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15895082? ago

Muslim Brotherhood runs the daily crusader.

Islam the religion of peace and love. Allah married a 6 year old and is worshipped?

15895271? ago

I thought Daily Crusader was run by a jew? which is it?

15895443? ago

Daily Crusader = Islamic Brotherhood. Daily Crusader is the enemy.

That said you twisted hateful evil fuck crawl back to the swamp from which you came.

15898134? ago

muslims aren't the enemy, u kikes are, the goyims know btw

15898823? ago

No you are the enemy. You evil twisted goat fucking pig

15897082? ago

I thought it was a jew? Now its a Muslim?

15896725? ago

Calm down. You got proof? Site owner lives in Broward county, btw

15897667? ago

So does Sgt. Patten, any chance they're connected? Because DC is clearly doing God's work

15898948? ago

You are missing something important. Daily crusader is bullshit