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15951744? ago

The Civil war has already started.

ref. American Civil War.

We are just waiting for the call to arms, and there won't be any quenching it.

Unless of course, NSA, Q and Mil, bring back law and order.

Look at France: They are in the process of re-establishing government.

15951778? ago

I started seriously prepping well before the 2016 presidential election because I thought we were going to need to march on Washington and lynch every last politician.

Now I have enough guns and ammo and supplies to invade a small country and survive for decades without power or water infrastructure.

15952465? ago

I wish I was married to you!

15952988? ago

I posted this prepping guide if you're interested, but it is only intended for beginners because it focuses on the cheapest and easiest measures so as not to scare away the normies.

15959849? ago

Thank you - this is true patriotism!