15942194? ago

Ever notice when the Sock-Faggot crew run these tawdry hit pieces on other parts of the Q movement they only get, like 10 upvoats when other posts regularly get 200 even on a boring topic

its like they dont even bother using all their sock puppet accounts to upvoat their own bullshit

just getting lazy at this point

15941532? ago

This piece of desperation bought to you by the same faggots who at ed trying to dox Srayzie 👍

15941404? ago

Hurr Durr and those stars on the American flag are akshully 50x star of David Hurr Durr It MUST be a Mossad hangout Hurr durr 😱😱😵

15941115? ago

Sorry don't see it, perhaps because I'm on mobile? Can you present a screenshot please?

15938991? ago

The card shows DJT peering into srazie's asshole and the 'Q' represents finding a crack in the O ring.

15938225? ago

What does the "all seeing eye" mean? Why does the Cabal us it?

15938147? ago

Oh so you thought Trump wasn’t one of “them”?

15938023? ago

Lol that's seriously fucked up.

15937995? ago

That's sketchy AF

15937963? ago

Anybody think of asking a mod of GA before all this wild speculation?

15938174? ago

Thats right! Don’t research for yourself, just ask a mod you dumb dumb!

15938055? ago

Anybody think of asking a mod of GA before all this wild speculation?

Implying that the submission author and the socks/parrots commenting actually care and aren't just lashing out with a repetitive smear.

https://voat.co/u/fhaqyu showed up in v/GreatAwakening the other day, dropping the exact crap seen in the main post here, in a comment.

15951855? ago

Thanks for sharing the truth!!!

15939524? ago

Once you see the spell it's easy to spot when used elsewhere.

15938101? ago

Stop talking to yourself Srayzie. We see right through you satanic bitch.

15938160? ago

You're mistaken, on all counts. But don't let that stop you from trying to keep the illusion of a consensus alive.

15937695? ago

Who cares, this is the real sub. It’s like drinking Fanta when you could just have Crush.

15937864? ago

Why drink any of them when you can have water?

15938202? ago

Orange soda is pretty tasty.

15938982? ago

Remember when MTN had vowels?

15939014? ago

Honestly, no. Sounds like something before my time.

15937714? ago

ITT: a bunch of socks being jerked off into, to create a false appearance of consensus.

15937511? ago

That is why I don't trust GA or any other sub besides this one. It becomes a cult of personality and they ban people who don't go along with the hivemind (just like Reddit). I think that this whole Q psyop is nothing more than a Deep State plot to keep patriots from rioting in the streets. "Stay calm. Do nothing. Trust the plan. Let the CIA handle everything......" The Illuminati is in control.

15938079? ago

Yep yep

15937885? ago

Go back to Reddit!

If you trust any sub just because they tell you what you want to hear then youmare a dumbass.

QRV has a lot of propaganda.

15937593? ago

For that to be true, then Trump would have to be part of the swamp. Otherwise he would of called out the movement.

15937647? ago

At this point, it's looking like Trump is part of the swamp.... but, it's a different swamp.

They drained the old swamp and moved everyone to a new swamp.

He's playing along and following the DS plan so everyone trusts him. In the end, we'll still get the NWO. He's not fighting against that. He hasn't come right out and said: "I am going to dismantle the NWO". He's given lip service to the anti-globalists. But, all of his policies thus far could be used to support the NWO. One day, they'll reveal the truth and it will be too late to stop it.

15937764? ago

seen this narrative by other shills, cmon nigga be original with your tactics

15937849? ago

Maybe "this narrative" is the truth and that is why you heard other people saying it?

15937730? ago

I have tried to look at this from every angle possible. Trump did say he is a nationalist. Q has made comment something to the effect of changing of the old guard. At this point, I'm kind of feeling that we are witnessing a global power shift. Maybe not towards a one world order. But a new alliance.

15937929? ago

You can say anything. Words don't really matter. What matters is ---- "CAN THESE POLICIES BE USED BY THE NWO?" I think the answer is yes. What has Trump done? Increased military spending. Increased security. Strengthened the police state. After they collapse the global economy, people will be desperate. They will be willing to give up anything for safety and security. The Government will step in and say: "We have to join the New World Order" and at that point, the Constitution becomes null and void and we are all "global citizens".

15938151? ago

What we really need here is a thread of facts. Pros and cons of what is happening.

15938094? ago

ITrust me, I get what ur saying. It's highly possible you are right. There are several of us that get together to study this whole thing. That is one angle that we watch. But There is a difference in a new world order and a one world order. We all know alliances have shifted throughout time. Either way, I believe it is simply a power shift. I may be wrong as well. I am not firm in my beliefs, just trying to figure it out.

15938130? ago

I don't want to be a global citizen with a one world government. I want to be an American, living in America under the jurisdiction of the US Constitution.

15938179? ago

I hear you and I agree.

15937172? ago

Finally, someone else noticed!!!! Srazyie is a deep state satanist and the one who started that sub!

15937901? ago

Lol. Proof?

15937141? ago

Could be reference to the great awakening. Saying "We know". Or it could be a photoshopped image by an anon to show that Trump is (most likely) Q+. Or it could just be the deep state winking at us ;)

15938353? ago

Sometimes POTUS does a triangle with his thumbs and index fingers when he leans over while sitting - could be the same thing.

15937126? ago

Mockery. That and/or GA is and always was compromised.

15937526? ago

Any time you get personalities and gatekeepers it ends up being compromised. GA is most certainly compromised at this point. But, they're too busy circle jerking over patriot porn to notice.

15938069? ago

And then they come to this sub to cry about corrupt mods or something. Or maybe those are the shills. Seems like the shills try to guide us to those subs.

15938085? ago

The word "shill" has lost all meaning at this point. We should just stop using it.

I think you mean "people with a vested interest in seeing GA become the default sub instead of QRV"?

15938124? ago

Maybe? Why would people push for GA to be the main sub if QRV is literally sponsored by Q?

15945927? ago

GA is doing it.

15938228? ago

That's the funny part. Nobody's pushing for that in the slightest.

15938262? ago

There's a lot of posts from people to go to GA for one reason or another. Same with QRVwalkaway or whatever. I just assumed they were shills or busted up hiveminders.

15938307? ago

Nobody running GA is pushing for anyone to use GA over QRV.

They've been quite explicit about that. QRVwalkaway certainly has no affiliation with GA.

15938455? ago

It's indirect. I know they're not affiliated.

15938187? ago

Because they are jealous. GA was here first. After the GA forum on Reddit was shut down, the people in the GA sub here thought they would become the automatic default for everyone coming from Reddit. But, Q directed everyone to QRV instead. That made the mods and owner of GA very upset and jealous. He thought it was his right to be the default. So, they brigade us and shitpost and try to get the people here to go there instead. If they can split this sub off and take most of the subscribers they can say "We are the OFFICIAL Q sub now" (and they hope to get a blessing from Q).

15938198? ago

Yes, in other words, absurdists. Power seekers. Namefaggers. And false senses of security due to moderators.

15938212? ago

They want to enforce the hivemind just like they did over on Reddit.

15938242? ago

I hate the hivemind. It's the most toxic situation to have, yet people feel safe within it. Then when shit hits the fan, none of them are prepared. Major topics get banned, and people just assume wrong doing. Some people hang in there, but... ah I just hate it.

15937922? ago

Then don't go there. Go back to reddit.

15937967? ago

I don't go there. I stay right here in QRV. What bothers me is that idiots from GA wander in here and bring their forum drama with them. They should stay over in their forum and keep all their bullshit over there with them.

15939197? ago

Yep, they have to lurk around to make sure no ones talking about them . That’s how guilty people act .

15938246? ago

What forum drama? I go to both places. I have seen posts at QRV about doxxing certain people...