15178640? ago

Commenter; Because ((they)) want to rule over low IQ slaves rather than high IQ whites who will resist their control.

15181035? ago

Why do you think they have been pushing so hard to inject our children with so many toxic vaccines

15177896? ago

They didn't think through very well. Who would think for them.

15176412? ago

This is great red pill fuel, it's very normie friendly.

Pass it around.

15175722? ago

Quad 7s in OPs usernumber. Must be true.

15175694? ago

Being proud of your own race is not bad. She isn’t calling to harm others for you idiots that think its racist to be a proud white person!

15175416? ago

The Jews are up to their old tricks.

15175178? ago

Great video! Very insightful and true.

15175128? ago


This is a shill who is trying to portray the Q project as racist, as if a statistical reduction in the number of people of a certain race is an inherent loss for other individuals these racists believe gave a shared race-war based interest.

These shillfucks upvoat each other to create a "consensus crack" fraud.


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

How to spot shills with 100% accuracy:


These sick fucks are perpetuating "race war" friendly rhetoric to trick new eyes into turning away in understandable disgust, as if the Q project was the exact opposite of what it is, as if it too was social engineering program to increase and decrease CLASSES And GROUPS.

As if one person has an inherent mutual interest or an irreconcilable conflict with another not by virtue of their individual values, actions and goals, but by what they look like.

Shillfucks, the lot of thrm

15176559? ago

Did you even watch the video?

They point out the BS the cabal is up to in it.

15176711? ago


15187709? ago

Yeah, against white people. Are you stupid? Can't you see that social justice brainwashing targets white people?

white privilege is a lot like Kulak privilege.

Use your brain and make an argument instead of sperging out and accusing people of being shills.

15176745? ago

Going to take that as a "no."

15176814? ago

^ ^ ^


15176846? ago

I'm still waiting for you to answer my question.

15176901? ago

^ ^ ^


15176945? ago

What's wrong? It's just a simple yes or no question.

15176970? ago

^ ^ ^


15177057? ago

You must have gotten very bad marks in school if this is how you respond to questions.

Actually... that would explain a lot, sadly.

15177084? ago

^ ^ ^

Shill projecting embarrassment over its own cognitive ability.

May have been abused during childhood

15177199? ago

Psychological projection:

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is habitually intolerant may constantly accuse other people of being intolerant. It incorporates blame shifting.

...you really should seek some professional help. :(

15177440? ago

^ ^ ^

Projecting shill

15175370? ago

The person in this video is real and makes good points.....so where is your "Q"?

15176714? ago

^ ^ ^

Self-admitted shill.

15174268? ago

I absolutely believe this! It burns me up because I'm surrounded by white dumb assess that would think this video is "racist"

15177543? ago

This video is very Normie friendly, thankfully.

4/4 normie friends I have shown it too where like "WTF? This explains SO MUCH."

Most white people are fed up with this bullshit. All they need is just a little push.

15176937? ago




15177827? ago

This is the enemy posting hate and division. There is a group of these evil bastards on voat that coordinate hateful posts in the Q sub's.

Anyone reading these posts of division remember what Q said. The deep state wants us divided. Stick together. Our fight is with the deep state cabal not the Jews. Amazing how satan hates Gods people throughout history. Deep state Zionists will be dealt with ie Rothschild & soros

15190794? ago

The shills downvoting you proves you are a threat to them.

15187799? ago

How is this video hateful?

15177273? ago

I see you kike

15177429? ago

^ ^ ^

Self-admitted shill fomenting racism on an anti-racidt subverse.

How to identify the shills:


The shills always speak of classes, groups, collectives.

They shill guilty until proven innocent, based on what people look like.

Reject that insanity, and they call you childish names also based on race. Exactly like how the Marxists called the "proletariats" who refused the programming "traitors to their class", or even "capitalist" without any evidence or support.

The shills here are just the 21st century version's "useful idiots."

15187720? ago

The shills here are just the 21st century version's "useful idiots."

Actually that's the social justice ideologues who seek to eliminate "whiteness"

15190734? ago

The SJWs are another NPC version of the useful idiot. Not exclusive to the SJWs don't kid yourself.

What I was referring to are the frauds on THIS subverse and on social media who target Q and target anons by falsely portraying, intentionally, the Q movement to be as collectivist in how humans are viewed and treated as the shill's own warped and twisted view.


They speak in terms of class, group, insinuate guilty until proven innocent based on group appearances rather than how an individual acts, chooses, and sets their goals.

The shill's rhetoric is designed to trick new eyes into believing the lie that the Q movement is as stupid and racist as they are.

By typing words that don't apply to any individual in particular by name, but still apply to many individuals at once, MILLIONS OF THEM WORLDWIDE, all of whom the shills have never met nor even know the names to, are somehow guilty until proven innocent based on the group the shills label them as belonging to.

All they're doing is projecting their own sickness and cognitive failure.

15177481? ago

^ Just ignore this shill. I just raped him in the ass in another thread

The "^ ^ ^" makes it obvious it's the same guy. lol

They are so predictable, it's hilarious.

15177847? ago

^ ^ ^


They don't know what else to do. Panicking.

15176816? ago

Can you believe I knew this 50 years ago? Can you imagine how painful it has been watching everything I knew would happen occur? Cassandra's curse! IIRC, the elementary school population of the USSA now has a white minority. (Total population statistics are skewed by the overwhelming majority of whites among old people). Demography is destiny. In another generation Kamala Harris will be the conservative, Ocasio-Cortez will be the moderate, and MS-13 will be the left wing. We were screwed when we let the JWO kill our President and ram through the 1965 immigration act. It has been all downhill since.

15174075? ago

All true, she really puts it together

15173804? ago

They’d have a difficult time replacing her! Irreplaceable!

Am I right, or am I right? Or am I right? I know I am!

15173879? ago

She's awesome