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15280322? ago

To new eyes:

OP is one among a number of shills on this subverse trying to portray the Q movement as racist.


The real Q:

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

How to identify the shills with 100% accuracy:

15280648? ago

Happy Hanukkah

15280773? ago

You're a linkfaggot because you have no argument. All races deserve to be preserved. Anyone saying different is a Kike

15280843? ago

^ ^ ^

The shills are panicking.

They desperately need to have new eyes turn away from QRV by falsely portraying the Q movement as concerned with "preserving" numbers of people based on....genetics.

How to identify these worms with 100% accuracy:

The real Q:

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

15280976? ago

You are the only shill here and everyone knows it. You post the same way every time. You use platitudes that are unrelated to change the subject and dance around pretending to have moral high ground. You use links and always do this ^^^ as if nobody knows who you are replying to. You try to use phrases we would but you stand out like a sore thumb. Racemixing is a disgusting sin, and Babel was for a reason. If everyone mixes the world will be a boring place totally devoid of culture and uniqeness. Only one group of people want that. Tamusic Jews. This sub is waking up by the day, and its only you being a spamming faggot. Go be a little good jewboy and work at daddy's insurance scamming call center. The truth is out and people aren't going to forget.

15281972? ago

^ ^ ^

This is a self-admitted "joofag" shill piece of degenerate shit.

How to identify these sick fucks: