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15291761? ago

no one is in jail, why does it take 2 years for the military to pick up a few baddies. We are cucks

15292212? ago

If you haven't figured it out by now you are stupid or you are in denial for the sake of you not wanting to be played like a fool, which I understand, but the plan is for the people, not for the perps

15292401? ago

You don't even know how to keep your "power" Even if Trump could set you free from the deep state you will give your power right back in 3 minutes. Trump isn't making any permanent fixes for the people he is only authorized to do shit for the US citizens and there is no way he will let them go free. When he was telling people to "go out and vote" I knew it was all bullshit. You are not a US citizen the sooner you realize that the better off you will be. You are a voluntary slave (13th amendment "involuntary servitude is illegal") payment into a pension is evidence of employment so you pay into "social security" that is your pension because you work for a corporation called UNITED STATES

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. Non-profit Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 4/19/89 File No. 2193946

Congress is a Private business

How they changed our form of government

15292486? ago

None of that means anything if we burn it all down. Which is what we'll do if it ever feels like your dystopian fantasy becomes reality.

I don't see humans getting it if wave slavery, most would just have it be comfortable slavery. They just have to keep whites comfortable, or kill our masculinity and will to fight.

I'm not worried. We will do what needs to be done

15292568? ago

you aren't doing anything, you dont know what to do, you still believe the birth certificate identifies you

you haven't got a clue,

15292802? ago

"you aren't doing anything"

New response of the NPCs who do nothing themselves

15292783? ago

You haven't shown me anything new today, kiddo.

I know exactly what to do.