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16131243? ago

QAnon has run out of excuses. The senate is in place. The supreme court is in place. "We have it all" and yet Trump's enemies are running around making accusations, insulting everyone and doing as they please without a care in the world.

16132555? ago

Nothing can happen while the Mueller investigation continues because it's blocking Huber's ability to investigate.

That said, nothing was ever going to happen until the Supreme Court was reshaped (which is almost is given Justice Rovers now seems like a traitor) and while the FBI still has Deep State operatives in positions of power who'd destroy evidence and falsify documents to protect the Jews.

The good news is that RBG is likely on death's doorstep, the FBI seems to almost be clean after the biggest purge in U.S. history.

These are the things that must be done and throwing a tantrum or a bitch fit won't change reality.

You have my permission to scream and cry and pee your panties because POTUS didn't solve the world's problems on the day of his inauguration... but that just makes you a stupid and uppity nigger.

Don't be a nigger.

16133410? ago

Things are happening and Trump is getting stuff done, but I still get the feeling Q may not be on the good guys side. I think Q's real purpose is to shut down leakers. Q hasn't given any actionable intelligence, just says to stay put and be passive. An entire army of online chan autists are mothballed. Q distracts, look over here, forget about that other thing I was saying... its election fraud, oh no, now its RBG.

Nothing comes to conclusions. P-gate was getting results then look how quick that was terminated from the internet. Q says nothing about it. What happened to the findings in Arizona? Sure, Q must be real because "all this for a larp". No, they would have nuked him from the net. Active traitors are still in power.

16133569? ago

but I still get the feeling Q may not be on the good guys side

That is healthy given we don't definitively know who Q is... only that POTUS seems to support him.

Q hasn't given any actionable intelligence

Not if you ignore all of the intelligence he's gotten 100% correct.

just says to stay put and be passive

Fuck you.

Most of the people that I know who follow Q are also hard-core preppers... the sort of people, like myself, who have enough guns and ammo and supplies to fight a civil war for decades.

I even posted a prepper's guide: Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

No, they would have nuked him from the net

They did, as much as is humanly possible.

Q is also the second most attacked topic in the Jew-fake-news other than POTUS.

Did you have any real "concerns" to discuss?

16143946? ago

Love the entire points you're making. Would like it, if you have it a source on this?

Q is also the second most attacked topic in the Jew-fake-news other than POTUS.

I don't doubt it, but curious where you got that info.

16147305? ago

See Q Post 4291. You're right to be skeptical and keep an open mind because Q didn't substantiate his claim... although given the amount of 24/7 attacks that POTUS receives from the Jew-fake-news, I suspect whatever qualifies as the second-most-attacked would be a far, far, far distant second.