15970817? ago

Obvious shill post.

15972894? ago

Is it? I rather thought it was on point.

15970659? ago

I found a great video detailing the alternative societal planning solutions you seek... https://vimeo.com/13504985

15970005? ago

Why are people in other countries still starving and have no food when we were taxed to give them food, etc since atleast 1970. Listen, I get it. Where did all the money go? The Colombians said "we never got help." Nobody in America ever had a problem with feeding the poor, but when you find out...they never got food, what the hell? This is really sad and unacceptable. Nobody is better than anyone else and nobody should starve. The people in Africa , etc literally are starving.

15970234? ago

The people in Africa will always be starving. Why? Because they are dumb animals.

15969981? ago

How about evolution

15969789? ago

Baby and bathwater spring to mind

I think we should be able to end the control of our evil overlords, reuse their money for somthing that actually benifits people, while dropping the price of basic assets back to affordable levels (houses) for starters

Without having to live a hunter gatherer existence...

15969426? ago

I know you have seen this video. Watch again and listen carefully. At...the beginning!


15969152? ago

I think he meant that the low i.q. people are basically savages. You know like the ones that will chop your fucking head off because thats what their god wants. Or some others that will spear you, then stick a small tree up your ass until it comes out of your mouth, then cook you slowly over a fire.

15969092? ago

You can start the collapse yourself by getting your money out of the bank and Into crypto

Then perhaps get one of these Crypto debit cards from https://crypto.com/en/index.html# so you never have to be exposed to the Jew banking system

15970197? ago

Yah, crypto is super stable.

15968937? ago

I don't know what you mean by "restart." Do you think some utopia is going to spring up after Western society collapses? There is no utopia, and there never was a utopia. What will happen is what always happens. Psychopaths will assume power and make war on other psychopaths, and the people will follow their orders and die for them. That is never going to change.

What the United States had at its peak, which was around 1960, is as good as it is ever going to get anywhere in the world, ever. The Founding Fathers set up a system of government for white Christian men, and white Christian men were able to make it work. But now white men want to be women, and Christians want to the atheists or Buddhists, or Rastafarians, or anything but Christian, and the cities and towns are being flooded with people who are not white, not Christian, or not both. So America is in decline, because white Christian men are in decline. And when it collapses, it won't be coming back. It will be gone forever. And nothing better will ever replace it.

So be careful what you wish for, you may not like it if you get it.

15970177? ago

What about Wakanda?

15969406? ago

I also don't truly believe anymore and almost left all of it behind (at 17), but I cant imagine a better world than a Christian world

15968861? ago

Agreed. Bring on the planetary reset.

15968676? ago

Get some perspective? Compare your life to some living in 1919 or 1819 or 1719. We are much better off.

15968687? ago

America was more free in those times then it is now. Ever wonder why back in the 50's to 80's you could live a middle class life style working most jobs and not now?

15968872? ago

We could walk down the street without being recorded.

15968718? ago

Well we have been expanding the federal government and eroding freedom since 1913. However, that doesn't mean that this trend will always move in one direction. It can go back.

15968635? ago

This is retarded.

We finally got everything we want with a nationalist patriotic POTUS who is spearheading the world-wide movement against the Jew World Order...

...and you want a revolution now?

Fuck off George Soros!

15968665? ago

Q is hopefully the revolution, is hopefully the clean slate and revival of a broken world with all the cards set up against you and not the elites and privileged few. Not saying Q is not, just hope it's true.

15972825? ago

Have you read into Nesara/gesara stuff? Light at the end of the tunnel brother. Why do you think it's called the Q-RV. Stay strong. We cannot lose if we refuse to play their game.

15968714? ago

Rather than giving the Jews and the liberals what they want, you should instead be encouraging people to hope for the best but arm themselves and prepare for the worst...

...because if President Trump fails then the Jews will destroy our economy and the globalist (((UN))) and (((EU))) will "provide humanitarian aid" in the form of destroying our power stations and farming infrastructure and kicking in our doors to steal our guns.

15969147? ago

Yes. We'd be at the mercy of the [UN]. The EU looks to be falling. They're allowing the new world order control without much of a fight. I wonder how long, a year, two? before the powers that be step in, and take control.

15968624? ago

Let's call it a reboot after a much needed upgrade.

Oh.... And I hope the stories about trillions of deep state dollars stashed away is true. Uncle Sam needs to seize that shit and then abolish Income Tax.

15968619? ago

OK you heard the OP, everyone move close to Yellowstone NP

15968579? ago

I am 54 years old and have less than $200 to my name, unemployed, have a 17 year old son living with me as well as my 82 year old father. I left a great job, am educated, well structured, but have made mistakes. While I feel the same way you do, knowing it isn't going to atfect me, it will break the weaker of the species. I will feel bad for them and those left behind, but again, I didn't create this shit show and it needs correction in the worst way.

15971426? ago

let me guess. divorced and decimated by a judge's order in the corrupt family law court. ex-bitch is living well....

15972310? ago

Where can I find one of those crystal balls? Spot on. But she got custody, I got a $500 a month child support payment, and February of 2016 she calls me crying that she has to move and if I could watch my son until she gets back on her feet. He's been with me since, I've stopped making payments, probably have a dead beat dad bench warrant and will be arrested if I forget to use my blinker, and every time I tell her we need to get this fixed she takes my son to go look for a new apartment. She rents a room in someone's house. Right now I can't justify paying the $89 court filing fee because I'm worried about feeding my son.

15975565? ago

not a crystal ball. this is common fo rmillions of men - not the exception.

Stay tough brother. It is going to explode soon. never, ever give that cunt the time of day, compromise on anything with her anymore or offer to help her outside of the court order. Keep your son, he is old enough to file on his behalf preference to live with you. find a mens advocate group there and on the net for free advise.

Dont play the game you have been fed to keep your son out of this - he needs to be red pilled that not only is his mother a cunt but that all women are as cunty if not worse - save his life. You can explain in detail the mistakes you made and how she screwed you without calling her a cunt if you think the mother of your child who consciously exploded a bomb in your lap and his future.

15976837? ago

The way you talk about my ex I swear you know her. 😂😂😂

15969906? ago

Exactly, try retiring on $200. I understand. I didn't make mistakes and I'm in your boat. If you want to live alone, good luck. Without two incomes since 1994, you can't save much.

15969135? ago

Yeah. You sound like one that will flourish in the new world.

Thank God people like you arent at the helm. Part of the beauty of ThePlan so far is how non-violent, digital, and a war of information it is being carried out as.

By the end, even a majority of the rainbow-haired, multi-gendered Liberal freaks will realize the truth; especially regarding Trump being a Patriot.

15972590? ago

People like me not at the helm? The mistake I made was leaving a company, after starting in sales, was promoted to Director of Operations, and after watching good sales reps leave over a three year period confronted the owners, asked to be Director of Sales to bring stability and growth, and over the next 4 years took a company from a flat $3 Million 5 year running sales history to $4 Million, $5.2 Million, $5.8 Million, then $6.3 Million with NO sales reps quitting and the reason I left was I got stiffed on a $25,000.00 bonus that was a verbal commitment that was conveniently forgotten when I hit the goal. That was my mistake. I could have learned from that because now I am a threat to anyone who hires me. I want to work and twice last week I was told that I wouldn't be able to do the work because I have been a Director before. I'm educated, pragmatic, and I'm a threat.

15970147? ago

You keep using that word.... "Patriot". I do not think the rainbow-haired, multi-gendered Liberal freaks think it means what you think it means....

15969397? ago

Wonder what they will be like then... Probably some will even kill themselves for being fooled so easily

15968546? ago

Bit black pilled but ya needs a major overhaul

15968554? ago

Not an apocalypse...just a restart. Just something that is not this. Most of us wouldn't be here if we felt happy for the world and the state it's in right now.

15968682? ago

Ya but remember we’ve been conditioned for a long time to expect a worse case scenario,I don’t think it would need to be violent but I do think it’s got to be en masse.i think that’s the ultimate goal of current 2 party system is to keep gen pop from uniting.

15968617? ago

Too bad. Apocalypse is coming.

15968517? ago


15968514? ago

Not a great idea given how many millions would suffer and perish

15970168? ago

Fuck em. We need a huge purge.

15968816? ago

We have about 6 trillion too many people in this world, many of them with an IQ under 85.

We can't just keep feeding them out of the kindness of our hearts. It's bullshit.

15970080? ago

did earths population increase a thousandfold over night or are you mixing your B's and T's ?

15970084? ago

Ah yes, the problem is not as bad as I thought. lol

15969425? ago

Isnt that exactly what the Illuminati wants? Reduce the global population to 500 mil?

15969580? ago

Either give them everything we have, or they eventually kill us....or they die of starvation.

No good choices exist.

I concur with the Illuminati except I think that they and their nigger and spic pets should be the ones to go.

15969154? ago

Sounds like the globalist bullshittery on the georgia guidestones. IQ does not give a person worth. A human has value because he is loved by God, forgiven of his sins, and destined for eternal life.

15970193? ago

Except for niggers

15969643? ago

A person with an IQ lower than 85 cannot contribute anything to society.

15969423? ago

If all you do is steal, kill, and rape, then you have no worth. If there is a god these people will burn in Hell when they die.

15969431? ago

Christ died for us when we were yet sinners.

15969654? ago

You should move the monkeys into your house.

15972618? ago

non-sequitur. the issue is what gives a human being worth, not whether you would want to associate with such dregs.

15986962? ago

Put up or shut up, monkey lover.

As far as they are concerned, the worth of your life is zero..

15987040? ago

educated i see. have a nice day.

15969543? ago

These people clearly don't accept Christ. I think they are screwed.

15969644? ago

Yes, you think the only ones going to heaven are the monkey rapists and murderers.

I got news for you pal, You're helping them, you're screwed.

15969796? ago

You lost me. Whatever you just said has no context. Why would rapists go to heaven?

15969973? ago


15972637? ago

this thread makes no sense.

15986975? ago

Yes, it does.

15969085? ago

You sound exactly like a fucking elite. Have your free speech, but in the end your extreme minority opinion isn't gonna fly.

Most of the 85 IQ were getting on just fine before 120 IQs stepped in and fucked their countries up.

15970287? ago

Higher IQ can sometimes mean higher obnoxious asshole quotient

15970025? ago

Most of the 85 IQ were getting on just fine before 120 IQs stepped in and fucked their countries up.

Steaming pile of horseshit.

The only reason they reached such numbers is because we kept feeding them and sending our industries to their nations.

15970121? ago

So in other words, we were being stupid and doing something we shouldn't have done.

Am I right?

15970339? ago

Who is this "we"? lol

I don't know why you're so broken about about it, they'll suffer, yes, they'll die, yes but that's what they've always done.

When it's all over, their suffering will be gone and forgotten, everyone else will be better off.

15969564? ago

The elites are correct in that regard, the planet cannot carry this many worthless parasites.

The only problem with it is that they want to kill the white gentiles, which would result in no population reduction whatsoever.

Then they bring them to first world nations, where they can pollute the world even further by driving cars and throwing garbage out of their windows daily. It amazes me.

The elites just want a bunch of stupid brown niggers to rule over, they can go on the shit pile with the niggers as far as I'm concerned.

15970299? ago

They breed quick and die quick.

After seeing some of the videos from Syria I wouldn't be surprised if most of the casualties are from friendly fire...

15969995? ago

New energy technology will increase carrying capacity significantly

15970015? ago

New mass incineration technology will improve the view significantly, not to mention reducing the ooking and screaching.

If we could have a paradise on earth, there's no reason to share it with those beasts, they're far worse than animals.

They gotta go.

15969704? ago

You're a basic libtard.

You cry about cars and pollution and blame it on the 85 IQ population? They're not the ones driving the cars and polluting. Their bio footprint is likely 1/100th yours.

They didn't even need to import food until we gave them food for free, disincentivizing their farmers and fucked up their ability to feed themselves.

You're a basic libtard. Racist, elitist, trying to mingle your worst features with Voat to contaminate everyone by association, just a basic libtard bitch.

15969712? ago

You cry about cars and pollution and blame it on the 85 IQ population? They're not the ones driving the cars and polluting. Their bio footprint is likely 1/100th yours.

Yes, they are, they're in the USA and Europe now, instead of living in hovels made of shit. Moron.

They didn't even need to import food until we gave them food for free, disincentivizing their farmers and fucked up their ability to feed themselves.

You're hilarious.

You're a basic libtard. Racist, elitist, trying to mingle your worst features with Voat to contaminate everyone by association, just a basic libtard bitch.

Go fuck your mother, liberal nigger loving faggot.

15968955? ago

That's funny, so what makes you more worthy than others? your mighty IQ?

Because of people like you is why we are where we are, selfish and self centered, you contribute nothing to society i can't take nothing from your line of thinking, if we can't help those in need then what is it all for? maybe those people would be better than you if they had the same opportunities in life that you had.

I would certainly leave you behind, we don't need more selfish people.

15969517? ago

Because of people like you is why we are where we are, selfish and self centered, you contribute nothing to society i can't take nothing from your line of thinking

Very few people can do what I do, it's not easy to replace me or I would have been replaced long ago.

I contribute quite a bit that others cannot.

These creatures have nothing to offer, no one wants them, they are just mouths to feed.

By contrast, I can open my inbox on any given day, make a call and get an interview because I have skills that people need.

Even if I couldn't do this job, I'd learn another complex job relatively quickly.

They are violent and stupid rapists and murdering scum, the modern world has no use for their kind.

15987738? ago

Oh look around you, your kind is especially the easiest one to replace.

Very predictable, self centered and limited by the obvious reality and Ego.

pay attention by how you determine your OWN worth, the archons have really made a perfect system of enslavement gotta give them that.

When you die let's see if your skills with machinery and/or any earthly task is gonna be of any worth out there.

You are much more (or maybe you are just an empty carcass who knows really at this point) but you have been lead to believe that the worth on a human LIFE is to learn a repetitive task, probably created by an A.I in the beginning.

When i read stuff like this i kinda see we deserve to be enslaved and abused by eons, we need to humble up first if we are to have any kind of equality.

15987757? ago

Oh look around you, your kind is especially the easiest one to replace.

No, it doesn't work that way.

When people like me don't work, important shit doesn't get done, then things go badly for morons like you.

And putting a monkey in my chair doesn't cut it. lol

16006389? ago

Sure, keep believing those superman stories, that's how reality works.

Everyone believes themselves a special snowflake, touched by destiny to do great things

news flash, you are not you are in a body of decadent matter that it doesn't even last that long, you are nothing but a blink in time.

Human arrogance, i really hope you are getting paid by this and i'm really glad i helped bring food to your table, you are welcome, otherwise; oh my god!! hahahaha!!

16006394? ago

You can't even comprehend what it's like to have skills that are not easily replaced, to you it's like science fiction.

I may as well be quoting a superman comic book. lol

16007398? ago

Na mate, no such thing exist, if you can do it, any other human can do it, if any alien can do it, any other being can do it.

You are the one who isn't comprehending that the universe is pure and sole justice, perfectly served and perfectly delivered, there are no better or worst, is just a matter of perspective.

again, i'm glad i am putting food on your table by doing this you poor carcass, i'm glad someone found a way to make money this way, even though money is the root of all evil.

16027081? ago

if you can do it, any other human can do it


15970209? ago

We need a nigger nuke. Some weapon that takes out all the niggers at once (targets them by DNA) and leaves the normal human beings alive.

15970357? ago

It could easily done by simply removing every form of aid, then their DNA could theoretically be targeted.

15969101? ago

It's harsh but it is reality.

1) Below an iq of 85, there is NOTHING you can do to produce value for the military (see studies, see Jordan Peterson). I'd say it's a microcosm for the world. What's to be done when people who are borderline retarded need to be taken CARE of because they can't contribute to the world. It's the struggle that enriches people's lives and gives meaning. These are the same in-bred dumbfucks who cut people's heads off. HOWEVER though, people should be able to help, donate how they can. Aka, voluntarily.

Because 2) We can help people in need but there are times where you can't help everyone. There are people in Africa who are dying, should you send everything extra you have to them? Sell your house and move to a studio? You've epitomized how liberalism has come about, and it's because of "nice" motherfuckers like you who can't see the real picture. Should America give all of its wealth away to help poor countries? Should citizens of the US have their wealth taxed to be given to those who can't work? There is a distinction that you need to recognize.

One can be a realist and be selfless at the same time. The world isn't so simple

Is it fair to save all people if it comes by breaking the backs of those who work?

15987756? ago

Damn, you are so limited in your thinking.

Such an old thinking, thanks for being the reflection that makes me realize how eons apart people living in the same planet can be, this thinking feels from a whole different planet i can see when they say that earth is gonna be separated into two earths, i can definitely see that now.

If i have to choose between one evil and another, i rather choose none.

15969622? ago

You sound quite entrenched in the "old" globalist value paradigm, which stands to reason since we're still under it. But consider when energy is truly free - today's capitalism loses a leg and falls apart. Realism is critical, certainly, but no more so than an optimistic vision for post-cabal life, liberty and happiness. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see IQ's climb globally once we're no longer being constantly poisoned by them. Even then, we'll still be unique - some smarter, some faster, some bigger, some more handsome - but we'll have a real shot at a world where everyone can positively contribute per their abilities and receive assistance per their needs, without leaving some feeling shafted. Imagine!

15970220? ago

Niggers are too dumb to contribute anything of value.

15973729? ago

So, everyone except this small-minded future turd scrubber then.

15969416? ago

My IQ is 160, does that give me the right to judge all others below my score as worthless, nothings, and unproductive? Harsh, but you dont meet the standard, I have a friend that had an IQ of 70 growing up, he was considered retarded. By the time I met him he had managed to raise his IQ to 130 and was in an advanced math class with me. Your ability to learn, measured by IQ, greatly depends on how much you have learned in the past, it can change with effort.. The IQ test is heavily dependent on vocabulary, so your score would vary deoending on the language you grew up learning. . Without the opportunity to learn select facts and words your score will be much lower. There is no such thing as a test that is comprehensive of everything you have learned about every aspect in life, an IQ test is very flawed.measure. . A human is a human and equal in value in the eyes of God. We need to be reaching out to uplift others and teach them to make better decisions, not looking down on them from our high horse. It is culture(behavior) choices that make people productive to the world, not intelligence. Teach any people honesty, kindness and hard work and those people will be a far greater asset to the world than the most intelligent people filled with laziness, dishonesty and cruelty. And you will find over generations the good people become smarter while the cruel and dishonest ones lose any light that had.

15969499? ago

My IQ is 160


By the time I met him he had managed to raise his IQ to 130 and was in an advanced math class with me


15969541? ago

And you are claiming these statements to be false based on what? Because they are counter to your narrative? The first statement I lnow to be true, the second is true as long as that kid didnt lie to me, and I have no reason to doubt him. Unless you are trying to say a person can't raise their IQ score then my argument still stands. And it's common knowledge that a person can raise their IQ score.

15969628? ago

No, a person cannot raise their IQ from 70 to 160 and you do not have an IQ of 160.

You're a very dull person.

the second is true as long as that kid didnt lie to me

See what I mean? Yes, why would someone with the IQ of a monkey lie? Perhaps, it just sounded that way when he was drooling. Imbecile. lol

15971378? ago

An IQ test is a test, just like any other; studying the material and being in a focused mental state can greatly increase your score. It is not a set thing that cannot be changed, if you don't study your score will likely go down over time. That is why IQ tests are scored based on age as well. In the earlier years of life you can dramatically change your IQ through effort, as your brain is not fully formed. Later in life your score is likely to change less and less, but still changes based on how much you have learned.. There are biases built into the test as welll, Someone that grows up on a desert isle without any knowledge of mathematics is obviously going to score lower than someone raised in an English speaking 1st world country because they have more experience with the subject matter being tested. It doesnt mean the person that grew up on an isle is less capable of learning, it just means what they are testing him on is less familiar to him. An IQ can change over time and it is a flawed measure of intelligence.

This kid had a learning disability and when he was being registered for kindergarten, the school system was going to put him in the system with the handicap kids that they never bother to teach. The school district didn't think he was capable of being taught. His mom didn't like that and researched how to raise his IQ and taught her kid vocabulary. He continued to put in more effort than the kids around him and raised his IQ to 130. I met him in my 9th grade advanced math class, he was actually in 8th grade but came across the street to the high school for a few classes a day at the high school. And this was his explanation for why. No, I see no reason why he would lie about it.

15971633? ago

There are biases built into the test as welll, Someone that grows up on a desert isle without any knowledge of mathematics is obviously going to score lower than someone raised in an English speaking 1st world country because they have more experience with the subject matter being tested. It doesnt mean the person that grew up on an isle is less capable of learning, it just means what they are testing him on is less familiar to him. An IQ can change over time and it is a flawed measure of intelligence.

No, these factors are accounted for.

Africans have an average IQ in the 60-80 range, very consistently.

Not only do they score low, but they are unable to carry out simplest of tasks, they are demonstrably stupid.

You're a moron and you need to stop trying to fuck everything up with your stupidity.

Let the adults handle this.

15968491? ago

We could start the cull by removing warning labels

15972839? ago

Go tide pod challenge right?

15968657? ago

You can save yourself from cancer by cutting the tags off your clothing, labels of all types are dangerous. i would be one of the first to die, i have been suffering from severe renal damage inflicted by a doctors miss treatment of a kidney infection when i was 4, my whole life. Apparently that makes me a worthless eater, a hippopotamus and any number of other things these judgemental twats have decided to call me.

15970248? ago

Take them out from the inside! RIP the system.

15968891? ago

I'm sorry you're going through this. Doctors are no better than snake oil salesmen. They have no clue about nutrition and give us advice that backfires. They push toxic vaccines and deny us CBD by their laws creating more suffering.

15969114? ago

ty for your compassionate reply.

15968720? ago

Roasted by fph?

15968485? ago

Keep pushing f5