15182526? ago

I can't post anything but TGP has an article about North and South Korean troops meeting on Arrowhead Hill. No sign of Acosta anywhere.

15173543? ago

...and the MSM is constantly spewing about how NK is faking denuclearization and the threat is still very much alive. MSM = TAP (Threat to the American People)

15172157? ago

Here's an idea. Take our 50,000 troops from the DMZ and move them to our southern border.

15165964? ago

I'm starting to break a sweat, but still not tired of winning.

15164804? ago

We keep this up SK will pay us to build a wall once the caravans start coming from the PDRK

15162444? ago

It's great to see Kim freed from C_A control. NK could become a tourist magnet in the near future; great for its economy and ability to share traditions and information.

15164741? ago

If Kim follow Trump's plan, NK will be the next tourist wave!

Trump is a genius, and knows how to build!

15160664? ago

When Trump was calling Kim names and talking tough with hi and Putin, the Dems and their MSM arm were saying he is going to get us into WWIII, and they were saying that Trump needed to be nicer and more diplomatic. Now that things are going well, they say he is colluding with our enemies.

If the story was that Trump could walk on water, the Press would flood the news with stories that "Trump can't swim". We need an honest Press and the only way I can see we get rid of the one we have is to stop supporting them in any way. I suppose that, when they get low on income though, Soros and others will subsidize them and keep them in power.

15159876? ago

This was verified a month ago- yellow flags were positioned on those outposts being demolished.

15158993? ago

The jew state and the jew-media will do everything in their power to stop the peace between the koreas.

We can't let them win at all costs.

15159263? ago

^ ^ ^

This is a self-admitted "joofag" shill.

How to identify these frauds who are not a part of the Q movement and do not represent it:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

"This is not about religion, but good versus evil" - Q

The shills are easy to identify because they are coded to speak only in terms of classes, groups, a collectivist leftist communist vision of humanity where conflict is caused by differences in how people LOOK.

This is Marxist materialism. Humans in their view are not individuals innocent until proven guilty based on their choices and actions, but guilty until proven innocent because of what they look like.

They try and fail to portray the Q movement as anti-semetic, out of panic and fear of having new eyes on Q.

Portray Q as racist/anti-semetic, and hope the new eyes turn away.



15159661? ago

good attempt, schlomo.

15159949? ago

^ ^ ^

Self-admitted shill.

How to spot 100% guaranteed:


15163116? ago

You jews are trying so hard and failing, do you ever get tired of losing?

15163293? ago

^ ^ ^

This is a self-admitted "joofag" shill solely trying to deceive new eyes into believing Q is racist.

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

How to identify with 100% accuracy:


The shills always attribute what are INDIVIDUAL ACTIONS AND VALUES to abstract classes and groups as if individual humans were but parts of a greater social organism that thinks and acts (hypostatization fallacy).

They presume guilty until proven innocent based on how a person looks instead of innocent until proven guilty based on how an individual acts.

Projects failure at trying so hard to shill but failing.

15159296? ago

Spoken like a true boomcuck.

15159362? ago

^ ^ ^

Self-admitted shill.

Wanting to divide patriots into classes based on age.

This method of identifying shills is 100% guaranteed.

It never fails.

Groupthink = Shill

15158951? ago

I'd like to know how Kim transitions? If he is denuclearizing he can't be taken out. Can't be.

15164758? ago

Kim was a puppet. Trump cut the puppet strings. So Kim not a puppet anymore.

Trump Freed NK. They can do what they want now, without cabal controlling them.

15158536? ago

But this can't be right ..... the MSM said POTUS was being fooled, and that N.Korea was rearming and continuing their nuke build up!

15158221? ago

How many billions did trump give them of american taxpayers money to do it?

15162293? ago

It happened because South Korea had a populist revolt and locked up their corrupt President for 24 years. Then they elected Moon Jae-in. All Trump had to do was let things unfold according to the will of "They the people" of Korea.

15158421? ago

Not one dime. Actually got some hood basketball players released for committing a crime over there. How did Obama do with Otto?

15158451? ago

Not one dime

and you know this how??? American politicians have been buying countries for a long time and when countries wont play they get bombed. NK played. How much did it cost us?

15158717? ago

You are a "special" kind of stupid, aren't you.

15162172? ago

Says a Q cult member haha

15158065? ago

In an ideal world, the Koreas would unite under the leadership of the jewish-free North Korean government. Cultural marxist occupied South Korea is pozzed beyond belief. Traditional culture is still dominant in the North.

15162233? ago

Compare the strong femininity, musical talent, and artistry of NK's Moranbong band to SK's talentless Girl Generation or the vulgarity of Psy.

15158327? ago

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have reached peak Voat. Someone is advocating for the rule of the North Korean government over the South Korean government solely because there are no Jews there. Just think about how ridiculous that is for a second.

15158398? ago

Your reading comprehension is suspect. Are you a nigger or cuck? You could be certain that when a country falls to ruin, a filthy heeb is behind. But that's beside the point.

Did you not read the part where I stated that the South is extremely pozed thanks to the whore of Zion and boomcucks like yourself? Did you not read where I wrote that traditional Korean culture still exists in the North? No, obviously you didn't. In a fit of rage to defend your based jews, you completely skipped the arguments. Congratulations, hope those shekels are worth it.

15160245? ago

What does "pozed" mean? Never heard that word before and its not in Merriam and Webster.

15159671? ago

Traditional culture like worshipping the leader as a god like figure? Traditional culture like death or enslavement for so much as being suspected of criticizing the government? Is that what you want? South Koreans that I know are very culturally conservative and not degenerate at all compared to most Americans. Heck, a South Korean friend of mine was absolutely shocked at the idea that he would be informally introduced to a woman for the purposes of dating. He wouldn't give his phone number to a local Korean woman who was very interested in him because he believed it was an improper and scandalous introduction!

15159906? ago

Keep sucking on the teats of neocons. Bet you believe that the third worlders invading our country are natural conservatives or that the middle eastern wars are being waged due to muh democracy. There's no getting through to you neocon NPCs.

Traditional culture like worshipping the leader as a god like figure? Traditional culture like death or enslavement for so much as being suspected of criticizing the government?

As opposed to worshiping a government that tells you that you're not worthy of your countries and worship of media degeneracy? Are you afraid that your 1960s free love and "we're all children of the universe" garbage is threatened by tradculture that the South Korean establishment wants to destroy? Again, stop believing everything that the media tells you. The North is hated because they don't put up with that smut, not because of muh' death and enslavement. If that were the case, we wouldn't support savages like the Saudis or swindlers like the Mexicans and Israelis.

15159265? ago

He's a 100% zio-cuck. 100%.

15157950? ago

Trump is going to start a nuclear war with North Korea!!!! World War III is going to break out on the Korean peninsula!!!! Wait. What? Hysterical hyperbole? Trumps a Racist!!!!!!

15159111? ago

Get back in line sheep - god damn herd is getting out of hand recently.

15159176? ago

It is obvious you do not recognize sarcasm when you read it. I keep saying we're only a few generations away from civility. Have one foot in the grave yet?

15260027? ago

You don't recognize it either.

15263143? ago

Too many shills. Sometimes mistakes are made and "collateral damage" is done. I hope you weren't killed.

15166709? ago

Yes he's definitely the one who doesn't recognize sarcasm.

15157923? ago

b u t w h a t h a s t r u m p d o n e