With practically every commercial stating "Ask your doctor", any media, be it print, radio or TV is very reluctant to risk losing those billions of dollars of advertising revenue by allowing people like RFK jr to publicly question the safety and ethics of Big Pharma. First they bought all the Congress and Senate, had them pass bills that prevented anyone from filing damage suits against them, hen it was off to mega profit city.
Good to hear this topic aired ......well done .........tried to upvote you but VOAT only allows me 10 votes in 24 hours......................despite the fact that I consistently make comments....like I am doing here......................................looks like some of us are not as equal as others.........Well done Tucker.......................good man
Certain vaccines for kids are good and necessary. Others, like the HPV vaccine, are seriously suspect, as are the Shingles vaccine and some of the flu vaccines. I think he makes a good point. And that may be why Trump has tweeted against the vaccine "industry." The Left goes bonkers with this, but in true Trump style, he may be signaling - "When I'm done with Mueller and all this bullshit, I'm coming for YOU Big Pharma." And I think that's what it's about. Interesting that a Kennedy is having this conversation.... hmmmmmmmmm
DeNiro's kid was damaged by vacs , so he teams up with RFK jr ..... he still hates Trump even though they are on the same side of this issue......fuck DeNiro
15401858? ago
With practically every commercial stating "Ask your doctor", any media, be it print, radio or TV is very reluctant to risk losing those billions of dollars of advertising revenue by allowing people like RFK jr to publicly question the safety and ethics of Big Pharma. First they bought all the Congress and Senate, had them pass bills that prevented anyone from filing damage suits against them, hen it was off to mega profit city.
15400539? ago
Good to hear this topic aired ......well done .........tried to upvote you but VOAT only allows me 10 votes in 24 hours......................despite the fact that I consistently make comments....like I am doing here......................................looks like some of us are not as equal as others.........Well done Tucker.......................good man
15399141? ago
I've never heard him speak before. What's wrong with his voice?
15399284? ago
Sounds like he has some sort of dystonia. Could be from a stroke or damage from prescription medications.
15398860? ago
Certain vaccines for kids are good and necessary. Others, like the HPV vaccine, are seriously suspect, as are the Shingles vaccine and some of the flu vaccines. I think he makes a good point. And that may be why Trump has tweeted against the vaccine "industry." The Left goes bonkers with this, but in true Trump style, he may be signaling - "When I'm done with Mueller and all this bullshit, I'm coming for YOU Big Pharma." And I think that's what it's about. Interesting that a Kennedy is having this conversation.... hmmmmmmmmm
15398773? ago
For some reason, he's partnering with Robert DeNiro on the anti vac efforts.
15401886? ago
DeNiro's kid was damaged by vacs , so he teams up with RFK jr ..... he still hates Trump even though they are on the same side of this issue......fuck DeNiro