15765526? ago

He usually wrangles your taxpayer $$$ to pay for his schemes...he doesn’t use his own money

15761066? ago

He's the person of the year for me to ! He's the first one i'd like to see dead! Happy New Year!😁

15761063? ago

"FT Chooses George Soros As Person of the Year for His ‘Values’ "


15759695? ago

Wake up...look who is at the top...the cleaning is happening...

15759610? ago

He is the embodiment of all the nasty things the kikes wish to do to us. He should be hanged.

15759424? ago

More like drone strike candidate of the year...

15759302? ago

Just like Catlin Jenner was Cosmopolitan WOMAN of the year. Obama Nobel Peace prize for starting two wars. Soros is person of the year 2018. Does anyone else think the world is insane? This is like the Twilight Zone and you can't wake up!

15759023? ago

Lets get this straight. If, an I say if, Soros is a primary stock holder in the Financial Times, how valid is their choice? Not much if true. secondly, who believes any MSM anyway. All are comped.

15758942? ago

Person of interest of the year.

15758804? ago

They are trying to save his hide and his liberal abusing foundations before he is taken as a prisoner of war. He has no chance to survive.

15758701? ago

Thats nice, I've chosen the financial times as toilet paper of the year. Its a nice pink color, or at least it used to be.

15758460? ago

They are promoting terrorism and celebrating it.

Main office: One Southwark Bridge, London, UK

just saying. I'd cause some shit for this level of outrage.

15758244? ago

Why not?

Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize and created the worst refugee crisis in history.

Paul Krugman (sort of) got the Nobel Economic Prize and his Keynesian policies led to the GFC.

15758110? ago

FT = Globalist Handbook

It all makes sense.

15758000? ago

NWO prostitute

15757695? ago

Wasn't it FT that had an image on the cover of a global currency 20 some years ago with the predicted year this would occur as 2018?

Also I seem to recall Lynn De Rothschild was involved somehow.

15757150? ago

First two minutes of the audio snippet explain it fully: this is a political hit against Putin and trump.


Fuck GS and his faggot fucking gross ass!!!

15756952? ago

When do we start showing up at these peoples houses? How long do we let them spit in our faces. This is getting ridiculous. These people need to feel some consequences for their actions. Don’t you think it’s time?

15756864? ago

In case you want to boycott Soros here are the companies he owns as of 2011 and the ones in red are in America. http://just1conservativevoice.blogspot.com/2011/07/companies-owned-by-george-soros.html

15756608? ago

More like: Person in PRISON of the year!

15756401? ago


15756291? ago

all this means, is Trump has made a deal with them...NO arrests are coming. Someone has gotten to Trump and he won't be making arrests "for the betterment of the country" or some other nonsense :)

Power corrupts and absolute power...well you know :)

Merry Christmas

Waiting for badguys to expend ammunition instead of arresting them = Worst plan ever...so stupid :)

15756578? ago

You got a better workable plan, numbnutz? You got the balls to do it? Enlighten us all, won't you? Would you rather have the witch at the helm? Merry Christmas to you too.

15757007? ago

Merry Christmas brother. Ignore the morons, some of these evil bastards are being paid by Soros.

Arrests and worse will be coming soon for these evil fucks. God bless and stay safe.

15756522? ago

Moron. Arrests will happen. This is a fight between the devil and God. DJT is with God. Q is with God. Christian Warriors will win this battle..

15756259? ago

This has the advantage that Soros gets more into the spotlight so the normies learn something about him.

15756201? ago

I guess that now they are trolling us.

15756109? ago

He got Donald Trump to pass a prison reform bill that he’d been pushing for years. Helps that Jared Kushner owes his wealth to Soros’s financial backing.

15756537? ago

Moron. WTF are you talking about? Soros lover means you are evil. This is a fight between the devil and God. DJT is with God. Q is with God. Christian Warriors will win this battle..

15756103? ago

Is this like the time that Obama won a nobel peace prize for destroying libya and syria?

15755930? ago

Wasn't he just found guilty of insider trading he committed 9 years ago? Did someone ever say justice moves slow?

15755922? ago

To me Trump would be totally justified to take Soros ass out via any way he feels fit. Most of the real world would cheer.

15755763? ago

GITMO's person of the year? I'll drink to that!!

15755750? ago

15755966? ago

Great find. We are surrounded by these evil bastards.

15755690? ago

Schill news

15755610? ago

birds of the same feather flock together !

15755579? ago

FT has chosen their alliance, albeit poorly. They've dug their own grave, and will fill it soon - they won't see 2020. But we'll have some extra tp for the outhouse!

15755222? ago

Check out who owns the FT.

15754865? ago

To be fair, he paid them a lot of money for that honor!

15757076? ago

To be fair, any publication that would take a pay off like that is a crap rag

15756126? ago

Financial terrorist of the year.

15755182? ago


15755159? ago

Exactly. Why would you expect they have any integrity? They are just like the rest of the MSM.