15939357? ago

Didn't we establish that this site is fake news?

15936340? ago

More more on Daily Crusader: Fake News Site DailyCrusader is BANNED from VOAT! - PLUS PROOF or VOTE MANIPULATION! https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2953358

Plus, it looks like this site contains a virus.

15936153? ago


15936011? ago

source is MOSSAD limited hangout site

Don't be played, Anons.

15936014? ago

I thought it was Muslim Brotherhood? Now you claim it's mossad?

15936045? ago

Muslim Brotherhood is Mossad

do you realize how much of the Royal Saudi family is controlled by Mossad ?

or for that matter, how much of the United States Congress and intel agencies are controlled by Mossad?

15936059? ago


sad, Moshe

15935993? ago

I know it's the daily crusader.... But this thought has crossed my mind. Not as in the H1B but cloning kids here in America. Remember after the Broward school shooting. That Hobb and other kids come out so weird like. Then suddenly Obama sends a tweet to Hobb and says, We have been waiting for you.

15936019? ago

Daily Crusader is quality journalism... They cover what others don't have the balls to...

15936066? ago

v/GreatAwakening has banned it because it's trash

It's a classic disinformation outlet full of limited hangouts.

15936080? ago

v/GreatAwakening mods were already proven to be comped jews though, so who cares what they think? of course they hate DC... it calls out Israel 24/7 and the mods are JIDF

15936102? ago

so.. you are the spammer and the brigader

Nice work, Shlomo.

15936111? ago

the fuck are you talking about? does it hurt you knowing you can only shill in this thread by calling people jewish when you yourself are jewish? Do you hate Daily Crusader because they openly name the jew and people love it?

15935962? ago

I lost my job to an H1B and now that you mention the whole clones shit it checks out since I was wondering how the fuck someone could make it on literally 1/3rd of my salary with a masters degree... foreigner or not the math just wasn't checking out

15936345? ago

They will live in a shoe box eating ramen. I'm not kidding I've seen it these guys don't spend money, they at most have a smart phone with unlimited data.

15935916? ago

They should get on amazon so we can order a clone of ourselves using 123 and me or whatever spit sample with free 2 day shipping. I think I'd get along very well with my clone, we'd never argue, always agree and that MK Ultra would be useful to get clone to go to my job for me

15935897? ago

Daily Cruisades is hew disinfo. They have been BANNED from Voat. Thats how bad thos site is. Ever seen a site banned frim Voat? Do not click it will redirect you to their site.

15935934? ago

Don't tell me what to do or what to click, censorfag

15936295? ago

You're days are numbered. Enjoy your 30 pieces of silver.


15935876? ago

H1b visas are only to take American jobs. I saw this in 2008. White collar jobs

15938813? ago

Microsoft has turned the affluent City of Redmond into Little India/China. Somehow these "low paid" H1B workers are paying $900K for 60 year old houses and importing their elderly parents. At Home Depot and Costco the only white people are the workers. It's weird.

15935871? ago

@qrv1 Joshua Alayon you should be careful

15936005? ago

@srayzie was just doxxed

15935937? ago

Can not comply, danger close is my safe space

15936116? ago

FUCK crusaderanon has some balls LOL get em dude!!! keep naming the jew we support you

15938609? ago

lol just got you url shortener banned faggot.

15935687? ago

DailyCrusader? Stop.

15935943? ago

Why do you guys hate Daily Crusader so much? Really makes me think...

16054465? ago

To me they're just about on par with beforeitsnews.com or even whatreallyhappened.com. We can do better. Try these sources: http://catalogingthedeclineofthewest.tumblr.com/sources

15936022? ago

lol skepticism about the source 'makes you think'

thinking didn't happen before that, eh?

15936046? ago

I've been thinking about whether DC is mossad, or Muslim Brotherhod... can't decide. Any opinion?

15935703? ago

found the censorshill

16054487? ago

I'm not a censorhill. Simply cautious about sources. Try these: http://catalogingthedeclineofthewest.tumblr.com/sources

15936026? ago

found the disinfo spam fag

15936058? ago


says the guy who can't decide if DC is run by a jew or a Muslim LMAO

15936075? ago

you're fully committed to this shit submission..

aren't you, faggot?

15936089? ago

why do jews always think about feces, anal sex, and gay faggotry?

15936330? ago

how did you infer those things about insults that clearly target YOU ?




15935729? ago

Read with discernment. That's what I meant. Not everything on the internet is fact.

15935748? ago

Obviously, CNN has a website lol

15935799? ago

A bunch of faggots come here and push that fake site as much as boomers push whatdoesitmean.com You people are pathetic sheep who believe anything that makes you feel better inside

15935856? ago

awwww what's got your panties in a bunch Moshe?

15936183? ago

No, I just like to call out LARPing faggots like you. I bet you love to suck the blood of newly sliced baby dicks, dont you?

15935905? ago

Talk about the pot calling the kettle nigger.

15936000? ago

Racist jews D&C to avoid all races hating jews specifically... doesn't work anymore. All races hate jews

15935614? ago


15935585? ago

that Dr. Avi Ben-Abraham guy is fucking WEIRD as fuck

15939362? ago

Considering all of his work is "classified under national security protection" and has been for years.

15935570? ago

this... makes a lot of sense when you consider only rabid leftist companies use H1B to begin with...

15936329? ago

That's simply not true, many many companies with little or no political or right wing leaning use h1bs

15938840? ago


15963759? ago

Life experience, go to basic over the counter drug manufacturing companies, maybe have 100-200 employees they use them. Think CVS brand Aspirin.