15134532? ago

I would say there’s probably the usual number of shootings, but media decides to cover them in order to push their globalist agenda.

15137494? ago

point taken.

15134511? ago

Strings cut...false flags on the cheap

15134420? ago

Next time they blame the guns ask them why then in Switzerland where every home has a gun is there no mass shootings like we see every time the deep state has temper tantrum or they want more gun control. They dumb down the population so they don't see things like this.

15137488? ago

preaching to the choir brother

15143351? ago

Sorry brother i should have known as much.

15135008? ago

an idiot: we should be more like europe

Me: I agree. Switzerland has a better outcome with mass shootings and guns.

15135646? ago

Switzerland just doesn't have false flags to steal their rights.

15134133? ago

waking up the sleepers...?

15133157? ago

US military siezed the air port in port au prince haiti

15137476? ago

do you think thats the narrative they want us to ignore? that makes sense

15131909? ago

We all know that guns are banned in Chicago, so it is impossible that any shooting could have happened there.

15131904? ago

Q said shooting but three of them at once? wew lad, that's playing all your cards at one time

15134120? ago

Well, one isn't a shooting

15131650? ago

Keep the Faith Trust the Plan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hC0ZZdYVD40&t=1s WWG1WGA

15137655? ago

love this!

15131408? ago

The first episode of this season's South Park was basically about school shootings becoming so commonplace nobody pays any attention anymore. The teachers and students ignore all the SWAT running around, and yell at each other so as to be heard over the gunfire. Only Stan's mom, Sharon, is upset, and everyone assumes it's because "it's her time of the month". Several subsequent episodes opened on the outside of the school, where automatic fire can be heard going on inside. The plot then moves on to something else entirely. Whatever Matt and Trey might be trying to say, I take it as, "And that's what you get when you employ the same BS moves over and over and over and over" . . . truly, we don't even react anymore, and personally, I DON'T BLAME US.

15137440? ago

i know its sad. it is expected now. part of life. only those who have kids that died even notice. we must kill all deep state operatives. they hopefully are gathering intel on the mkultra sleepers. we need to root them out and deprogram them or , unfortunately possible just eliminate them.

15134103? ago

You think their point is that the Cabal uses the school shooting tactic too much and that's why people just blow it off?

15131240? ago

Just a beautiful day in the Neighborhood...

15131161? ago

No doubt a distraction tactic. Research "Agenda 21" in regards to the California wildfires. Has anyone heard of this? I've been seeing it everywhere: RE: DEW's with pinpoint precision targeting houses/populations outside of major city centers to "herd" the population into said city centers. They are finding excuses to not rebuild, citing soil contamination, excavation of some archaeological findings, Indian burial sites, ect. All tied into NWO. Same wildfires like Northern Cali, happened in Tennessee in 2016, and other places in the world that I can't recall atm. Seems we are under attack by an enemy using non conventional weapons. Thoughts?

15137375? ago

its probably why operation hot musket went into effect. these idiots simply triggered martial law. they apparently need to learn the hard way. thats ok. i prefer martial law. i hope they straight up just kill deep state and crazy libs. the world is better off just killing them. at this point they are demonic and there isnt any time for an exorcism. or maybe exorcism by firing squad is best.

15132856? ago

UN Agenda 21 started in 1992 in Rio. It has been update to Agenda 2030. Mixed use high density housing around transportation hubs are being built across the East coast. Thus has been for the last 10 years. They are rentals mostly, so you have more and more people in a small space that they don't own. No private property rights and they have been down zoning like crazy.

15137951? ago

The same high density housing and rezoning going on in Sydney, Australia 🇦🇺 There have been a few wins against the local governments doing this, but the residents are mostly elderly now which is sad. Sydney is stuffed to capacity with massive immigration and 20yr backlog on infrastructure.

15139243? ago

They are pushing this globally . It is very sad that they are not listening to the people that elected them.

15132483? ago

Remember Greece? Something like 10 years ago they were getting random fire outbreaks. Improbable.

15134097? ago

It is improbable, if there was ANY evidence of fires happening in California before, MAYBE I'd believe this, but now, out of nowhere and hitting so many areas where people live. It can't be some random coincidence.

15130968? ago

Oh, I get it. All the places that cheated votes and are democratic strongholds were about to be revealed as totally corrupt. So the dems killed their own people to try and comes out as the victims and how dare anybody accuse them during a time of crisis.

Normally I'd say it's bad to kill your own supporters, but we all know they will still vote for those fuckers even if they're dead.

15131465? ago

. . . So, ultimately, no loss as far as they're concerned; actually they probably think of it as a win-win

15131012? ago

the purpose of false flags are to distract. they are killing random people who can be conservatives. they want to distract from some impending deep state bad news .

15131265? ago

Or give support for trying to take away our guns.

15131090? ago

These are having quite the opposite effect that they are intending. We don't believe their bullshit anymore and see right through it.

15130805? ago

If my public-school math is close, the Retired Marine's '52 hour' time window is about to run out. Not sure if that actually means anything where the rubber meets the road, but all this stuff happening about the same time looks suspicious as hell.

15132527? ago

52 hours from some time Saturday evening, I didn't catch the start hack. Looked to me it was up late Monday or 0000 Tuesday...

15131208? ago

52 hour?

15132408? ago

it was 72 hours u guys. 3 days. 1 left.

15132509? ago

Still don't understand. What did I miss?

15134122? ago

When the Hammer drops! It's coming tomorrow!

15132663? ago

No one ever references 52 hours, 24, 48, 72.

72 hours was the 'callback time' reported by various sources/rumors.

72 hours is 3 days. If true, battlestations tomorrow.

15130858? ago

i think its kinda early to trigger all these ff. 52 hours is still two days plus away? someone is comunicating and we missed it. i wonder if serial brain caught a glimpse of them talking to each other

15130795? ago

Anybody else here feel like we need to put on sac cloths , and repent. Beg God to help rid us of this evil in the world. Fires, invasions and people going absolutely insane. Not just the shooters either. President Trump is doing a great job along with the white hats but they need ALL our Prayers.

15137574? ago

Damn right. I hadn't thought about that. At the Capitol Mall, too. Jonah 3:6+ Nineveh Repents 5And the Ninevites believed God. They proclaimed a fast and dressed in sackcloth, from the greatest of them to the least. 6When word reached the king of Nineveh, he got up from his throne, took off his royal robe, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. 7Then he issued a proclamation in Nineveh: “By the decree of the king and his nobles: Let no man or beast, herd or flock, taste anything at all. They must not eat or drink.…

15131196? ago

That's basically what I wear anyway. Ready when you are.

15130860? ago

I'm sure a bunch of us weak-minded here will ALWAYS find a way to relate this to some unseen entity to either blame things on, or praise for whatever gets them through the day...

15150713? ago

I'm okay agreeing with this reply. It seems all those that dont (above) are very insecure...just saying.

15130905? ago

go fuck yourself weak minded shill

15130982? ago

Spoken like a true person of god...

15131018? ago

yup. you got that right.

15131095? ago

You sound angry. You should probably go PRAY.

In the mean time, us logical thinking people will handle everything while your head is buried up your ass.

15138294? ago

too bad you wont have a way to feed your family and will slowly die of starvation when soros no longer can pay you to troll and shill. NOT....im not sorry you will die slowly.it makes me happy.

15145266? ago

Lol, this was fun! Thank you!

15148466? ago

anytime soros rent boy

15130752? ago

Didn't President Trump's tweet regarding Adam Schitt warn about ff?

15134116? ago


@realDonaldTrump Nov 18 So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!

15130814? ago

Yep. It surely did, to those of us paying attention and not entertaining themselves all day.

15130804? ago

yup. your right. so if he knew yesterday then what does everyone but the normies know. what the heck is coming? usually Q triggered the FF. Q would talk about something is gonna happen the deep state panics and ff everywhere. Q hasnt posted in awhile so when did the Q team signal the deep state. they are communicating and we are missing it. i bet its the california tape. he seemed to have some hand signaling going on

15131142? ago

POTUS is poking the DS.I think Q is preparing for after the declassification/unsealing of indictments/arrest and possibly busy with the attempting invasion at our borders. They definitely have their hands full.

15131138? ago

Haiti activity,JA activity, DECLAS, Flynn Twitter activity on pending Weiner arrests, border response, Hillary ordered to appear, possible second server, French protests, brexit boiling over and so on and on. Take your pick a lot is happening. Something big is about to drop.

15138261? ago

great summary!

15130654? ago

Nothing to see here... don't get distracted. These evil people will keep on spilling innocent blood which will count against them.,

15130115? ago

More FALSE FLAGS. Wake up People. Wake up.

15129946? ago

There were a bunchof high school kids sickened after attending a prayer meeting at a Catholic high school in Broward County Fl today.

15137376? ago

Broward County main office of the deep state corruption. Hell they shot up high school kids so poisoning kids wouldn't bother them.

15131513? ago

I'm sickened just by being in a church.

15136772? ago

Yes, this is so horrible. This crime needs to be blasted on the news 24/7 until solved! School kids, so many sick, unknown cause. So few details but no reports of janitors or maintenance workers being sickened after entering that gym or whatever room the exposure occured in. This is horrible to think these students were targeted. This should be treated as a terrorist attack unless proven otherwise! The criminals must to be captured right away so they never harm anyone again!

15130699? ago

poisoning is still murder

15131145? ago

Yes, evil bastards targeting kids again!

15130244? ago

I'm trying to figure that one out

15129771? ago

Or niggers

15131207? ago

I feel bad for the upvote I just gave you. But I lagit Laughed out load in a meeting and when asked what’s so funny I just couldn’t tell them for fear of losing my job. So I said just another meme about bad orange man. The sad part was they laughed :(

15131295? ago

grow balls. How does this pathetic attempt to placate the NPC's help anyone??

Speak up and give others the balls to do the same.

Or if you are too afraid to speak up at least don't masquerade as an anti-Trump just to fit in.

How the fuck have you not grown balls at this point. You are in the majority. Act like it.

You could have lied without adding to the anti-Trump sentiment in your workplace. Just my opinion.

15132037? ago

Here in LiberalLand (Seattle) if you wear a MAGA hat you're lucky if it doesn't get knocked off your head. I'd lie too.

15132079? ago

And thats why those idiots are emboldened.

the media keeps telling them that they are the righteous majority and the fear of conservatives helps them sell it.

So back to my first comment. Grow balls. Your country depends on it. The world depends on it. We all must speak up. That is the least we can do. This is not a traditional war it is an ideological war and we can't win if we are afraid to represent our beliefs.

15133286? ago

I'm 61 and female with a physical disability. I would rather not get hit. I'll leave standing up to the insanity to those younger and more agile. Thanks tho. I do support the movement with money, and I am a professional researcher by trade. I do plenty. Not everyone has to put themselves in harms way. To contribute.

15133622? ago

That's really great. Just knowing about and being part of the movement helps change the prevailing sentiment and helps open the minds of the sjw types. I'm sure you get it that my comments are not valid or directed at people in your situation. You are a warrior too and doing everything within your abilities and current situation. You're still what this movement is all about. Condemning the lunatics. Fighting for truth and justice.

15134040? ago

BTW, I bought a relevant Domain Name -- thinking to start a magazine style site and aggregate info from various up-to-the-minute sites. The name is not anonymized yet --- but it's a GOOD ONE!!!

15134015? ago

Thank you. I didn't want you to think I am a slacker !!!!


15131729? ago

I’m in aus, we only have anti trump propaganda 24:7. The radio plays at my work place, just trendy fm radio. I count 7-15 trump jabs a day just between 9-5. People here have no idea. The British well fucked us. That’s why we have had 7 prime ministers in 9 years.

15131784? ago

I'm in Australia too and i spent the past 7 years changing the sentiment in my workplace. Unapologetic about it too. You'd be surprised how many like minded people come out of the woodwork once they see its safe.

I took the risk and was very much disliked for it by many co-workers but over time they realized i'm not the bad man they are programmed to think i am.

I risked losing my job but it turned out my boss fucking loves how i challenge the braindead liberals. So many are openly defending Trump these days that the libs are silent most of the time. The even stopped watching the news at lunch.

we now have a healthy workplace. I joke with the boss that he should be paying me 2 salaries.

Bottom line. your job is only a job. Be prepared to lose it. You might be surprised.

15130336? ago

Bingo! These mossback aboriginals don't need any external forces driving their modus operandi.

15129625? ago

Can confirm!

News about news of a big incoming drop is coming soon!!!!

Fisa declas, indictments unsealed, and hildawg being taken off to gitmo

Aaaaaany day now

15134098? ago

Next week will be HUGE!

15129624? ago

This can't be organic, even if you dont believe in FFs, you know this is a paid operation.

15134091? ago

That's a really good point, we've never really had shootings in the US before, so it's very odd they'd happen right now!

15130788? ago

Exactly this. Disregard and move on. RIP to those that werent in the know and expecting this. They shoulda been paying more attention instead of entertaining themselves.

15131178? ago

At a hospital, though? I was at the hospital today having my pregnancy checked on and I'm woke as all get out. Sometimes people have to go to the hospital.

15132085? ago

Head on a swivel mom anon...stay safe.

15137231? ago

Always. Hubs and I are both veterans. We're ready. Love to you and yours.

15139130? ago

Back at ya...kiss that baby for me (someday). :)

15139151? ago

Aw, I sure will!

15131324? ago

You're right. And since we cant know the evil FF plans (((they)) have for us, we all take a risk. I'm glad to know that your hospital visit was uneventful, and I wish you and your incoming family the best. TBH - I dont even read/watch the news anymore, and havent read or even tried to find out about the shootings today. All of us in the know expected this. And our hearts go out to those that didn't. Peace to you and yours.

15131318? ago

Don't worry. If you're not a crisis actor you won't be involved.

15129591? ago

It's social proof. People see one shooter, and you get a string of copycats. They found the same thing with plane crashes - when one goes down, there's a much greater chance others will crash as well - they think due to pilot suicide.

15132682? ago

If I have learned anything these last few years, it is to question all explanations or justifications. We so easily accept an "expert's" findings and analysis, especially if there is a "Dr" in front of the name.

15133130? ago

Yeah, like "Dr. Christine Ford" and (my favorite) Dr. Brenda Snipes! LOL! Doctoral certificate brought to you by Cracker Jack!

15130751? ago

ummmm no. copycats arose from serial killers. these idolized serials. that takes time to gain knowledge and study a serial mo to personify them.

15129992? ago


15129743? ago

...All them pilots think going down in a massive fireball will X innocent civilians looks glamorous and cool? Maybe this is why the Japs were so fond of the Kami Kaze

15129448? ago

Remember when we thought shooters were just angry or crazy people - not MK Ultra victims triggered by the cabal?

Maybe it's time to consider that theory again.

15130014? ago

Russ Dizdar...look him up. He deals with MKULTRA and satanic ritual abuse victims. He says thousand have been turned into soldiers...waiting. Scary stuff.

15131212? ago

Link?! <3

15132636? ago

Below is not the link you requested. It is a talk given by a psychologist to other psychologist in 1992 about the growing number of patients with a peculiar set of issues. Enlightening. Towards the end, she speaks of the UFO abductions (implanted false memories) and programed soldier assassins. http://www.whale.to/b/greenbaum.html

15137217? ago

I'll take it! Thank you! Anything in this genre is interesting to me, so I do appreciate you taking the time to share.

15131282? ago

Google is (not) your friend. Just type in Russ Dizdar.

15132445? ago

have read. scary stuff.

Psych guy hears a story, asked another similar patient about it, patient says: "OMG how did you know about that?!?"

half convinced, he asks other head shrinks, discovers an epidemic of programmed people.

15132718? ago

Are you referencing Russ's book? If so, I have not read it yet. But just hearing him talk about this is...yikes.

15129473? ago

they seem to come all packed together. im sure people dont check with each other all over north america before they go crazy. its coordinated. sooo no. when its a bunch its not just crazy or angry

15130609? ago

So what was the go signal today, twitter, msm, ... all 3 seem to Dem locals.

15130662? ago

i wish we knew. dont know how they trigger these people. thats the scary thing

15129835? ago

You're talking to a shill or a bot.

15130027? ago

Nope...MK ULTRA triggered by the cabal is a reality.

15139602? ago

I know, but OP was responding a bot or a shill.

15139800? ago

Got it.

15129299? ago

false flags galore!

15137614? ago

Oh I forgot, its FALSE FLAG TUESDAY. What bullshit. When is the Deep State going to stop killing us or when are we going to overthrow them. What really sucks about this fight it we can't SEE the enemy. It is almost as he/it is trans-dimensional. 4th or 5th Dimension.

15133879? ago

Looks like its the cabals efforts to take attention away from whats going to happen on 22 November 2018.

Have just looked into the triple tweets made by DJT on 18 Nov announcing his interview.

As in his earlier 53/47 Tweets, all tweets were identical, so I looked for potential relevance of both time stamps and deltas in the tweet postings.

Original Tweet: 12:30:30 PM

2nd Tweet: 1:44:14 PM

3rd Tweet: 7:22:44 PM

Giving deltas of 1:13:44 and 5:38:30 between tweets AND an overall delta of 6:52:14 between first and final tweet.

Very exciting finds from the time stamps and deltas!

Delta Searches: Started by searched through all Q drops for the following terms …

1:13 (Checksum 4+4=8)

Yielded Q Posts #2318 and #135 with checksums of 8!

(once 1:13 had been removed from the Q posting time code)

Eq. Q#2318 posted Oct 2 2018 14:31:13 - removing 1:13 leaves 143 - Checksum = 8

5:38 (Checksum 3+0=3)

Yielded no Q-posts with checksum of 3.

6:52 (Checksum 1+4=5)

Yielded Q Posts #1039 and #455 with checksums of 5!

(once 6:52 had been removed from the Q posting time code)

Tweet Time Searches:

Same Logic applied as above for 12:30 (C/Sum =3), 1:44 (C/Sum =5) and 7:22 (C/Sum =8)

Of these searches, only search of 1:44 yielded meaningful results with correlating checksums.

Q Posts # 2288 and 1195 both had C/Sums of 5 (once 1:44 removed from Q post timestamps)

When we look at the actual Q-posts highlights it gets even more interesting:




Trump confirming Q’s 53-47 prediction from October?


Graphics should be in same time zone.

Delta relevant.





Graphics should be in same time zone - indicating original time stamps important.

Delta Relevant - indicating time differences important.

So confirmation that time stamps and deltas are important? Which just happens to be the methods used in my analysis of his tweets.



Here we go.


Link above leads to Article titled “The Conspiracy Theory That Says Trump Is A Genius”

Here We Go! Indeed. Getting excited yet ?



[Days Prior]


What a wonderful day!


To me this reads as 11 [Days Prior] to 11.11, which would make THE DAY 22.11 or 11.22 for you US-fags.

After hearing DJT talk about John-John at the White House and emphasising John-John so blatantly in the interview, is he confirming to us Patriots that John-John might be revealed to the world on 11.22 ??? What a Wonderful day! Indeed.

Waits to be seen .. but this Aus fag here is getting excited!

If it falls this way, what a Movie we are watching !

The other corresponding Q-drops referenced were:

Q#1195 and Q#135

Not sure of their relevance atm, so hoping you US Patriots can give me your analysis/thoughts on the last two Q drops.


SR connect to DNC.



Why did the D’s push legal rep on family?

June ETA.




Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan

Albania: Bank of Albania

Algeria: Bank of Algeria

Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina

Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia

Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba

Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia

Austria: Austrian National Bank

Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic

Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas

Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain

Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank

Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados

Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

Belgium: National Bank of Belgium

Belize: Central Bank of Belize

Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority

Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan

Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia

Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Botswana: Bank of Botswana

Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil

Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank

Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi

Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia

Came Roon: Bank of Central African States

Canada: Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada

Either way some very interesting leads coming from analysis of DJT's tweet timestamp data!

15138225? ago

Although I am not personally convinced JFK JR is still alive it would be wonderful to have him actually be alive and come forward. that being said how that would effect the movement idk. unless he comes forward with proof of the deep state trying to kill him with names and documentation of some sort. but i wonder why he would come forward at 11/22. the cabal is still in control at this point so it would be dangerous for him if he is still alive. too many mkultra individuals still walking around. if POTUS and Q knew who those people are then they should have neutralized them by now. clearly they have not, because we still have these shootings.

15134078? ago


15134506? ago

If at first you don't succeed, just continue slinging shit toward the nearest wall until some of it sticks!

15131374? ago

The hazmat incident sure sounds suspicious. Feeling like it might be a cover story for some chemical warfare, perhaps.

15139790? ago

My son is a Mid at USNA. He said it was from a chemistry class and no big deal.

15138245? ago

yeah. its just a blurb w/o much sauce to it.

15129514? ago

Chicago and Denver. Where was the third shooting?

15129607? ago

St. Luis was the other shooting. The shooting took place at 3:20 pm. 32 skull and bones. I'm sure it's just a coincidence though. Nothing to see here.


15130948? ago

322 is the number of Skull and Bones, not 32. Let 's not read more into this because then we start looking like we're "grasping at straws," which is a favorite saying of masons when they're trying to throw shade on normies.

15134076? ago

32 = 3+2 = 5 = = 2+2+1 = 1+1+1+1+1 = 11/11

15143918? ago

Creative numerology doesn't make you correct. Please educate yourself:

Many of many of the world’s oldest fraternal organizations, Skull & Bones included, are firmly or loosely based upon biblical creeds or moral principles.

The significance of the number ‘322’ to the Skull & Bones fraternity is, surprisingly no doubt, biblically based.

The numbers 3:22 are in direct reference to Genesis Chapter 3 verse 22 (KJV) which reads:

And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Genesis 3:22 Authorized King James Version Bible Cambridge Edition


15153614? ago

Wow, you're right, you've opened my eyes.

15129421? ago

These may be false flags to distract us but they may also just be niggers having a chimpout.

15134585? ago

^ ^ ^




"They want you divided by race" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

15134604? ago

Q also asks you to think for ourselves.

Why shouldn't we be outraged by the national disgrace which is the African American crime culture in which 6% of our population commit 50% of the murders and crime.

Why shouldn't I be disgusted that I'm forced to teach my little daughers to stay away from Negro crowds and Negro neighborhoods because they'll be 11 x more likely to be raped, 14 x more likely to be robbed and 30 x more likely to be murdered by niggers?

Your apathy / willingness to tolerate the intolerable is not moral superiority - it's disgraceful.

Patriots who truly love our nation should be angry!

15134694? ago

You NPC shillfuck degenerate sacks of leftist commie shit are NOT "thinking for yourselves", you are programmed to write false code to corrupt the information space.

All individuals are innocent until proven guilty. Just because over 90% of violent crime is committed by men, that doesn't mean "men" are guilty until proven innocent.

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q


15135047? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC's corrupt code would treat 95% of all violent crime bring committed by individuals with "male" characteristic to be a problem of "men" who are guilty until proven innocent.

Will the NPC accept being targeted as guilty because of a stat?

Collectivist evil from leftist commie shillfucks who want people divided by race.

"They want class wars" - Q

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q


15135060? ago

Throwing mud is not an argument.

Copy-pasting like a bot is not an argument.

Your feelings are not greater than facts.

15135101? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is projecting its own anxiety at realizing "statistical facts" are not a substitute for innocence until proven guilty for all individuals regardless of what they look like.

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

15133351? ago

Active shooter........multiple victims.......Chicagooooooo, fuck it.

15132680? ago

Distraction from the voter fraud and Trump was again right with the leave raking in context with forest management and maintenance

15129711? ago

Ooh ooh.



15134590? ago



"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

GTFO this board you leftist commie degenerate shillfuck, you are not welcome here.

15135052? ago

jesus dude it's a joke, calm the fuck down haha

15135078? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC degenerate is coded with "Just_a_prank_bro.exe"

Older model from 2005?

15137701? ago

This soyboys skin is as thin as his fucking work resume. Some of us just aren't pussies offended by the first amendment

15137715? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC soyboy is projecting its own anxiety and fears over its own self-identity