15609255? ago

We are getting sprayed to death on the east coast. Keeping the Patriots alive should be POTUS's first priority. We have fighter jets, why aren't they deployed to take down chemtrail planes? This is genocide, CA was the experiment: Chemtrail with flammables, install smart meters on each home, and in each car. Then, ignite the cars via smart igniter, then ignite each house. Dew weapon the rest of it. That's what happened in CA. Learn from it and protest chemtrails, smart cars, smart meters, and 5G.

15604582? ago

It's amazing how they can now make chemtrails look exactly like contrails.

15604827? ago

The difference is, contrails disappear after a few minutes. Chemtrails spread out and haze up the sky for hours at a time.

15604388? ago


Addressed via the source; CIA copying NSA documents now in the CREST lib


15604102? ago

To me, stopping chemtrails and fluoridation of water is the true litmus test for Trump/Q. If these practices are not stopped relatively soon, I will assume everything is business as usual with Trump proven to be firmly entrenched with the Deep State and Q being a clever psy-op to keep those of us awake busy/complacent/distracted.

15604235? ago

Exactly. They know we're being poisoned but, they refuse to do anything about it.

15604347? ago

It bothers me greatly when Trump says our air/water is cleaner than its ever been as this is obviously a lie. I've given Trump a lot of leeway (as I believe both parties are controlled by Deep State) because of Q, however, these two issues will be the breaker for me. If things don't happen quickly in 2019, I will believe things are exactly the way Q says they are: a movie being acted out in front of us like always for the benefit of those in power to subdue the masses.

15604427? ago

Not only subdue the masses but to get people to vote for Trump. This whole thing has been nothing but "operation get out the vote" so far. The promise is that if we give Trump the vote, then he will help us take down the NWO. But, so far, the NWO is winning and we are getting screwed.

15604894? ago

Can't argue that. It's been "trust the plan" and move the goalposts further and further so far. I don't want to sound like the concern troll that I know I will be labeled as, but the constant false dates/starts, misinformation, and lack of progress has me really soured on the whole thing at the moment. I've always maintained a healthy skepticism of Trump/Q this whole time but I was leaning more hopeful in the past. Not so much anymore. Time (and the continued existence of chemtrails/fluoridation of water) will ultimately tell all.

15604925? ago

The New World Order is still being implemented. The only difference is that the architect is "our guy" this time around. He really cares about us! He is doing everything he can to help us (while implementing the NWO). Isn't slavery great?

15604970? ago

Sheep no more? Not really. Same song and dance so far unfortunately.

15603823? ago

Why is this still not addressed by Q?

15603942? ago

Q is a team of Military Intelligence people. They won't talk about top-secret stuff they use on a daily basis.

15604143? ago
