15254369? ago

I think the black community has strongest sister and brotherhood feelings. They couldn't survive without this. It held them together and works very well for savety and protection. Black women (but also men) are largely undervalued on worldscale and have a heavy common history in which they need to back up eachother. I could fully understand they'd all vote for Candice Owens. She understands and inspires BIG time.

Bring her in to lecture her sisters on the democratic plantation!

15252690? ago

Niggers shouldn’t be allowed the vote.

15252336? ago

I believe the point Rush was making was that if CNN is going to call white women racist for voting for Trump it applies double to black women that voted for a black women in much higher numbers. It was a point of their hypocrisy. CNN didn't even think of the possibility that women that supported Trump did so based on his policies that would benefit America, so Rush used that same analysis to examine the votes of their voters.

15250905? ago

Identity politics at it's best, or worst! 😕 😕 😕

15250524? ago

The best part of you commenting here is that there aren't too many smart people taking your bait. We, Q team are not racist, we are inclusive of all people who live in the US legally especially the black community who came here uprooted from their life, their family, their country, their ancestry. We are also inclusive of our first nation people who we should learn from, our immigrants who came and fought to make a living, our poor and our rich white folks hoping that the two could up lift one an other for better. We don't count smartness with books and calculation and IQ's, we are every one of us an i Q helping a 2 B. We strive for peace, not division.......and then one day......late in life.......life sat me.

15248059? ago

It absolutely is abhorrent racism

15248038? ago

Wait, what happen to all that walkaway talk before the election? It looks like a lot of people lied.

15248062? ago

15% of black men voted republican. They are waking up.

15247828? ago

This is so cool. Here we are trying to defeat a subculture of liars, crooks, murders, racists and destroyers of our Constitution and our Country and what do we have with us, a bunch of liars, crooks, murders, racists and destroyers of our Constitution and our Country. Why are we fighting if when we are done we will end up still screwed because of the "conservative radicals" version of the "leftist radicals". The right hand can't wash the left hand if it is just as dirty. I will tell you that the Lord Almighty will not look down on us with any compassion if we are the same as those we fight against. We are by Divine definition, supposed to be better than, more compassionate than, more loving than, more devoted than and definitely more spiritual than the other side. Our real mission is to fix the problem and return this Country to the Lord, then He in return let's us live and prosper here as long as we take care of the land, our families, the country and those in the world who truly need our help. If we can't do that then no wonder we in the predicament that we are in. We have NO GOD GIVEN RIGHT to be racist, against people of color, different religious beliefs, different nationalities and of different intelligence levels. Think about this, after the BIG war is over, the only survivors will be the rope bridge builders, the bow and stick hunters, the ones who know what to eat and what not to eat off the land and those who know where and how to find water. They will know how to build shelters with what is at hand. They won't have guns or rifles which will be no good when the bullets run out, they need no matches to start fires and they will know what plants can be used to fight illness and infections. They don't hunt with cases of beer and know when to get out of the way of a charging elephant. They know an awful lot for having such low IQ's. Maybe they don't need high IQ's because they are happy to just be alive. In the end, those of us high IQ people won't be so much happy. We're going to hope that we can find some of those low IQer's to survive..... Let the attack begin!

15250661? ago

The shills are working their division tactics. This thread might as well be an msm news show as its just causing division. Yes, there are more problems and truths that need to be exposed after the cabal is taken down, but let’s first concentrate on winning the war for our lives against the nwo cabal, then work on the deeper truths.

15263979? ago

I hate to disappoint you but I am not a shill. As far as waiting until the war is over it will be too late. Already the real shills have infiltrated our ranks that even we can't tell them apart from ourselves. Imagine what new members think when they see the same hate, racism and cruelty they get from the left alive and well here on the "righteous" side. If we can't police ourselves and keep the shills at bay then how are we better. We need to fight all sides of the battle instead of waiting for things to happen. We need to challenge the shills as well as those on our side which counter our message and effort. Sorry, there are no free rides. All wars have many fronts. We need to work every day to strengthen our position and get our message across to the rest of the country. We will win nothing if hate and racism becomes one of our standards. For those who are true members of this team, keep your racist thoughts and words to yourself, because we don't need you to undermine the message. After the war have at it. But don't be surprised if you become the next target. We work for the Lord, POTUS, "Q" and all of the true patriots who support the Constitution, all of it with no exceptions. If you can't support that concept and can't keep your mouth shut then become a shill and we'll work on you . We have to multitask to win the war. We have to stay true to the country. We have to stay true to the Constitution. Most of all we have to stay true to the Lord. So next time ask instead of jumping to conclusions. True warriors ask. Shills accuse. Just know this, without the Lord we will win nothing. Nothing.....

15247401? ago

Sadly, White people are the only race who don't tend to vote in terms of their own racial interests. All other races do so without hesitation.

15247084? ago

If 97% of people exhibit the same behavior, is that not the definition of normal?

Groups exist in nature, and have natural group interests.

Only within homogeneic nations can group interests be superseded to address further concerns.

Multiracial societies devolve into power struggles among the disparate groups until they collapse.

As the white supermajority has dwindled in the US, whites are adopting the group alignment typical of minority races, who due to the dynamic I've described, naturally behave as a block, never being able to supersede their status as guests.

We are drawn to our own kind and become compelled to back them, all the more when we're surrounded, and outnumbered by another.

We've been tricked by the Cabal into calling normal behavior "racist". A made up word meant to have us destroy our nations, that they may take our countries.

Take the red pill on the reality of race.


15247010? ago

Black communist women are racist cunts.

15246856? ago

Also the definition of stupidity. Explains why they voted for a poor candidate like Obama twice.

15246317? ago

I keep hope that our values, economically and socially would slowly grow on non-white ethnic groups, but it really seems demographics is destiny, and no amount of pandering from the right to non-whites pays in the end. Likewise, the only group that votes outside of their interests are white liberals.

15246405? ago

Black.men voted 15% for republicans. That's a huge shift. Massive

15249968? ago

Around the time of the 2016 election I met two old guys at a hospital and they were laughing, tickled, "Trump is the most interesting president in my lifetime." They approved of him. These are guys that have been around the block with "racism", 40s/50s/60s style. They knew Trump is no racist.

15246045? ago

They keep pushing the Race Card and the Me Too Movement for that very reason. Regarding race, many Blacks still haven't figured out that all those statues of "Racist White Confederate Supremacists" were actually of Democrats.

15246068? ago

No wonder the democrats want to tear them down.

15245561? ago

Monkey See. Monkey Do.

15245408? ago

Profile the people you meet. Pre judge them until they earn your trust.

Most Blacks support Hillary. Most Muslims support Sharia.

That's reality, like it or not. It's up to these communities to change the perception by action.

15245031? ago

Sad fact it is this.

You must profile every black person you meet as most likely being a supporter of Democrats. That means they are traitors. Be cautious until you get to know them.

15245125? ago

Oh no, not traitors. Their loyalties have always been to their own interests, as ours should.

15245174? ago

I believe that support of Democrats is the act of a traitor.

15245193? ago

They have to have been on our side in the first place.

15245237? ago

Never thought of it that way. Thanks.

In that case we should classify them as enemies of the United States.

15245332? ago


15244516? ago

Why yes...yes it is. But "Shhhh". Apparently it makes you a 'Nazi' for pointing out an objective fact that the Left does not like.

15244550? ago

They call anything to the right of pure hardcore communism fascist.

15244461? ago

Only white males can be RAY-CYST.

15244408? ago

No. It's the definition of protecting your own interest. Something black wen obviously understand better than a lot of other people.

15244326? ago

Hope and Change, How can you Have Hope and Change if you don't ever want to Change? I don't get it. They refuse to think outside the Box. It has to be that they believe everything that is said by their leaders. Look there are leaders and followers, you can't lead from the back. They would rather have someone else make that decision for them. And yet complain about the outcome!!!!!!

15243940? ago

You idiot, you can't be racist if you're black


15244025? ago

I am a fool. I actual believed in the message of Martin Luther king.

15243906? ago

Yeah, it's very sad. Blacks are the only race in the US to go backward since the 60's. The hispanics in comparison have made huge strides since then. I remember how poor they used to look back then, not anymore. Meanwhile, black ghettos are worse than they were and more poverty and single mothers. Understand that blacks were the test subjects of the brainwashing they were going to push on the rest of us. I'm happy Trump is trying to help them. Let's hope they will walk out of their self made prison....

15244041? ago

Pure delusion.

15244482? ago

But they were. Lack of education and a broken home, the perfect people to manipulate and it worked very well. They are in their self made prison. Why do they vote Democrat when Jim Crowe laws were created by liberals and second, it was Republicans who got them the right to be citizens with a constitutional amendment...

15244583? ago

Niggers were always rapists and murders, that's why we had lynch mobs, separate facilities and the KKK. It prevented them from attacking white people.

Once integration was enforced, they were able to attack whites with impunity.

Again, blacks are incapable of competing with white men on a level playing field. Their IQs are too low and they have inborn behavioral disorders that cannot be overcome.

In Africa, they still eat and enslave each other and murder white people constantly.

15243994? ago

The democrats have always lived off the labor of others. The Democrat plantation is as real today as was in the 1800's.

15244493? ago

It's because many of them are Satanists and these actions defile God....

15243681? ago

No. It is the definition of stupidity.

15243403? ago

No, it's just life. White people cannot wrap their minds around the simple truth that ethnic groups have allegiances to their own people. Asians do it, blacks do it, browns do it, reds do it. Everyone does it because it is natural. Only whites have been brainwashed to think that it isn't a naturally occurring event, in spite of all evidence. So, do I hate on black women for voting for their own? No. Because they are doing what is natural.

15244888? ago

So, do I hate on black women for voting for their own?

Yes, because they are killing "my own".

15244161? ago

Asians do not want lower taxes, they want the government to make you pay for their family to replace white Americans.

Don't think the GOP didn't try to court the asians. The GOP put a significant effort into courting the asian vote this last election cycle. Candidates across the country were on WeChat (chinese facebook), paying for ads in asian newspapers, and supporting asian centric issues such as non-discrimination for asians in higher education. They were ready to give the asian community everything they said they wanted. The result? Less than 25% of asians supported the GOP this election cycle with over 70% going to the democrats.

The truth is that most asians do not care about their tax rates being a few percentage points higher, they don't care about natural rights or any of the things we bloviate about. What the typical asian really wants is the ability to bring mom, dad, and 15 of their cousins over from their home country which the democrats in the interest of white replacement will never take away from them.

Taxes cuts aren't of interest to this ethnic group when the asian families can live off the government (while claiming they are contributing). Sure the asian who came here on an educational visa and gets a government job pays taxes, however his Cousin Zhou Xu will work at their family restaurant, with 20 other asian immigrants, for under the table cash so he can keep collecting welfare, all the while having 4-5 kids that white Americans pay to send through public schools.

Oh and because you are paying for their mom&dad to move to America, those asian families don't need to pay for day care. So while white families are being financially drained with child care expenses the asians are soaking up welfare money and able to send their kids to private asian tutors who also aren't paying any taxes. This is how asians are able to save huge amounts of money because white Americans are subsidizing their entire existence.

Most of us know demographics is destiny, just don't be silly enough to think that you can appeal to asian votes when all they really want is to bleed you dry.

15243128? ago

If you go to Japan, the native Japanese will get treated better than you. Is that "Japanese privilege".

No, that's the whole point of having a nation called Japan.

So they think, just because they held the barn door open against our will for a few decades that they can now say that America is not a white country and that there is something called "white privilege".

You can bet your sweet ass that "white privilege" was their very best of intentions for us. It certainly wasn't for some greasy nigger to be running anything more than a hotdog stand. I guarantee you that.

15243965? ago

I'm all for that and I'd hope to expect that a country would take it's people first. The double standard is when Americans want those same standards. Liberals only call this racist in the US. If Japan does it they have no problem, as long as it's anti-white.....

15244163? ago

More jews are going to japan and mating with japanese girls.

In another couple generations they'll have a growing number of asians with curved beaks and frizzy hair shaming "themselves" to allow more niggers in.

It's already begun, the nips and koreans will not be spared.


15243088? ago

How the heck do you prove that?

15244241? ago

It's easier than you'd think. You take the vote counts from different areas and by using the recorded demographics of the subject areas a statistician can parse out the voting patterns by race and gender.

15254082? ago

ah, I see... first lesson in my statistics class, don't trust statistics.

15256210? ago

That's a strange thing to tell a class, statistics is just data analysis.

15258335? ago

He was a very good teacher. It's the data that can be skewed and then the way you look at it too...at best they are only good for a general idea. The entire class we learned how this can and does happen even with the best intentions. I do believe that some number of busy people ask friends or family how to vote and that could give you blocks of one opinion. I don't believe that racial groups are all voting one way though. We did ask the teacher why he was teaching us how to cheat. He said he wasn't advocating cheating but wanted us to know what we're up against. Each agenda's faction can and do get hugely different numbers from the same data. I guess you could put them all together and average them but it would still be a guess with an opinion.

just food for thought...

15260530? ago

You say he's a very good teacher, but after his course could you actually do analysis?

I'm not trying to be mean about this, but you are making a very broad statement that to me makes very little sense: "ah, I see... first lesson in my statistics class, don't trust statistics." There is a difference between truisms and knowing how to actually use the tools you are given.

I understand the gist of what you are trying to convey, that bad data can lead to inaccurate conclusions, and it's possible to load the proverbial dice. However, in a professional setting statistical analysis is deadly accurate. The techniques which are used to derive voting patterns hold up to scrutiny.

15263175? ago

No offense taken. I appreciate the questions and input.

The class was 20+ yrs ago. And I pretty much hated it. It was a highly rated JC that try as I may to find it, had no political bias. Yes, I could do analysis well enough to get a B. I promptly forgot just about all of it, never to use those skills again. Computers were just becoming in home products, so there's that time line to consider.

I'm unsure what broad statement. That statistics isn't an exact science? I'm unsure how that couldn't still be true.. I believe you can get deadly accurate results but how often? For voting stats.... the corruption in our voting system is so bad how can you trust any voter roll? 95% just screams something isn't right.

I'm not saying it's not possible. But for me there are too many factors stacked up against this claim. This article claims a racial group and reveals (supposedly) that 95% of black women in a county voted the same way. Which screams HYPE and trouble for those women no matter what the truth is...and what ever happened to your vote being private? Why did they think Trump was never going to win ... stats and corruption?

I admit to being mildly curious why people in stats are so sure of results... I'm aware that a machine may be able to predict patterns pretty precisely and learn human behavior especially with the data gathered on every citizen but I have some questions there about social engineering and brain washing. There can be so many variables. If your population is brain washed you could get pretty exact stats, for sure!

When are stats used as propaganda and how is that done? I don't mean to challenge or offend just to say that, hey, don't believe everything you read. This one kinda stinks IMO. The more questions we ask the more we learn. I am interested how you come to believe in statistics as much as you do. They do have a place and are very useful. I don't mean to disregard them. Just this particular story doesn't add up for me.

15242891? ago

I suppose that can be argued, but the reality is more likely voting their interest. The government is the feeding trough, not for welfare, but for jobs and contracts. Voting in a female black American grants more female black Americans a government job or a consultancy contract.

15243379? ago

And to put white people down, because they hate them.

15244443? ago

I had a very good black friend for years in Europe when I was younger. He was well spoken, loved manga and comic books, and seemed to be one of the "good ones". His parents came from a French speaking African country as refugees and his host city embraced him with open arms. During the time I knew him he road the social welfare safety net hard, he worked maybe 3 years from 18-28. His moms apartment was subsidized by the government so of course he would never move out. You would think that by living such a charmed life he would love white people.

Nope. As he got older he started to speak evil of the white race. In his mind his family didn't come to Europe to escape his violent country, rather, his family was driven to Europe by colonialist activities and if it wasn't for Europeans his country would have been some kind of Wakanda paradise. He would start accusing society and individuals of racism and toward the end of our friendship referred to me as his racist republican friend. Month by month, year by year, his hatred for Europeans grew. And talking to other people who have had black friends who showed their true colors, my friend was not an exception but rather the rule.

As a white person you have to realize that truly do not understand the black mind. You can't understand what it's like to hate with a blind passion like a black person hates, to have a burning fire that makes you despise other ethnic groups. Even around national socialists on this board I find that they don't hate blacks, they simply don't want them in our society. But blacks, they absolutely hate you for the simple reason that you are different. They can be docile for years, they can get an education and have white friends, but one day their true nature will expose itself.

15244518? ago

I had a very good black friend for years in Europe when I was younger. He was well spoken, loved manga and comic books, and seemed to be one of the "good ones".

This is what a lot of white people see when they know these people superficially.

But you come to realize that everything this fucker does in the political or social sphere is an effort to undermine your people.

15242885? ago

LIGHT overcomes the darkness.
1-Election + D party officials filled out many thousands of blank ballots?
2-Election + D party officials removed and destroyed 'legal' ballots?
3-Election + D party officials deliberately organized non-citizen voting?
4-Election + D party officials in [XX] locations across the US [under lock & key]
stored many thousands of 'blank' ballots for purposes of 'altering the vote total'?
Who safeguards 'blank' ballots?
Who issues 'blank' ballots?
Who controls 'blank' ballots?
How many 'blank' ballots are generated vs. total county pop?
Why did the same counties [under dispute today] REFUSE to turn over voter registration information
upon request to the Voter Fraud Commission?
Why was the Voter Fraud Commission disbanded and turned over to DHS?
What vested auth does DHS have compared to a commission body?
Enemy @ the Front Door.

15243050? ago


15242984? ago

Is like more said on this soon.

15242797? ago

nope. racism meant to disadvantage another race you discriminate against.

this here has to do with race and gender identification. its reasonable when the qualification of various candidates is similar. its stupid when you choose race or gender - think HRCa campaign, it was all gender-focused - over qualification.

15242775? ago

black people are racist and sexist. so is every other race. white people are the least racist and least sexist group on the planet on average by a large margin and it is being used to destroy us.

15242417? ago

Whites are the only altruistic race on earth. Everyone else takes care of their own. To our detriment.

It has to stop.

15242543? ago

Altruism is our civilisations suicide bomb.

15242380? ago

More proof majority of blacks are racist against whitey and many of them hide it like the pro athletes like that big mouth asshole Lebron James.

15242323? ago

If anything that's ethnocentrism

The problem with multi ethnic societies, is that, people no longer vote for ideas, but for ethnicity essentially

15242269? ago

Nigs are gonna nog. No surprise there.

"She dindu nuffin"

15242212? ago

If People are so stupid (ignorant) that they cast a vote based on the color of a mans skin (in this case a wo-man) as opposed to the truth "they" walk, they deserve what they get.
It seems to take an above average IQ to understand what Racism truly is, a lower than average IQ just parrots, monkey see, monkey do :)

15241948? ago

No, just stooopid sheep

15241751? ago

But you're only talking about 1000 women.

15241576? ago

They always do that.

Which is why it's idiotic for a white person to vote for a non-white person.

15243196? ago

"we need role models today"
THEY DO NOT THINK ABOUT TOMORROW !!! That's them in a nutshell.
* They do not believe in equality
* They do not think they can catch up with equal laws.
* They don't care that they had a black president, for 8 years, and told them EOE has gone on long enough.

If you're an American you believe there's only one law needed for people of all kinds. If you think you need special laws to stay alive then you're disinterested in working and want your neighbor to float you until you care to work. That day will never come if it's not today, once you get a handout you'll always want one.

Give them Arkansas, hire them to build a moat around the state, in 10 years they'll call it New Afrika and we'll call it jail. Have all migrants flown into New Arkansas and work their way out and into America.

15248821? ago

fuck off faggot. AR is one of the cleanest and purest states in America. Tucked right in the middle of it all.

15254154? ago

fuck off faggot. AR is one of the cleanest and purest states in America. Tucked right in the middle of it all.

Brought us the Clintons and first officials arrested for streaming sex with infants. In a drive from the East coast to Dallas it's the biggest waste of time.

15250401? ago

Muriica's taint?

15246084? ago

Then Kurt Russell can fly in and save the President, whose aircraft was downed within.

15244509? ago

Give them AFRICA.

15254170? ago

Then you've gotta give them boats, which they won't build and you'll never see again, and a captain otherwise they'll just float back when there's a mutiny because they realize the black captain is riding dirty.

15250388? ago

SOLD! You pulled a Space of Aids but you won fair and square!

15243234? ago

Give them Arkansas

My offer is this: nothing.

15250167? ago

Give them DC. Build a wall around it. Don't let them or the politicians out. Eat popcorn.

15246452? ago

They already do, in their original country Africa. They eat mud and shit cakes. They ALL have to go back.

15243469? ago

We have that today and just seem them commit crimes. Unless you're advocating for a genocide something needs to change.

15243859? ago

No, they get plenty of gibs, housing, food stamps, AA jobs, minority business set asides, welfare, pimping out white girls, immunity from petty crimes, etc.

There aren't many non-legal reasons not to advocate it.

15242454? ago

We're dealing with double digits IQs in areas where Dems have set up poverty traps.

Why would they vote against their income? And have to go to work instead of sit at home?

15242547? ago

With an average IQ of 85 they are incapable of performing any job in a way that is not "absolutely counterproductive". This is according to extensive studies performed by the US Military.

So the only thing Republicans can offer niggers is a lifetime of cleaning toilets (even this would be charity), starvation, or jail.

15250473? ago

The best part of you commenting here is that there aren't too many smart people taking your bait. We, Q team are not racist, we are inclusive of all people who live in the US legally especially the black community who came here uprooted from their life, their family, their country, their ancestry. We are also inclusive of our first nation people who we should learn from, our immigrants who came and fought to make a living, our poor and yes our rich white folks hoping that the two could up lift one an other for better. We don't count smartness with books and calculation and IQ's, we are every one of us an i Q helping a 2 B. We strive for peace, not division.......and then one day......late in life.......life sat me.

15253747? ago

The best part of you commenting here is that there aren't too many smart people taking your bait.

o'rly? You see those + and - numbers? Blind motherfucker. My comments are quite popular on this thread, yours are not.

We, Q team are not racist,

It's interesting that your theories on race are the same as Soros and the MSM despite all evidence to the contrary..

A real controlled opposition, aren't you? lol

15243462? ago

Have you seen that photo of Ethiopians using a rope to cross a crumbling bridge built by Europeans long ago? That picture says it all

15251124? ago

No, I haven’t seen that, link plos.

15245230? ago

The backstory to it is even better. Some more kind, capable people (give you 3 guesses which race they were) offered to travel there, for a 'holiday', and rebuild the bridge for them. For free. Not even charging for materials. They got chased off by a gang of locals because a group of them had a nice job going charging people to cross on the rope they held between them.

Africa desperately needs more colonisation.

15246296? ago

no it needs to be left as the shithole it is. colonization is just one more way for their shitty genetics to infect our genome. separation is the safest choice.

15246398? ago

If we don't, somebody else will. Maybe its the eternal cuck in my pure huwhite genes calling me, but I'd rather not see them be subjected to chinese colonisation. That will just turn out terrible for everyone. I'd happily instigate some harsh anti racemixing laws, but colonisation could be an effective way to manage some resource extraction.

15246561? ago

if you mingle with their society race mixing will take place. period. you are playing with fire. let the chinese damage their genome then.

15246822? ago

well. that's not necessarily true. You could always just make it one way. Ban women from racemixing, men can racemix all they want but not keep the child. And then utilise one-drop rules for any offspring from that mix. You'd both improve their genome, and keep your own pure. Plus, if its a small segment of the population running the colonisation, it's both limited in scope, and wouldn't infect the remainder back in the home country. Bleaching is a valid strategy.

I do appreciate your point regarding the semi-futility of trying to keep race mixing prevented entirely in such circumstances though. Whites are too empathetic, and making them mixed race hapas would only worsen the situation.

15249203? ago

exactly. empathy plus proximity equals the eventual degredation of your otherwise solid guidelines.

15245505? ago

We should breed out sickle cell and let the mosquitoes thin them out

15243461? ago

I have a bullet in my back bc of a "gang initiation." They made off with $25 to split four ways and made me a cripple for life because of it.

15244494? ago

Nigger tried to carjack my wife. She ran it over and just drove away.

15272945? ago

At least I learned a lot about myself. My brain became like a supercomputer and everything was in slow motion. I formulated three separate plans of escape in the time it took them to take two steps, but rejected all three for good reasons. They'll be getting out of prison in the next few years and they know where I live, unfortunately. But I know what the Castle Doctrine says. Too many people think you have to shoot them then "drag them inside." First, even a rookie cop would be able to figure it out and secondly, the perp only has to be on my property, not inside my home. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM - salute to Q.

15273325? ago

Crazy stuff man. You should do a good writeup on this and post it on v/niggers or stuffblackpeopledontlike or something like that.

15250377? ago

Mate, how did the car fare?

15251479? ago

Nigger grease smears all over the passenger side but other than that it was just fine! Got its leg with a back tire when it tried to pop open the passenger door and jump in in traffic.

15243817? ago

Very sorry to see this, something needs to be done.

15273001? ago

Ironically, I don't blame the perps themselves very much. They were teenagers that never had a man around to teach them what it's like to BE a man or to keep them on the straight and narrow. I blame the Welfare State. In further irony, I've been on SSDI ever since because of both the physical issues it brought me and especially the psychological ones. If a would-be employer says I can't carry concealed at work (which 99% won't let you for "insurance" reasons), I can't work for them because I trusted them to keep me safe before, and they failed miserably, so I have to do it. And how stupid is it to have to sign a paper saying I won't bring a gun to work? That would stop a crazy person from shootin' up the joint about as well as if the workplace were an official "gun-free zone" smh

15274595? ago

There's no welfare state in Africa, they do the same things to white people and each other.

They don't have a man around because blacks operate on a different reproductive model than whites.

Blacks are wired to take a "shotgun" approach to reproduction, spreading their seed far and wide, using any means necessary including rape, ignoring quality, much like rabbits.

15242795? ago

this is the truth. there is no system where they will be productive. period.

15242276? ago







15245357? ago

There is no such thing as a nigger patriot you fucking idiot. Just because you met some nigger that can fake white and act like us doesn’t excuse the 99.99% of niggers that are fucking wild animals. All niggers must fucking die!

15245465? ago

^ ^ ^

To the new eyes: Self-admitted shill right here folks.

How to identify them with 100% accuracy:


They use words they don't understand, in the desperate hope that new eyes will be tricked into believing the Q movement is a racist movement.

It's the same old shit fake news since at least WW2.

The world is awake now.

So they panic.

But they're stupid and don't know what else to do, so they use WW2 fake news propaganda in the 21st century.

Dumb fucks

15242823? ago

lol. sorry but your following of Q as if he is the second coming of jesus will not change the fact that a vast majority of blacks are intellectually inferior to every other race on the planet. nor will it change the fact that these differences are genetic. you can get butthurt and call us commies, but you are just another brainwashed child fighting against reality.

15242860? ago

^ ^ ^





15243265? ago

Found the nigger

15243341? ago

^ ^ ^

Self-admitted shill.

How to identify with 100% accuracy:


15242308? ago

Niggers, you caps lock infected, nigger dick sucking faggot.

Sure, I'm terrified, look at yourself. lol

15242354? ago

^ ^ ^





15242440? ago

Exaggerated counter posting to sway common sense folk to the right side. I like it.

15244680? ago

I didn't like the Q brigade when you all came here, but my god you are assimilating to voat culture fast. In the first month I felt like the Q brigade was just using our bandwidth to propagate civic nationalism but I'll be dammed if you all aren't sounding a lot more national socialist these days.

Keep up the good work!

15253724? ago

I've been around, found the alt right 6 months before Trump came along.

Still though, I really would like to just fix what we have rather than go ham.

Watching trump at that round table last night was cozy. I haven't felt that good since I was 10 years old and Regan was prez. I felt like I had a country.

I had forgotten about the brown hordes, the feminist, the (((commies))). I couldn't put my finger on it. Something has changed.

Q brought us here for a reason. Trump has yet to denounce Q, the media won't bring it up even thought doing so would hurt Trump.

We may just pull this off. Without mayrtring the jews.

15256279? ago

We may just pull this off. Without mayrtring the jews.

And before some leftie researcher gets a bright idea. I do not hate other races, I do however want America to return to demographics that allow for a sane political spectrum. Blacks have a place here as much as I do. Not that I should be forced to put my kid in an inner city school surrounded by them. Fuck that.

You're holding contradictory ideas in your head my friend. You clearly know what blacks do to a country, you know they destroy inner cities in every country they are introduced, yet you still say "Blacks have a place here as much as I do". Really?

Just because a bunch of Jews a few hundred years ago brought blacks to our country does not mean that we need to accept them as a part of our society.

15258784? ago

I know it, to no fault of their own. State lines exist and there is plenty of room.

Why are you calling me, (((my friend))), my dude?

15242647? ago

^ ^ ^





15242416? ago

White collectivism is the future.

15242658? ago

^ ^ ^

This is a self-admitted shill.

How to identify these anti-Q frauds:


15242406? ago

I'm ultra right wing, you're a fucking communist compared to me.

I make Mussolini look like a girl scout.

Oh and who do you think you are talking to, no one is coming to help.

You're worthless.

15242714? ago

^ ^ ^








15242785? ago

^ ^ ^

The stupid shillfuck leftist commie degenerate pieces of shit are ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED AT THE WORLD WAKING UP.






15242810? ago

Not terrified, doing well, not addressing imaginary peanut gallery, speaking using my own words, not using a script. lol

15242827? ago

^ ^ ^


15242931? ago

I bet you get scared looking in the mirror every morning.

15242979? ago

^ ^ ^



15245105? ago

lol. You fucker.

15245124? ago

^ ^ ^


15245199? ago


15245213? ago

^ ^ ^


15245323? ago

I respect your creativity

15243210? ago

So you're an ugly boomer hag who loves nigger dick. Got it.

15241549? ago

No. It's like black people can call each other niggas because their black, and white people can't use the nigga term because they're white. You know. Logic. No racism here. Just plain stupidity. Don't call us that but we call each other that all the time. Pure genius at work.

15241510? ago

It's only racist when white males vote for other white males.

15243405? ago

They only call it racism when whites do it, and the problem is that whites, including too many around here, still think there’s something wrong with racism, when in fact racism is a perfectly normal and natural thing that everybody does. Preferring your own race is no different than preferring your own family. Yet half of you guys still like to signal about how you don’t care about race, hoping to get some brownie points from your enemies. Which is a pretty pathetic way to fight back if you ask me.

15241462? ago

umm how many of the candidates were black women? if the whole state is black and you got like 1 non black would that be suprising?