15881309? ago

Seriously, do you people see the kind of crazy you're associating with here?

I know some of you are doing, "Oh this guy with the alien talk is crazy. I'm not crazy."

But you are just as gullible, buying into a whole cloth garbage conspiracy theory from 8chan that has zero basis in reality. It's 2019 and there's STILL nothing going on.

Use your brain

15881343? ago

Show us how. Not one decent argument on your part but you preach to use the brain. Fuck off loser

15881353? ago

Wake up, take a real red pill and realize you've been had.

LINK: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2946547

15881378? ago

Oh, you're one of those "arrests or nothing is happening" guys. Yeah, you can fuck off cause you dont understand shit of what's going on. Its not 2016 fuckface

15880160? ago

My man. Go outside and get some fresh air. You need it.

15880603? ago

Nothing constructive to add but you are here none the less. you may be the definition of dead weight in an emergency.

15879524? ago

We are not alone.

Spot on anon

15878161? ago

LMFAO Everyone is accusing everyone else of being a shill. Absolutely hilarious shit right here

15877907? ago

I was going through the earlier drops and was looking into anything that was in brackets [] in older drops. Some of them have hidden messages in the overall text. For example if you look at all text in the [] brackets in post 128 it comes out as "CIA is here. Pray". I have seen the same with () brackets on another. It might pay to go through and look for those hidden messages in the overall text.

15877057? ago

I cannot say you're wrong, but world means planet, moon, whatever. I have never heard it described as the entire universe. Not sure where you're getting this. Maybe I'm a bit daft.

15876400? ago

Is this literally turning into a space cult?

15876471? ago

Here are some rules we all follow:

Do NOT engage shills. Do NOT reply to shills Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns" Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES. Do NOT reply to shills. Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts

Thanks for reminding me to post this shill.

15876530? ago

I'm a shill because I don't believe in extra dimensional species?

15876966? ago

Yes, why are you here? Q would have been caught so easily or shut down without some help. DO you think we're alone here on little earth? You posting is being a shill. You reading and learning is not. Why the need to post o a topic that does not concern you? You see why you were called out?

15877091? ago

Cause this place is like a zoo for crazy people. Why would Q be caught? He's just someone making shit up on the internet. That isn't illegal. He's not doe anything more that alex jones, david ike or any other conspiracy theorist that would get him locked up or shut down. Again believing that there statistically is life somewhere else in the universe is very different than believing in an interdimensional religious cult.

I just like talking about this shit on the internet because I got nothing better to do. Some people use twitter and instagram, I do this.

15877485? ago

Theres that word cult again and only shills label and project. Nice try AGAIN. See you around cunt

15877579? ago

You can be upset if you want, but read the comments in this thread and tell me it doesn't sound like it comes out of a heavens gate video.

"ET" = Rephaim & Nephilim. They eat people. They aren't your friends trying to help you, and if you cling to that notion it will get you into trouble someday, guaranteed. Be VERY careful who you trust. The Nephilim are fallen angels. The Rephaim are their hybrid offspring. Demons are the disembodied spirits of dead hybrids. They are all part of the army of Satan. The Satanists SERVE the Nephilim and Satan. You gotta get this right or you will have the most important part of this deception completely backwards. The most massive deceptions in the WORLD exist to hide the working and existence of the Nephilim.

This is undeniably culty.

15878189? ago

We don't represent any one thought or post which is why you are branding entire groups because of a few posts. What if the DS make those posts and then use that to label the group? Do you see where you fall on that spectrum? I'm not upset. I think for myself and that stuff may be there to slide the forum but it doesn't take away from legitimate discussion.

15878143? ago

isn't it hilarious that the only thing they can do is call people shills when you rightly ridicule their community? Its like they have no other defense and deep down I'm starting to think they know they are being conned but when you have dedicated a year of your life to a for profit larp its hard to admit you were wrong.

15876622? ago

No, you're a shill for the manner in which you asked the question. It reeks of obvious bait and has absolutely no fucking effort put into it. You want to question Extra Terrestrial species, by all means, feel free. But if you mean to tell me you doubt the presence of other dimensions, I'm sorry but that requires me to call you a shill. How you can be on these boards and somehow be THAT ignorant of Quantum Physics is beyond me. We're on the cutting edge of research and understanding our physical universe. That includes the understanding that OBVIOUSLY there are higher and lower dimensions. That's not even up for debate anymore, it's Settled science.

You'll have to forgive my tone, as again, you are acting like a royal cunt but are showing absolutely no reason for me to give you anything less. People like you are a dime a dozen, you expect to be treated like Hot Shit but refuse to offer up even the most basic level of respect in communication.

This may come as a shock to you, but feelings do in fact matter. Your feelings determine your overall mental, physical and spiritual health. Cancer is a result of pent up anger particularly. It would behoove you to take a step back, take in a deep breath and remember there are people behind the keyboard who can offer you information should you seek to interact with them. But, how you choose to interact with them WHOLLY DICTATES how they interact with you in kind.

TL;DR, be more polite, it will get you much further in this and any other "Dimension" To which you profess doubt for.

15876792? ago

How you can be on these boards and somehow be THAT ignorant of Quantum Physics is beyond me

Really? You think anyone here is literate of quantum physics?

When you say shill do you mean anyone that disagrees with you or literally people that are payed to argue with you?

Believing that there is other dimension is very different that turning an government conspiracy into an inter dimensional space cult when things don't go how q says they're going to. This is silly.

15876092? ago

There is more good than evil. Positive beings are helping us, but we also have to help ourselves first and foremost. Free will is the key here.

15876174? ago

Which is why the shills should never bother you. They "freely" choose to dismiss, project, and muddy people's thoughts and realizations instead of working with words and ideas. They SHAME and SHAME. That is their ONLY weapon; shame. But it doesn't work anymore so they are freaking out. To those shills among us reading: free will. You can do it.

15875507? ago

I’ve always been intrigued with the unknown & I’ve watched many videos (decades) of different possibilities- including Wilcox & Goode. When Q said something to the effect of, “ You won’t believe who you’re talking to.”, my 1st thought was Trump (Which definitely made me happy, but that wouldn’t have blown my mind - impression I got from Q). Tried to imagine what would “blow my mind”. I won’t be disappointed if I’m simply too difficult to shock, but I’ve wondered if it could be an evolved light being, some good ETs or even Jesus. Certainly unlikely, but if you think in the realm of All Things Are Possible - Reach as high as I can get! (Any hater replies will be ignored. New Years Resolution: Reject All Hate!)

15876498? ago

I'm betting my small fortune on Quantum AI being behind Q. The level of cryptography behind the posting simply suggests a non human entity to remove the possibility of errors, which would ultimately ruin future communications, which are just inexplicably well planned out.

Not to mention, it would explain how the whole weight of the Deep State can't find one fat 400lbs sweaty nerd in a basement somewhere to stop him from making DC (((Panic)))

15874564? ago


15874266? ago

I think you are right on. Cory Goode and David Wilcock's new movie "Above Majestic" (available on Amazon, etc) talks exact about that: Earth Alliance and Galactic Federation (real, not sci-fi. Sci-fis are inspired by real things anyways). There are positive and negative ETs or gods. They are more evolved intelligent beings older than us humans. They exist in different frequency planes. I think the Cabal is allied with the negative ETs, such as Greys, Reptilians, Dracos, Insectoids, etc. But heck, GOD is above all of them. I believe Trump is advised by the Divine or Christo consciouness who outsmart all of the Illuminati Nephilim bastards

15874582? ago

I am beginning to believe exactly what you described. All that is here on earth is merely a representation in some form of what is out there from the good to the evil, from the commandments and God to the plight of the "individual" through temptation or sin. Very interesting plane to stand on. I think this may be a keystone to awakening for many because NOTHING changes - all the lessons learned here are consistent throughout the universe - just the players are different at different levels of consciousness and physical dimension.

15874060? ago

I think this is a shill post meant to discredit the movement myself.

15874252? ago

Typical shill doesn't say why but just discredits it. Why? Cause you're not paid to be smart, you are just paid to post. BINGO!

15874035? ago

All the above (and below... ;-) ) and stir in a little 'time travel' whatever? Timelines concept is almost outside of my box, and their manipulation is yet a further step. I tried to mend a clock once. Failed. Threw it out and got a new one. Timelines are not like that I would guess.... A bit like when a big pet dog eats something and then breaks wind.... if you are stuck in the same room...?

15873268? ago

Valerian confirmed.

Now get back to me when a happening happens.

15873062? ago

There is a big hole in your theory. "you cannot possibly imagine the size of this". We've been knowing and imaging aliens for a very long time. It's bigger than that. Aliens wouldn't put "99% of people in the hospital". Just my thoughts.

15874282? ago

OP Here, I agree. We agree. But what about the masses, which is why we need to disseminate this train of thought through the connections we have, to make it a plausibility in their minds.

15877098? ago

YES! THIS ^^^ Our job is to help get this information into the collective consciousness, by way of the "100th monkey effect" Only the most grizzled of tin-foil-hats would've been able to talk about ANYTHING on this board just a few short years ago, yet today we have LOTS of former normies among us, we can ALMOST start talking Q in public,... almost. IT'S Habbening already, nothing can stop what is coming, nothing... "The GREAT Awakening" (of Humanity's hive mind)! Buckle up buttercups its about to get really smart around here...

15874064? ago

I don't know about that. If they are like those portrayed in "Independence Day", that giant death ray could put a lot of people in the hospital for sure.

15873909? ago

Aliens would only put like 30% of people in the hospital.

15876255? ago

What about if we were a designed slave/ harvested race?

15879404? ago

Nephilim ran the planet- we were food and slaves to them- they maybe did not design us, but they bred and controlled us. Used a system of high priests and fear and blood to control us. Politicians are just the new high priests of the day. They lead us to slaughter. After the flood event, Younger dryas, most Nephilim perished or went underground (Antártica) we meantime crawled back out of the mud and rebuilt everything while they waited to control it all again!!! They came back into control slowly and quietly using money, wars, fear and religion! All our religions based on sacrifices and blood- come from memories of worshiping these liars! They were never gods. They are Nephilim at top of the Illuminati and you could call them demons, the devil, whatever you want but prayer messes with them because we can block them from our minds with prayer. That is why Q says to pray together! More than one person praying is key!

15876414? ago

I mean, we were designed. Sloppily at that. Chromosome #2 is proof enough of that.

15873689? ago

In short, there exists nothing that is not corrupted. Think about that.

15872867? ago

Bluebeam? Firesign?

15872837? ago

Right up there with Qpost 2222 My favorite. Interesting that you mentioned the WORLD. I always liked to call the aliens a general term of "The Galactics". Meaning anything out there that can get off its own planet and run around as it pleases. I used to jokingly say that the reason we never see anything from aliens in space is because we are quarantined. Essentially we are like a planetary version of North Korea. What do North Koreans living in a remote village in the mountains somewhere know about what is going on on the rest of the planet? Not much (until just recently maybe). My point is that we are actively being sheltered, cloistered, hidden, jailed. Also I think we have been in first contact openly since the beginning of the 20th century. Catch is our leaders fucked it up and so did the Galactics. They completely underestimated the depths of treachery and terrible secret control that has been wielded on this planet. They found out when the tech that we got was used to make weapons and suppress us and at the same time enslave us and hold us hostage (From the Galactic point of view).

This explains the sightings but lack of real regular landings. It explains some of our quick tech advancements then obvious tech plateaus such as internal combustion engines still being used while the electronic and communications tech advanced WILDLY. Our energy tech is the same way. No advancement. Burning dead plants like a cave man for energy. Very likely there are better methods out there but only the oldest and worst and most dangerous and expensive of them are used (fission reactors) when way better things are suppressed like Liquid Salt Thorium Reactors (?LFTR?) and now Lockheed is saying they have miniaturized FUSION reactors ready to go in a year yet they haven't even achieved controllable fusion at ANY SCALE with a net positive energy output right? Not to mention ZPE and LENR and godknowswhatelse.

Anyway Excellent post OP and I encourage YOU and likeminded folks to come here and help us beat-back the Grier and Gaia shills https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4320475.html This is the newest "Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs" thread on Qresearch. It appears that there are only 3-4 real researchers there, maybe a few more, but we could use more people like OP and anyone else here who liked this post and agrees with its message. Cheers and happy Alien hunting!

15874320? ago

OP here. Thanks for the guidance. I will check it out. Your thoughts blend well with my general concept. The details don't matter as long as the context is consistent. I think some of the other posts on here are getting caught up with details. It takes time. Unfortunately.

15872539? ago

terrible, just plain terrible. Is Trump in charge? Yes? Does he control the Guns? Yes? Badges? Yes? then arrests should have happened. They haven't? We need to know why. Trusting the plan is the same as listening to people tell you about Jesus...trust us.

We are getting FUCKED...off the cliff Q sheep go

15874334? ago

Nothing to contribute. Nothing from you bots (or paid shill which is not different except that you may have a heartbeat)

15874932? ago

similar to when liberals call red team people racists....echo,echo,echo...or crickets anyone?

Your ideas suck and you are a zealot

15872217? ago

Guys if you really wanna think outside the box, the way to do it is to evolve to the next phase of your awakening. Q was and still is the necessary electric shock that was needed to get Americans out of their zombie mental state. So now what? Well, it's time to act like Americans. Explore, discover, innovate, and enterprise. Build new things, businesses, economies. Commit to your holy calling. Everyone has their own holy calling, and I'm sure many of you know that deep down. It's time to emerge from the cave that you navigated with the candle we call Q, and take action in the daylight.

15874342? ago

Explore, discover, innovate, and enterprise. Build new things, businesses, economies THIS THIS THIS

15872111? ago

lol another hyper religious tardo. this shit is always amusing.

15874352? ago

Not at all. But you are just another cunt shill

15874975? ago

incorrect. i just dont get into the whole ETs demons and angels BS

15872016? ago

When "they" run out of FFs or 9/11s to shock our conscience, they will use ET or the return of Christ. Those that are gullible or those who do not know their Bible will be lead astray. Know prophecy like the back of your hand, do not be deceived.

Luke 27:33 People will tell you, 'Look, there He is,' or 'Here He is.' Do not go out or chase after them.

Rev 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

Treasury of Scripture

And he said, Take heed that you be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draws near: go you not therefore after them.

15874377? ago

Ever since Molesta Podesta started pushing for "disclosure" I have been very weary of any "alien" or God they will disclose. The two can't be on the same side of the equation. In addition, isn't there something about a false God appearing somewhere in the books?

15879538? ago

Podesta is obsessed with ET/UFO- he is close to knowing something without really knowing. He does not get it, but actually thinks the Nephilim he serves are aliens. But he has likely never seen them, unlike Hillary and the freak marina abromovic, soros...they have likely laid eyes on the creatures. Hence they serve like drones. Frankly if they ushered any of us into a room or if you were born and bred serving them tall giants with elongated heads, able to creep into your mind...you would fall all their feet and tremble in fear!!!

15876427? ago

If you allow one to taint all, you are throwing out the babe with the bathwater.

15873658? ago

May I condense and post this?

15871911? ago

Hahahahaha! You stupid larping faggots are now saying Q is a God damned alien!!!!!

15874386? ago

No one said that but you did show how pea-brained you really are. Do your friends know?

15875361? ago

Do your friends know that you’re in a kike ran cult?

15871858? ago

You know, it used to be believed that the planets were the sun's infinite source of energy. The planet nearest the sun would be pulled into the sun as all the planets gradually move closer.

In theory, mankind could be planet jumpers so to speak. Which would explain ancient history that appears to have some sort of knowledge of space ships or aliens. Maybe we are the aliens.

This would also explain much of the stuff Q says. If you had the knowing and were in charge of mankind's survival, what would you do, how would you handle it?

Seed vaults, gathering of all species of DNA, secrecy to insure success of a plan. Would you put all your eggs in on basket or spread them out for different scenarios? Underground cities, seed vaults, space station, etc.?

If you could only save a percentage of the population, what would you do? Create confusion, chaos, illusion.

WWG1WGA.... Exactly where are we going?

15876258? ago

but we don't know, where we've been

15871839? ago

Good post OP. You're on target.

The controlling entities have been all but eradicated from the earthly realm. Few remain and have lost most of their powers. This information is not hard to find these days if you do some searching. The 12/21/12 date heralded the onset of this culling.

When Q says "We are in control", Q is speaking of the benevolent (light) entities eradicating the controlling (dark) entities. Q as we generally understand as "10 or less people, mostly military intelligence", but the forces that "Q" is working with are these benevolent entities and it is these entities that are "in control" so to speak.

What remains now are the human beings in places of power doing everything they can to maintain the previously established control. They are stubborn, entrenched and unwilling to capitulate.

As such, I would say that the "Q Group" and POTUS are "in control" of the Executive branch only at this time. However, the beings/entities of light are now "in control" of the global spiritual realms and are gradually breaking down the matrix (veils) long held in place by the entities that held sway for many tens of millennia.

As I understand things, these entities are only allowed to remove the malevolent entities, but not directly interfere with "human affairs", ala government, media, religion, etc. The "prime directive" of "non-interference" still remains in place, and human free will must still be honored.

Put simply, it's still up to each and every one of us to "be the change we want to see in the world".

As I presently understand things, going forward, efforts to establish new ways of living as free, open, loving beings and societies will not be destroyed/corrupted as has historically been the case for millennia (only ashrams, monasteries, hermitages, etc. were permitted to exist).

Net-Net - The group posting as Q may indeed by "Less than 10, mostly military intelligence operatives", but the forces working behind the scenes with Q are those "in control" and calling all the shots. This may explain why dates/times, certain promises, etc. made by Q have not come to fruition.

The dynamic spiritual probabilities are in a constant state of flux and are dependent on the prevailing collective consciousness (asleep, awake). There is no such thing as "the future" in reality. There is only and ever here and now.

Surely, any number of items Q has revealed would help to shift the balance in consciousness, but apparently it has been determined that such revelations are still either too big a shock to the masses, and/or, the human counterparts still remaining in positions of power would be capable of wreaking enough havoc on humanity through whatever contingencies that still remain in place.

15876242? ago

"We have assumed control" -- Rush

15874490? ago

Despite all the shilling on VOAT by others, and all the efforts you must have put forth in the past, I want to thank you for your post and for not giving up in the past. This is brilliantly explained with a fluidity indicative of years of research and thought. We seem to have some brilliant minds on here and I truly hope they do not give up in helping everyone walk through their paths of realization. God bless you.

15875982? ago

Thank you for your kind words OP. Really, thank you. I rarely post. I look for small windows of opportunity to add to topics that are "on target".

Interestingly, I did plan to "give up" on this movement only days ago. My interest has waned regarding "Q drops", although I remain steadfast in my desire to participate in the "great awakening", regardless of what role Q plays.

Keep sharing your wisdom my friend. Your post gives me much hope for a bright and glorious future!


15876556? ago

Out of curiosity, why "give up" on the movement? The drops I can understand, there isn't really much point at this point. You're either certain of your polarity or you're not. And if you're certain, then you know what's coming and there's no reason to fear. Just learning some patience.

Which brings me back to the question, the movement needs more people like you and I offering our insight, offering the fertile land and water and seeds for those with Eyes to See and Ears to Listen. Is there a place with more bountiful minds seeking than this movement?

15877044? ago

I guess I could have phrased that a bit better. I just meant giving up on keeping regular tabs on Q posts and visiting this board. There was a time when I was probably spending 2-4 hours a day on the CBTS_Stream and then GA boards on Reddit. By the time of the Reddit censorship and moving here to Voat I was probably down to 1-2 hours a day. Like many, I've grown discouraged with the lack of tangible progress and action. Lately, I'm probably looking in two or three times a week for 30-60 minutes.

And to be clear I'm 100% onboard with the overarching "Great Awakening" movement and actively looking for an arena that best suits my abilities to devote my full attention to. The Q/POTUS piece is just a teeny, tiny part of it. My focus is entirely around the spiritual aspect.

Anyway, I'll continue to look in and chime in when appropriate. FWIW, you've inspired me to write a post I've held back on for quite some time but plan to write later this week. It will either cause a few interesting fireworks or be largely ignored. It will be my first "original post" on QRV.

Keep on shining your light and sharing your wisdom my friend.


15871812? ago

"World" generally means Earth, not the universe.

15877111? ago

World Define:

  1. the earth, together with all of its countries and peoples.

  2. a particular region or group of countries.

  3. human and social interaction.

  4. another planet like the earth.

Those are the 4 main normie definition of the word World. But when you use the whole context, OP is right, and must expand thinking to see what the real meaning is. Open your mind, and suspend disbelief, and let future prove past.

15880064? ago

Opening your mind and ignoring the actual definitions of words are different things.

15881728? ago

I've TOLD you the actual definitions. Its you who choose to define World as Earth. World has MORE definition than just Earth, as I've stated.

15885816? ago

You have, yes, and none of them are "universe".

15891834? ago

You are correct. Those are normie definitions as I've stated. Pay particular attention to definition 2, which is very interesting. A particular region.

Can region be stuff you can't see, but exist too? Do you know what happens when you sleep? Where does your mind go? How about the feeling of goose bumps? Do you even know what that is? How about the middle of Earth, do you know what's even there?

There's so many things you don't know, and even science can't explain. So how do you know if stuff exist that you can't see? Is it possible?

15892388? ago

I'm not saying the theory isn't true. I'm saying the argument is flawed. And that's because the "normie definitions" are, apart from slang used by particular communities, the definitions. This argument is akin to SJWs saying you can't be racist against whites because, they claim, "racism" means something to them that it doesn't to the rest of the world.

15893118? ago

The argument is not flawed. I've stated that region can mean many things, depending on what the person is referring to.

15895760? ago

A word can mean multiple things in different contexts, but when words are used they are generally used in a single, specific context as with the dictionary definition.

15909636? ago

Yes, generally. We're talking about Q here

15874494? ago

Think outside the box please. Just try it.

15875148? ago

There's nothing wrong with thinking outside the box, but justifying it by incorrect interpretations of words isn't rational.

15876399? ago

My nigger, study up on "English" and learn how retarded a language it is. Words have multiple possible interpretations. Don't give me that "Muh rational thinking" bullshit either. You're a fucking human, none of us can rationalize our way out of a wet paper bag in the wrong circumstances. Don't ring that bell of perfection thinking you're so hot. It makes you stink just as much.

15876734? ago

Words have multiple possible interpretations

Of course, but no use of "world" is synonymous with "universe".

Don't ring that bell of perfection thinking you're so hot. It makes you stink just as much.

I'm just pointing out that you're using a word incorrectly in order to validate a theory.

15873944? ago

World, 'my World', also means my whole experience, my perception, my environment etc. Like putting on the 'They Live' glasses?

15874013? ago

"World" is used a number of ways, true.

15873641? ago

That is correct. There are other words for other worlds.

15876233? ago

Like other worldly.

15871694? ago

I cant have God and Aliens be in the same train of thought. Aliens in the Bible were fallen angels, not some super cool blue knobs from planet zeta beta 13. Not saying what i believe just pointing out Christianity/Judaism have a different way of explaining who the sky gods were, and anyone who tells u some alien mysticm is just giving you paganism with a sci fi twist. Prove me wrong

15876459? ago

Why should I try to prove a blind stumbling fool wrong? You aren't interested in a conversation, you're seeking a scuffle.

15878170? ago

Sorry I realize OP wrote hes not very religious so let me change my tone. I keep seeing all this corey goode stuff and there is less evidence and more fantasy there, as opposed to the Bible (has historical/mathematical/scientific accuracies at least), that describes any intelligent beings from above as what they are, Angels(good and bad). I guess im encouraging OP to read the bible because I was into the alien stuff before I came across Gen Ch6 (and some book of enoch for extra credit only) the historical need for the alien/hollow earth story seems like a great cover for what really goes above/below. Open for someone to say Im making a poor connection...

15876228? ago

blue sky angel fought by coffee-cup-holding shorty

15873095? ago

Gee, the angels and God are Aliens. Think they must all be evil then.

15871668? ago

Have you heard of the Universal Protection Unit? If not check out the Truth, Honor and Integrity show by Thomas Williams. He's also on MeWe and he has a website. I usually listen to his show on YT. But I think you an listen via www.spreaker.com as well. Check it out!! Well worth it. He gives a lot of inside on what Q/Trump is really up against and on who are Trump allies >>>>Manna World Holding Trust

15871488? ago

Here is a presentation from the 1990s by a top secret gov't geologist. He even mentions that there are good and bad aliens. IMO he is being serious and truthful. https://youtu.be/bnSK9VNrPLI To archive offline any YT video put "ss" between "www." and "youtube" in the URL, then use the free link to open in browser => right click to DL

15876215? ago

"gen" works there as well

15876207? ago

angels and demons

15876240? ago


15871437? ago

ABOVE MAJESTIC. <--- rent and watch. Mentions Q and the "alliance" that is pushing for full disclosure.

15874516? ago

But this strikes me as dangerous. We are too small to see the big plays. Why would we risk falling for the bad guys. Just apprehensive about any human led "disclosure"

15885051? ago

I respect apprehensiveness.

15876499? ago

Ya dude, but this is Universal, so there has to be SOME way those more awake can get a clue about what's going on by being in tune with Real reality. Sure they COULD be a fake psy-op (Corey and David) but if they are they have got to be THE FINAL barrier to actually enlightenment. No one alive today (on the surface of Earth anyway) has ANY clue what it'll be like when our "hive mind" truly gets awake. Like how quickly will your wife find out that stripped moo-moo really DOES make her look fat, or will how many kids Killary has eaten be the 1st thing we see/hear? We don't know, not even "the elite" know, because they don't have our "hive mind" either. Word on the streets is the "ruling bloodlines" might have their OWN hive mind, but if they do it's NOT ours, and it's not as "big". But that would explain how they have managed to stay "one step ahead" of the rest of us, and why getting awake is the last thing they can ever let us have. (((they))) have a hive mind that's not even 1% the size of Humanities' potential! That's what my intuition keeps leading me back to anyway.

15876986? ago

Well put

15876377? ago

How do you know you're human? How do you know I am? How do I know I'm human? What if I'm a several billion year old starseed from some far off quadrant of the Universe, here to help during this tumultuous time, but I'm also human? What then? See how you're being myopic whilst claiming to be open?

15877015? ago

Wasn't being myopic, was just asking a question because I have real fears of people swarming to beings with ill intent. If you were here to help you wouldn't have responded like a cunt.

15871366? ago

Good post

15871320? ago

*For the weapons of our warfare are not those of the world. Instead, they have the power of God to demolish fortresses. We tear down arguments *

2 Corinthians 10:4

15871182? ago

Before we go interstellar, would be nice to see Hillary and Comey getting comfy on death row. Too much fluff, not enough stuff happening.

15881318? ago

Nice try. You're surrounded by literally fucking crazy people in this garbage conspiracy theory.

15871091? ago

Or it could mean it is the fight for all human kind.

It is not an American fight it is the worlds fight

15876194? ago

Fight for America vs. Fight for humanity ...still pretty mind blowing if you're just waking up.

15871170? ago

Sooooo, "you cant possibly imagine" refers to that??? You're thinking small. I CAN possibly imagine what you wrote and its not a stretch and obvious. What Q was referring to is BIGGER than all that. Period.

15878413? ago

No, "you can't possibly imagine" maybe just refers to the depth and breadth of what is involved is beyond most people's imagination. It doesn't mean he's talking about extraterrestrials!!

15879180? ago

You should go plow a field or look at some pretty trees if you think that doesn't exist. Read what Tesla said about science and observation and repost when you are ready. Otherwise, why post if you have nothing of essence to contribute? Oh, I forgot, you're important. But there are no extraterrestrial or dimensional beings. Just you. Because you are important.

15871056? ago

"ET" = Rephaim & Nephilim. They eat people. They aren't your friends trying to help you, and if you cling to that notion it will get you into trouble someday, guaranteed. Be VERY careful who you trust. The Nephilim are fallen angels. The Rephaim are their hybrid offspring. Demons are the disembodied spirits of dead hybrids. They are all part of the army of Satan. The Satanists SERVE the Nephilim and Satan. You gotta get this right or you will have the most important part of this deception completely ass-backwards. The most massive deceptions in the WORLD exist to hide the working and existence of the Nephilim.

15918282? ago

Actually I need to correct you on this because you are little off. Nephilim are the progeny of the watchers (fallen angels, annunaki, pagan gods etc) There are stories of them all over the world not just the biblical lands, some examples are Hercules, Perseus, Gilgamesh, Goliath, the red haired six finger giants of American Indian folklore, "heroes of old, the men of renown" etc.

As for your belief that the nephilim persist as ghosts instead as being utterly destroyed as promised as punishment to the watchers for their sins, this goes against the bible and at least the apocrypha I have read. The "Ghosts" are the same beings (fallen angels) and are limited in number playing roles to deceive people about the true biblical message about death that mainstream Christianity have got wrong.

And (that) previously you shall have seen the destruction of your beloved sons and ye shall have no pleasure in them, but they shall fall before 7) you by the sword. And your petition on their behalf shall not be granted, nor yet on your own: even though you weep and pray and speak all the words contained in the writing which I have 8) written.

8 Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. And the whole earth has been corrupted 9 through the works that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin.' And to Gabriel said the Lord: 'Proceed against the bastards and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication: and destroy [the children of fornication and] the children of the Watchers from amongst men [and cause them to go forth]: send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in 10 battle: for length of days shall they not have. And no request that they (i.e. their fathers) make of thee shall be granted unto their fathers on their behalf; for they hope to live an eternal life, and 11 that each one of them will live five hundred years.'

And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is 13 for ever and ever is consummated. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: and 14 to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever. And whosoever shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth be bound together with them to the end of all 15 generations. And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers,

15934714? ago

The Book of Enoch says that demons (not ghosts) are the souls (scripture calls them disembodied) of deceased offspring of the Nephilim. The souls of the Rephaim.

I do not believe that Nephilim persist as "ghosts". There are no ghosts per se - only demons. And they do not come from Nephilim. Nephilim are NOT disembodied spirits, they are the fallen angels. The offspring is called Rephaim.

The Nephilim that mated with women (and messed with other life forms as well) are bound in everlasting chains according to scripture. But not ALL of the fallen 1/3 erred in this way, so plenty are left unbound.

I've wondered if that were the entire reason for what people have taken to calling "alien grays". New hybrids made to contain the disembodied demons.

15935848? ago

That is not what the book says at all part of the punishment of the fallen was to watch the destruction of their progeny. Not to be able to hang out with them for thousands of years.

15941097? ago

Yes, they saw their offspring destroyed but the bible does say that this interference with mankind continued AFTER the flood. The Watchers were the fallen angels - the nephilim.

The Rephaim were different - hybrid life forms. If a cow mates with a bull, there is no "ghost" or "spirit". If an ANGEL hybridizes flesh of any sort, something does exist that is no longer animal but descended from a spirit being. That is why the hybrids - ALL OF THEM, not just the giants - became upon death, earthbound disembodied spirits. And yes, that IS in the Book of Enoch.

15962099? ago

Whatever ... believe the crap you have been told to believe and be a good little pagan in Christian clothing. Or dig deeper into the original language of the texts ! Do some research on the pagan origins of Hell, Afterlife, Ghosts and why Christians are warned against them, etc.




Note: I just speed read thru the articles ... just look at the beliefs of the pagan religions and compare with the mainstream Christian beliefs.

Nephilim = Progeny of the watchers (Giants)

beneha’elohim = Fallen angels (sons/angels of God)

“The children of the supernatural beings who had married these women became famous heroes and warriors. They were called Nephilim and lived on the earth at that time and even later.” Gen 6:4

Your belief in rephaim, disembodied spirits etc is not bibical. In fact your beliefs are backward if a cow and a bull mate they produce a living soul. Ghost and spirits are beings that reside in a higher dimension aka the fallen angels, no being born into a 3rd dimensional existence (even the nephalim) can transcend without Gods intervention (Elijah, Enoch). The belief of an afterlife resided by spirits of dead material beings is pagan eg. hel, Hades, Gehenna, unlike the bible which claims a resurrection, and a lake of fire place of torment for the fallen angels, and instant destruction of souls.

If the Nephilim were able to as you claim due to their genes transcend to other dimensions then the flood was not a judgment upon them or a punishment upon their parents at all as they as you claimed escaped punishment decreed from God himself. Also do some research on the Sumerian flood account to see how a few nephilim escaped and showed up latter in the book of numbers 13ish (12 spies into Canaan)!

15993278? ago

No, the flood destroyed ALL of the then-living progeny. The Nephilim who had transgressed saw their destruction but they cannot BE killed by a flood. They were bound. But there are more fallen angels. Not all of them transgressed in this way at that time. So now we have MORE fallen angels creating hybrids. Enter greys, and who knows what else. The only disembodied spirits are from hybrids of fallen angels and earthly flesh - and these are demons. No ghosts of 100% people, no ghosts of 100% animals. Only the disembodied spirits of the hybrids, including the Rephaim, which it would appear are earthbound upon physical death.

Jude 6:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

Interesting that it's 6:6

And from the Book of Enoch:

Chapter 15: 8-12

And now the giants, who have been begotten from body and flesh, will be called evil spirits on earth, and their dwelling-places will be upon the earth.

9 Evil spirits proceed from their bodies; because they are created from above, their beginning and first basis being from the holy watchers, they will be evil spirits upon the earth, and will be called evil spirits.

10 But the spirits of heaven have their dwelling-places in heaven, and the spirits of the earth, who were born on the earth, have their dwelling-places on earth.

11 And the spirits of the giants, who cast themselves upon the clouds, will be destroyed and fall, and will battle and cause destruction on the earth, and do evil; they will take no kind of food, nor will they become thirsty, and they will be invisible.

12 And these spirits will not (?) rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they have proceeded from them, in the days of murder and destruction.

15996531? ago

Read a translation of the Sumerian flood account, and the epic of Gilgamesh, to find out how wrong you are {note: who survived to write the account if only Noah and his family survived} a small remnant of the corrupted bloodline survived and either this or "newer fallen angels" (the bible does back up that there were more than the first fallen is the explanation of how they returned. Spread out over the world not just in Canaan but across the seas dig into Mayan culture blood sacrifices Cyclopean walls (this architecture can be found worldwide), pyramids, etc

The Bible states that the disobedient angels are now “spirits in prison,” having been ‘thrown into Tartarus’ and “reserved with {eternal bonds} under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.” This seems to indicate that they are greatly restricted, unable again to materialize as they did prior to the Flood.​—1Pe 3:19; 2Pe 2:4; Jude 6. Yet just because they cannot materialize into human form does not mean they cannot materialize into a ghost like figure of a dead human or a sexless humanoid "alien, or other type of creature from folklore"

Is there such a thing as ghosts? The answer to this question depends on what precisely is meant by the term “ghosts.” If the term means “spirit beings,” the answer is a qualified “yes.” If the term means “spirits of people who have died,” even nephilim the answer is “no.” The Bible makes it abundantly clear that there are spirit beings, both good and evil. But the Bible negates the idea that the spirits of deceased human/nephilim beings can remain on earth and “haunt” the living.

You are clearly misunderstanding the passages and using them to validate your beliefs, stop reading into the scriptures use cross-referencing instead :

Evil spirits proceed from their bodies; {because they are created from above}, their beginning and first basis being from the holy watchers, they will be evil spirits upon the earth, and will be called evil spirits. <--- this is talking about the fallen angels or watchers not the nephilim have put the clues in {}.

But the spirits of heaven have their dwelling-places in heaven, and the spirits of the earth, who were born on the earth, have their dwelling-places on earth. <--- this basically says those born on the earth cannot become spirit beings contrary to your beliefs !

let's look at another passage to clear up this Ecc 3: 18-22 I said to myself, “As for the sons of men, God tests them so that they may see for themselves that they are but beasts.” For the fates of both men and beasts are the same: As one dies, so dies the other—they all have the same breath.a Man has no advantage over the animals, since everything is futile. All go to one place: All come from dust, and all return to dust. Who knows if the spirit of man rises upward and the spirit of the animal descends into the earth? I have seen that there is nothing better for a man than to enjoy his work, because that is his lot. For who can bring him to see what will come after him?

And the spirits of the giants, who cast themselves upon the clouds, will be destroyed and fall, and will battle and cause destruction on the earth, and do evil; they will take no kind of food, nor will they become thirsty, and they will be invisible. <-- the dead no longer eat or drink, as for being not seen anymore here is a passage that explains what the invisible part possibly means (invisible = not seen)

Job 7:9-10 “As the cloud disappears and vanishes away, so he who goes down to the grave does not come up. He shall never return to his house, Nor shall his place know him anymore."

Ephesians 6:11-12 "Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. {For we wrestle not against flesh and blood}, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." <--- Does this passage make sense, will it make more sense if i told you that Satan and his demons have portioned out the world into their own domains !

2 Corinthians 11:14-15 "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve."

15878330? ago

OR...it could just be referring to not being alone because other white hats in other countries are all working together towards the destruction of the DS.

I'm not saying you are definitely wrong, but it seems you are reaching a little here as what you are trying to "decode" could just be as simple as I stated above and is how I'm sure 99% of people will have read it.

I'm trying to read it your way, as I'd love to believe, but it seems somewhat of a stretch to me!

15873625? ago

This is the same conclusion as what I came to a couple years ago. Well put brother!

I learn core concepts pretty fast, and as far as I can tell from a decade long deep dive into ancient cultures, ancient alien, ufo, etc. is that there's friendlies out there, but they kinda keep to a "Prime Directive" attitude. Others don't Draco/Nephilim/Assholes From Space and so the source aka God allowed the Angels (higher dimensional beings) to step in.

There's a contagion and it needs to be corrected. Our planet got infected. Lucifer and his ilk were cast out for using their higher dimensional power/knowledge for their own gain. We happened to be where they landed.

Our mortal lives are a test to see if we're pure enough to be trusted as spirits to be allowed to ascend. The demons of this world are those who can't and won't atone for their sins.

We need to purge their influence to save as many people before the contagion and all affected just get erased. From my understanding in the Bible and the numerology crap there's a deadline. If we don't succeed, blip: gone. Those who passed are saved everyone else is gone. Sun explodes or something. I don't know.

You never know how little you know until you try to learn. And we know nothing lol

15876359? ago

It was to even the playing field - that's why the fallen angels created offspring with the potential to increase their (Satan's) army. 1/3 of the angels rebelled against God and fell. Hybrids & the eventual demon that exists upon the death of the hybrid body - part of the army of Satan & the Nephilim. The ancient Hebrew word for the hybrids was "Rephaim". Included the giants, the anakim (anunaki), the "titans", all of the old legends of weird creatures, and all of those very tall long-headed kings that popped up all over the world, building capless pyramids and instituting human sacrifice. Always the same, no matter where they go.

15874367? ago

Yep, I got the same conclusion from years of crazy research. Glad there are more people like me today who would be considered crazy or conspiracists by the public.

15875157? ago

"Hive Mind" ~ Q It IS habbening! Only most folks don't have a clue what "it" is! It's US, waking up, as a collective consciousness. No coincidences according to Q. The ET's all have a collective awake mind they can tap into made from the whole, accessible by the individual. aka "WWG1WGA". How would conspiracies put the 99% in the hospital, unless it's because our newly awakened collective mind is too distraught over how it's been treating ITSELF?? It's being called "The GREAT Awakening", what awakening in our future could be greater than US (surface Humans) becoming aware as an entire race?

15874469? ago

That moment when my wife realized I'm not nuts was priceless. She didn't sleep well for a week lol

15871711? ago

Damn u posted the same thing i tried to say :)

15875411? ago

"Hive mind" ~ Q. "You have more than you know" ~ Q Still believe in coincidences? "How many 'coincidences' before mathematically impossible?" ~ Q "Bigger than anyONE can imagine." ~ Q "WWG1WGA" ~ Q (Because, hive mind.) Don't worry, if you're not "on my wavelength" yet, ...you will be soon. Why? Because this is called "The GREAT Awakening" for a very good reason. The most 'awake' among us still only BARELY hear the collective, but soon everyone will hear it clear as day, all day long. Imagine the collective wisdom available to us THEN! It WILL be 'glorious' to say the least! What secrets will survive an awake "hive mind"? (NONE, not even your polite white lies to loved Ones!) See you on "the other side" Fren!

15871582? ago

Given the vastness of the universe, it only makes sense to me that there'd be both good and evil beings in it. While it's very, very important to be "VERY careful who you trust" (and I'm glad you mention it), I don't see how it'd be possible for all "ET's", meaning beings outside of Earth, as evil. There would certainly be some good, some neutral, some bad, and everything in between. Just my 2 cents.

15876461? ago

It is entirely possible that "space" is not what we have been told it is. Consider the vastness of space doesn't mean it is vast - it means there is a question there. Consider it. Who did we get all of our information from about the world and what surrounds it? From Deep State Satanists. Do they EVER tell the truth?

15873584? ago

Here is a thought from 2 Kings 6:17...And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. Up until that point they wer invisible, but Elijah knew they were there because he too was fighting a spiritual battle. Who was manning thos chariots? My guess is the good angels of God. We have imagined what angels based on some descriptions in Scripture, but what if they don't all look alike? What if they look like aliens? Godwould never expect us to fight this battle alone. The Scripture is replete with verses saying he would be with us or go before us.

15871153? ago

I can see that and agree. The bigger point here is that the same laws of good and evil exist OUT THERE just is more intense and nefarious ways. It is all universal, no matter what we call it.

15876613? ago

Oh yes, I most definitely agree. God's law is perfect. It cannot be got around or broken by any part of creation without a reckoning. Judgement is coming for our enemies.

15875888? ago

Right, "as above so below" was hijacked by satanists, but its related to "WWG1WGA". FRACTALS! The entire Uni-verse (one-song) is a giant fractal. One song, many facets, JUST like an awake "hive mind". The evil ones just focus on a different part of the fractal then the good ones, but we're both seeing the same things from different perspectives. Like 2 people viewing a cylinder from right angles. One sees a rectangle (from the side), one sees a circle (from the front), both are correct (alone), both are wrong (together), it's takes switching places before the whole truth can be seen. "You have more than you know" ~ Q.

15876133? ago

Aaaand this is why I love this board and all you REAL patriots

15876019? ago

blind men leading an elephant

15877922? ago

Ya and Humanity has been the elephant. 'We the People' have 99% of the available hive mind power on the Earth's surface, (((they))) have less than 1%. Very much like a tiny weak Human leading around a giant powerful elephant. Not gonna happen if the elephant really doesn't want it to... (((panic))) Imagine if your elephant suddenly became more intelligent than you, at least We won't NEED to squish (((them))). But,.... how "Humanely" we deal with (((them))) will determine how ET's deal with Us. Welcome to graduation day at the school of hard knox!

15870973? ago

I remember a Q post that mentioned the Black Forest. There was allegedly a UFO crash in the Black Forest in 1936, I believe.

15871009? ago


15870871? ago

I have been thinking the same thing, seems their are many of us on the same page.

15871001? ago

I think that THIS is the great awakening. Realizing that we are all bound universally by the same commandments and laws. The key point being is that we are still sinners if we enable others to sin. If we create conditions which lead to death lying cheating stealing, we are no better than the thief or the crook. I am guilty of being complacent and not being awake while the crooks got into power

15877345? ago

"WWG1WGA" No man is an island. We're All representatives of Humanity, especially to those Peoples not of Humanity. Once we wake up to what we have represented to those others, 'We' might wind up in the hospital. We have to get good at forgiveness of ourselves 1st, or guilt and shame will cripple Us All. "As you do unto the least of these, you do also unto Me" Dealing with "the cabal" will be our first test.... ( Hint: (((they))) are the 'least' of Us in many ways, spiritual poverty!) Good Luck Frenz!

15876445? ago

It's not a question of better or worse. It's a question of choosing who you ARE and you you ARE NOT. People forget the second part of the equation until Guilt comes along to find them. Few seem to recall who they ARE NOT without that little niggling spirit.

15870620? ago

All you have to remember is God promised to return for the Faithful.


15873082? ago

People have been waiting 2000 years for him to come back.

15878643? ago

They won't be disappointed.

15871082? ago

What a stupid statement, and belief. Did you pull your head out of a hole in the ground just to type that?

15878646? ago

Thanks for the input.

15871641? ago

Open your mind to what the biblical God truly is and his return isn’t hard to believe.

15872296? ago

What is it with you people and that stupid book? The word of god my ass. It was written by men, therefore its flawed, and cannot be trusted. It's not even complete, yet you wackos base your life around it. That book is so full of holes. Me thinks you're all gonna be very disappointed when you find out it was just a tool meant to control you.

15872470? ago

I’m not a Bible thumper you stupid faggot. Your blind hatred of Christians has made you miss the obvious cultural and historical significance of the most influential book in the history of Western civilization. You don’t think the Jews also hate Christianity and have manipulated and distorted the Bible’s message, and Christians in turn?

You think you’re smart as fuck when your head is clearly ten feet up your intestines on this entire issue. Maybe you should go suck Karl Marx’s atheist Jew cock, you commie faggot.

15872573? ago


15872589? ago

Oh yeah, me responding your triggered commie outburst makes me the triggered one. Try harder faggot. DEUS VULT.

15871364? ago

Seriously??? WHY so CRITICAL??? Shill much??🧐

15872246? ago

Its called CRITICAL thinking for a reason, something people have forgotten how to do, thats why!

And that response basically tells people to go back to sleep, put your head back in the sand, and just remember this ONE thing, and everything will be alright. Such utter bullshit. We need ACTION, not complacency. Obey, consume, watch TV, dont question authority, just REMEMBER to have faith. Its fucking retarded advice.

15876208? ago

Critical thinking requires you to use it. You provided zero arguments and offered only insults.

15870568? ago

For me this is strictly entertainment watching you dweebs put so much invested hope in something that is never, never going to happen. LOL

Put your hope in the right place. The Father and Son, not a LARP.

15870857? ago

New Hardcore-Religious-Agenda?

15871943? ago

Yep it appears to be. Amazing how OBVIOUS the EVIL SHILLS are, regardless of what 'tactic' they use🧐

15870670? ago

Wow you shill! The bible predicted this! Q predicted this! The koran predicted this! The Talmud predicted this! Buddha predicted this! Scientology predicted this! Bradd pitt predicted this!

Here's a paragraph and news clippings on shills and why you shouldn't engage with shills, but here's a 30 minute read about shills, which is useless information, because you shouldn't engage with them, so you should ignore this 30 minute read which is a contradiction!

Man, feels so good to be morally superior to shills! WWG1WGA! Wait no, not literally ALL! Haha yes, I get angry at shills while screaming WWG1WGA because I'm such a great keyboard warrior fighting the deep state! Can we rise up, gamers?

15870854? ago

Put your faith in the Father and the Son. No the Bible didn't predict this.

QAnon is mentioned no where in the Bible. LOL

100% guarantee none of the so called Cabal go to GITMO or are held trial in a military tribunal.

Better study more on the Scared Scripts.

There is ONLY ONE SAVIOR. It isn't Q and it isn't Trump.

HIS name is Jesus/Iseous/Yeshua.

15872861? ago

Don't wear cloth from more than one fiber...

15873587? ago

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

There is only one I trust.

15871354? ago

So we should skip the part in the Bible where God says he will use men to further his agenda?

Trump and Q and all of us here are fulfilling his prophecy.

Lucifer has been left here to devour some men's souls. Others have put their faith in Christ and Eternal life with his work on the cross.

Patriots are in Control? Perhaps but ultimately God is in control. Patriots are merely a vessel to shine his light...

15871456? ago

Show me in the New Testament where it says the Father will use men to further His agenda.

The only thing that believers are to do is spread the Gospel in the New Testament.

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

Like I said. You need to further study the Sacred Scripts.

15872060? ago

Then how is 'spreading the word' not 'furthering God's agenda'?? How else would God's plans be carried out here on Earth, but through fallible people like Trump and the members of Q!? Wake up.

15872113? ago

You wake up. Study the Sacred Texts.

Trump and Q is not going to save the world. PERIOD!

The Savior is Jesus the Christ. PERIOD!

15870991? ago

lmao, if you say so, komrade.

I love how backed up with tons and tons of physical and tangible evidence the Deep State religion(s) are, praise the Draco brother.

15870553? ago

If God exists and is truly infinite and omnipresent, many more people need to expand their thinking beyond the 3-dimensional reality riding one-way on the 4th dimension of time. If God created, God created EVERYTHING; if legit extraterrestrials exist, HE made them, and they have the same rules (more or less) for relationship with the creator that we have. I bet we don't get to get off this rock and go explore out there until we get ourselves right with Him, but that's just me thinking out loud.

15873057? ago

The trick is that we don't know the rules. They do know the rules. We get screwed by our ignorance of the rules.

15875950? ago

"Look at what's happened to me; I can't believe it myself!"

Lost the rule book, but kept the suit. Sounds like what we're going through!

15872493? ago

When Qanon says we're not alone, I think of the story in the book of Enoch about the souls of the Nephilim being banished to the puts of hell until the final judgement. They can still tap into people's minds, just as our guardian angels can guide us as well. It's truly a fight of good vs evil.

15873133? ago

Are guardian angels biblical?

15878855? ago

Hebrew 1:13-14

Yet to which of the angels did God ever say: “Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet”? Are not the angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?"

15871539? ago

I agree and think that to be 'logical', there has to be a certain rule-sets that all of God's creation adhere to in order to advance to the next 'level'. Cause & Effect to the nth degree😇 This is also the perfect time to recommend Tom Campbell and his My Big Toe (Theory of Everything), it makes a lot of sense and explains how the spiritual/material world work together as one big Larger Consciousness System evolving towards Love:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhMIz_iJtzQ&t=6s

15870789? ago

Exactly. "Lucifer" was given this world to try new souls. He is doing his job. That is never going to change. Jesus is the one with the passport stamp who can certify our maturity and allow us to depart from this vale of tears. We only have to ask for it.

15870743? ago

Your thinking is spot on. The LAWS are UNIVERSAL. Applies to EVERY SINGLE sentient being that has FREE WILL

15870727? ago

If God is a title that everyone can attain with a high level of spiritual development and the Creator simply Is, then all religious people are going to commit mass suicide when the "PAIN" drops.

If this, if that. Whataboutism, which is all religion, a deep state psyop with no physical evidence, no first-hand info, no witnesses that can have background checks, fucking nothing.

15871656? ago

Well that was total nonsense. When you are so determined to not be taken in that you actually actually delude yourself.

15871838? ago

If if if if if if if, okey doke

Funny how all these repubatards love to talk about libtards being BTFO with FACTS and LOGIC yet when it comes to them they're literally the same special snowflakes following unproven and unprovable bullshit Deep State psyops pretending they are so woke as they follow the pied piper.

Facts matter, evidence matters. There is zero verifiable evidence surrounding "religion", all religion is a deep state psyop to control you and turn you into an emotional special snowflake. You are unable to take any criticism of the psyop on the chin and just brush it off, you have to have an emotional reaction because you're so dependent on it for psychological reassurance, all religion-niggerfags are exactly like heroine addicts.

15876412? ago

You should know that the bible warns that if you do not receive a love of the truth you will be given over to a strong delusion that you will not be able to escape from.

At the very least love the truth OVER agendas, bitterness, personal feelings, everything. Truth first and last.

15870869? ago

I think the pan-theism is in a different thread...

15871268? ago


15870494? ago

Amen patriot HNY

15870432? ago

What speech?

15870498? ago

SOTU 2018

15870243? ago

DROP 937

15870233? ago

GLIMPSE. You cannot possibly imagine the size of this. Trust the plan. Trust there are more good than bad. The WORLD is helping. We are not alone. We are all connected in this fight. PATRIOTS UNITE. We are winning BIG. Watch the speech. God bless.