15081192? ago

Lmao you really hit a nerve on the old goats with this one, have an upvoat!

15079250? ago

I need upvotes !

15076990? ago

DONT WASTE THEM IN THE QRV SUBVERSE, they don't count against the person behind the Post.

15076178? ago

Just be truthful with your newfound capability.

15075831? ago

Thanks for helping out. I hope to do the same soon. Growing weary of shills.

15075245? ago

Bro no one cares. Sorry your ego complex is going to ruin your life.

15074543? ago

Welcome to the club, spanky... All you had to do was go to /v/GreatAwakening, /v/theawakening or /v/cats/ and make useful content.

15074480? ago

I also want to downvote shills. I am like 79 upvotes away.

15072340? ago

been trying for quite a while...im still at 42

15072058? ago

You really need to get a life.

15071641? ago

I'm at 70 it's taking forever. You can only tell so many dick jokes.

15071136? ago

Q be all like, “46 more days until it’ll be Glorious”

15071110? ago

Instead of working on upvoat points you need to get your ass busy studying up on why 2018 wasn’t glorious. You “patriots” got homework to do and you’re running out of time. Don’t worry I believe you lil buddy 👍

15071013? ago


15070808? ago

Hey traitors....your ass is going to be hand to you in a big way.

15070160? ago

Same! 2018 truly is glorious now that I can downvoat!

15069623? ago

Downvote this sliding fuckstick to Hell.

15068877? ago

I ran out of upvotes for today

15068841? ago

Go to it. I'm still at only 68.

15068572? ago

I got mine a couple weeks ago, but why can't I be an OP??? I'm on mobile, does that matter?

15068550? ago

I care! I can't wait to get mine lol. Well done sir.

15068353? ago

You should post this on other subs. You will get to 200 ccp in about 3 minutes. Believe me.

15068169? ago

Congrats and give 'em hell.

Is it true that a newfag has to comment in the boards other than QRV to collect brownie points? (like GreatAwakening)?

15068905? ago


15067945? ago

Im still waiting , congrats

15067800? ago

Glad I could help out, fren.

15067608? ago

15067583? ago

Know a man by his enemies. Good for you!

15067372? ago

Bruh I only got 23 I guess I need more plebbit gold to get a full account

15067353? ago

Im at 86, help a gal out? I dont like farming voats, but i dont really post a lot because i feel like your words should carry weight.

15067222? ago

Still working on mine!!! Up 2 down 3. just 31 more to go!

15067197? ago

Bombs Away!

15067048? ago

People post sincere genuine well meaning worries : OMG SHILL TIME TO DIE TRAITOR

Useless cunt fame whores get all excited about their internet point totals so they can participate in information supression, and waste an entire fucking post about it? : WOOOO YOU GO GRRRRRRRRLLLL FRONT PAGE TENS OF UPVOTES

You're a useless cunt, please consider suicide. All you're doing is willfully participating in the supression of information.

15066996? ago

Bad language, name calling, ethnic slurring, all of which are usually accompanied by typing with the CAP LOCK on are notable trademarks worth downvoting. Oh, and I forgot two others...the obsessive/compulsive use of the word 'shill,' and zero content regarding being able to articulate how conservatism is superior position. As for me, many may not like me, but I am a respectful member of the Voat debate team. (PS: There isn't one, but there should be).

15066973? ago

Don't mean a fucking thing in an anon sub....asshat. LMAO...are you all fucking morons. Been here long enough to get 100 ccp and you don't know it means shit. idiots, all of you.

15067221? ago

Thanks for the encouragement!

15066957? ago

Whats the point. This just recognizes them, which is exactly what they want. Like children, just ignore them and they go away.

15066887? ago

Congrats! ... I've been stuck @ 97 for days ... haha ... soooon ... :)

15066865? ago

Fuck you Grandma.

15066590? ago

I just BLOCK them...my list is long.

15066525? ago

Looks like the toxic /v/greatawakening sub is upset that they aren't the place Q endorsed. Haven't seen this behavior since the Reddit forum was banned and they were pissed that the Redditors didn't migrate to their place to be manipulated by them.

15066426? ago



15066229? ago

So do comment upvoats on this sub not even count? Cuz i have like 65 comment upvoats but my profile shows 2CCP. I pretty much only post on QVR.

15066371? ago

No, they don't count

15066200? ago

Congrats! I'm still 19 away from getting to 100... hopefully soon. One thing that annoys me is getting a reply that agrees with a comment I've made, but they don't upvote my comment. That's happened at least a dozen times already. Argh.

15076621? ago

Wait, so you think the world revolves around you and your needs?

15070283? ago

but they don't upvote my comment.

Do you even reddit-tier?

15070960? ago

I don't know what you're asking. But I did upvote your comment before replying! (Yes, I'm on reddit, if that's what you were asking.)

15073411? ago

Yes, we know you're on Reddit, faggot. You should stay there.

15073107? ago

I believe it was a Black Mirror episode where they had an advanced version of Chinas "social score" system 'IRL', where your smartphone knew everyone in your vicinity, and you could upvote or downvote their 'life score' based on their behaviors. If you've seen that episode, the woman being downvoted changed her behavior in a pathetic attempt to get others to stop downvoting, which was literally reducing her life options.

There's a theory that voting on comments causes people to change the the thoughts (or whatever) they express in an attempt to increase their internet score. This degrades the quality of interactions. After you get your 100 CCP, you might try to focus more on just expressing your thoughts and interacting with people, rather than monitoring your score, and see how that changes your experience.

I used reddit for the first 10 years. It admittedly took awhile to wean myself, but now the extreme faggotry one sees in the behavior and general tone of the site is unbearable. To be reddit-tier is probably the equivalent of whatever they do on facebook, and is highly undesirable. Begging for votes, or indicating that votes are important to you, is not appreciated by many.

(also, note that votes in anon subs don't count)

15075319? ago

Thanks for the explanation. I haven't focused too much on my CCP, which is probably why I'm not at 100 yet. But with the recent shill attacks it's motivated me to get there asap.

15077747? ago

While you may not make a distinction, I doubt any of those qualify as actual shills. Except maybe the ones calling "Shill!" themselves. But even those are more likely to just be the usual trolls. Probably the vast majority of people who don't express adoration of Q and Trump are disappointed former, and wavering, supporters.

I was a Trump voter, and still think he's probably the best option, but once it started seeming true that Trump was affiliated with the Q psyop, all his jewish connections suddenly started seeming a LOT more relevant. Had to appreciate the irony when "Q" said something like: "This is bigger than you can imagine." But there are a lot here who even believed in Q who are now wondering if their blind trust has been misplaced. If they've been targeted and used for a different agenda.

As for the actual trolls, I know a couple, one in particular, who's become highly skilled at posting and commenting in an exaggerated Qcumber style. One of his posts is probably still up near the top right now. But the thing is, you can't always tell it's him right away, or at all sometimes, because there will be a probably legitimate Qcumber who will come out with something that tops his troll. This is quite a phenomenon.

Speaking of agendas, the first part is also interesting, but skip to the section beginning just after 7:45 to get a slightly scary look behind the scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd6u5Los-VM

15066157? ago


15066113? ago

VOAT. That place all the internet crybabies ended up that you always wondered where they went ...

15066068? ago

Shit, I got 100 today.

How are you this fucking retarded?

Or do you go out there and post about equal rights for niggers and women or some other dumb shit?

Maybe your opinions are just stupid.

15067247? ago

I'm confused...

Are you for or against jew loving, nigger dick sucking cucks?

15067672? ago


15066049? ago

HEY, don't. They get PAID for responses to them I read.

15066035? ago

I'm still questioning why Q would even direct us to this shit hole? All I find here is racist Jew hate over and over. Not a place you would send family and friends to red pill, that's for damn sure.

15073430? ago

Maybe you should ask about the Jewish Question.

15071945? ago


15067150? ago

Wait, so you think redpilling doesn't involve exposing the lies of the Juden?

Mein Gott, die Juden haben die kontrolle über dich!

15067576? ago

Ja...mein bruder. My german sux sorry. been 30 years since I heard my dad speak it.

15068738? ago

Das ist OK, die Juden kontrollieren nicht die Englische sprache!

15066156? ago

So that you niggerfaggots could try to ruin another site. You are being used as a weapon against internet communities and you don't even realize it.

15066302? ago

Yes, at first I thought, oh great, maybe Q isn't a jew after all.

He's trying to redpill these morons.

Then, after a while, it hit me...lol

15065884? ago

Good for you bud. It is interesting how the shills seem to be able to post willy nilly but the rest if us need to wait our turn. It seems like what is happening out in the real world. I understand the reasoning for the process, but it seems like some are getting around it. I am sick of the fucking racist, anti Q, anti Trump, anti American, etc. rhetoric.. I love this movement and everyone who is working hard to contribute to saving this country/world from what has been going on. I will be contributing once I jump through the hoops.

15067658? ago

You know most people are just trying to get your goat.

15065725? ago

I can tell by the comments you struck a nerve with the feces eating shills..lol.

15068154? ago

Holy shit...shills outnumber Qultists 4 to 2. I have fucking proof. Thankyou dear.

15065858? ago

You mean the normal users of the site who were here literally for years before you nigger Reddit leftovers arrived like a bunch of retarded refugees hitting the beaches?

15067274? ago

I had to upvote your comment just for the imagery it put into my brain.

15065670? ago

I down voted you for an eventire 20. Sorry its a numbers thing.

15065592? ago

You would be better served—as well as the VOAT community—if you engaged shills with persuasive arguments.

If that fails then just tell them to "fuck off".

15066836? ago

It's much easier to yell "shill" rather than excercise critical thinking skills. Oh,and before I forget, "SHILL!"

15067059? ago

I like being called a shill; it gets me aroused....

15065587? ago


15065576? ago

been here for ages and still can't down vote

15067316? ago

Comment about the shit niggers and kikes do.

Not only is it productive, but it's fun!

Oh wait, don't forget the faggots—never forget the faggots.

15065870? ago

Good. You don’t deserve to.

15065555? ago

And in other news. Your mom finally let me pee in her butt. So kudos to the both of us!!!!

15067188? ago

Why would you want to pee in her butt?!

That's what her mouth is for.

15065550? ago

You da' real mvp!

15065454? ago

Everyone pretend this comment is exactly what you want to hear on the internet. That way hopefully I'll get the CCP I need to downvote shills

15065442? ago

I need some love, I want to post daily.

15065876? ago

Love my cock niggerfaggot.

15065435? ago

Im still waiting

15065881? ago

Wait more and do it in hell please.

15065360? ago

In this thread. Retarded qews prove everyone right by admitting they dont understand how to ccp. You just be a part of the website faggots. Leave your anon bullshit sub. Its easy.

15065842? ago

Don’t encourage them. They’re relatively contained here.

15066418? ago

Its too cruel to leave them in ignorance.

15067028? ago

No, no it is not. It is quite entertaining in fact.

15065350? ago

You speak as if that's hard. It took me a couple of days to get there. Can't even remember what you have to do to get 100. I forget, what do you have to do? What do all those numbers mean? Been here since the migration from reddit and almost have 4000.

15067173? ago

And you got your prize right?

They did tell you about the prizes, didn't they?

15067415? ago

Apparently, I can downvote. yea!

That's probably it. Mostly do that for the Child Porn. One day, there was loads of it. Don't know what that was all about. But sometimes people are just being stupid. It's a way to just downvote them into nothing so other people don't have to waste time with their stupidity.

15067449? ago

Remember: With great power comes great responsibility.

15067535? ago

Yes, Uncle Ben...

15068670? ago

You learn well, Grasshopper.

15070876? ago

Thank you, Master.

15065349? ago

I care!

15065347? ago

I just got mine as well. I can’t stand to see their evil manipulative posts. Isn’t it funny how much time they spend on something they think is a Larp?

15068188? ago

I think Discord is the perfect spot for you Qultists. I see another mass exodus of the Qultists soon....they are being beaten down like a lame mule. Poor things

15066330? ago

Isn't it funny how much time you spend on a board you hate, that hates you back?

15065893? ago

Isn’t it funny how you Redditfags actually thought Reddit was cool, and you actually used it?

15065331? ago

I have over 600, STILL can't down vote!

15065171? ago

Well Done. I too desire a "voice" on Voat. Stuck on 14.

15065898? ago

You don’t know enough about Jews yet. Every true goat can smell a kike from a thousand nose-lengths away.

15067286? ago

+1; I see what you did there.

15065138? ago

So... you a woman boomer, huh?

15067553? ago

This is gold. Poor girl is probably crying now. This was NOT the response she was hoping for. Poor thing. How do they say it in the south....."Bless her heart".

15065129? ago

Good for you. I think the voting here is the same as Florida.

15070713? ago

Sounds correct!

15065706? ago

v/QRV, the subverse where the votes don't matter and everybody's a shill.

15073351? ago

Get Drew Carry on the phone!

15065787? ago

Only the Reddit retards who are terrified of the word nigger think everyone is a shill.

15067810? ago

15066723? ago

no bombarment of henai either..like on the chans

15065841? ago

I think it's the boomers more than redditors. Redditors come for being an edglord, until Qanon: a solid group filled with boomers who aren't edgelords and don't even know what that is.

15067093? ago

Boomers were throwing the word nigger around unabashedly before you were even born.

Back then it was in person—not anonymously over the interwebs.

15067128? ago

I know. We used to tell nigger jokes around the dinner table in the early nineties when I was a little guy, then I went and told a black friend in kindergarten that I wouldn't play with him at recess because "I don't play with niggers". Things change.

15067409? ago

I can relate. A buddy of mine—who later turned out to be a faggot—used to roll down the car window and holler obscenities at anybody he thought was a faggot.

I get the hatred towards the 'boomer generation', but people need to realize that it took millennia for mankind to get to this point. Focusing on the muslim, nigger, faggot that was the previous occupier of the White House, or boomers, etc. shows an utter lack of scope regarding the problem we are facing.

15067527? ago

I know. But that's because boomers hate being part of a group label that includes unsavory connotations. You think I like being grouped in with all millennials?

What we use name-calling for here, especially when pointing out boomers, is a reaction to the changes an expanding demographic inevitably brings.

We should have built a wall. JK, we just want it free speech zones protected. The boomers are just immigrants, not unwelcome but we value what we had, and would hope y'all could get up to speed.

This place is different than society: helps the best ideas rise to the to in their own merit, not because of propaganda.

Get it?

15068872? ago

Oh, I get it; and agree with the points you make.

I really don't care if somebody labels me—what the fuck do I care what anybody thinks of me? I've been called every name there is at one time or another.

I also know the power of free speech and the exercise thereof. It's why I specifically use offensive language—it's to get people to realize that if you control speech it's a short hop to controlling thought.

Hitting somebody with some unsavory language is like a punch to the stomach. It takes them out of their "safe space" mentality and makes them aware that Universe is a very, very dangerous place to exist.

15069082? ago

Agreed. Cheers

15065991? ago

Good point. It’s the fucking geezers.

15065115? ago

i got 66, we have to goto random channels and make comments, problem is small community

15065105? ago

would join you, but have only 4 CCPoints :(

15065097? ago

that we should all be so lucky, and hardworking.

15065079? ago

Yeah man i have been trying too only at 40 now, I mostly read butt i haven been commenting to get the needed points

15068205? ago

And again more proof that Trolls outnumber you poor Qultists. Time to go to discord.

15065077? ago

You must have been here for 20 years ...... I have a score of 18 and it never goes up even when I see upvotes on my comments ..... it goes down even if I haven't posted in a week????

15065503? ago

Votes in anon subs do not count. QRV is an anon sub. Your posts in here will not count, for good or for bad. Voting in here is pretty useless.

15137433? ago

thank you .... got it .... this sub is the only place I go usually .... I'll look for some more useful subs .. any suggestions?

15137865? ago


v/aww (sometimes)

v/guitar (but I'm TheBuddha, so I'm pretty biased.)

v/science (sometimes)

v/music is often good for a couple of votes - look for M W F submissions from Music For Us (disclosure, I admin that site but others do most of the content)

v/TheGreatAwakening (I think that's right, it is a Q sub that isn't anonymous and they love voting people up)

Ironically enough, v/soapboxbanhammer is a good place for light comments to get some upvotes - just don't make it obvious that you're after upvotes, actually contribute with something funny)

Just meander around. Threads with maybe 20 comments can get some good upvotes if your comment is a top-level comment.

Put it this way - I'm not white AND I am not on the political right. I'm u/TheBuddha - check my SCP and CCP. Getting voted up isn't hard, even if you don't toe the line.

15068297? ago

It's useless you know. Let them think they are controlling the sub. And when their CCP goes down...let the conspiracy theories begin!!

15068690? ago

I had someone threaten to bring my CCP into the negatives yesterday. So, I linked 'em to my username. They gave up that idea pretty quickly. I'm pretty much immune to downvotes. They'd be months, maybe even years, making an appreciable dent in it. I'm TheBuddha. I've got CCP and SCP to spare.

15065167? ago

How do you people have so much trouble with this?

15068273? ago

They can come up with convoluted theories regarding SCOTUS and POTUS and everything else. But they just cant figure this shit out?? I'm sure they will start spewing that it is anti-q government run shills keeping them down. Face palm time.

15068466? ago

I’ve already seen them claiming that it’s censorship on voat’s part because they do t understand how their own sub is set up.

15065943? ago


15066176? ago

>Being this unpopular

15065212? ago

I know, right? Lol.

15065055? ago


15081217? ago

They kind of do though

15076001? ago

15074985? ago

This comment was linked from this v/ShitQtardsSay submission by @Trigglypuff.

Posted automatically (#9886) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15074568? ago

You mother fucking piece of shit!!! Thou shalt not be cuck.

15068943? ago

Why the name calling? Does it boost your ego to hide and call someone names? Very disrupting!

15075575? ago

Hahahaha, oh my god, you are such a fucking retarded faggot.

15070476? ago

You were the dumb cunts who set this sub to anon. Feel free to use the rest of Voat, I’m sure you’ll be called a faggot there too.

15072028? ago

The best thing they did was set the sub to anon. If not, they would all be following a god-like person with a known user name. Anon makes it harder to cluster fuck.

15065101? ago

Yes, it does. It's how we mark the shills and concernfags so others know to ignore you. It's almost like making you wear a yellow star, for identification.

15070457? ago


15070572? ago

Whatever you say, chief. Go jack off in mommy's basement to Bernie sanders and his economic fantasies.

15071635? ago

Whatever you say, chief.

I don’t identify as an inferior race

Go jack off in mommy's basement

I bet I’m wealthier and more successful than you boomer faggot, despite you cunts fucking up society

to Bernie sanders and his economic fantasies.

Lol. My economics is 1930’s Germany. 88.

15067056? ago

It's how we know who to ignore : the person on -13 votes


karmas a bitch ain't it darling?

15067232? ago

Do what you must, but I'm a loyal Qanon, the wolves surely are vicious I am finding out. Show me where I shilled, please.

15068412? ago

. Show me where I shilled, please

I don't need to. You're on -15 net points. As you yourself so clearly stated, this is the utterly infallible method we use to detect shills and those we should ignore. The hivemind has spoken. Goodbye shill. Hope the soros bucks were worth it

15068500? ago

Whatever... I'm not the one getting paid, or the one shilling in any form. I'm simply replying to people replying... Nowhere have I shilled, was anti-Q, or did any of the normal things the actual shills around here do (racist, blatant antisemitism, being concerned, etc)...

Its pretty retarded to use one post, where I clearly had 0 up or down votes at the time of posting, become a magnet for votes either way... I wasn't even lying, it was literally 0 votes. But I guess dogpilling is fun.

15068621? ago

Lies and slander. The fact you'd then try to cover up your own service to media matters by pretending the brave racist antisemitic concerned anons around here are shills themselves is merely another nail in your coffin. Hope those gitmo jumpsuits are comfy!

15068790? ago

lol, whatever you say kid.

I'll be laughing on my couch while your heroes Obama and queen Hillary are sent to either the gallows, or Gitmo. Then the real REEEEEing from you will begin.

15069934? ago

Then the real REEEEEing from you will begin.

You mispelt sensiblechucking.gif

You, on the other hand, will be swinging from a rope in gitmo, suspended above a shark tank next to your paymaster soros. Fun times all round!

15070040? ago

You're projecting again (like liberals do 24/7).

15070961? ago

you're projecting screams man shill who got furiously downvoted for claiming only shills get downvoted.

15067933? ago

Pretty sure you are the bleeding baby dick sucking shill.

The downvotes can't lie. Its how it works. (q told me so )

15068093? ago

Show me where I talked about baby dicks? The only shill here...is you...

15066278? ago

Looks like you are a concernfag to me.

15066646? ago

Does this concern you?

15065975? ago

You should have just said “kike” or something and left it at that.

15065748? ago

Hey faggot. Keep acting like a faggot and your points will sink like a fucking rock as soon as you step out of QRV. You better stick to posting gay animal pictures or whatever the fuck you do, so nobody realizes you’re a kike loving foreskin eater, you niggerfaggot.

15065143? ago

Not the guy you were talking to but, you appear to be downvoted. Guess you’re a shill.

15067864? ago


for your enjoyment. Nigger

15065164? ago

Not a single downvoat on my comment 5101.... what you talking about

15065508? ago

Well, he was asking for that

15065502? ago

At the time I posted 5164, 5101had no ups or downs. Of course that will change over time.

15067072? ago

-15 points? Fucking shill faggot. Hope the payments you're receiving are worth it. Looking forward to seeing you and your shill buddies dragged off to gitmo.

15067215? ago

Lol, its hilarious how fast we turn on each other. Ask me anything about Q. Anything. I've followed him since meganon days. And all because I correctly stated that my one post didn't have any up or downvotes... Yeesh. Show me one post here where I am shilling or attacking Q....

15068386? ago

I think the fact you couldn't recognise my blatant sarcasm regarding the value of "votes" for determining the worth of someones post rather than the actual content on the post is a little depressing.

On the other hand, given the propensity of muppets on this sub to call people shills for no reason, treat this as an informative experience on why that is also a retarded idea

15067908? ago

When will this jew learn? The downvotes = you are a shill.

You fucking dumb nigger

15068104? ago

Found the 13 year old shill living in mommy's basement.

15068133? ago

Says the shill with negative points in the thread. A clear indication and absolute proof you are a shill.

15068142? ago

Says the racist shill. ha, I'm guessing you don't even have downvote powers yet, shill.

15068344? ago

I'm guessing you don't even have downvote powers yet, shill.

Clearly you are the shill trying to make us patriots look Qtarded. You dumb nigger

15068427? ago

DO you honestly think anyone seeing this convo will agree with you? You are so blatantly shilling and a 13 year old racist. Go put on your mommys lingerie some more. It'll be more productive than the crap you've been posting here.

15068538? ago

Yes. Because unlike retards who suck jew cock (you) there are people who can critically think and identify you as the shill.

15068589? ago

Is today backwards day? jesus. you shill, and then project it (like all liberals do) onto others.

15068655? ago

The downvotes factually demonstrate that you are the shill.

15068769? ago


15068807? ago

How original. An internet troll/shill posting internet troll/shill crap.

At least it wasn't a rick roll. Come on, you can do better... Post some Mr Hands...

15065672? ago

it's how we Mark the shills

You keep saying that but this comment thread proves otherwise, unless you admit to being a shill.

Downvoating is how we mark incorrectness, stupidity, disagreements, and a loss in argument.

Get it?

15066776? ago

He already admitted to being a shill:

But yes, I'm the shill

15065764? ago

Wrong. Down voting the shills is one of the top ways to see their shit from festering QRV....

15065809? ago

So... like your shit?

By your own logic, you're the shill. Test your theory, guy-who-just-got-the-privilige-to-downvote.

15067878? ago


for your consideration

15068199? ago

I'm at work using my hands. How about a qrd?

15066718? ago

This thread is gold.

15065566? ago

Youre marked with downvotes shill.

15065540? ago

Lie some more.

15065548? ago

This is anon, the fuck would I have any reason to lie? You're retarded.

15065558? ago

Because youre embarrassed by making a fool of yourself. Just because we cant see your name doesnt mean we cant see the stupid shit you just said and got proven wrong on retard.

15065751? ago

Whatever you say, chief. I know I saw the vote totals when I did... whatever you saw afterwards doesn't really matter to me

15066400? ago

"It was 0/0 when i posted so you're wrong" my fucking sides lol

15066631? ago

It was....

15065520? ago

You're the jewish nigger kike shill faggot!

15065524? ago


15065542? ago

You're shill.

15065319? ago

Begone shill

15065009? ago

nobody cares

15081203? ago

Yet you took the time to comment.....

15083147? ago

Let me be more specific, i don't give a fuck that this noob probable shill gets to forum slide with bullshit threads. Happy?

15086126? ago


15066078? ago

NPC’s like you do. Wrong side of history.

15067453? ago

"Wrong side of history" it was dumb when sjws said it and its dumb when you say it too. There are no right sides to history.

15067510? ago

Then why are you here? Lol.

15067705? ago

For actual discussion and knowledge about whats going on in the world. Not to follow some anonymous "agent" and blindly praise the president.

15067871? ago

Blindly praise? Go back to reddit.

15068277? ago

Does your post make any sense to you? Its clear nonsense to me. The Q idiots do blindly cheerlead for the president that is about all they are good for. I'm no redditor so i will never go there. Though, i'd tell you to go back since you clearly came from there after your sub was banned. We don't want you on voat. Seems like you aren't welcome anywhere on the internet.

15068430? ago

Who is we? Shill harder. Been here 2 years, your pained responses with empty citations and hyperbolic emotional language is too obvious. Wake up.

15068978? ago

2 years and on here and you follow q. Anon did you learn anything? Don't sit on your ass and wait for Q to do something it will only waste time.

15070566? ago

WTF are you WORRIED about some STRANGER on the INTERNET?? GET A LIFE 😆

15069226? ago

53-47 6-3 Unsealing. Lol.

15068007? ago

You guys literally praise everything he does. Even when he lets thousands of murderous niggers roam free on the streets like he did recently, I saw a bunch of Qultists talking about how great this was, what a great man Trump was. It’s disgusting.

15068138? ago

Stay mad. Hahahahaha

15065008? ago

Nice forum sliding asshole

15065000? ago

I got 100 CCP a week ago, so I could immediately downvote when the shill attack came :D

15064998? ago

Tell us all about it, anon.

15065804? ago

We’re goats, not “anons,” you Reddit nigger. NIIIGGGERRRRR

15068016? ago

A real goat wouldn't be posting on an anonymized board. Show the world, naked and unafraid.

15067201? ago

Jesus Christ, it's spelled NEEEGGGERRRR.

15064970? ago

Peak qtard

15065820? ago

No, unfortunately I’ve seen worse. I don’t mind the Q stuff itself but goddamn if these retards aren’t the dregs of what was left at Reddit.

15073335? ago

boomer faggotry

15068143? ago

I don’t mind the Q stuff, in the abstract. It’s the Qultists themselves that bug the shit out of me. I mean, even if Q is real, and everything he says is true, what does that change? Whites will still be a minority in this country in 15 years and at that point the “deep state” can do anything it wants anyway, because all those people care about is getting free shit from whitey and they support any state, deep or shallow, as long as they get it.

15071319? ago

We must turn around the white birth rate decline.

15065019? ago

Surprised they haven't exercised their new safe space down voat powers on you yet for daring to question thy cult of Q

15066899? ago

And then there are shill morons that have to comment on it.

15065074? ago

It's only a matter of time

15065226? ago

The sheer number of them begging for upvoqt farming in this thread is staggering. They don't even make a slight effort to adapt to the culture

15066126? ago

Don't care about your culture. Care about saving the world.

15067381? ago

Saving the world by reading anonymous posts on the internet?

15070593? ago

and you care WHY??? 😆

15066360? ago

Saving the world by sitting in your underwear on the couch. Crack open another Pepsi and grab some more chips before you check out some more Qdrops. You’re pulling the heavy weight around here, your body needs the fuel! Every qdrop that you read means one more day in prison for the Rothschilds, don’t ya know?

15065422? ago

They should have been gassed from day1

15065826? ago

We just aren’t making them uncomfortable enough yet.

15068325? ago

Needs more tranny pics

15075106? ago

That would make them too comfortable

15064953? ago

Im on 74 Anyone know what the blue number is?

15064985? ago

When you hover it with your mouse it says 'Total Upvotes Given'. I'll let you figure this one out

15065071? ago


15064971? ago

Hover your mouse over it and it tells you.

15064981? ago

I am on mobile It doesnt show

15064924? ago

Im still trying to get enough CCP so I can do the same thing. It seemed like a pretty heavy attack yesterday.

15064909? ago

I'm stuck at 8 for months now. I don't know how that's possible.

15068227? ago

Go to GreatAwakening...start making Q positive posts...and bingo!! Come back here and with all of that CCP...wait, it don't mean shit on anon subs. Shit...that was worthless.

15065912? ago

Post on the open forum and I’ll help you take it into negative territory, faggot. P.S. Jews are fucking gay and did 9/11.

15066864? ago

Will do fucking niggerfaggot. Vote for Ron Paul. And if 9/11 was an inside job how come the jets came from the outside? wake up sheeple.

15065332? ago

Be a part of the website instead of this anon circle jerk retard.

15064965? ago

You don't earn CCP on QRV per rules set by each sub. You can earn them on GreatAwakening.

15064917? ago

Do you only comment in this sub?

15064908? ago

lol. How long have you been here?

15064884? ago

Good man!

I hang-around /v/QRV/new specifically to down-vote the obvious shills to make sure QRV's front page is kept nice and shiny.

15065955? ago

Just like Reddit kept itself shiny by ejecting you faggots.

15065851? ago

Second that^^

15064882? ago


15064866? ago

That’s cool. Faggot.

15065774? ago

He’s actually a tremendous goddamn faggot. And as soon as he posts some gay shit on the regular forum he’ll just get ass blasted back into negative territory. Happens all the time here. He’ll eventually learn not to be an ungrateful invading fucking wetback nigger.

15069190? ago

Take my upvote.

15072323? ago

Go back to reddit faggot

15079614? ago

What is read it?