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15881309? ago

Seriously, do you people see the kind of crazy you're associating with here?

I know some of you are doing, "Oh this guy with the alien talk is crazy. I'm not crazy."

But you are just as gullible, buying into a whole cloth garbage conspiracy theory from 8chan that has zero basis in reality. It's 2019 and there's STILL nothing going on.

Use your brain

15881343? ago

Show us how. Not one decent argument on your part but you preach to use the brain. Fuck off loser

15881353? ago

Wake up, take a real red pill and realize you've been had.


15881378? ago

Oh, you're one of those "arrests or nothing is happening" guys. Yeah, you can fuck off cause you dont understand shit of what's going on. Its not 2016 fuckface