16142038? ago

its hilariuos

16137896? ago


16135774? ago

It could also be because we are sitting here holding our ding dongs.

16134884? ago

Personally I would rather have seen option Z happen.

16140149? ago

Yeah. Feelings vs logic.

16134375? ago

Do you all know the truth of Q? Here is tge vision intrepret because it makes me sick to say it outright, but it gives me great peace to know inside.

Q take off your ugly mask, let me see your beautiful mug scars and all. Shed your skin and reveal yourself to me. If you make me ask again I will find you and reveal myself to you. I know you, you know me. I am from the house of D.

16136875? ago

Dan? Democrats?

16134143? ago

I spend less time on the net because I'm so sick of hearing and reading the shills and bots trolling good folks like Trump, Qanon, and the patriots. I'm still a supporter just as much but I just tune out. I certainly avoid places where they are very active so take a site like Washington Times. Sometimes they have stories that are OK but the comments are full of shills and bots so I simply don't bother with WT. It's the WT's loss and they can blame themselves for allowing their comments section to be so unfriendly towards us. Fox and Breitbart are nearly as bad. So I smell the lies and have not changed my views but ... you know, my dear father always told me never get into a pissing contest with a skunk because you cannot come out of it without smelling just as bad as the skunk. Same here. There's no point trying to make sensible comments when 20 bots and shills attack.

16140111? ago

Shill bot attacks are like water dripping down my back. But take care of yourself, friend.

16134093? ago

Very soon you idiots will be saying “Vote for Trump in 2020, Q needs more time to take down the Deepstate.” Meanwhile, nothing still happens and they do as they please.

16135668? ago

Trump's already fulfilled more campaign promises than many of our previous presidents. That automatically earns him my vote, regardless of whether the deep state is completely dismantled.

16135306? ago

TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!!

16132534? ago

You'll catch up to the carrot eventually, OP.

16132425? ago

God you fucking idiots piss me off. Qanon is over because Qanon WAS NEVER REAL IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU FUCKING MORONS.

16133907? ago

Yeah man, smash that wall ! wrong place, wrong time. Poor you

16146218? ago

What wall? That shit is never getting built either.

16132444? ago

Hey Mike, how's things?

16133654? ago

Love it! I just got this! hahahaha Mike R

16132408? ago

Did you see they had some clowns on WeAreChange claiming to be the real Q without evidence? lol!

16132286? ago

They project EVERYTHING onto the opposite side. Its like their only play at this point. It is getting sad really. It does work on short-term low level information chaos, but really??? world class players and this is what they come up with?

Where is my fake alien invasion?

My interpretation is the Mueller Russian conspiracy is over...

16140034? ago

Like I said - fear.

16140126? ago

Agree. The smell is strong.

16133124? ago

to welpxspensive for their budget while USM is back out oof their control

16132155? ago

Nice job shill

16131292? ago

People still follow this? You know the whole Q thing if it was true doesn't need you at all, no point following it. Go forth and save your nation in your own way and stop following Q... it makes you lethargic... a bystander to the destruction of your own nation. Stop following this shit and save your country. If it is true then it'll come to light in a few years... think of everything you could have done for your nation in that time that you instead spent waiting for 'Q'.... being played patriots. Time is of the essence.

16132163? ago

Not true.

We delivered the 53 Senate majority, something Q couldn't do on his own. Something Q couldn't do without.

16132256? ago

But you voted trump before and nobody who did would switch their vote to democrats after all they've done... nothing has change... you will vote Trump again anyway... Q hasn't changed anything.

16133243? ago

"But you voted Trump before you knew he would save the world."

Actually, I knew he would save the world. Idiot.

16135002? ago

Quotes don't work by inventing what someone said, putting quotes around it, then arguing against what you just made up... that's called arguing with yourself and it's a sign of madness. Probably explains why you can't look at the situation logically...

16145483? ago

You were born into this world shitting your pants ... nothing has change ...

Before Trump was elected as President Of The United States, he had an advertisement. Watch it.


You could easily guess, based on that advertisement, that Q would happen.

You know the whole Q thing if it was true doesn't need you at all

I refuted you 100%. I said Q needed us to deliver 53 senate majority. Hint for the clueless, the memers are the Qanons.

Probably explains why you can't look at the situation logically...

If Hillary won, we'd be fucked up the arse with a splintered broomstick, without lube, for infinity. Apparently you wanted that outcome.

16153048? ago

I'll half agree with you on the meme bit.... meme warfare is real and memes at the ready was mentioned a few times.... however if voting and memes where what we were needed for then just keep posting memes and voting? I do and don't follow Q anymore.... stop thinking everythings an attack too it's not healthy we're all here for roughly the same reasons.

16169156? ago

however if voting and memes where what we were needed

Everyone has heard of Q by now. Some believe, some don't. The point is, when Hillary gets frog marched and massive amount of sealed indictments reveal corruption at high levels ...

everyone will go "oh yeah, I guess Q was real. I know what's going on"

instead of

"wtf is going on? I'm selling my stock this looks like a coup" and crashing the stock markets etc.

16131248? ago

Well that guy "DreamCatcher" video and the other guy with all the 4 chan Trip codes. Like we are on the 3rd Q interation.

16131243? ago

QAnon has run out of excuses. The senate is in place. The supreme court is in place. "We have it all" and yet Trump's enemies are running around making accusations, insulting everyone and doing as they please without a care in the world.

16135001? ago

Timing is everything Damnit!

16134291? ago

Speaking of shills OP, here'a one and a number of fake accounts that upvoated!

Haha! You're right! They are panicking.

Idiots want to convince themselves that the lack of mass arrests didn't occur because of "excuses".

The battle is GLOBAL.

The evil is entrenched GLOBALLY.

FAKE NEWS is the last enemy.

16132555? ago

Nothing can happen while the Mueller investigation continues because it's blocking Huber's ability to investigate.

That said, nothing was ever going to happen until the Supreme Court was reshaped (which is almost is given Justice Rovers now seems like a traitor) and while the FBI still has Deep State operatives in positions of power who'd destroy evidence and falsify documents to protect the Jews.

The good news is that RBG is likely on death's doorstep, the FBI seems to almost be clean after the biggest purge in U.S. history.

These are the things that must be done and throwing a tantrum or a bitch fit won't change reality.

You have my permission to scream and cry and pee your panties because POTUS didn't solve the world's problems on the day of his inauguration... but that just makes you a stupid and uppity nigger.

Don't be a nigger.

16133410? ago

Things are happening and Trump is getting stuff done, but I still get the feeling Q may not be on the good guys side. I think Q's real purpose is to shut down leakers. Q hasn't given any actionable intelligence, just says to stay put and be passive. An entire army of online chan autists are mothballed. Q distracts, look over here, forget about that other thing I was saying... its election fraud, oh no, now its RBG.

Nothing comes to conclusions. P-gate was getting results then look how quick that was terminated from the internet. Q says nothing about it. What happened to the findings in Arizona? Sure, Q must be real because "all this for a larp". No, they would have nuked him from the net. Active traitors are still in power.

16135178? ago

You haven’t been following since Oct 28th ‘17

Stfu and lurk more faggot

16143958? ago

Damn it feels like yesterday when I was frantically learning how to use the chans to follow this thing.

16133569? ago

but I still get the feeling Q may not be on the good guys side

That is healthy given we don't definitively know who Q is... only that POTUS seems to support him.

Q hasn't given any actionable intelligence

Not if you ignore all of the intelligence he's gotten 100% correct.

just says to stay put and be passive

Fuck you.

Most of the people that I know who follow Q are also hard-core preppers... the sort of people, like myself, who have enough guns and ammo and supplies to fight a civil war for decades.

I even posted a prepper's guide: Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

No, they would have nuked him from the net

They did, as much as is humanly possible.

Q is also the second most attacked topic in the Jew-fake-news other than POTUS.

Did you have any real "concerns" to discuss?

16143946? ago

Love the entire points you're making. Would like it, if you have it a source on this?

Q is also the second most attacked topic in the Jew-fake-news other than POTUS.

I don't doubt it, but curious where you got that info.

16147305? ago

See Q Post 4291. You're right to be skeptical and keep an open mind because Q didn't substantiate his claim... although given the amount of 24/7 attacks that POTUS receives from the Jew-fake-news, I suspect whatever qualifies as the second-most-attacked would be a far, far, far distant second.

16132318? ago

Is this a real person thinking things through? NPC mind patterns must feel like retardation.

How blind are you anon?

16132159? ago

Go read some Sun Tzu

16134030? ago

You really need to do that to get a clear picture of what's happening with the Shutdown and regulation overhaul happening

16131776? ago

Sooooooo shilly

16131766? ago

I would say they are most certainly not "without a care in the world."

16132674? ago


16137499? ago

Well, how would you feel if you knew that every criminal thing that you had done for a lifetime is being exposed and you would be facing life in prison or execution?

16140766? ago

I don't see any obvious panic from anyone except Trump.

16141841? ago

How about Feinstein calling for the closure of Gitmo all of a sudden? Doesn't she want to live on a Caribbean island?

16141821? ago

You see signs of panic from President Trump? Heh... heh... yeah... You keep believing that - Somebody turn up the thermostat, it's "shilly" in here!

16131549? ago

Opposition to the DNC grows as the days of action get closer...By the time there is action many people will be in the know. That keeps the potential civil unrest down to the minimum, the idea is to save the country and preserve the Constitution not go out and shoot all lefty's we see. It's Rope a Dope he'll keep'em busy pummeling him and by the time they see the whole picture it's too late to save themselves. He's using their own TDS against them now.

16136145? ago

Muh republicrats

16131338? ago

Scared, shill?

16131307? ago

At least they locked her up!!! Oh wait...... bullshit alarms going haywire brb....

16131286? ago

And you're running around with your hair on fire.

16131190? ago

I smell. That is all.

16131177? ago

Think of it this way, when Qanon is over it means the good guys won!

16131157? ago

"we are change" youtube channel today came out with a video labeled "Q the plan to fool the world" so I would imagine a good portion of that extra traffic come from his users.

16132413? ago

They also had some larper on claiming to be Q. It would be easy to prove if he actually his, simply livestream while posting as Q and it's proven, but nooooooo, they are gonna do verbal gymnastics for an hour without evidence instead.

16144280? ago

I didn't watch the video because I didn't want to waste an hour of my time on lies. I will entertain the idea of it being a phyop to control the out rage but an out right hoax is completely illogical. My bet is it was the same guy that did that discord stunt to try and discredit the movement.

16144437? ago

lol, you are exactly right. It was microchip and defango, both of whom I only know as mossad lying assholes.

And the discord stunt was their only evidence.

16149006? ago

These people clearly need a new playbook if I was able to call it like that without even watching it 🤣

16130738? ago

me too. Getting some Orville Redpillfucker popcorn ready

16137187? ago

National.popcorn day...?

16137785? ago


16130718? ago

That's your mom's vagina.

16130620? ago

It just smells like Jew funded shills to me.

16134973? ago

You guys are getting paid for this!?

16138114? ago

You've been doing it for free?