15666470? ago

I wonder if the people on the tapes have a case against Hefner's estate?

15666435? ago

I wonder if it lists him as Dr. William H. Cosby Jr., Ed. D. in the credits.

15664587? ago

Sell them to help build the wall.

15664085? ago

"Mr Kuvin said members of his legal team have spent 'hundreds of hours' watching the tapes." lmao

15663556? ago

The jury has to watch his old wrinkly ass try to bust a nut! Gross!

15663972? ago

Shooting his pudding everywhere!!

15663406? ago

You might see Rod Rosenstein's brother-in-law Michael in some of those tapes.

15663302? ago

So who else has a playboy sex tape?

Smells like an approaching shitstorm!

15662897? ago

I think something happened when hef died. I think potus and the white hats got the info. Metoo and Weinstein hit the scene right after hef died.

15662528? ago

So is all of Hollywood going down for this, or just Jell-O man? I'm sure he's not the only one in these tapes.

15662056? ago

Guess the tapes weren't destroyed.

15662556? ago

Right! Didn't Hef say he dumped them in the ocean?

15663961? ago

CDAN was all over this and called it!!!

15662859? ago

Yes. He claimed his assistant did so upon his orders.

15662438? ago

hahahahaha imagine Cosby's dread right now

15661934? ago

Love to be on that jury! FapFap

15662444? ago


15661764? ago

I think I need to see these tapes just to be sure they are authentic

15662447? ago

You want to see rape tapes?

15663083? ago

Rape is probably not the correct term for what has taken place in the majority of these cases. You are naive if you think these women weren't aware of what they had gotten themselves into. They knew, they may have been drugged, of their own volition I'm thinking, in order to go thru with being used but I doubt very seriously if Cosby or anyone else was "slipping mickey's" in these gals drinks. And oh yeah, DRINKS. Like I said. Prolly shouldn't be called rape.

15661698? ago

https://archive.fo/d4Lwt :

US lawyer uncovers Hugh Hefner's sordid celebrity sex tapes as part of civil case against Bill Cosby | Daily Mail Online

"Sordid tapes filmed at Hugh Hefner's extravagant Playboy Mansion parties are to be shown in a civil court case against disgraced comedian Bill Cosby.", "Mr Kuvin said the tapes were handed over by Playboy Enterprises and appeared to have been professionally edited and 'produced'.", "US lawyer Spencer Kuvin has uncovered scores of recordings involving 'dozens' of high-profile celebrities at the raunchy events.", "Mr Kuvin said members of his legal team have spent 'hundreds of hours' watching the tapes."

'Mr Kuvin represents 28-year-old dancer Chloe Goins, who claims Cosby drugged and sexually attacked her at a party at the mansion in 2008. '

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15661579? ago

Dark to light!!

15662472? ago

Luke 8

17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

18 Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.