on 8Chan, here:

Q replied: https://imgoat.com/uploads/2557a7b2e9/188381.png

Think WAVES.


Define 'unified'


SAT knockout forced new CLAS tech [online] by who?

[Controlled] moment activated? [17]

Do you believe in coincidences?

Do you believe your efforts here persuade people to stop the pursuit of TRUTH, [CA_J]?

There is a place for everyone.


Summary: When the White Hats took out the Deep State Sat-Coms (Coronas) it forced them to activate a classified (Tesla) technology that uses low frequency 17 second waves. As soon as the DS activated the classified new tech the White Hats took control of it.

16931427? ago

Grand unified theory.

16931420? ago

How’d they take over the tech? Why did the takeover have to be done when the DS turned the waves on? Why didn’t the whitehats steal tech prior to the DS trying to use it? They have it all don’t they? They knew the tech was there so they most likely knew how to use it?

18014682? ago

Downvoted for asking perfectly valid questions.

Nice. Such critical thinking skills all you qtards have.

16298913? ago

Who replaced mattis?

16292187? ago

just in case any of those happen this week

I thought ya'll had learned after the last 15 nothingburger dates to stop expecting shit to happen

16293911? ago

Uh, that's "nothingberder", not "nothingburger". Get with the times.

16292281? ago

Oh no... we all expect shit to happen, we're just not pretending to assign dates to it... it's still happening (only a clueless moron wouldn't know that). We just can't pretend to guesstimate dates anymore.

16292055? ago

We are all done with datefagging.

Things are definitely heating up, though. Dan Bongino has been doing amazing work on Spygate. Bruce Ohr's testimony being leaked. It looks like the strategy right now is drips and drabs for news-aware Trump supporters.

16292126? ago

We are all done with datefagging. Things are definitely heating up, though. Dan Bongino has been doing amazing work on Spygate. Bruce Ohr's testimony being leaked. It looks like the strategy right now is drips and drabs for news-aware Trump supporters.

This^^^^^. Things to seem to be heating up and I think a lot has to do with trying to time events so as to be most favorable for a 2020 reelection. But it has to be more than just Trump supporters - it has to be sufficient to sway the undecided or not those who are news junkies. It has to begin changing the public narrative.

16291817? ago

Many many people feel something is coming this week. RBG, supermoon, eclipse, MSM changing Pelosi story to the covington boys. It does feel that way.

16302688? ago

Many many people feel something is coming this week.

I've fixed the stupid part of your sentence.

16293233? ago

Watch Just informed talk video: https://youtu.be/RaMEtW-jj3YYouTube and watch for the hand movements by Brian Kilmeade when Doucey is apologizing for the RBG image around 6:50 mark. Looked Masonic to me, what is he signaling? Need anons on this...maybe RBG is the big thing to be exposed this week?

16291844? ago

oh shut up you fucking retard.

16292270? ago

How are you still being paid?! LOL... do your handlers still have any assets left? Or are you accepting barter for your services?

16291952? ago

Nice retort. It must have taken hours to come up with that.

16292062? ago

Nice retard, your mother spent a lot of time making it.

16293045? ago

Lol, and with this reply, the shill proves just how mentally retarded he is, compared to the average person around him.

16291685? ago
