15996122? ago

What in the he77 are we talking about here?

15995982? ago

Slide post.

15995948? ago

Just fking don't buy their product if you suspect anything.

Why bring it up here in Voat?

Isn't there another board far more suitable?

15995655? ago

All I would have to ask is, are their roasting and grinding techniques good, the varieties of coffee they have (Sumatra is my fave), and does it taste good? BTW, if you coffee lovers haven't tried cold brewing, you are really missing something. Grind coffee to Espresso fineness, let it brew overnight in your fridge in a Japanese brewer, next morning ya' have a nice coffee concentrate.... in an 8-oz. cup put 1/3 cup of concentrate, 2/3 water, microwave for 2 min. (don't let it bubble and boil!), and you have one of the best cups of coffee you're likely to have in this life.

15998019? ago

Japanese brewer

race traitor.

15996750? ago

Yes, it's good coffee, I buy it occasionally.

I went the cold coffee route back in the 70's, decided I didn't like it.

15995803? ago

Coffee shills, really?

15995427? ago

I wouldn't get your panties all in a bunch, if I owned a company and someone that I didn't know was using my company's name on social media, without a disclaimer, I'd want to shut them down too.

15995712? ago

want in one hand and understand the law in the other.

quit being a pussy, this is a bogus DMCA claim. you can stand for your rights or cower to corporate lawyers and build the narrative. a username is not considered an infringement on trademark or copyright law. Go see what google, facebook, youtube, twitter etc have to say about this. The registered trademark is Black Rifle Coffee Co, not blackriflecoffeeco. the company is in business to sell coffee and merchandise, a username on voat or any social media platform in no way infringes on their business to sell coffee.

Let me guess, you're a boomer bending over again out of fear and ignorance, promoting others to cower with you so you feel better about being such a pussy.

15996788? ago

Not being a pussy, being someone that is in business... And if the username was BRCCsux, or drinkblackriflecoffee, you'd have a point. But an account that at first glance looks like an official company account, but isn't, then I have no problem with the take down.

Fear and cowering? made me laugh.

15998119? ago

Learn something then stop for a moment and consider how quick you were not only to give this bull shit validation but encouraging other to bend knee with you.

Looks damn well like fear and cowering from my front-porch boomer. patterns and history and all....ya know?



15995472? ago

Not how it works, though.

Everyone should take a second to point out people who are attacking free speech.

The CO needs to answer his phone.

15995594? ago

But the right to freedom of speech means basically the government can’t imprison you for what you say- it isn’t a license to say what you want with zero consequences. People forget that.

15996118? ago

zero legal consequences for exercising free speech. it is up to people to control their own emotional reactions. or not.

15995358? ago

I don't know .. but it is good coffee