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16061842? ago

I love how peaceful it is... because that's what's allowed it to grow too big for Macron to control.

All these people need to do is turn violent and the politicians will start their new careers as rope-dancers.

16062499? ago

we should be doing the same thing..but the military will crush us...THAT IS THE PLAN

16062530? ago

We should be stockpiling arms and ammo and food and water, in case not everything "goes to plan".

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16062910? ago

I hope it comes to that, the only way the masses will ever wake up is if they become severely uncomfortable, like "are we going to live to see tomorrow?" level of uncomfortable

16062737? ago

yeah you are right..I better go out tomorrow and work on it. The Plan....WTF is the Plan anyway? Q never gave "A PLAN" Usually when you have a plan you have it all worked out...not feed you family and friends "Clues" as to what the plan might be....sheesh

16063006? ago

If you don't trust Trump, trust God. The locusts are here. And then if you still don't trust, leave QRV. We STAND WITH TRUMP! If you want to yellow vest, start going after anti gun bs, I will be with you. Do something, we will be there to support you.

16062956? ago

Even my cat knows how retarded it is to disclose a full battle plan over unsecured communications channels.

Don't be a nigger.