Why is that? I do research here on Voat and run two YouTube communities. This one is my hobby gaming and movie one and when I was gamepwn on YouTube I had 8,000 subs and millions of views.
Why wouldn't I want to do a good thing and redpill my normie channel on Q and Pizzagate? How does that make me Shameless when I have a platform to do so? I don't get paid. When I was gamepwn on YouTube I dropped a Pizzagate red pill video that got 100,000 views and I'm sure pretty much was the reason I got banned after years of being on there.
15321406? ago
Shameless plug....
15321490? ago
Why is that? I do research here on Voat and run two YouTube communities. This one is my hobby gaming and movie one and when I was gamepwn on YouTube I had 8,000 subs and millions of views.
Why wouldn't I want to do a good thing and redpill my normie channel on Q and Pizzagate? How does that make me Shameless when I have a platform to do so? I don't get paid. When I was gamepwn on YouTube I dropped a Pizzagate red pill video that got 100,000 views and I'm sure pretty much was the reason I got banned after years of being on there.
15320987? ago
https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=zB-tK67_GTg&feature=youtu.be :
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