16043357? ago

The serious assblasting is buried in the comment tree: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2958262/16035240

16039923? ago


dig dig dig

16038456? ago

Dear OP, stop trying to sew seeds of discord.

Take your personal feud to Gab.

Anyone who tries to use QRV for such pettiness is shill.

16040712? ago

It's sow not sew.

I'm not on gab

Learn to make a coherent sentence.

16048088? ago

Thanks for correction

Join Gab.

16048731? ago

So gab good?

16048839? ago

If you want to address Neon, yes, he is active there.

Its a great platform overall, better in temperament than twatter, more varied engagements then MeWe (also decent).

16048913? ago

Is it like twitter in format? The atmosphere on twitter is terrible but the format is ok.

16057640? ago

Scroll through it's home page


Then create an account and treat others as you would want them to treat you.

Even when I have encountered others with alternative opinions, we both still walk away agreeing to disagree civilly. It's community likes to share ideas, experiences and POVs.

16038539? ago

Do you think the same of those who use v/QRV to attack v/GreatAwakening?

16038949? ago

Attack- yes I think it is wrong, most know its not directly affiliated with Q and thus we should pay it no attention (though many cross-post).

Explaining that Q designated QRV with the mods of Chan's Qresearch (same mods set up theawakening when reddit booted)- no

Facts like that are not attacks, just simple truths

If you don't like NeonKid- ignore him, don't like FoT, ignore him the same.

Fact is QRV is the only QAnon approved /v/. Personally GA and its mods should direct any traffic to QRV because its not a competition, its a movement and Q was pretty clear on his voat landing, anything less is people putting their ego before unity.

16043322? ago

GA and its mods should direct any traffic to QRV

They've had QRV in the sidebar list of important Q resources since the day you guys were created. Maybe you missed that.

16048045? ago

Peanuts, A permanent top billing sticky would be better.

Fact is GA (even theawakening post-QRV) doesn't need to exist if the point is unity.

Whining like this thread in QRV just increases the optics that GA and its mods are indeed working as controlled opposition to most on QRV Goats. Thus you and yours just succeeded in making NeonFag look credible and GA look like Jerome Corsi --- was that your goal?

16038036? ago

I like neon. I don't give a fuck about Voat.

16039142? ago

I don't give a fuck about Voat.

8.ch is that way

16038080? ago

Good for you!

16037922? ago


The amount of projection in this latest response is fucking PRICELESS!

16039167? ago

I like the part where he claims to be Q

16037538? ago

Yeah leave the heavy lifting to the Delusional Q-tards.

16037298? ago

A legend in his own mind.

16037258? ago

Neon is actually one of the best researchers out there. You stupid shills (or actually your employers) are wasting time and money giving him free advertising. Just the way the MSM assured Trump victory in the election via constant free media coverage. It didn't matter that the coverage was all negative. Same with Neon. So many people went to see what all the fuss about Neon is for and come away as loyal fans.

16040722? ago

He's great at researching how to make money off chumps!

16038074? ago

He doesn’t research anything. He drowsy even fact check. All he does is let everyone else research then stamps his name on it.

16038223? ago

He drowsy even fact check.


16038361? ago

Are you new to the internet? Only newbs complain about autocorrect and spelling errors. All good though I expect nothing less from a someone who feeds the ego of The Great Divider Neon. You may have awoken to Q but in the end you are still just a sheep following the herd. Welcome to the internet faggot

16039499? ago

Welcome to the internet faggot

Are you the internet faggot? Does your mom know?

16039103? ago

Well I'm certainly not new to the internet (on since 1993) or computers, and I would never post such a stupid error. You should always read over something before you post it. Also, I would never use a device with autocorrect to do any writing. Get a real computer instead of a pocket-sized tracking device.

16039512? ago

Oh you have been on the internet since 93 huh? The fact that you actually think I give shit tells me you are extemely naive. I have a computer and I use a phone when I am not at home pretty easy concept to understand. I am sure you are right though the C_A is going to come get me for telling the truth about Neon Revolt. No one gives a shit.

No one with any real intelligence would be blindly following Neon after he ousted himself as “The Great Divider”. Be sure and pick up that book that is being written. Meanwhile I will continue to research and think for myself.

16048785? ago

So you're ignoring the fact that "He drowsy even fact check." is retarded writing. I didn't say anything about Neon Revolt. He's irrelevant, as I don't read his site once I found that he was repeating others' research just for monetization.

16056147? ago

Retarded? No. Sloppy? Yes. The only thing retarded is the fact that you are pushing a typing error. Ever heard attack the argument not the user?

If you don’t read his site why are you even talking to me about this? I could have edited it a long time ago but I didn’t because anyone who read it knew what it meant and also I really don’t care. If you really care so much about typing errors you can spend all day going from post to post calling everyone out about it because it happens often. Have fun with that as it is very important work. To me caring so much about an error is retarded. Doesn’t change what I pointed out on bit.

16060816? ago

It's not a typing error to use a completely wrong word. I've been typing for 50 years, and I've never typed a completely wrong word by mistake.

I can't attack the argument if I'm not sure what it's even supposed to say.

16101103? ago

Oh my god... you are so old. Typing for 50 years? That explains everything old man. It’s called a smart phone. They sometimes autocorrect misspelled words to the wrong word. They think they are smart but they are not.

Walk away as you are clearly uninformed and out of touch. It’s probably best that you get back to using that typewriter of yours and stop wasting the time of researchers who are helping to change the world. Good luck to you on you mission of perfect spelling and sentence structure though. It must be very important to you.

16110579? ago

Spelling and sentence structure are important, if you're trying to convey information to others. If you type gibberish, no one is going to get the message.

16118917? ago

Still at it huh? You can fuck off at any time old man. I studied the human mind for years. Our brain is capable of “filling in the blanks” of sentences in order to make sense of structure and pattern. This is something everyone is capable of especially when clues like misspelled words are given. If you are telling me your mind is incapable of this very normal task then I would suggest that it is in fact you who are lacking in mental capacity.

If you don’t understand by now that my phone autocorrected the word “doesn’t” to “drowsy” well it’s just sad. I have counted at least 4 spelling mistakes today. You had better to get back to your very “important” work of finding errors or maybe just stay off the internet.

In case you didn’t notice most of my typing and spelling is on point but here you are making a huge deal about an autocorrect error. Take that shit to 8chan and see how many people give a damn about a spelling error. They make them all the time and a lot of times intentionally. It is literally a part of the online culture. You have wasted enough of my time. Back to things that are actually important.

16123790? ago

I have seen cell phones and their stupid autocorrect when texting. I still don't see how "doesn't" became "drowsy."

I texted for a while a few years ago, and I always fixed anything the autocorrect tried to change on me. So you're just making excuses for your laziness.

16038904? ago


16039283? ago

Then what exactly are all of those links to 8chan posts? I have found errors about things Neon is claiming in the articles written. Then again I wouldn’t expect you to see that considering anyone reading Neon articles can’t research for themselves. So who is wrong here?

16038582? ago

No, pretty sure you are a fucking retarded nigger.

16038638? ago

The sheep goes... Baaaahh!

16038875? ago

What else does it say while you are raping it?

16039180? ago

Sorry you must have me confused with Neon Revolt. He rapes all the sheep of their shekels.

16037520? ago

Not if he believes in Q Anon.

You people are totally ate up.

AI Q has been wrong on all accounts. Dweebs!

16037308? ago

He may be knowledgeable but he's a major dick who waffles on Q and any other subject that doesn't drive his ego at the moment. The message can be lost when you're an ass.

16037300? ago


Is that you Neon?

If not, pull your head out and learn about the real Neon instead of calling people shills for seeing through his facade.

16037475? ago

This is how we know you get paid by the post.

16037505? ago

Oh how wrong you are.

16037058? ago

Those pizzagate Anons are serious researchers.

16037017? ago

Looks like NR gave you the one downvoat kek

16036937? ago

What an absolute cunt of a blogger.

16037239? ago

No way, he's totally awesome, just ask him!

16036813? ago


Love ya OP.

16037227? ago

I'm sure I love you too!

16037500? ago
