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15955340? ago

Yes, you can do more by hoping for the best but prepping for the worst.

We are at a crossroads in the fight to save America and western civilization from the Jew World Order.

As much as Q wants us to feel safe, the truth is that nobody has been successful in breaking the back of the Jew banking dynasties, so we need to make ourselves ready to fight for our birthright.

You need to arm yourself and have enough food and water and warm clothing in case the power or water infrastructure goes down.

If something "doesn't go to plan" then it's likely George Soros will fund a massive invasion across our southern boarder while the UN and the EU send "help" in the form of shock troops to sabotage our power grid and raid our homes to take our guns. If they are successful then we will have become the slave laborers for the Jew World Order.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.