15879160? ago

There is a difference -- a MAJOR difference -- between people who are attracted to, and desire sex only with, children (people who are prepubescent) and people who engage in ritualized sex magick with children to gain "spiritual" power and material wealth, or whatever else they are asking of their "god" (usually Molech). The first is sick, twisted, psychologically damaged, criminal, and evil; (that is, they put their own desires above any other person's needs or desires). The second is outright, no-holds-barred EVIL, without any excuses (I was abused as a child, my parents didn't love me, etc). Without apology, they want power, wealth and fame, and will stop at nothing to get those things. I'm not justifying either, I'm just saying it behooves us to understand the difference, and it makes quite a difference in one's ability to analyze a situation if we do understand.

The first tend to be loners, the oddball outsiders in the neighborhood who need to be carefully watched. The second are people who are seeking power, appear to be pillars of the community, tend to be trusted, and often end up in positions of authority where they can do far more damage than the obvious oddball, outsider-reject. The first is an obvious wolf. The second is the far more dangerous wolf-in-sheep's-clothing: to wit, the current crop of authoritarian sonsabitches currently masquerading as our "leaders".

Now who, overall, can do the most damage to the society, and nation, as a whole? Ah! Now you get it! So, stop calling these evil monsters "pedophiles"; they are NOT necessarily attracted to children. They ARE attracted to wealth, power, blood and death, and they will kill WHOEVER and WHATEVER gets in their way -- you, a child, their own mother, a nation, whatever. A pedophile may or may not kill; if he does, it is to protect himself to keep from going to jail. Both are evil -- but only one willingly destroys entire nations to achieve a little temporal power and wealth. Guess which type is ruling over us right now?

15879650? ago

Immediate Execution!!! This is what must be the verdict!

15874262? ago

Fucking a hot 17 yr old girl is a lot different than diddling 7 yr old kids.

15874446? ago

How about 11 year olds? Because that is what is going on.

15876637? ago

17 is legal in many places. 11 is only legal in Muslim countries. Way too young.

15876681? ago

"The demographic we have is young broads, 11-17" -Mark McGrath

15872599? ago

Go to the Standard Hotel Wikipedia (think the notorious Adam Schiff, Ed Buck). James Iha and D'Arcy (founding members of the Smashing Pumpkins) are founding investors of the hotel. Why do I mention this? Because Mark McGrath was in the video entertainment on the big screen during the latest SP tour (I was there)

The more you know.

15872963? ago

Wowwww. Thanks for the information.

The more you know.

Yes, oh yes, indeed.

15872549? ago

great more evidence that isn't usable in court and we already knew it.

Time for arrests

15871573? ago

These people are fuckin disgusting!!!!!

15871350? ago

They fucked lots of slutty teenage girls, not pre-pubescent kids.....

15874826? ago

He literally said 11 year Olds

15870569? ago

At what age is it considered pedo? If they are fucking groupies that are 16 and 17 is that considered pedo?

15872053? ago

There's another term in DSM for attraction to older children. That is, pubescent or recently post-pubescent. Sorry, but I can't remember what it is.

Related: a girl I went to high school with fucked Steve Stevens (Billy Idol's guitar player) after a concert. She was 14 years old at the time.

15875241? ago


15871137? ago

There's statutory rape and their's pedophilia. Pedophilia is sexual attraction and/or rape involving prepubescent children. The age of puberty ranges from 14 to 16. Therefore, sexual engagement with a child under the age of 16 is considered to be pedopohilia. Sexual engagement with a teen under the age of consent, which is 18 in most states, is statutory rape.

15872536? ago

Good reply and clarification!

But I would say the age of puberty is now 12-14. I have a 13 year old and he is fully ready (and willing) to have sex, and judging by how many times I've caught him spanking it, his body odor, hair, and voice drop, I would say he is fully able to make a baby.

15878920? ago

Both my daughters reached puberty by age 11. And they said this was the case for quite a few of their friends too and many more by age 12. It's crazy. This is WAY too young for sexual activity!

More crazy though is I know two of my nieces were sexually active (with long term boyfriends of same age) at 13 years old!! They were open about it even to their parents!

It's a sad state of affairs but it seems quite common here in Uk - is crazy the BS these kids are growing up around that is teaching them this sort of thing is ok!!

15875201? ago

Statutory rape is “man law” ... a period is “natural law” ... in GOT when the ginger gets her period, she is “ready” to be married to geoffry ... it seems wrong to lock a man up for a slutty 17 yo, but 12 seems wayyyy to young, even if they are bleeding. Statutory rape is just more laws for “us” that they “they” don’t have to follow

15876795? ago

12 is way too young in todays age, but puberty is happening at that age for some, and that is when the body is able to reproduce. 500 years ago when our life spans were only 45 years though...

It is a topic that comes up often in our house though because of my teen son, and what I always tell him is to date older women. Not sure if thats the best advice, but its what I think would keep him out of prison, and its better to him than telling him not to date until he's 18.

15870593? ago

In the US it does. I think the law gets a little wishy washy if you are an 18 year old getting with a 17/16 year old.

15872087? ago

It depends on age of consent laws in the state. But taking anyone under 18 across state lines for sex is a federal crime I believe, regardless of the laws of the states where it occurred.

15870760? ago

Kek no it isn't. It's not illegal and certainly not sketchy for an 18 year old. What spacey allegedly did is actually sketchy (hitting on a 14yo at 26, not the orgies with slave children on the island, that's just evil)

15871607? ago

What the he was referring to was that each state has different laws regarding interactions with 16-17 year olds as 18+. In NC as long as you are within 9 years of the 16 year old it's completely legal where as in SC I believe it is just a flat 16 is fair game.

15870547? ago

Q said to "archive offline". If u want to save a youtube video just type "ss" between "www." and youtube in the url of the video. Look for the free link, no need to pay

15886316? ago

"gen" also works, e.g., "www.genyoutube.com/etc"

15870935? ago

Sorry I’m dense can you please supply a sample? I’ve always wanted to save a video but didn’t know how

15871253? ago


15870475? ago

When you first come into the music industry, you have to take the oath" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26rLYghPDsc

15870220? ago

“music” (not real music; manufactured, stolen) biz- if they’ve “made it”, they’re corrupt, sold their soul

15870165? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=MdAQQWtrGe4 :

"Sugar Ray" Mark McGrath admitted they are pedophiles. Multiple bands caught on video admitting it. - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

15870149? ago

Remember how Tyson told Holyfield he wanted to "eat his children?"

15871740? ago

Ya, but Mike don't really be like that. He was a fierce competitor and trying to get in Holyfield's head.

15871196? ago

He missed and got his ear. didn't he?

15870082? ago

What I find fascinating is how many famous people say they sold their souls.

15875641? ago

That’s all it takes...

15874197? ago

Moral compromise perhaps.

15872723? ago

Bob Dylan said it repeatedly in an interview on 60 Minutes with Ed Bradley that he'd sold his soul to the devil. He said they told him he'd be famous but they didn't say how long it would last.

15873564? ago

NO Bob Dylan did NOT say that.

He said he made a deal with the Big man, upstairs.

15882945? ago

Here's what he said, and it's not the Big man upstairs... https://youtu.be/m_wAZ02JUtM

15874499? ago


Sounds like he's referring to the devil.

15874432? ago

The big man doesn't make those kind of deals.

15870036? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/olp5yDZa2wFi - ( GROUPIE CONFESSIONS )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/if5pe9e9dJH5 - ( "Sugar Ray" Mark McGrath admitted they are pedo... ) .