15550192? ago

Liberals with locks on their doors to protect themselves and family inside their own four walls are complete hypocrites if they are against the wall to protect the nation for the same reasons.

15548665? ago

most working us citizens have/are contributing to social security and related benefit programs thru payroll deductions. they have paid for some or all of the benefits they receive from the govt. illegal immigrants? they take without having contributed anything .. . . . anyone who supports benefits for illegal immigrants supports cheating the american people

15558541? ago

All payments go to the British Crown. Biggest scam of the century. Social Security is owned by the bloody British Crown and the diabolical MI6. This is an outrage. POTUS must take our Social Security system away from the British Crown. They steal it all and throw us bread crumbs. Patriots must spread the word on this dirty secret.

15548100? ago

I ask them what about Israel?

15547865? ago

Ask them about the minimum wage. Then ask again how wages, especially for lower-skilled workers, can rise if there is an influx of lower-skilled immigrants. Basically, it's not that most folks are against immigration, but we need to balance the needs of the country and take in folks who give a net benefit. Higher skilled folks help us and lower skilled only when there is a need for those workers, much like it was in the late 1800s.

Labor has supply and demand and if they want folks to have a 'living wage' then they need to understand all components that go into it.

15547292? ago

mexico is 17

15550614? ago

middle east has 12 so what's your point?

15547069? ago

I always ask them if they think it would be okay for American citizens to start showing up in Somali, Mexico, etc., demanding to be taken in and given money.

15546882? ago

IDK, I think they'd just say "OMG, that's WHY they need to come here! To ESCAPE those terrible laws! They need our protection!!!"

15545844? ago

The lowest Age of Consent in the world is 11, in Nigeria. The age of consent is 12 in the Philippines and Angola, and 13 in Burkina Faso, Comoros, Niger, and Japan. Additionally, several Middle Eastern and African countries have no legal age of consent, but ban all sexual relations outside of marriage.

15545976? ago

several Middle Eastern and African countries have no legal age of consent, but ban all sexual relations outside of marriage.

which means nothing when they are willing to marry kids as young as 10 if not lower.

15546142? ago

Rarely ever happens.

How about the USA?

In Florida, 16,400 children, some as young as 13, were married from 2000-2017, which is the second highest incidence of child marriage after Texas.[11] In Texas from 2000 to 2014, almost 40,000 children were married.[39][14] In the state of New York, more than 3,800 children were married between 2000 and 2010.[40] In Virginia between 2004 and 2013, nearly 4,500 children were married according to the Tahirh Justice Center.[41] In Alabama there was over 8,600 child marriages from 2000 to 2015, the fourth highest amount of any state. However, child marriage in Alabama showed a large decline in that time. In 2000, almost 1,200 children married, but by 2014 it dropped to 190.[14]


15546328? ago

Interesting that most of those states you mentioned are hot bed states for "immigrants" to move to as well as the information has numbers taken with bush and Obama in office (cabal)

I am concerned with the 18 with no age restriction in your link and if I lived in one of those states I would have already written to my reps. Wish they gave more specifics on which state fell into which section. NC is 18 with 16 as an exception if parents consent.

15546136? ago

And once the child wife has been sexually abused, divorce is as simple as jumping over a tree trunk with eyes closed while chanting "I divorce you" 3 times.

15545771? ago

"It's worked many time."

Your lies make baby Jesus cry.

15546007? ago

I did make one of my co workers duck off on an argument using this. With lots of witnesses around they are much more afraid to openly support pedos.

15546033? ago

you've already demonstrated that you lie

15546151? ago

believe what you want. Even in deep blue areas most people are still going to denounce pedos and want them under the jail so hitting with that is for the moment still effective.

15545636? ago

There’s no arguing logic with irrational people, save your efforts for folks who are on the fence.

15546103? ago

the beauty of this argument is if played right after they say "think of the children" is not only does it kill their emotional narrative but it make the insinuation of your own emotional narrative of them supporting pedos and they see that (at least that was the case of the one I used this on) and the immediately are on the defensive and backtracking their statements. It's not the mic drop OP thinks it is but it is great as a trap to open up the conversation and make the casual witnesses side with you in a hurry making the rest of the conversation very uncomfortable for the other guy digging in his heels.

15545602? ago

I don't get it, why is age of consent an argument against immigration?

15550660? ago

because without willing assimilation you do not have a country. The people will need to assimilate and OP is showing huge disparity in values

15546324? ago

A man comes in illegally from Mexico. He is used to sleeping with any 12 yo he can separate from their parents for long enough. And now this man, is expected to understand and abide by the fact that he cannot sleep with anything less with than an 18 yo here, dictated by laws he can’t read anyway. Yeah, that will work.

15545777? ago

Conflicting values he said. Read the whole thing, man.

15545313? ago

correction - its 12 in Mexico - only about 2 months ago the last region that held it higher than 12 moved it in line with others.

But here's other arguments that shut down Liberals on migration:

1) You say its good for our 'consumer economy' to take migrants. What are the ethics of us taking consumers from already struggling 3rd world consumer economies ?

2) official Migration tends to be a merit based system. How much more developed would those 3rd world nations be if over the last 5 decades we didnt keep stealing their 'best & brightest' to bring them here so we can congratulate ourselves on being diverse? If we kept them over there and helped them there, they might now have thriving 1st world economies that no longer needed our financial support ...

15548885? ago

The first argument works well if you drop the drop "neo-colonialism." If there reply that they are being compassionate or wanting to help them, remind them that colonialists had the white man's burden to civilize the natives.

15547984? ago

I'm a woman, and thinking back to how I was at 12, a training bra wearing zit rancher who hadn't even started menstruating, It's sick. Imagine being an Old Maid at 16, good Lord!

15551184? ago

When I was 12, I was shoving anything that would fit inside me... just sayin.

15565986? ago

and probably nothing has changed huh?

15566045? ago

I mean sure things have changed, but for the better.

Laws regarding sex are very wrong. Don't tell me I'm too young to know what I want. I think it's pretty clear I knew what I wanted. What gets me is how they ruin peoples lives "for their best interest".

Utter bullshit.

15566244? ago

The laws are there to go after the adults, not the victims. Adults can easily manipulate a child's mind. Why I even have to explain this to you is confusing at best.

15545266? ago

Just ask a liberal: "Why aren't you sheltering immigrants in your own home?" Then they start screaming profanities because they got caught in their own lie. Libs are only compassionate with other peoples' money.

15558360? ago

Yes, libtards should be forced to HOUSE AND FEED at least 10 immigrants in their gated community mansions. They expect poor people to take these leaches in. They are such Hippocrates.

15548467? ago

When you use any sort of facts or statistics or most evil of all the Talmud itself it makes liberal heads explode. The response is always not all Muslims or not all Jews shit like that. But if anything is regarding Christians its always ok to lump them all together.

15545092? ago

Here is an article concerning age of consent in Mexico also has links in the article that go to Wikipedia under the Mexican section.


15545026? ago

My friend you are truly awesome. The Angel of Death to the Global Cabal. WWG1WGA!

15545010? ago

They’ll just use that as an argument for the justification of letting them in.

15546830? ago

Right? Protect "the children" and let em in!

15544972? ago

It's 12 in Mexico. It was recently 14 in Canada

15551615? ago

I just went to that link above the "age of consent"/wikipedia and it says Mexico is 17...what am I missing or not finding and did it recently get changed on wiki???

15544770? ago

In Israel it's 3 if the child is a goy.

15546986? ago

Israel it's 3

They sacrifice unborn children and then harvest parts of their bodies. Three?

Happy Hanukkah!

15544900? ago


15545431? ago

Jews dont follow the Talmud. They follow the Torah (Old Testament).

15558418? ago

Wrong, the Talmud is the dirty truth. The Torah is all lies for gentiles.

15545235? ago

Source: Talmud, you goyim. Oi very.

15545253? ago

This talmud?

https:// www.amazon.com/Complete-Schottenstein-Talmud-English-Volumes/dp/1578190673/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1544699411&sr=8-2&keywords=talmud+complete (note the space)

Currently at third book and haven't encountered that.

15545485? ago

Oh hi.

Glad I'm here now.


15545520? ago

So no one knows the actual lawful age of concent in Israel, how about somewhere else to stay on topic?

15545575? ago

Oh I was just citing the talmud thing.

Here you go


15545957? ago

I'm a little shocked to see Japan at 13. Clicking on it shows the nuance to that shockingly low age but that is still a big surprise.

15544794? ago

You extremist Muslims need to get over your hate for Jews.

What a joke.

15548117? ago

Jews have no future in white countries after all of the hate they've been pushing. Its over. No going back now.

15566577? ago

According to you Jews own them.

But now you're saying they have no future in them.


15545891? ago

Happy Hanukkah

15566572? ago

Merry Kwanza

15544852? ago

You extremist Jews need to get over your hate for Muslims

What a joke.

15544891? ago

Your best response is to copy me.

Talk about childish and uneducated. Lmao

15548126? ago

Uneducated = jew talk

15545533? ago

If his response is childish and uneducated, then so is yours. Happy Hanukkah.6

15566565? ago

happy Ramadan.

15567778? ago

Sorry, couldn't hear you while my bacon is sizzling getting ready for breakfast.

15571576? ago

I love bacon.

I used to have bacon 2-3 times a week.

Did you think American Jews hate bacon like muslims or something?

lmao idiot.

15573649? ago

Jews aren't supposed to eat pork, idiot.

15576119? ago


15551233? ago


15545418? ago

He got you good!!

15545512? ago

Totally pnwed

15545272? ago

Where is the lie?

15544714? ago

excellent point. do you have a source for the Mex thing? please.