15957177? ago

Q has seemed pretty irritated by us several times, having to basically spell things out for these retarded followers.

15956453? ago

No! "WE" Didn't let Q down........just YOU!

15955739? ago

God needs to be in your life.

If it isn't, you aren't part of the Q movement.

wwg1wga is God's promise

15955731? ago

We lost. Patriots defeated themselves when we refused to join freedom lovers across the world and don Yellow Vests in solidarity. We revealed ourselves to be the New_French, true Frogs, and dependent on some one else to fight and protest for us.

15969576? ago

The French fell to the new world order the minute they put on those vests, without knowing who created the "movement". The rest of the EU is going to follow. They weren't infiltrated, they were drawn into a globalist protest designed to take out the incompetent leaders, and put in [their] worst of the worst leader. We have a president, and a military trying to keep us from the same fate.
You're not paying attention to the strides they've made. We're not dependent on some one else to fight, and protest for us.
The only job our gov't was created to do was to be responsible for national security. Allow the president, and the military to do what they've been trained to do.

15955647? ago

Yeah the board crashed because of lost interest.

15955460? ago

Q is a LARP. We're on our own

15955649? ago

No. Q is real.

15955349? ago

Hit the streets with legal peaceful protests, holding a simple sign, hand made best way...'Q sent me (us)'.

But we are roughly on schedule I think, we had to set the stage some, seat Judges and Senators, remove corruptocrats in government, make some changes like the Sauds/North Korea....we had to get around the media, let the Enemy show itself to be still refusing the Rule of Law, so that as we use Emergency Powers recent history proves we were correct in doing so, keeping the moral high ground required we give them every opportunity to come to the table as honest government brokers. They have refused every opportunity, Even tho Trump begged them to come Serve the people who elected them.

I think we all coulda been protesting, sure, as a TEA Partier and old Hippie I've done plenty of that, last actual event for me was an anti-sharia rally at the San Jacinto Monument.


Keep on keeping on, this is our last best chance to save ourselves. I think we SHOULD stage protests, force people to listen to us or at least recognize that we speak. Red pill every one you speak with, waiters and waitresses, people in line at the grocery store, people at work...every one.

If people you know are not looking at you funny today you have not been doing enough, correct.

It is not that people are disillusioned it is simply that the corruptions are expected and as long as their own rice bowls are full they do not have time to hit the streets or care much. Apathy more than disenchantment. And remember, about half of the population has no real love for America and the Rule of Law, not everyone who lives here is Us.

Keep on keeping on.


15955340? ago

Yes, you can do more by hoping for the best but prepping for the worst.

We are at a crossroads in the fight to save America and western civilization from the Jew World Order.

As much as Q wants us to feel safe, the truth is that nobody has been successful in breaking the back of the Jew banking dynasties, so we need to make ourselves ready to fight for our birthright.

You need to arm yourself and have enough food and water and warm clothing in case the power or water infrastructure goes down.

If something "doesn't go to plan" then it's likely George Soros will fund a massive invasion across our southern boarder while the UN and the EU send "help" in the form of shock troops to sabotage our power grid and raid our homes to take our guns. If they are successful then we will have become the slave laborers for the Jew World Order.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

15955308? ago

2.2 million crashed the serves yesterday when he started posting again, and we let him down?

Q has White Hats, Black Hats, Patriots and MSM looking to him for what is really going on.

Q is the News Now. We are the News!!

15955267? ago

Soros and Brock assigned their flunky to shit post. At least send us someone with a couple more brain cells.

15955197? ago

Idk, that website they posted last night crashed within minutes. There are a lot more people following Q than just those of us here on QRV.


15955180? ago

How can we help Q moar?


When Mueller eventually is forced to end his theater production of a witch-hunt, his report will contain nothing but implied misconduct by President Trump. I suspect Mueller will claim he found nothing because so many of President Trump's team were caught lying and that he may have found the truth if only he was allowed to continue for almost a decade.

Get your Mueller memes because when that report finally drops, the Jew-fake-news and the Democrats will be throwing fits and claiming Mueller's "almost" caught President Trump's crime spree.

We'll need to focus on making a mockery out of the MSM's reporting and focus precisely on what Mueller found: nothing.

I've got two memes ready and I hope people start thinking about how needful our efforts will be.

15955099? ago

No. Its our media that has beem weaponized.