15304156? ago

I looked at this picture for a while and being in China and them being against Christians I was thinking the tree was more comfort for children of some sort. Hot spot hotel. I guess I'm always thinking about the kids.

15303882? ago

My guess is ‘We Know’ with a Christmas Tree in th background is related to the noted attempt on POTUS during the lighting ceremony. The ‘prison sentences’ (rather than 1000 words) in the follow up post would seem to me to be an intentional reference to both POTUS tweet with the picture of notable swamp critters behind bars AND the reference to the prior pic as relates to ‘prison sentences’. So ‘we know’ seems to be a message to [the one Q knows was responsible] that Q knows, and a message (crumb) to all that Chongquing is a link. Q has posted about Chongquing and the auto industry. Trump has recently been tweeting about GM and their outsourcing to China, along with Feinstein links to China (and Chinese spies), and F9 (facebook facial recognition meets Vault 7) and building 8 (DARPA) ...

15303802? ago

Yes...It IS the Hyatt Regency Chongging. Easy enough to prove Anons. I went to TripAdvisor - brought up the hotel and there are tons of photos from hotel and guests. Same lobby area to elevator corridor, lamps, colors, design style. It IS the hotel in the Q post. No Coincidence. Wonder what Dianne is up to these days.

15303299? ago

Great catch anons. You guys amaze me with all the tech knowledge. So much I have learned has been old school. That doesn't stop me from learning but still very grateful for all you do.

15302620? ago

This submission was linked from this v/CalmBeforeTheStorm comment by @Silverlining.

Posted automatically (#11841) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15301838? ago

6X-382-NTP0038-3u2 首页 | 6X Digital Asset Exchange|BCB|Exchange|www.6X.com The 6X Exchange serves users from all over the globe. We are committed to building the world's leading legal cryptocurrency trading service, online and offline, through establishing physical currency exchange stations around the world to provide the public with convenient, safe, and easy access to our services. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=6X-382-NTP0038-3u2&t=iphone&ia=web

15301202? ago

Chongqing's Massive Surveillance System—500,000 Cameras

15300903? ago


15300487? ago

That look you get when you KNOW you have been caught. LOL. Feinstein crying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Nvo-zxrVuk

15300485? ago

Hyatt is an American owned hotel isn’t it? Via Google: In China, only about one percent of people are Christians, so most people only know a few things about Christmas. Because of this, Christmas is only often celebrated in major cities. In these big cities there are Christmas Trees, lights and other decorations on the streets and in department stores.

15300263? ago

Feinstein, HRC, Dems selling our military tech and sending all our manufacturing to China. Q has the coms, servers, emails, etc. Treason and great evil in high places. Hang 'em high Q!

15306153? ago

Bill and Killary sold sea ports on the West and East Coast of the USA to the PRC back in the 1990's. Anyone who stood in their way politically was Arkancided. Those ports, controlled and owned by China, are still at work today. Of course the Chinese had to contribute heavily to Bill and HRC, along with the DNC. Around that time, little miss Frankenstein, I mean Feinstein and her corrupt husband showed up to rake in the tens of millions for "real-estate" "deals." As Q and the anons have said, FOLLOW THE MONEY!

15300554? ago

1 upped for positivity.

15300228? ago

15300050? ago

Hyatt Regency Chongqing Hotel--Lobby

Notice floors are same, confirming location.

15299771? ago

I think Q is indicating that something big has happened, is happening, or will happen in or near the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Chongqing, China. Some have suggested this is a pic taken during surveillance. Remember what Q said about all pics they post being originals they made or pulled off of other peoples phones. This could also be from a phone of someone who was there. Imagine if you are someone and you learn Q has posted a pic you didn't know you had sent anywhere? So this could also be a psy-ops.

15299758? ago

HRC behind assassination attempt at Christmas tree lighting ceremony?

15300375? ago

This was fake news.

15299954? ago

wow that makes a lot of sense!🧐

15299743? ago

The tree is an "Evergreen" Now whos SS code name was Evergreen ;)

15299686? ago

China has the most christians in the world but the problem is that most christians cannot show their faith openly and have to attend underground churches

15299061? ago

Does this drop have anything to do with POTUS leaving quickly last night?

15298984? ago

brilliant catch

15298891? ago

We think we know how evil and disgusting the works of Satan are. I’m thinking we just know the tip of the iceberg. Let’s end this hooved beast.

15297561? ago

That looks like a MAC address on the name of the photo suggesting this might be a surveillance system generated pic and not mobile phone-sourced (although mobile phones have MAC addresses too). A surveillance system watching the various comings and goings could support 'many sentences' in terms of proving anyone's physical presence at this location at a particular time.

15300482? ago

that is not a mac addy. keep it real

15302405? ago

Exactly - not a MAC

15299366? ago

That's a good thought, but check this out > https://files.catbox.moe/bzjgc7.png

15299387? ago

How are those two books popping up?

15300697? ago

Q post 2503: 6X-382-NTP0038-3u2. Shows up in Google Books as the 'Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death' book.

15301598? ago

I believe the pertinent book in that search is "Sheep No More." It goes with, "We Know" from the corresponding Qpost.

15300743? ago

lol I know that much is true. I'm just not seeing why in the world the search algorithm would make those books show up. There isn't any matching information in the description.

15299994? ago

I'm not sure.. but it was discovered a while back that is you search Q's trip codes in Google books, you'll get some interesting results.

15299360? ago

Why would you think any particular series of bytes would look like a MAC address?

It's not even the right length unless you take just the 0CFB73410A93 part. If it had a known prefix corresponding to some camera or NIC maker that would be a good clue. But that is not the case. The MAC prefix 0CFB73 is not assigned.

15297493? ago


15297505? ago


15297336? ago

A picture is worth many "sentences"!

15306112? ago

Indeed. Criminal indictment sentences. Of course, followed by criminal judgement sentences after being found guilty of treason or sedition. Followed by criminal sentences like life in prison, or criminal sentences like "lethal injection," "hung by the neck until dead," "firing squad," "gas chamber," or "electric chair."

15304151? ago

Nice choice of words. Gotta love the way Q trolls the DS.

15297547? ago

Yes! As in many criminal judgement sentences. Nice!

15297316? ago

Seems more China related than HRC related... but we'll see

15297135? ago


15305155? ago

lol "Orange Man Bad"

15298089? ago

No one ordered egg rolls.

15297263? ago

This is English language sub, please stop replies in Chinese.

15297293? ago

I so sory. I rike this prace.

15303131? ago


15298100? ago

I rive in frorida. It is a peninsura. Peninsura.


15297753? ago

LMAO.. great reply

15298203? ago

Everyone knows that Asians even type with an accent. LOL

15297380? ago

Stick around, your posts are hilarious and it's not like we can't translate them.

15297433? ago


15297726? ago

Hey will you post up the characters for Bai Zuo (White Left)?

15297769? ago

I just use google translate in reverse. You can do that.

15297815? ago

Haven't studied Chinese but with Japanese, one word can be translated with different kanji depending on the meaning.

15297002? ago

哈。 我讓你看起來。

15296992? ago

Also Christmas tree could be a reference to Trump being covered in red dots last night? Maybe telling her she is in the sights? Or her plants are?

15297789? ago

They appeared to be reflections to me, as if lights off a mirrored or very shiny surface

15297061? ago


15297448? ago

There's one in your bathroom mirror.

15296969? ago

Is the number below the serial of the missing server? Showing HRC that we know what is on it?

15297245? ago

It googles to a book. Patrick Henry. "Give me Liberty or give me death".

15298118? ago

Yup.. and a book called, "Sheep No More"



15307483? ago

With an introduction by Sean Hannity

15296942? ago

Great find, Patriot!!! It sure as shit is the lobby in the Hyatt Chongging Lobby

15297863? ago

"Sorry, no results here." Looks like China and the DS can shut down even DDG.

15300223? ago

maybe its on your end, it's all there for me

15301195? ago

I was at work. Looks like the firewall ate it. Shows on my phone ok. Sorry for the false alarm.

15296889? ago


15296754? ago

If it’s China, then why the Christmas tree? Not saying it’s not China - just seems weird to me. China typically persecutes and penalizes Christians and prohibits their assembly. And the prodomant religion is Buddhism, followed by, Taoism, Confucianism, and ancestor worship.

15304183? ago

They do have Christmas decorations in China. I travel over for work sometimes and was there in late November and there were decorations in Shenzhen and LOTS in Hong Kong (for more obvious reasons than on the mainland)

15302428? ago

Still an American company you cuck

15299037? ago

It is.



15298606? ago

Go look how many Christmas trees China imports from Washington and Oregon.

also Christmas tree is not Christian. BTW

15300079? ago

Look how many artificial trees are made in China!

15298548? ago

Q has said Mirror may times. That picture has a huge reflection in it. Then you add in the red dot on POTUS. What type a Assassian uses a red dot? None. Could be a long shot, that was a warning to POTUS to DECLAS. Stop talking about waiting till next election, better do it before Christmas. Giving POTUS the timing of the DECLAS may not turn out to be a mistake.

15298547? ago

British owned Hong Kong for 100 years. Doesn't anyone study history anymore? They got gobs of Christians there.

15298391? ago

I lived in China 5 years. Christmas trees everywhere during the holidays. Its a good time for malls to make money with the new middle class in China that want to be western. Although last Xmas at the school i worked at they told us we couldnt put up decorations bc XJP decided it wasnt in line with communist values.

15307081? ago

Thank you for the first hand knowledge. I was hoping to learn from someone like yourself by posting my comment. Interesting insight.

15297926? ago

Actually they only go after political trouble makers. Nothing to do with religion itself.

15297476? ago

The Jesuits were active in China for a very long time. They wrote there calendar and Chinese history.

15297183? ago

Honestly, few Chinese realizes that Christmas and Santa has anything to do with Christianity. We all treat it like a fun western festival, that's all.

15307066? ago

Thanks. I was hoping to provoke a response from someone with 1st hand knowledge. I’ve heard of troubles Christians have in China but I had never heard anyone comment on how western culture embraced/not embraced today. Again, thanks for the insight.

15305182? ago

Your q translates as: Are there old Q believers here? Why do you think Q is a photo of Hyatt Regency Chongqing? Say it

15300566? ago


15305210? ago


15302798? ago


15299336? ago

Is Christmas Celebrated in China? https://www.thoughtco.com/how-christmas-is-celebrated-in-china-687498

Starting in late November, many department stores are decorated with Christmas trees, twinkling lights, and festive decorations. Malls, banks, and restaurants often have Christmas displays, Christmas trees, and lights.

I'm sure hotel lobby's are included in this idea.

15297359? ago

Don't give me the Christianity bull.... It's a pagan holiday. It's king David's Celebration of the Sun (days get longer). If you wanted to be historically accurate. A Christian would know Jesus would of been born in the spring time. They have records of when the census took place and it wasn't in december. December 25th is a fun western pagan festival that the church tried to give a false meaning to.

15303529? ago

Actually Christ was born during the Feat of Tabernacles which occurs in October. This is clearly seen in Luke & Matthew when all came to be taxed and Tabernacles because Jesus as God in human flesh came to earth to Tabernacle(abide) with His creation. Everything Jesus did coincides with the Father's determined festivals.

15300201? ago

It’s for the Winter Solstice that occurs on 12/21

15299564? ago

It makes sense. Most societies of the time had Winter Solstice celebrations and they were usually some of the most important festivities, because people, not knowing about orbital dynamics, sure apprecieated it when the Sun started to return. So when these cultures adopted Christianity, they simply Christianized the festival they were already celebrating.

15299519? ago

However, Christians commandeered it for their own use. It's our holiday now. Go get your own holiday.

15298329? ago

  1. Christianity is NOT bull. U been JW a long time.? I checked into it. In my spiritual experience JW IS FALSE. Jesus died on the cross. NOT a stake. I'm ok with JW till you say BS. about my faith .I don't care if your a buddist just keep my faith outta your mouth.

15298407? ago

Weird reply, he never said the faith was bull he was referring to Christmas being Christian as bull... cuz its clearly pagan and we all falsely worship for a few presents and eggnog.

15298721? ago

Ok. Christian Christmas is a" celebration of the birth of Christ" not his birtday party. Also you choose to believe the calandar your mentor told you. Neither of us have seen this in real life. We both worship the same guy and his son. God / Jehova and jesus. But Christmas is the holy day we "Christians" celebrate the birth of christ. Many people wrongly say its actually Jesus Christ's birthday. I'm in full agreement as far as the use of pagan symbolism and consumerism. It's not holy. But I go with the flow of my culture and gift giving is good. But I hate the use of Christ to aquire money. Fight the good fight patriot. WWG1WGA

15299235? ago

But I go with the flow of my culture

When it comes to idolatry and whatnot, the Bible repeatedly speaks of how adhering to tradition rather than God's commandments is wrong. The entire concept of Santa Clause and the Yule exchange of gifts is based on worship of other gods. Santa himself is often treated like a god to children.

15298838? ago

Yea, also my familys tradition is so ingrained and its not about christianity anyways. Im the only christian in my family who reads the bible. My parents never pushed religion, and they just see religion as tradition vs something to live by. I ask my fam to donate for xmas instead of get me a gift.

15297837? ago

Very good genius. But its not called a Sun Tree or a Winter Solstice Tree. That's a Christmas Tree and it is a secular trapping of a Christian holiday. nobody puts up a Christmas Tree to celebrate pagan festivals. Regardless of the historical accuracy of the birth date in question, that tree is a symbol of the birth of Christ.

15299447? ago

nobody puts up a Christmas Tree to celebrate pagan festivals.

That is actually exactly what they are doing. Ignorance is bliss, ain't it? This is why the elite enslave us. No one is using their thinking cap.

15298447? ago

Words are words, as a Christian i refuse Christmas as a holiday. Most christians celebrate it because they think its about Jesus but its not. Halloween and thanksgiving are no different. Church adopted pagan holidays to help thr masses assimilate to the church. Wasnt Gods plan, was the church getting powerful

15297813? ago

Most certainly a Pagan holiday! It was meant to try and convert most Pagans from that time to Christianity by tying it to their Sun Gods they were used to. Just another propaganda tool used by those in power to get their way.

15298507? ago

Ezekial warns us of Israel doing similar false worship, what did God do to Jerusalem as a result? And who did god punish the most? The high priests(todays corruot church is no different)

15297606? ago

The entire Christ birth story was adopted to tie him to the winter celestial events and the old astrology based religions. The three wise men, are stars.

15299621? ago

I think the Three Wise Men studied astronomy and they saw something in the stars that signified a king being born that they connected to the Hebrew people.

15299454? ago

Astrology or astronomy?

15318609? ago

Astrology. Astronomy is the science of cataloging the universe. Astrology is the belief that the patterns of the stars in the sky influence us.

15298592? ago

Astrology... who taught humans that in the OT? If the origination of astrology comes from genesis the oldest book you probably know... then how did christianity “adopt” it?

15299287? ago

I think you're both confusing astrology with astronomy

15302001? ago

many religions were astrology based, they worshiped the signs of the sky, not the science of it all. Even the bible talks about this on the first page in Genesis 1:14

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for** signs**, and for seasons, and for days, and years

There's many references to other religions worshipping the stars and the sun. Sun worship comes from (Gen 6 for starters), and how it spread through the world alongside/amongst biblical Hebrews. Christianity takes its roots from Judaism not some winter solstice nonsense

15297731? ago

If that was true, his birthday would be celebrated on December 21st/22nd - not the 25th.

15297953? ago

Zeitgeists does a better job explaining than I can.

15297456? ago

Christmas is Yule you idiot

Hail Odin! (Who is also the inspiration for Santa)

15296857? ago

I think China is cool with Christianity as long as you go to a state approved church with a state approved minister.

15297283? ago

Maybe...still doesn’t explain why there is a Xmas tree there. I mean, China has no cultural or religious ties to western Christianity - thus Christmas - thus Christmas tree. http://www.bpnews.net/51586/china-shutters-churches-demands-recant-of-faith

15312033? ago

If a hotel has many Western guests, and especially if it is a hotel chain (like Hyatt) owned by a Western company, why would they not have secular Christmas decorations?

15301302? ago

Hyatt is a western company. They decorate ALL their lobbies for the holiday. Every western hotel chain does as well.

15299681? ago

However, public places like hotels and malls will put up Christmas decorations. They find them beautiful and fun. Many of the younger Chinese have started commemorating Christmas.

15298980? ago

I think, the hotel is, mostly, for western guests

15297942? ago

xma is a commerical event all over the world even in muslim countries.

15297037? ago

Also, Northeast China has a large Christian population. Its when you go south and west that you see problems and some persecution. Also, let's not forget that Hyatt is a U.S. company so latitude is granted.

15297091? ago

That and also the fact that China makes every Christmas light, ornament, and tinsel on every tree in the entire world.

15296700? ago

Hopefully that is a clue that they are coming after HRC

15298773? ago

Maybe itll end with a rooftop shoot out and Hillary filmed live plunging to her well deserved death smashing a car on the street. Roll credits.

15298826? ago

Poor car :(

15299700? ago

Does seem like a waste of a good vehicle.

15298704? ago

I think this is the correct Clue...

15298181? ago

Yes especially given that HRC's server was "hacked"(left open for a fee) to give China our Military secrets.


15296608? ago

Chongqing (Communist) Party Secretary Bo Xilai is connected to Diane Feinstein.

15301092? ago

"Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s warm relationship with and advocacy for Communist China go back decades and involve millions, if not billions, of dollars." http://thefederalist.com/2018/08/08/sen-dianne-feinsteins-ties-china-go-way-deeper-alleged-office-spy/

15299798? ago

Q indicated she had been to Guangdong a couple months ago. I wonder if she had also been to Chongqing for similar purposes?

15299460? ago

Hmmm....that's interesting.

15299390? ago

So where has frankenstein been? hanging out there?

15296691? ago

This opens up a huge can of scandalilous worms: murder, bribery, and abuse of power in China.

15296504? ago

The HRC is interesting! Good catch, OP!

15296254? ago

Ok. We now know the location. What went down at that hotel. I guess time and more Q drops will tell.

15297489? ago

2 former presidents planning the assassination attempt last night..

15298646? ago

Ok I am game. I will take the bait. HRC and Predator Bill are in the USA on a failed Tour around the County. So they could not be in China. I dont think. Cant find where Obummer and Bush II are. Bush I in Nursing Homeish. Jimmy Carter is in Georgia. Ford and Reagan are dead. So? How do we get 2 presidents in China planning an assassignination. The mostly likely 2 of the bunch would be Obummer and Bush II (criminal). So the fact that they might plan it, I would believe it. You got any other data?

15300196? ago

Who said they were planning it last night?

15300542? ago

Ok. Realize on these boards you have to read it all to get it correct. The 2 president have to Bush II and the Clinton Tag Team. Notwithstanding when they planned it, glad they got it correct.

15298240? ago

Who probably then phoned Bibi.

15297083? ago

"Ok. We now know the location. What went down at that hotel. I guess time and more Q drops will tell."

I must have missed it...what went down at that hotel???

15297285? ago

WE don't know. Q just posted about it. So we are trying to figure it out. "Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ba2ad5 No.4070652 📁 Nov 29 2018 05:49:55 (EST) A8FFF8C6-6F82-4875-9C9B-0CFB73410A93.png ⬇ 6X-382-NTP0038-3u2 We know. Q"

15296313? ago

An interesting guess I heard is it has to do with GM, they have plants in the same city.

15296765? ago

2 millions units a year and a cheap labor... They can afford such hotels.