15237227? ago

Personally, I was never able to get past the ridiculous-looking, shoe polish-died, sheepdog on Corsi's lip. Everything that guy publishes has a picture of his face sporting that abomination of a mustache. His photos scream "There is something seriously wrong with me!!"

15235714? ago

Corsi started following me on Twitter back in 2016 when I was tweeting about pizzagate, spirit cooking, Clinton, etc and I thought nothing of it...

15235474? ago

Q calls out [Corsi], we know that fuck is [MOSSAD], and for us to be extremely vigilant. It's like Q knows who causes all the bullshit FFS.

15233866? ago

corsi and alex are done, rest in pieces you traitors.

15233296? ago



15232513? ago

Why did none of youngsters pay any attention to Corsi's activities in Poland back in the 90s ? He's been dirty for well over 30 years. Hit the books and do research.


15233447? ago

Thanks for going that extra mile by just adding a link /s

Scroll to Organized Crime, Again to find references to Corsi

15233285? ago

Unfortunately a lot of people in this movement will follow the first charismatic pimp they see wearing a full length mink coat. People still rally for A. Jones like idiots too. You won't get struck by lightning if you admit you were wrong about a public figure. People should grow up and learn to be more discerning.

15234893? ago

This. No one talks about their journey. Just who they will defend in a given moment based on their current understanding of events. In fact I’ll admit right now I learned of Q through Alex Jones. That wasn’t too long ago all things considered. His mistake though. He flew too close to the sun, and when the jig was up- he lost his chance to make things right all for the buck. I never looked back. And also never got struck by lightning/turned into a gay frog 🐸😬

15232188? ago

Corsi was always shit.

... world's most useless doctor.

15231487? ago

I never did have a good feeling about Corsi and I don't know why. Maybe because he was selling books. I should trust my instincts.

15231415? ago

Really? What a news-a-flash Misses a-Whiggins. I neededa Q to ah-tell me uh-that! (looks up at the rug hanging off his forehead; tosses head back to flip the carpet back over)

15231300? ago

I fell for the Corsi trap for a few days. But he was so evasive, and he had his private army of guessers, and it was so washy-washy I soon doubted the whole thing and got fed up. You scratch my back I scratch yours game. You soon become intuitive when you quit CNN. The mind, just like the body, has a way of healing itself and recovering at great speed!

15235270? ago

Ditto, ditto, ditto.

15232772? ago

I had followed Q to a degree but got into it deeper from Corsi, Got fed up with the first hour being about his book and then the disinfo ... but hey it brought me nearer to the source. Glad to see his BS called out as it's backing up my own intuition.

15232962? ago

Yes, same with me. But I still can't figure how they can show nice face / nice smile, and full of duplicity! I could never do that, I would be so ashamed I would turn instantly beet-red! Hahahahaha!

15236590? ago

If you are embarrassed when you lie - that is a good thing. It shows you have a conscience that is actually working and that is a blessing.

15234273? ago

Indeed the shamelessness of these people is astounding. I hope those still caught in the many webs that lead to true information can wake up and shake free of the bonds.

15234708? ago

Yes, it looks like they had shame-ablation surgery! Hahaha!

15231342? ago

Amen to that one brother!

15231389? ago

:-) I remember the bad old days when I was watching those ¨debates¨ between Brooke from the NYT and the quadruple chin ugly guy, and that I thought they were good debates! Oh shit! I have come a long way!

15231146? ago

Corsi is fucking scumbag, through and through ...


15230973? ago

https://archive.fo/9iqtf :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Clinton Foundation donations drop 42% - which shows that they illegally played the power game. They monetized their political influence through the Foundation. “During her tenure the State Department was put in the service of the Clinton Foundation.” Andrew McCarthy"

https://files.catbox.moe/sbishx.png :

New book by Trump advisers alleges that the president has ‘embedded enemies’ - The Washington Post

This has been an automated message.

15230981? ago

Thank ye!

Wait... what's with the snapshot? Goddamnit, fine, I'll do it ma self.

15230924? ago

I'm willing to go out on a limb and say that all people who are attempting to make the movement all about them, via famefagging, are also complicit in this infiltration shit as well.

15237423? ago

So jealous and obsessed because you’re nameless. Were you all famefags when you were on Reddit? Or does that only apply to people on Voat? More specifically GreatAwakening.

You hate not getting attention or recognition. You’re fame hungry.

15251820? ago

What are you talking about? My post was specifically against that. I've never posted on faggit or any other place that involves namefagging, so how would I be "jealous" (read: projection on your part) about that?

15232843? ago

Oh like the corrupt Reddit mods were fame fags before they came to Voat?

Then you guys became cowards by going faceless. Neon Revolt doesn’t get as much attention now. Poor Fag. Anonymous because everyone was so mean to you guys? You guys are so jealous of GreatAwakening. Being anonymous makes you little pussies that gossip all day. They don’t have to be cowards on GA. They don’t try to rip everyone apart.

15233753? ago

This is the first time I have made a post on an open forum in such a fashion - you are just proving my point though that you are trying to make the movement all about you.

15232687? ago

Just like the FAKE news, there you go again, speculate all you want.

Fame Fagging because I’m doing what I’ve always done? Like all the cancer mods on Reddit did? They all had usernames. Now you get to be little cowards and Neon Revolt can actually post without being a poor victim because someone hurt his fees fees.

I would rather be free to be me than to be cowards who have no life and just talk shit about the other Q sub. GreatAwakening must be over the mark because a whole lot of you want to lie about us. You act like democrats. It’s really easy tho when you’re anonymous!

This comment was made by one of theee losers that are paid to be here. I can’t wait until you guys find out about NotHereForPizza. Anyone that was following his alts and trusting him during the transitions... you will not be happy.

15235484? ago

And you matter because? MAGA, I know. Q, I know. But you sir, are an Anon, and therefore a complete and total faggot.

15236076? ago

Your opinion of me matters because? Attempting to give a fuck. Nope. Didn’t work.

15236928? ago

FUCK you whorefag. we're all anon here.

15237058? ago

You’re nameless cowards that talk shit about anyone that makes you feel threatened.

15239786? ago

Such a pansy bitch. Jesus Christ.

15233745? ago

"Again"? This is the first time I have said this on an open forum.

My only source for the Q drops are, gasp, the actual Q drops themselves on 8chan (and before that, on /pol/). I don't watch videos of people "interpreting" Q drops because they are inherently biased. I do my own research.

I don't give a single fuck as to your navelgazing or how you're trying to famefag via this very post you made. Whoever you are, you are proving the exact reason I made this post in the first instance.

15234389? ago

This is your first time, yet you’re calling me exactly what they do?
“Whoever you are.” You’re trying too hard bro 😂

You must be bored. Here’s some reading material.

15232414? ago

whats you thoughts on Gorka?

15233720? ago

(OP here) I don't pay attention to famefags or people who try to co-opt the movement. My only source are the Q drops and my own research - I don't need other people "interpreting" the drops for me.

15232869? ago

He is one I'm on the fence about. Sometimes I think he's okay, other times not. Any mention of Q and he goes apeshit. I'm watching him.

15237020? ago

When Gorka responds so strongly about Q, I sense that he is protesting too much. This could go a couple ways. Gorka WAS in the inner circle with Trump for a short time. If Q is part of that circle, and Gorka didn't agree with the plan, or those in the plan didn't have a place for him, that may be why he left the WH, and why he is so strongly against it. Could also be that he is strongly against it as a cover of some sort. Not sure, to be honest, but it would be nice for one of those types of guys to come out of the Qloset!

15236618? ago

Gorka is paid for his appearances and commentary. Also, on the fence regarding him since Trump deep sixed him early on. We shall see...

15232408? ago

Jack P is on the list.

15235863? ago


15235492? ago

Posobbbiiiiiittch! That cunt. Add Loomer to that list, Crokin, and a ton of other QTubers.

15233685? ago

Jack P is a loser!

15231222? ago


15233530? ago

Yep, her too.

15232870? ago

Srayzie is great. The qrv fags feed you guys lies abiut them.

15239264? ago

I disagree.

15232744? ago

@srayzie 1990

15231213? ago

There is gold in them thar hills partner! Root of ALL evil. They have sold their souls for money, fame and a short burst of glory. Final price tag? It will not be worth what they are being paid.

15231251? ago

Yup, that's exactly right.

15231873? ago

Journalism is dead... long live citizen journalists.

For God, Family and Country. The truth matters... the truth will set you free... and the truth shall be free.

15230784? ago

FAKE NEWS FAKE MAGA - meaning here? We know news is fake. But is it meant that MAGA is also fake?

15231174? ago

People that pretend to be on MAGA train

15231159? ago

Q was referring to enemy infiltrators pretending to support MAGA.

15231508? ago

I wish he'd give us a list on the fake MAGA.

15233300? ago

You know who they are, you just aren't trusting your instincts. George Papa D.comes to mind. If it looks slimy and shady, it probably is.

15234928? ago

Oh shit? What did PapaD do. Only recently been following his twatter

15253145? ago

More like fresh picked what-the-fuck berries

15253245? ago


15234855? ago

I am testing this board out... Kind of annoying to get used to, not gonna lie, but I will stick around if it's makes sense to... Maybe we should test the shill level on this board by making a thread that lists all of the Q shills and agents,,. Just a thought,,, That should be a pinned thread actually if it's possible.

15230841? ago

Re: PayTriots

15231894? ago

^this... people making money off Q. It's a big sign of bad actors.

15230758? ago

Corsi is so screwed.

15231015? ago

What goes around comes around. Maybe the poor scandal victims in Minnesota can get some of their $1,000,000 back!!!

15231848? ago

I certainly would file a civil suit.