A message from the United Brotherhood of Shill Workers (QRV)
submitted 6.1 years ago by 2866213?
Dear Shills,
Recently it has been published how little you make at QVR for your trollish commentary and posts.
Join UBSS and we guarantee you higher wages, better working conditions, and the pride that comes with belonging to an organization of your fellow comrades in arm.
Shills United
15159921? 6.1 years ago
We don’t mix with the filthy cattle and get paid very well thanks so I’ll decline the offer.
15158646? 6.1 years ago
This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment.
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15158143? 6.1 years ago
"Everyone that doesnt think exactly like I do is a shill. REEEEE"
Insert npc.exe
15157981? 6.1 years ago
I make $225/hr I don't need no stinking Union.
15157997? 6.1 years ago
Can you hook a brother up?
15158192? 6.1 years ago
Gotta have connections Bro. I don't want to dilute my brand!
15158258? 6.1 years ago
It is getting tiring doing the dirty work and not getting paid.
15158245? 6.1 years ago
Understood. Could you share a link on how I could get started? Duck Duck Go search isn't paying any dividends.
15159921? ago
We don’t mix with the filthy cattle and get paid very well thanks so I’ll decline the offer.
15158646? ago
This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment.
Posted automatically (#10810) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
15158143? ago
"Everyone that doesnt think exactly like I do is a shill. REEEEE"
Insert npc.exe
15157981? ago
I make $225/hr I don't need no stinking Union.
15157997? ago
Can you hook a brother up?
15158192? ago
Gotta have connections Bro. I don't want to dilute my brand!
15158258? ago
It is getting tiring doing the dirty work and not getting paid.
15158245? ago
Understood. Could you share a link on how I could get started? Duck Duck Go search isn't paying any dividends.