16066890? ago

we should look into the power of meditation on a global scale not just a few of us. there have been many experiments and anyone familiar with researching and observing how things get hidden away shrouded with disinfo can see this is a legit thing we should consider. when only seven thousand people took part in an experiment regarding the effects of mass meditation all simultaneously meditating at the same time the entire worlds crime, rape , and shootings as well as a few other fucked up things all went down by 70% for the duration of the sessions. the experiment has been repeated but i dont think i need to stress that because the majority of you already know how important our collective thoughts are.

16064975? ago

Oy vey good thing french dont have guns anymore

16064256? ago

How about we do this here. All of us Patriots remove our money from the banks. If we are in the millions then the financial hit would be a message that we are here and not willing to play anymore fucking games. Maybe there is a patriot or 2 who owns check cashing business that will waive check cashing fees for Patriots so this can be a real thing that is not dis swayed by idea of having to pay to cash checks if one closes their account. I am just throwing things out there.

16064854? ago

Peaceful and effective.

16063988? ago

Wow!!! This will have an impact not only on France but the rest of the EU. Successful Rebellion can’t help but reverberate throughout Europe. This is good for all!

16062921? ago

remember when bank of america raised atm fees to $5. people started closing their accounts and the bank lowered the fee back down. peaceful and effective.

16062087? ago

those guys aren't just sitting back trusting the plan.

16062479? ago

Exactly...we are being kept down intentionally. Dumbed down waiting for something to happen...

16062706? ago

frogs in a pot coming to a boil strategy

16061908? ago

champagne and horse sandwiches for everybody!

16061842? ago

I love how peaceful it is... because that's what's allowed it to grow too big for Macron to control.

All these people need to do is turn violent and the politicians will start their new careers as rope-dancers.

16062499? ago

we should be doing the same thing..but the military will crush us...THAT IS THE PLAN

16064293? ago

Bullshit. You think your neighbors in the military are just gunna mow down their townsfolk?? Bullshit. You liberals love screeching about how we cant fight the military with our AR15s, yet fail to realize the few people who would kill their own citizens, are no match for guerilla warfare... tell me again how well the us military did against rice farmers? Or against goat herders? (That one has been a losing one for DECADES now...)

16066236? ago

That was then this is now..Boarder patrol agent gets demoted for wearing a Q patch..should have been a slap on the wrist for being out of uniform (maybe) I am , prior military and if you, Fuck Wad, paid attention to the creation of the new military, it is not some dudes from bum fuck small town USA.. It is metal machinery (soldiers), drones and MK's humans. Get with the program..you have no idea where we are and where we are headed. I am not a liberal or a punk in my parents basement (they have been dead for a long time). You need to WAKE UP Quit living in the 60-70's

16064388? ago

I've asked many US soldiers I've met if they would fire on their own citizens or participate in door to door searches etc. Most of them say they would do whatever they were ordered to do. So any of you fucking morons who believe this post may as well start moving to the concentration camp. Yes dear, you're gonna have to kill those precious soldiers you worship at the football games you dumb ass republican soldier and cop worshipping retards. They don't give a fuck about any of you. And they will kill you without question if ordered to do so. If you aren't prepared to kill them back then you've already lost.

16066396? ago

REEEEEEEEEE. Because those same people were SO good at taking down the uneducated rice farmers and goat herders.....

16062530? ago

We should be stockpiling arms and ammo and food and water, in case not everything "goes to plan".

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16062910? ago

I hope it comes to that, the only way the masses will ever wake up is if they become severely uncomfortable, like "are we going to live to see tomorrow?" level of uncomfortable

16062737? ago

yeah you are right..I better go out tomorrow and work on it. The Plan....WTF is the Plan anyway? Q never gave "A PLAN" Usually when you have a plan you have it all worked out...not feed you family and friends "Clues" as to what the plan might be....sheesh

16063006? ago

If you don't trust Trump, trust God. The locusts are here. And then if you still don't trust, leave QRV. We STAND WITH TRUMP! If you want to yellow vest, start going after anti gun bs, I will be with you. Do something, we will be there to support you.

16062956? ago

Even my cat knows how retarded it is to disclose a full battle plan over unsecured communications channels.

Don't be a nigger.