16069389? ago

Is that you Mike?

16068908? ago

Insulting to the community, but perfectly done.

16066859? ago

Thats cute that you think Q boils down to mass arrests.

Shills love to show that they don't understand the Q movement at all. Shills don't understand that the damage Q was sent to do has been done. Anons know how to dig, how to make connections, how to fight for what they believe in with facts and logic over emotion, how to red pill others, how to survive in the event of a worse case scenario, how to make money without fear of financial retribution from the leftists, and we're hardened to the evil shit that is coming out more and more every day. We will be the rock. We will be the shoulders to cry on when the public is forced to acknowledge the pedosatanic deepstate cult that has been in power for hundreds if not thousands of years.

You may boil Q down to somthing as petty and masturbatory as mass arrests, but anons know this is much bigger than that. Anons know that perp walks will never be worth it if everyone is sitting on epstein island in the end due to technicalities.

Anons are smart. Anons are brilliant. Anons know. And Anons can do this all day long.

16066936? ago

You are just spouting off bullshit and trying to sound prophetic.

The ONLY thing that matters to the general public is mass arrests of the criminals. That's it. Nothing else matters.

16067326? ago

Yeah, you keep saying that.

Mass arrests = masturbation.

I care about convictions.

I care about replacing corrupt judges and corript legislators before arrests so that those responsible are punished.

Mass arrests arent punishment. Convictions coupled with incarceration and or execution is what matters.

Youre in here advocating for something that would have us see the deepstate get away.

You are extremely active ITT...

All for a larp tho right?

16067432? ago

Mass arrests = masturbation.

Mass arrests too early and the puppet masters remain in place to give us new puppets to blame and hate for our oppression by 2020. We all know who's behind this.

16066738? ago

It's always cute how all of these shill posts get at least 5 up-votes within 30 seconds of posting...

16066776? ago

and take so much time to make - and post - all these memes just for a larp!

16066976? ago

I have the time. I enjoy doing it. I hope to wake up people who haven't bought into the Qult yet.

16067352? ago

You enjoy helping the deepstate. Got it. Noted. Shill confirmed X 10. Anons can do this all day. Truth beats shills.

16067012? ago

Then post them on Twatter or somewhere the easily herded masses will see them. Not on a Q sub.

16067038? ago

Nope. I like posting here. I used to follow Q and be hopeful. But, after last November's election, I lost all hope. Now, I just post here for fun. I like to wake up the new people and piss off the retards who worship Q like a religion. I'm not going anywhere and you can't shut me up. I'm going to keep posting here until we see some mass arrests.

16067088? ago

Cool. Keep spreading the black pill of nihilism and see how many people you can get to join you on your ship of doom.

16067240? ago

The black pilled people grow in numbers every day. Soon, you'll be outnumbered. Maybe you should accept the truth: Q is not going to save the world. We are on our own. Either we take action, or it's all over.

16067370? ago

So, youre a weak willed pussy who has completely given up. Got it.

16067474? ago

I'm an American who wants to see his country freed from a corrupt Government.

16067767? ago

Well, youll need to clarify who you think is corrupt, because from my point of view you are here trying to aid and abet the corrupt factions of our government.

16067793? ago

I want the corrupt factions of Government arrested and executed for treason! What are we waiting for? Go arrest them RIGHT NOW!!!

16067989? ago

You need patience. You millennials, I swear. Get a job, move out of your parents house, find a good girl.

16067300? ago

No one I know expects Q to save the world, we're just smart enough to know that nihilism isn't good for anyone. You suicide promoters know who you work for.

Like I said back at the beginning: stop projecting like the progressive you are and take action your own self. Or better yet, do the world a favor and just complete the process - make yourself choke on that black pill

16066745? ago

If you dare to ask questions about Q or remain skeptical of "the plan" then you are automatically a "shill".

16067334? ago


16066794? ago

Disagreement helps us get closer to the truth, but if you spend hours making and posting memes all for a larp, chances are you're a shill.

16066999? ago

So, when are you going to start disagreeing that "patriots are in control"? Because, if you look around, it sure doesn't look that way (no matter what Q tells you on the Internet). We need some REAL ACTION in the REAL WORLD.

16067061? ago

We're not communicating directly with Q, worshiping Q, becoming violent like many of you fake patriots seem desperate to propagandize, etc. so now you have to come and call for action because you obviously haven't read the drops from the original first few months and if you think there isn't action happening in a daily you aren't paying attention and that's on you. Not Q, Qtards, Qltists, etc.

16067118? ago

The "drops" have predicted ALL KINDS OF STUFF and none of it has come true. Hillary is not in jail. Podesta is not in jail. Dianne Feinstein is not in jail. When we start seeing some of the predictions from Q coming true then we can focus on the other drops. But, I'm not going to waste my time reading the "Q Bible" if the first 10 things he predicted still haven't come true. Why bother? If items 1-10 haven't come true.... why would items 11-2200 come true?

16067738? ago

So the original posts that have no trip code and therefore no way to verify chain of custody to Q.. Thats cool bro.

16067784? ago

Nice way to move the goal posts. As long as we never hold Q accountable for anything he says then this can go on and on forever. He never has to deliver on anything! We can just trust that some day he will come through.

16067146? ago

Just because you don't understand the comms and things aren't happening on your timeline to ensure that we only get the puppets and not the puppet masters (your employers or their funders), you are welcome to give up. But don't expect to be allowed to shit all over the boards just because you're so proud of your ignorance. Or more likely just paid to be here with no actual clue what you personally stand for until your supervisor gives you today's talking points.

16066726? ago


16066690? ago

Never seen this before. Must be a "Boomer" thing.

16066722? ago

You have to go for what your target market knows.....

16066702? ago

It's a shill thing. They know they can't meme, so they use comics.

16066737? ago

"Shill" = anyone who does not buy into the hivemind 100% and go along with everything we say without asking questions.

16067242? ago

Did it ever occur to you that after thousands of hours spent on 4ch, 8ch and Voat have hardened anons? That shill behaviors are glaringly obvious to us?

It probably didn't, it?

Its funny because after posring a shill comic, you respond to being called a shill with the exact response we see from almost every shill, like its written down infront of you.

Muh qeuestions!! Muh hive mind!! You throw these adhom attack out wuthout javing the slightest clue what Q is. You bulid up a strawman that you can knock down and feel like youve won but anons see this behavior all day long. We know the behavior and we can see straight through it.

You are in here acting like a shill.

That means one of two things:

You are a shill OR You have been tricked by shills.

Either way


16067291? ago

To you, a "shill" is ANYONE who disagrees with ANY PART of the Q story in ANY WAY. So, if I do not toe the line and believe exactly what you believe, then I am a "shill". I have questions. I disagree with Q. I am skeptical that Q is even real. I'm still waiting on solid proof that what Q says is legit. I haven't seen it yet. But, I go against the QRV hivemind and you guys don't like that. You want me to shut up, stop asking questions, have faith, and just believe that everything will work out in the end just like Q says it will. But, I'm not going to do that.

16067585? ago

To you, a "shill" is ANYONE who disagrees with ANY PART of the Q story in ANY WAY.


Get you shit straight before coming up with this bullshit. You know damn well it had nothing to do with people questioning Q and everything to do with you coming in here trying to push fencers and noobie away with bullshit strawmen and ad hom attacks. You are a tranperant twat that is offended that you've been caught and you expect us to believe your wasting your saturday morning rallying against a larp. If WE are stupid, youre 10 times as stupid for being here and doing this.

16068405? ago

Lol nah most of you Qtards and especially the rebbit refugees are definitely fucking stupid

16067605? ago

I'm not going anywhere. Buckle up sunshine... I'll be back.

16066811? ago

Shill = anyone spending hours making and posting anti-Q memes because they're upset that so many people are disengaging fro the hive mind that keeps their masters so profitable.

16067019? ago

The "hivemind" = cultists who believe in Q 100% with no questions asked.

16067097? ago

Riiiiiight. From a guy pretending he used to be a patriot yet still have to call people names like just another arrogant progressive asshole who can't get a job doing anything constructive.

16067217? ago

I vote Republican. I live in a Red State. I believe in the Constitution, Rule of Law, and Justice. I own guns. So, what part of all that makes me a "progressive asshole"? Because I disagree with cult members like you? Because you're afraid that people might actually listen to me? I have a job. But, I do this for fun.

16067380? ago

But, I do this for fun. I hate cults and I hate zealots. QRV qualifies as both.

Sane people avoid what they hate and focus on what works in their life. You haven't made one good argument, but you have exposed your true agenda, which is hatred, divisiveness and making people give up on life. Undeniable traits of a Leftie.

16067467? ago

Too bad I'm not a Democrat and want to see Soros and Hillary Clinton arrested. I guess that doesn't make me a "Leftie"... huh?

16067481? ago

You haven't made one good argument, but you have exposed your true agenda, which is hatred, divisiveness and making people give up on life. Undeniable traits of a Leftie.

Keep trying to convince us up is down, black is white, hatred is love, and violence is peace.

16067438? ago

Dude, i love this thread! Anons are ripping this guy 2 new assholes! This is why we were sent to Voat.

16067314? ago

You can lie all you want, your posts (using the word retard, expecting us to give a shit what some collectivist shill thinks, etc.) speak for themselves. You're even proud to be making people give up. Suicide promotion comes from the demons your leftist masters sacrifice the kids to.

16066774? ago

Shill = the same themed comics littering the board in an attempt to dissuade people from participating.

The use of the term 'disinfo is necessary' is not Q moving the football. It's the injection of demoralization projected by the shill.

16066899? ago

"littering the board"? I consistently get lots of upvotes. People read these comics. One man's trash is another man's treasure.

I don't "dissuade people from participating" -- I encourage them to WAKE UP and start asking hard questions about Q. If Q is real then make him prove that he is real and DO SOMETHING THAT EVERYONE CAN SEE! No secret puzzles or hidden clues. Do something that EVERYONE in the whole world can see so that we have definitive proof that Q is legit.

Q has said "disinfo is necessary" many times. The people here in QRV spout this phrase back all the time whenever you ask them to PROVE something. Whenever you point out that Q's promises haven't come true, they throw "disinfo is necessary" back into your face as a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card. By using the phrase "disinfo is necessary" you can keep the Q psyop going forever. It's like Schrödinger's box. Q is neither True nor False as long as you never nail him down to specifics. Just keep it vague and open-ended and you can go on forever and believe whatever you want to believe.

The only person doing the "demoralization" around here is Q. He has promised us a HUGE list of things that were going to happen that never came true. The more that this happens, the more demoralized people get around here. The only way to fix this is to start delivering on some of the promises. Start the mass arrests. Bring the criminals to justice! This will energize the whole community and the American people as a whole! We will see that JUSTICE is finally being done! It's not the same old bullshit as all the other politicians.... it's actually JUSTICE. But, until that happens, it's the same old shit... different day.

16066930? ago

Never seen you get more than 5 upvotes. Most of your shit is in the negative actually.

16067009? ago

Sure, because the cult members downvote me for going against the hivemind.

16067286? ago

You aren't going against the hivemind. You're attacking the hivemind.

16067488? ago

By attacking the hivemind of QRV, I'm going against it.

16067737? ago

So do you still wonder why you're called a shill?

16067692? ago

Ooookay buddy. Its prett funny how you keep exposing yourself.

Are you LARPing as a shill? Because you're very quickly becoming a parody of a shill, whether you intend to or not.

Thanks for this thread though. This has been a fun morning.

16067156? ago

You're putting in quite the bit of effort here. I don't go to flat earther videos and argue with them, because they are demonstrably false so there is no need.

But you, you're here getting angry and ranting in long posts about.. A LARP? LOL. You fucks are way too transparent.

16066647? ago

They are DARPA brainwashed and controlled.

Too many people today are looking for reasons to be offended. Including Q followers who will not accept the fact tat they are being totally misled by a CIA-NSA Psy-Op AI Q. In which is really a super quantum computer created by IBM and IQT for the CIA/NSA and uses a language called Lulzypher.

This was a great post by the way.

16066749? ago


16066643? ago

"All for a LARP?"

16066764? ago

All to wake people UP from a LARP/Psyop. You people are deeply deluded and have been brainwashed by a cult. Come back to the real world and start to pay attention to what is REALLY happening. Shit talking on the Internet does not equal "action".

16066843? ago

Come back to the real world and start to pay attention to what is REALLY happening. Talking on the Internet does not equal "action".

Except for you, right? Because you're here "taking action" by making and posting memes rather than doing whatever it is that you project that Qtards should be doing instead.

16066969? ago

Qtards should be asking Q: "WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH ALL THIS BULLSHIT?!?!"



Word games were fun 2 years ago. But, the time for fortune cookie puzzles is over. We need the leaders of this country to prove that the patriots are in control and arrests some of the criminals who are still running free. NOTHING else matters.

16067028? ago

Blah blah all for a larp blah blah projection blah blah who cares blah blah take responsibility for your own consciousness and let others do the same.

16067066? ago

I'm not here to wake up retards like you. I'm here to wake up new people who just got here and who aren't sure about this whole "Q" thing. It's too late for brainwashed cultists like you.

16067099? ago

Boooooom and there we go. There you have it folks. The shill admits that hes here to push newcomers away!! Anons are right... again.

16067180? ago

I am an old goat. I've been here for almost 5 yrs. I was here long before QRV existed. When Q first started, I followed and wanted to believe. But, after I saw prediction after prediction not come true, I stopped believing. I am now under the impression that "Q" is a psyop designed to keep patriots from taking action. I hate cults and I hate religious zealots. So, I'm warning new people to not get sucked into this mindless circle jerk. This place has become a CULT. It's got all the signs of a cult and is not a whole lot different than Scientology or Mormonism. If they were smart, the new people would remain skeptical and not buy into this bullshit. Anyone who disagrees with the cult is a "shill". That alone should make you want to stay away from this shit. They try to force you into the hivemind.

16067411? ago

So let me get this straight... You listened to a bunch of shills make predictions and then when the shills predictions did not come true you abandoned ship? And you think we're the fools? Thats pretty rich.

16067441? ago

I listened to Q making predictions...... and when they didn't come true... I started to question the legitimacy of Q. Example:


16067077? ago

But you're making yourself look like a disgruntled fool at best, paid shill — or worse. Give it up.

16067084? ago

Nope. I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to stay. I have my fans too.... even if you don't like me.

16067107? ago

No doubt you have tons of fans here -- all sitting at the table with you making up memes and shit posting because you literally have no constructive employable skills.

16067142? ago

LOL. You have no idea what I do for a living. But, you obviously know that I am creative.

16067169? ago

LOL, If you were creative you'd come up with your own memes and your "fans" would upvoat you. Maybe they're all on break or off on Saturdays?