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15521820? ago

Trying to lump GA and SBBH in with the shills, is what makes you a closet(or glowing) shill yourself.

OR you're trolling...

OR you're just an idiot.

Hopefully you're just trolling.

15521937? ago

And the proof that's who you are. Why else would you immediately defend them?

15522015? ago

You either have no idea what you're talking about, or you do and you're trolling or otherwise using the other bullshit to augment your campaign against v/GreatAwakening and SBBH.

15522052? ago

More butthurt by the sbbh/GA shill crew for exposing them for shilling QRV

15522126? ago

Butthurt? No. I don't have any personal stake in the reputation of v/GreatAwakening or SBBH.

Tell me something:

Are you genuinely aware of anything regarding GA/SBBH, or are you just repeating a manufactured consensus because you saw a few fools spamming and vote-brigading?

15522383? ago

I was in GA from the start, until I learned srayzie was a shill and "friends" with voats shill group SBBH.

15522504? ago

until I learned srayzie was a shill and "friends" with voats shill group SBBH.

LOL And what proof of anything were you provided? Remember what you thought of the people who blindly believed Dr. Ford? Congratulations, that's you.

15522648? ago

Again, nice try at consensus cracking. The prooof is in this thread and many others that SBBH is responsible for shilling QRV and srayzie, at the very least, eggs them on.

^That's archived too, don't worry.

15523052? ago

In case you didn't realize, the above anon is not the same as the anon you were originally replying to.

Something tells me you're not as good at this as you think you are...

15523388? ago

Sorry it's 10 on 1, I'm not paying that close of attention right now.

15523415? ago

In case you didn't realize, the above anon is not the same as the anon you were originally replying to.

Something tells me you're not as good at this as you think you are...

Sorry it's 10 on 1, I'm not paying that close of attention right now.

1? Then why do some of my comments have 2 downvotes and yours have 2 upvotes?

15523478? ago

I'm answering through my inbox, haven't had a chance to go through the thread. Is there others replying or just voting?

15523541? ago

So you're just spewing away and downvoting regardless of context are you? Gonna have to put some effort in if you're gonna have any chance at selling your narrative.

15523572? ago

I downvote you fags because you do the same in an attempt to sway opinion. Go through and look at my comments, shill.

15523593? ago

To reiterate, I haven't downvoted a single comment from you here.

Falling back to repeating "shill" are you? Say it enough times, I'm sure someone will believe you ;)

15523719? ago

Facts are facts.

15523751? ago

Oh? So you think it's a fact that I'm a shill?

Going to have to source that claim.

15523764? ago

No need, everyone will see it.

15523790? ago

Like I said, source the claim. Go ahead.

15533456? ago

I have sourced the claim, look through the thread. You all have been exposed.

15522956? ago

LOL you guys are like the fake news targetting Trump.

15526743? ago

Yes. That sub has 1400+ subscribers. You are suggesting that everyone who posts there trolls this board because a handful do you are just stupid. Most of the people who post to that sub have nothing to do with the Q subs.

15523481? ago

Hi srayzie

15523582? ago

Hello 👋🏻