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15614778? ago

someone want to explain what this means?

15614918? ago

It means all of the countries listed took part in an attempt to overthrow a duly elected US President.
I believe, not sure, but could be it considered an act of war.

15614938? ago

i'm getting really, really tired of hmmm....could be's. maybe's. we need further analysis. I WANT ACTIONABLE INTELLIGENCE.

15615004? ago

I'm not in the admin. It all depends on what President Trump determines it to be when he enforces sanctions. I don't think we can find that on the web, or at a link. When it was released with only the 5 Eyes being revealed, it was stated that it was an act of war. The question is; Does President Trump want to classify this as a act of war, and act accordingly?" I hope that helps.

15615047? ago

no, it does not. the rule of law is broken. the old mincing by the book rules no longer apply. these fuckers are raping and pillaging their way across our civilization and you FUCKS say, now, now..….theres a right way to do this, lets not be hasty. theres a fucking STEAMROLLER bearing down on your fucking HEAD and youre referring to the friggin MANUAL.

15615116? ago

Actually, you'd have to take that up with the president. He has the authority to do what he feels is best.
I can't usurp that. I'm only explaining what is the deal. You should write to him, and let him know what you're feeling. He's one of the few presidents that actually reads, and responds. On another note, he did give authority to release the FISA. Horowitz will do the needful, and then the President will drop it to the public.

15615193? ago

the elections are compromised, the borders are pourous, our tax money is being used AGAINST US. I kind of like the president because i'm kind an asshole, too. but if he is our leader, he needs to FUCKING LEAD. his inaction at this point is highly fucking suspicious, and our skepticism of him is ENTIRELY justified considering how much BULLSHIT weve been shoveled for 100 years. and i'm not going to write a fucking letter, IM STANDING UP AND DEMANDING on the ONLY platform that even has the slightest chance of reaching his that he be square with us. WERE AMERICANS, AND WE DEMAND ANSWERS FROM OUR AMERICAN "LEADERSHIP". our fathers DIED for this shit. and WE WILL NOT ALLOW IT TO BE STOLEN BY FUCKING SNEAKTHIEVES.

15615310? ago

And you are entirely in your right to be frustrated. You're definitely not alone. I don't see this man as someone who is going to take this lying down.

15615343? ago

i'm entirely willing to die alone on this, and if you FUCKERS allow that to happen......god help you.

15625308? ago

You might be interested in those status updates about actions at

15625426? ago

Nope. I see no links to anything but wikipedia and text entered into voat.