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15090872? ago

When you post in ALL CAPS its hard to read and I immediately become suspicious. I won't read it.

15091010? ago


15309455? ago

It's just JIDF dribble, no one is buying this btw

15309482? ago

^ ^ ^

To the new eyes: The above poster is a SELF-ADMITTED shill or ai bot.

Part of a tiny fringe but sockpuppeting frequency scheme to trick you into believing the Q movement is anti-semitic.

These shills are easy to identify. All they do is speak of people in terms of tribes and groups. They never speak of people as individuals.

How to identify these sick bastards with 100% accuracy:

If you read any poster here that writes like they do, the "joofagging", YOU ARE READING A SHILL OR AI BOT PROJECTING ONLY ITSELF TO BE A SHILL OR AI ..

15309558? ago

You're the only one equating anti-Israel to anti-semitic, Rabbi Moshenbergstein. You think Israel represents all jews?

15309984? ago

^ ^ ^