15078114? ago

Can this board ensure that ip addresses will be scrubbed if 'normies' decide to make comments ?

15080982? ago

I don't know who exactly this question is for, but it seems that if you're worried about such circumstances but aren't already taking precautions to ensure such a thing isn't of worry, you're wasting your time asking such a question.

Truthfully, these people and their peers are so wealthy that even questions like that aren't a worry of theirs. They have enough wealth to just buy the service provider out a few times and not even flinch. If they want to know who or where you are that badly, your efforts are likely to have little to no effect outside of anyone meeting professional status in multiple security areas.

15075587? ago

Balfour Declaration? How about going all the way back to the Civil War? That's when the Rothschilds got their foot in the door in America. They got in on the ground floor of National Banking Act of 1863 and that's when they really started raping the U.S. John Sherman helped pass the bill and promptly contacted the Rothschilds to let them know it was like taking candy from a baby. The act allowed bankers to control the currency and, therefore, government gold bonds. There is no doubt that they were also part of the "Crime of 1873," which essential eliminated silver from monetary system and caused a great depression. The Coinage Act of 1873 was cleverly drafted to hide the fact that silver coins could no longer be minted. The banking elite knew that taking silver coins out of the economy would drive down the price of silver and they could then buy it up cheap and sell it at a very high premium in Europe. Another benefit to the bankers was that, with the scarcity of money, they could make loans at very high interest rates. If you are interesting in knowing the details of the beginnings of the Rothschilds theft of American wealth, read the book, A Short Review and Analysis of the History of Money In the United States. It starts about page 46. Anyone interested in the book should probably archive a copy before it is scrubbed. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39076005081554;view=1up;seq=48 Happy researching!

15080934? ago

What do you know about the Payseur family?

15071694? ago

Anyone who thinks the Rothschilds will lose money because of the fires is ill-informed. Jerry Brown authored a Bill that will force the citizens of CA to pay the losses. PG&E is now in the "Too big to fail" category. Time for Jerry Brown to be hanged, drawn, and quartered for Treason. He bows to the Rothschilds and the other Globalists.

15071789? ago

Can't we at least taunt them over it? Maybe revealing that we have an understanding of the way those systems work might freak them out just enough for them to make a wrong move.

15071580? ago

Class Action Lawsuits - to compensate every individual who lost homes, businesses, pensions, life savings in the '2008 financial crash' ??

15071747? ago

I'm more or less under the impression that one day the Redshields will be forced to return all of the money they've extracted through the FED and a plethora of other orgs worldwide.

Even more than that, it's my estimation that sometime in the future it will be revealed that "money" in general has no value. Hell, the raw materials which have long been used to observe or account for wealth will eventually be revealed to draw their value not at all for asthetic reasons, but for technological reasons, to which few on the planet are privy.

15071928? ago

I look forward to that - thank you

15067254? ago

I'm not sure if any of you guys remember the PG&E cases with Erin Brokovich where they poisoned the water in Hinkley, CA. Now, I'm thinking it may have been on purpose all along for the sole purpose of population control.

15066820? ago

David Ickes book has both Rothschilds and Payseurs in it.

15066185? ago

Weather Weapons........Rothschild connected?


15065103? ago

The fire that has been lit is smoking these people out. The last thing they want is publicity.

15064905? ago

In CA it looks like you should put tree branches around yourself & your house since the fires dont burn trees. How strange is that?

15064688? ago



15064032? ago

Son of a b*tch...Been noticing that EVERY cashier transaction that has occured from grocery shopping to buying fast food for the past 6 months, the cashier and/or interface asks me if I want to "Donate $1.00 to the Red Cross?"

Looks like the usual slush fund sources (drug and weapons running, human trafficking, and drug dealings) have dried up and now they are appealing to our generosity.

Say NO to all major charities!!!

15063584? ago

News flash. Satan is the true enemy. Believing in Jesus is the only way to defeat Satan. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. Now the seekers of truth are being led astray by the Satanic lie of blaming Israel because of those who claim they a Jews but are not Jews. If you believe this Satanic lie, you will take part in the prophecy of the last days. The world will indeed hate Israel. The Bible is very clear about this. The sheep and goat judgement in The Book of Revelation is all about the Jews and those who hate them. Those who will be judged as sheep loved the Jews and showed them mercy. Those who hated the Jews will be judged as goats and thrown into the eternal fire. Read it for yourself. A snare is being laid to deceive followers of Christ against His chosen people. Where it is not the Jew in Israel or anywhere in the world, but those who say they are Jews but are not Jews. They are part of the snare, and their minions are hard at work on these very forums to deceive. If you love Christ, you will love His chosen people the Jews. You will not listen to lies of Satan blaming the Jews for the works of those who claim they are Jews but are not Jews at all. It is a trap and a snare laid out by the father of lies.

15063388? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52Mx0_8YEtg The Great Global Warming Swindle Full Movie

15061133? ago

It's nice to see you guys are getting past the "muh deepstate" meme and realizing who the real problem is!

15061001? ago

"It's been a wild ride, though! I hope you're enjoying the show!"

The ride—and the show—are just beginning. When this shitshow is done, the human race will never be the same!

15060499? ago

ROTHSCHILDS - Wealth & Power Overview


15060495? ago

PG&E should have to pay to rebuild and replace everything. The government should take the company off them for their neglect and manslaughter if not murder.

15059940? ago

Funny they still call it the Camp Fire even though we know fuck well a camper didn't start it.

15059917? ago

Depiction of Rothschilds from 1898 http://magaimg.net/img/6pm7.jpg

15059242? ago

Enjoy the show!

15058212? ago

Have to keep the human trafficking and drugs going through our border !!! Vote for Rothschild (scumbags)

15058206? ago

I think that Mike R. dude is a wannabe. Probably should find out who he really is and dig on him.

15058099? ago

Great thread - someone should start one for the Payseurs!

(I will if no one has by the time I finish work)

15081137? ago


Match the date with the Clock Mirror.


15058500? ago


A great suggestion, anon.

15057800? ago

Saved ⬆️⬇️

15057783? ago

Red child. Red sheild. Children of Satan.

15057770? ago

Great fucking idea.

Let's dig up some old "discoveries" of yester-year and redpill the fuck out of these shills since they arrived to our party so late.

Where to begin?


15057734? ago

WOW... The Whole World is now reading and sharing this info. Sure glad I'm 'just a normie'.

15057688? ago

Cut to the chase...The Roths are minions of the British Crown and MI6. MI6 is where all the marching orders come from. The british crown owns "our" social security system, every media outlet in America, the IRS, the CIA and a thousand other fake groups that all funnel money to the British Crown. I'd like to see what the world would be like without MI6 and their bloody agents in the USA. Why haven't these vultures been picked up and assets liquidated? They have run our country into the ground. The British Patriots have no guns to fight back, all planned by MI6 and the psychopath cabal families who have nothing better to do but create mayhem. How dare they call their public "commoners"!! There time is done. Round 'em up, already.

15057641? ago

It appears that they are starting to get a pretty good burn rate of cash going in order to keep one step ahead of the Q team.

They do have a great deal of money. If they start burning big piles of it (such as Soros spending $4B on manipulation of forums such as this one and reddit)...

I think we ain't seen nothing yet. They'd rather burn large piles of money rather than go to prison.

Buckle up, buttercups. The ride is going to get bumpy.

15059785? ago

They would also rather burn "their" money (aka stolen, ill-gotten gains) than have it given back to the people they stole it from in the first place. They should have their assets seized, given back to the people and be placed naked in stocks until they die of exposure.

15062438? ago

Oh, they will be. If it's not the US legal system, it will be a lynch mob or just a bunch of hungry revolutionaries. Consider this: Whenever the wealth inequality hits a certain level, in all of history, it is immediately followed by one of two things.

1.) There is some kind of legislation to take wealth away from wealthy people and large companies. I'm talking here about anti-trust laws in the 1930s.

2.) There is a violent and bloody revolution. The phrase "eat the rich" didn't come from nowhere. In the French Revolution, they invented the guillotine because executing people needed to be done assembly-line style. Regular old chopping heads off with an axe wasn't fast enough to keep up.

15061017? ago

God no. Our eyes would die of exposure first. The rest...hell yea

15057626? ago

California wildfires-- they planned to burn up northern California. Rothschilds, PG&E. Dig.

What are we going to do about this?... Are we really going to allow these psychopathic brain imbalanced individuals burn our countryside like this and bring hardship to millions of our citizens?

15059046? ago

Peggy Curtis, a Facebook friend - 12-10-17 - CALIFORNIA is being SACRIFICED


15071096? ago

Look up the video on YT from FEBRUARY where a woman discussed their plan to burn up California. She even called out PG&E in FEBRUARY for being the eventual cause of these fires. Really incredible, they are doing it right in front of our faces. Ridiculous.

15071652? ago

Hey there. Yes, I watched it. Made me very angry.

15073189? ago

Me too, and sad. Incredible though I have to say, when I was a child and was discovering the symbolism and patterns around me and trying to point them out to others, no one saw it. Now, TONS of people are seeing it and pointing it out too... So, seems like we are at least making slow progress waking up the slaves.

15071076? ago

Wow this is horrifying! I have family and friends living in California and this breaks my heart. The whole thing about the synagogue, very strange. I would need verification / sauce for this to confirm that it's true but, seems very strange. I've seen so many pictures and videos of ridiculous irregularities with these fires, that can only be explained by the use of DEW's or something similar. (Directed Energy Weapons*)

15066124? ago

Right now we are re building those homes lost last year in Sonoma county. My brother has done 2 in Kenwood, the company I left in May has 5 in Santa Rosa. Glen Ellen along warm springs road is being re built as well. Well, at least by those who can afford it....

15068928? ago

I'm glad to hear that.

15057528? ago

All other nefarious Dr Evil plans aside, I did have a chance once to share a bottle of 1989 Chateau Mouton Rothschild Bordeaux (not on my dime), and it was fucking epic.

15057435? ago

Has anybody read through this (partially) provocative archived thread?


Impossible to say whether he's a highly functioning larp, but the perspectives on display are telling when you cross reference with other research on the dynasty.

15071649? ago

Where did this thread originate from?

15069007? ago

Fascinating to read, lots of interesting perceptions and Concepts but the reality seems to be that their bloodline is key, to them,or him.

15059488? ago

Thanks for linking that. Interesting read, shill or not (him not you obv).

15057275? ago

And The Lord said, " I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you." Revelation 3:9 never really gave any thought to this one a full chapter later.

15058883? ago

Love this.

15057018? ago

Reuters and the Associated Press the two main wire services that most new outlets use are owned by the Rothschilds. http://www.eutimes.net/2009/03/reuters-and-the-associated-press-are-owned-by-the-rothschild-family/

15056914? ago

Influential people have been seeking Rothschild approval since long before Balfour in 1917. Herzl did so in 1895, and long before then even, Kalischer did so in 1836. Both regarding plans for Jewish settlement in Palestine. A lot of people dont realize how old those plans truly were. And some folks think they don't rule the whole damned show. Then why, pray tell, are people writing letters to them!

Baron Edmond De Rothschild also 'supported' the first two villages built in Palestine, in 1882, by Jews. Imagine, just setting up in someone elses country like that.

15056696? ago

I find it very convenient for Mike Rothschild and very disturbing as well that he is a pediatrician.

15059740? ago

Disgusting. I wonder how many babies he's used as human guinea pigs with regard to vaccines.

15057230? ago


15056420? ago

What's with the unicorn in their Coat of Arms? Isn't that the symbol for Transhumanism?

15056533? ago

Another anon here actually linked to a certain Rothschild that collected mammals. He says that this Rothschild had the worlds largest collection of stuffed animals and donated it to some museum when he died. anon also notes that this Roth was very fond of genetics and enjoyed mixing genetics from different animals quite a lot. Check out his post. it's somewhere around here

15056369? ago

Also look into Black Rock, State Street, Vangaurd, and Fidelity FMR. The 4 companies who own everything

But I get you OP, the truth about the Rothschilds could fill more servers than pornhub could ever dream of needing.

15056210? ago

Especially Lynn’s wrinkled old ass. I hear she’s particular about her looks.

15057855? ago

Isn't that what the adrenachrome is for? The infusions of teenage blood? Organ harvesting? Sick fucks.

15056006? ago

2nd Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild, the same one who received the Balfour Declaration, has a giraffe named after him - yes, the Rothschild Giraffe. He had more stuffed mammals than any other private collector and one of his favorite things to do was try to create different hybrids. When he died his collection was donated to the British Museum and it's now the Tring Natural History Museum. This guy was a major banker, politician (member of parliament), zionist activist, and liked to tamper with the genetics of mammals. Yup, sounds right. Their family been effing with nature for a long time.

15055834? ago

I believe that these sick fucks and their estate in the Black Forest, and events transpiring thereat - were the source/basis of many Grimm's Fairytales.

15055504? ago

James Alefantis is a Rothschild? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1747908

15055496? ago

Hey Fag Family, you guys are basically niggers now.

15057886? ago

That's a good thing right? A badge of honor dutifully earned? Fuck you too, faggot.

15055434? ago

First, you need to know who they are (names, dates, and places). Here's a link to their genealogy, so you can see who most of them are. A number of the lines in their tree aren't followed down, so either there were no children to an awful lot of marriages, or they aren't deemed important for some reason.


There's also the Wikipedia article. I haven't compared the two to see if there are any differences.


Here's a pedigree chart for them: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/Rothschild_family_tree.png

Here's an interesting article about an illegitimate daughter of a Rothschild, whose descendant built the castle used as the location for the British TV show "Downton Abbey." It contains some good genealogy details.


The second page of results to my Startpage search for "Rothschild genealogy" had an odd entry. It was an article on HuffPo saying that 1/4 of Hillary's family tree was traced incorrectly by almost everyone. Rothschild is not mentioned at all, but the search listed it. Perhaps Hillary is related to the Rothschild's by her correct grandmother, the other Hannah Jones born in the same place and around the same time as the incorrect one.


There's a ton of info out there. Just search.


15058920? ago

Good work, patriot!

15057943? ago

I hope they hear the slow hum of Patriots in their wormy ears coming up behind them, the steady march of Americans pushing in, ever closer. We're coming for you. Your hell bent life is over.

We're here.

15055264? ago

I'd love to know how many there are. Are we talking one family large enough to be the 1% of the 1% alone in both finance and population?

15055063? ago

Hey, Lynn. Fuck you. Have a good day.

15055653? ago

Is this the best Satan's house has to offer these days or just what is left?

15054888? ago

Doxx the roxx??

15060169? ago


15054794? ago

If you want to understand the Rothchilds then you have to understand Frankism. It's the reason they worship satan.

15054686? ago

This is a really honest question I want opinions about. How do you or do you think Q will deal with the Rothschilds ? And......do you think murdering the family ...the whole family will be part of their solution?

15056225? ago

Me, personally?

I think you're way behind. That's what I think.

I may not be able to do math, but I'm typically not that stupid.

15058491? ago

Fuck you for your pathetic ability to relate to humans behind a keyboard.

15058542? ago

It's very easy to do when I want to do it.

When I don't want to, I think it both is and should be very obvious.

15055644? ago

I think their wealth may eventually be confiscated. The people around them may turn on them and take care of it for the rest of us.

15058541? ago

Thank you for your honest answer. Maturity does exist here. I honestly dont know. That's why I want other's opinions. I know q and everybody talk BIG, but in the end...willl they be killed for all the satanic mayhem they have caused? I SO do not want them to get away with anything.

15055897? ago

yes their wealth will be taken from them with the use of the UCC and EO that TRUMP issued regarding human trafficing along with the VATICAN and anyone else involved

15058557? ago

But you dont think they will be killed?

15060927? ago

death is to easy ; imho i think that they should be placed in 3rd world setting and slowly starved to death so that they feel the hunger pains every day ; however the politicians that have committed treason should be made an example of and be publicly executed !!!!!

15054672? ago

Have any of you Anons seen “A Rothschild Speaks Out” interview with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot and Erin Green (Rothschild)? She talks about some pretty crazy stuff like reptilians, pedophilia, other dimensions, connections to the Rockefellors and more. It has 3 million views so far...

15054546? ago

mike likes to lurk the boards here...mike needs to spend more time learning the family history...what many beliefs have been handed down from generation to generation ....might open his eyes a little or a lot ...what they own ....how they control ...try to control and how little they really care about people

15054114? ago

How about the Rothschild connection to the Malaysia flight that went missing, guess who the only living person left on the patent after everyone else mysteriously vanished/died. Jacob Rothschild.

Have you pieced together the puzzle of missing flight 370 to Beijing China ??

If not, here are your missing pieces.

Patents Patents Patents

Four days after the missing flight MH370 a patent is approved by the Patent Office

4 of the 5 Patent holders are Chinese employees of Freescale Semiconductor of Austin TX.

Patent is divided up on 20% increments to 5 holders.

Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, (20%) Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, (20%) Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, (20%) Li Ying, Suzhou, China, (20%) Freescale Semiconductor (20%)

If a patent holder dies, then the remaining holders equally share the dividends of the deceased if not disputed in a will.

If 4 of the 5 dies, then the remaining 1 Patent holder gets 100% of the wealth of the patent.

That remaining live Patent holder is Freescale Semiconductor.

Who owns Freescale Semiconductor ??

Jacob Rothschild through Blackstone who owns Freescale. (Bingo!!! )

Here is your motive for the missing Beijing plane. As all 4 Chinese members of the Patent were passengers on the missing plane.

Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally by passing wealth to their heirs. However, they cannot do so until the Patent is approved. So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved. Thus, Rothschild gets 100% of Patent once Patent holders declared deceased.

(Reuters) - Employees of Freescale Semiconductor who were on a Malaysia Airlines flight presumed to have crashed were doing sophisticated work at the U.S. chipmaker, a company spokesman said on Sunday. The 20 Freescale employees, among 239 people on flight MH370, were mostly engineers and other experts working to make the company's chip facilities in Tianjin, China, and Kuala Lumpur more efficient, said Mitch Haws, vice president, global communications and investor relations. "These were people with a lot of experience and technical background and they were very important people," Haws said. "It's definitely a loss for the company." None of Austin, Texas-based Freescale's most senior executives were on board the Boeing Co 777-200ER airliner that vanished from radar screens about an hour after it took off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing on Saturday. The employees who were on board, 12 from Malaysia and eight from China, came from a range of disciplines and they were part of a broad push by Chief Executive Officer Gregg Lowe to make Freescale more efficient and cost effective, Haws said. Top-quality engineers are hard to come by for chipmakers and other technology companies, and losing them can have a major impact on business, regardless of their seniority. While the employees on the flight account for less than 1 percent of Freescale's global workforce of 16,800 people, they were working toward the same goals and their loss will reverberate throughout Freescale, Haws said. They had been streamlining facilities in Tianjin and Kuala Lumpur that Freescale uses for testing and packaging microchips used in automobiles, consumer products, telecommunications infrastructure and industrial equipment. On Sunday, Freescale was organizing transportation and accommodation for the 20 staff members' families, as well as providing grief counseling, Haws said. One of the chipmaker's long-time competitors, Texas Instruments, tweeted on Saturday: "We extend our condolences to the families and coworkers of the @Freescale employees aboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH370."

15059690? ago

Pure evil.

15058803? ago

Jesus Christ

15059660? ago

I also remember Q or a fellow anon saying something to the effect that HRC owns a company that makes or installs airplane kill switch’s. Which is why military planes/ helicopters were falling out of the sky.

15064358? ago

Yep. I remember that also. There was a YT about that but I can't find the sauce. I'd suck as an anon too.

15055034? ago

Didn't I read somewhere that there is a link between HRC and the patent office? It was when I was researching Seth Rich, I think. Same law firm or something? Alas, this normie is not a seasoned anon, so my research and recall sucks.

15059280? ago

That's new to me, was this the sauce?


From the Cloud Centric Crime Scene Investigators of Abel Danger

July 20, 2017

Dear Secretary Kelly:

We ask you to accept Brief 39 from Field McConnell – United States Marine and Global Operations Director of Abel Danger (AD) – on patent frauds apparently staged by Jacob Rothschild, a member of the International Advisory Board of The Blackstone Group, and various Serco shareholders who allegedly used patented Freescale image-processing devices (CN101523481A) with Demon face recognition software to blackmail witnesses to murders on MH Flights 370 and 17 and provide image-based alibis to Hillary Clinton and her aides for ongoing stealth attacks over the U.K./U.S. federal bridge certification authority network.

McConnell believes that former patent lawyer Hillary Clinton arranged for the processing of patent applications by the US Patent and Trademark Office to be outsourced to Serco in 2006, the same year Rothschild and his Blackstone colleagues bought Freescale Semiconductor, and he further believes that Clinton’ s aides arranged for the ‘stealth’ murder of 20 Freescale employees (12 from Malaysia, 8 from China) on MH 370 to silence potential whistle-blowers to the ongoing Rothschild-Serco patent frauds and mentored stealth attacks on the federal bridge.

15053732? ago

Check out this list of banks they own. This is a whole lot of banks. http://theglobalelite.org/list-banks-ownedcontrolled-rothschild-family/

15055601? ago

notice that SYRIA is not on the list????? hmmmmm

15055913? ago

Neither was Libya until Killary took it over. Thats why they had so much gold and their people were happy and successful. Gotta take over every country that rejects central banks so that they can impose their will. No safe havens allowed.

15056023? ago

i was thinking the same thing; gold grab = slavery to toilet paper currency

15053409? ago

Lol did you really say the Rothschild's are losing money? Wow. I mean make death threats or something if you want to be a big boy and drop that name here like that. Because this doesn't do anything but pi**'s (((them))) off.

15056152? ago

That was a jab at them. They know they're not losing money, but being able to piece together their scheme, and using sarcasm to convey that we know about it might freak them out a little.

15053331? ago

This is a 50 year old recording that covers the start of the Rothschilds, their rise and influence on world matters including the start of The Fed, the beginnings of Lenin, Bolsheviks, every major war from the French Revolution on, Council of Foreign Relations and so on. A LOT of info in this and WELL worth watching. Please set aside an hour of your time. It is mind blowing.

15053264? ago

Look, they just want to be your CENTRAL BANKER and loan your government money at interest. That is all. Nothing to see here.

15053250? ago

Isn't Anderson Cooper's mother a Rothschild?

15056121? ago

Vanderbilts ARE Rothschilds.

15054371? ago

Vanderbilt is Payseur

15053626? ago

Yes. Here is an article on her dream boxes. The box JonBenet RIP has the initials AS. Who is AS? What is the relevance of these initials? https://celestialtimepiece.com/2016/04/12/the-dream-boxes-of-gloria-vanderbilt/

15057924? ago

There's two columns in that box, reminds me of the double column symbolism from the illuminati/secret society cabal. What a strange hobby.

15058385? ago

It reminds me of The Empress Tarot card.

15053450? ago


15053234? ago

This family literally financed and used Hitler as their puppet.

Satanists pretending to be Jews are not Jews.

15058584? ago

Thank you. This needs to be repeated over and iver again: Satanists pretending to be Jews are NOT Jews.

15055317? ago

That's a myth, Hitler went after the central banking system and kidnapped a Rothchild. He released the man for ransom and now everyone calls ransom money "financed by the Rothchilds." I thought you were told to dig patriot?

15055459? ago

Not a myth, fact.

Think bigger.

Think central banks.

15060535? ago

LOL "Think central banks"

Love your code speak for "I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about"

15060280? ago

Do you really think talking in cryptic ways gives your claim legitimacy? The Rothschild kidnapping is well documented. "Think central banks" what are you talking about, I mentioned that before you did.

15062870? ago

well documented....by who?

15054361? ago

Thats exaclty what the bible says: That there will be evil satanists that pretend to be jews

15054405? ago


The Synagogue of Satan.

This is a long time problem that is long overdue for a correction.

We just can't have these primitive backwards tribes with primitive backwards worldviews running the levers of government.

They should be hanging.

15058815? ago


15053186? ago

Anna Maria Schicklgruber worked as a Maid in Vienna (late 19hundreds) for Salomon Mayer Bauer (alias Baron Rothschild).... Anna Maria Schicklgruber was also the Grandmother of ADOLF HITLER... Without Hitler Israel wouldn´t exist.....

15056113? ago

Which is why I mentioned the Blafour Declaration :D


15053142? ago

What is their greatest weapon of enslavement?

Is it poor education combined with constant indoctrination?

Is it the fear generated by religion?

Is it the fear of being punished (jailed or killed) by the system, or is it the invisible enslavement of the monetary system?

15053138? ago

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue is backed by Evelyn Rothschild's Eranda Foundation and Jacob Rothschild's Arcadia Fund. Avaaz is backed by David Rothschild.

The Yogyakarta Principles (trangenderism) were pushed out by Cynthia Rothschild. (A note for researchers, there is more than one Cynthia Rothschild.) Cynthia Rothschild is part of the UN's RH Reality Check which is partnered with Markos "I hate mercenaries unless they're paying me" Moulitsas to post their propaganda on the Daily Kos.

Media Standards Trust / Common Purpose is allegedly funded by the Rothschilds and the MacArthur Foundation. Serving with Julia Middleton on the board of the trust are the likes of Charles Manby of Goldman Sachs, Anthony Salz of NM Rothschild and David Loyn of the BBC.

The Genie Oil board is Jacob Rothschild, Michael Steinhardt, Dick Cheney, Mary Landrieu, Rupert Murdoch, Bill Richardson (who works for Henry Kissinger), Larry Summers, and James Woolsey. They are officially an Israeli company but if these names are involved, the Israelis don't control shit.

With the Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines MH-370, Jacob Rothschild Became the Sole Owner of 'Freescale Semiconductors' Patent - Company Sold for $16.7B - We can't prove anything nefarious, but that is one hell of a coincidence.

Lynn Forester de Rothschild was in contact with Hillary Clinton in their leaked emails, but I don't know if that amounted to anything. She was also on the board of the McCain Institute.

EKO investors included Wolfensohn and Rothschild. IBTauris is over 50% controlled by Rothschild & Co.

Macron: Another Political Puppet of the Rothschilds

Such was George C. Karlweis, the brain behind Banque Privee, owned by the late Baron Edmond de Rothschild. His biggest claim to fame: George Soros and the launch of his Quantum Fund in 1969. Among the members of the board of the Quantum Fund is one Richard Katz. He is, at the same time, head of the Rothschild Italia S.p.A. in Milan and is also on the board of the commercial bank N.M. Rothschild and Sons in London.

In November 2009, Helios and a group of investors including Soros Strategic Partners LP, RIT Capital Partners plc, Lord Rothschild’s family interests, and Albright Capital Management LLC committed $350 million to Helios Towers Africa Limited (“HTA”). Albright is Madeline Albright's company.

The World Jewish Congress executive board includes David de Rothschild.

The British Round Table - A Secret Society was established by Cecil Rhodes in connection with Rothschild, Morgan, Carnegie, and Rockefeller.

"Liberal" CIA NGO Network - $150 Billion in Foundation Funds Attacking Trump and Pushing Third World Immigration - these might all work for the Rothschilds but I can't prove it. They tend to operate in concert with the few Rothschild operations that can be identified.

15068873? ago

Is Jacob Rothschild still alive? I see conflicting reports.

15056067? ago

With the Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines MH-370, Jacob Rothschild Became the Sole Owner of 'Freescale Semiconductors' Patent - Company Sold for $16.7B - We can't prove anything nefarious, but that is one hell of a coincidence.

Sort of like the Titanic and the Federal Reserve, eh?

15060162? ago

Sort of like the Titanic and the Federal Reserve, eh?

That's a theory that's been going around, but so far I've not seen evidence that the people on the ship had opposed the Reserve. Also, it's very hard to fake running into an iceberg.

15060275? ago

Firstly, why did they have to oppose it? Secondly, why did any element of the crash have to be fake?

15053098? ago

I wonder who owns PG&E - the company largely to blame for those wildfires in California recently that Q keeps telling us to focus on. Those poor Rothschilds... they're starting lose money over this.

The fires are clearing the way for a Ca> Wash train.

WA Gov site shows the plans.

The lands burned in Redding/Oregon are in the path!

Install BY energy in grids.

Bankrupt all electric/gas companies is the goal.

Sauce: http://leg.wa.gov/JTC/Meetings/Documents/Agendas/2017%20Agendas/Dec%202017%20Meeting/WSDOTUltraHighSpeedRail.pdf

15053077? ago

The Rothschilds are credited with the addition of a new word in the lexicon of Evil - Pedivore.

15053047? ago

Rabbi Sylvia Rothschild


Also the One married to an aldobrandini girl in Sweden, his estate is privately guarded by the UN.

15053072? ago

Keep it coming, anon. You're doing great.

15053365? ago

Also the Japanese company “Nippon Telegraph and telecommunication” is headquartered in “the city” of London. Right across the street from Rothschild bank and Bank of England.

Not very tech savvy but I would imagine that place is where all of our dick pics are at. Or something like that.

But Nippon is essentially like saying Japan I believe. And Japan is In the order of the garter and is the worlds longest reigning monarchy.

I don’t know if Japan is grandfathered in or if they just control Japan via Japanese sounding names or what the fuck is going on.

15053028? ago

Mike is slick one all right. His stock in trade (lies and deception) is carefully crafted over at The Daily Dot.

15052982? ago

Haha. More like, dig until you find out they're jewish and then suddenly start supporting/shilling for them.

15053063? ago

Give this a read.

The Redshhields USE the jews - Chutzpah. They aren't "jewish". They are those who claim they are jewish but are not. They pray to Lucifer - Satan.

So that you may further abandon the engineering that you've undoubtedly experienced in places like Voat, /b/, /pol/, etc. you should look in to Max Warburg, the connection between Hitler and Angela Merkel, Lehi, and the Havaara Agreement. Hitler was used. Don't let Crensch, Zyklon_b, ExpertShitposter, or KevDude convince you Hitler was Germany's hero. They are shills.

15053176? ago

No shill, they're jewish. There were some who werent zionists but they're all jewish.

15054099? ago

Revelation 2:9 (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

15052931? ago

Q mentioned multiple times that this is bigger than you can imagine. Rothschild is quite an old "secret" for almost any anon. I hope q an the whole Team go really deep to the real history oft mankind and Rothschild should only be a step to a bigger truth. Greetings from shithole country, formerly known as germany

15059258? ago

I agree. And I also hope we get to learn true history. Many years ago I had a 7th and 8th grade history teacher that I believe, looking back, was woke! Many times we would close the propaganda filled state provided text books and he would talk from memory about things from the past that were handed down by family members and friends. At the time I was more interested in the girls around me, especially the ones that had added some nice round knockers over the summer, than I was about things that had happened years ago. I should have paid more attention. Now, to have the chance to learn the truth about history would be such a real blessing.

15054022? ago

So sorry about what has happened to your country. I was stunned when there was a machete fight in the streets of Duisburg. WTH? Hoping your country will heal; it was lovely when I visited it many years ago. Prayers from the US, patriot.

15052927? ago

The PG&E stock fell 25% in one day following the Camp Fire and its headed to zero when the billion dollar plus insurance bills and law suits begin to settle. PG&E has been solely responsible for several devastating fires with dozens of people dying horrible deaths . . . we have had enough!

15054737? ago

Didn't their criminal governor just sign that the liability is now passed onto PG&E's customers?

15059895? ago

Yes, Moonbeam is trying is to stick us with the bill for their negligence and while most in CA are trying to deal with the human tragedy the Rothschilds are laughing all the way to the bank. I hope to God justice will come to this state soon, it's more than most can bear.

15052770? ago

Adam Schiff is funded by them and possibly related. Rothschilds manufacture iVotronix voting machines or software if I remember correctly.

15053859? ago

Schiffs and Rothchilds were two families that had the same residence when Rothchilds first started out. Schiffs are dirty bankers that funded the overthrow of Russia and placed in luciferian communists. Every talks about Rothchilds but people should look into the dirty bastard Jacob Schiff. https://www.truthcontrol.com/jacob-schiff

15057475? ago

Is Peter Schiff related? If so is he an Austrian school black sheep? Or does that tentacle factor into the larger octopus?

15052789? ago

Do you have a source you could add for us, so the normies can easily see the info? They're really lazy. Please edit your comment if you find it.

15056839? ago

15058522? ago

Thanks, anon.

I knew you'd come through.

This is the exact thing I was referring to before.

15053943? ago

Yeah us normies need links and explanations, thanks.

15052718? ago

Great thread!!

15052800? ago

Thanks, brother, even if I've only put shit-tier effort in to it.

15052653? ago

What do you do after your group as amassed trillions of dollars? So much cash you control the entire earth.

Your next move is to plot an elaborate scheme to kill millions of people and bring those left into a place of slavery.

These people are evil.

And then there was Q. Kiss your ass goodbye Rothschild.

15052631? ago

Check out the Payseur family while you’re at it.

15052644? ago

Wouldn't it be neat if they started whining at us?

15052694? ago

Lol. Whining about being trillionairs

15052811? ago

Precisely. Why would a family worth millions of dollars be at all threatened by some nerd virgins and their stupid larp?

Oh, sorry. I meant TRILLIONS.

15052624? ago

You will find lots of good data here


15052637? ago

Could you sccop the intel and post it for us here, anon?

You're welcome to simply copy and paste. All we're doing is gathering eyes.

15052610? ago

They are not losing money in Cali. You gotta know they shorted their own stock in this one... they will make 10x. your stupid pension is going to lose money.

15053111? ago

The fires are clearing the way for a Ca> Wash train.

WA Gov site shows the plans.

The lands burned in Redding/Oregon are in the path!

Install BY energy in grids.

Bankrupt all electric/gas companies is the goal.

Sauce: http://leg.wa.gov/JTC/Meetings/Documents/Agendas/2017%20Agendas/Dec%202017%20Meeting/WSDOTUltraHighSpeedRail.pdf

15059103? ago

Israel Chemicals makes the retardant that they drop on the fires. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn the Rothschilds own the company.

Interesting to note that the retardant has bromine in it and when mixed with water (also dropped on fires) it creates a toxic gas. I have no links I’m just going from memory of what I read last year when half of BC burned.

15054750? ago

Opened up land with gold which is currently generational neighborhoods.

15054764? ago

Damn straight. Good point.

15052544? ago

Instead of having people post comments why not encourage them to make their own threads?

15053362? ago

Comments keep the conversation in one place.

15054209? ago

But that pedo clearly lurks and he is advertising the site now. His followers come here looking for a bunch of unhinged nuts and instead see a flood of posts on his family.

15052612? ago

Good sugestion, anon!

15052317? ago

Why would the Rothschild family ever care about some nerdy virgins who all follow some stupid larp on deep recesses of the internet?

This family has AT LEAST hundreds of TRILLIONS of dollars in liquid assets worldwide. They could buy entire continents of countries. Why in the hell would they ever care about us? Remember the Q post (#1787) where Q says there are currently 52-58 million following the whole Q thing? How would that translate to today, seven months later? Do you think 90 million is a fair correction for today? Let's just say it is and use it as a figure in the following hypothetical:

The Rothschild family recently sold an estate in Austria used by the family and presumably friends for hunting (yes... seemingly just for hunting). According to Bloomberg.com, the estate sold at a price of 90 million euros.

If the Rothschilds wanted, they could then, roughly speaking, of course, give each and every person following the Q larp ONE MILLION EUROS - enough to buy a build a house in a rural area in Europe and never be heard of again - to never involve themselves again and stop making noise about the whole Q larp forever.

Granted, this is a comically small portion of money to them, anyway. They could easily do this hundreds of times and still have enough assets for the next ten generations to live so far beyond comfortable for the average person that it would still be like they live in a different world than any of us.

But, they don't.

Hell, they could buy a standing private army to come to each of our houses while we sleep, kill us in unsuspecting ways, and be off like it never happened.

But, they don't.

All for a larp?

15052561? ago

This is why the joke is funny (just to imagine them reading...). By the way, you need to do your math again.

15052661? ago

yup, check that again.

at least they'll get a chuckle out of me not knowing how math works

15053181? ago

Yeah you improved the joke !

15052518? ago

I think your math is a little off...90 million people....90 million euros...that would be ONE euro per anon lol

15053093? ago

Guess they'll need 90 trillion euros to give us each a million. Sounds good to me.

15052559? ago


God damnit.

15052298? ago

I agree. Start several threads on the Rothchild crime family. That ding dong Mike Rothchild can keep sending people here to read the fake arguments but they will end up being redpilled about the Roths. DOITQ

15053434? ago

Redpilled about the Rothschild's lmao all you know is some goofy shit some half-hearted moron gave you like come on.

15241442? ago

That was the worst attempt at being a schill I've ever seen. Crawl back in your hole.

15053565? ago

You ever seen their hilltop mansions in every high class community on the continent of Europe? Easily over 100 elite luxury estates.

If you don’t actually know anything please be quiet and listen lmao.

15059894? ago

These are shills man, fucking everyone knows about the Rothschilds at this point. They've gotta be the most famous name in European Politics since Hitler, and Hitler was basically a propaganda piece by the time the Rothschilds got through him. He just became their greatest insult, "You guys are antisemetic/Nazis/facists!"

15053639? ago

I've been listening since 06.

15053683? ago

Then why are you telling people not to share the info? Didn’t mean to be a dick head before but I don’t like discouraging people from sharing info.

15055255? ago

He never said not to share the info. He just said you don't know everything yet and you started sperging

15051869? ago

Yes, yes. Dig. Wish I could up vote.

15055611? ago

then let go of your anti-racism brainwashing and go experience all of the statistical reality this site has to offer. im sure you are against racism but let me ask you this. can you statistically support your anti-racist viewpoint? because i can statistically support my racist viewpoint in like 100 different ways. education, crime, rape, murder, intelligence, culture, prosperity. I can provide many statistics from basically any field of analysis to support the idea that the races are not biologically equal, can you say the same about your viewpoint?

15055985? ago

You're not here to help, are you?

15056788? ago

im here because i seek information from many sources. i also encourage others to do the same. taking the word of any 1 man as gospel is dangerous no matter who it is. Q has told you to ignore all racism and so now anyone who suggests thats the wrong choice must be trying to harm your progress? what if i just disagree. what if i think ignoring reality is one of the most harmful things a person can do? what if this is my way of helping to prevent that?

15053569? ago

I could up vote from beginning... Down vote still unavailable

15053913? ago

the number of times you can upvote in a 24h period is restricted until you get CCP

15070638? ago

Ah got it. Yeah I'm stingy with up votes

15052003? ago

Go participate in the site

15051863? ago

Listen to SGTreport - Rothschild Genocide: Innovating the Population to Zero https://youtu.be/JeJkYovY0AM


Rothchild Black Forrest (as mentioned in Q667) https://youtu.be/nDixoT8GhMo

15057793? ago

The Deborah Tavares interview is golden. She drops bombs about the biological health implications of wireless EMF from all new tech being shoved down our throats. Even the dopamine connection is brought up, which is impressive.

People who doubt that angle need to dig deeper in biophysics and how much telcom has invested in obfuscating the science of living organisms in artificial RF and magnetic fields fields.

Start here:

https://www.amazon dot com/Going-Somewhere-Truth-about-Science/dp/0981854915/

And continue here:

https://www.amazon dot com/Overpowered-Dangers-Electromagnetic-Radiation-about/dp/1609806204/

And here is some quantum biology perspective on the health implications of 5G moving forward:



A ton of meaty info to research further

15059741? ago

Jesus Christ. The only solution I know of to get rid of EMF and RF is to walk around with a tin foil hat on or to move to Green Bank, WV where no RF is allowed due to a radio telescope. I'm not sure I want to know what's killing me slowly.

15059442? ago

no way I can listen to that obvious faggot, I literally made it 4 seconds into the video. (4th link)

15059699? ago

or just skip to 1:15 where the alpha male starts talking. smh

15060025? ago

In the interest of learning, I shall trudge onward, thank you for the time mark, I had no hope that would occur.

15059655? ago

lol homophobic trigger by a French Canadian dude? that's new. just move on if delivery takes precedent over content in your little world. good luck

15064614? ago

Is homosexuality something that appeals to you?

15070030? ago

not on my radar sorry

15070797? ago

What about "consider the source"?

15059939? ago

In my defense, he's really faggy. He's like super fag.

If John Wayne saw him, he would explode.

15059630? ago

lol triggered by a French Canadian who's digging deep? just move on if presentation discredits content in your little world.

15059954? ago

Being French Canadian doesn't make you wear purple fagglasses.

15064616? ago

It probably does.

15058773? ago

Watched all of it. The information she revealed was even more in depth than my knowledge of 21. It made me quite angry. Alas, knowledge is power. Spread the video.

15054699? ago

Listened to the first link. Whole thing. It is demonic.

15062440? ago

If you think that's demonic, go watch "Above Majestic".

15054538? ago

And on the CA fires and PG&E https://youtu.be/UHIqycFgCBc

15051760? ago

We need to dig into marriages and follow them through name changes etc.

Genealogy tools would be handy.

15052639? ago

Mormon church are MASTERS at genealogy. Not kidding. Ask them for help.

15056824? ago

Mormon organizations are funded by the Rothschild's different foundations, according to this. https://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/2011/07/mormons-bankrolled-by-rothschild-capt.html?m=1

15053444? ago

Just sell your soul to Baphomet why don't you.

15052689? ago

I don't doubt it. They have to be in order to survive a Thanksgiving with extended family.

15052742? ago

...at least they don't make more niggers.

15052089? ago

Remember that "secret history of familes that rule the world" book that was shown to anon when Q mentioned the Payseur family? Go find that book and grab the names out of it that have connections to the Rothschilds. One such family was the Vanderbuilts, Anderson Cooper's family (CNN).

15054729? ago

Few more...Warburgs, Astors, Kennedys...

15056436? ago

Yes, those were all on the list.

15052194? ago

Exactly. We need to continue to follow the wives especially. They hide connections behind marriage and name changes.

15051659? ago


15052059? ago

Great, Zyklon_B, the Nazi shill came to hang out with us.

It's obvious, extremely obvious, that you do this in order to frame us for "hating jews" (so they can call us nazis when the use a flase flag on us), all being "white nationalists" (which will obviously be used by the race division shills in the news media), "mentally-ill militia forming conservatives", etc.

You're so fucking obvious, you stupid shill.

15057256? ago

I thought Zyklon was the next generation after the Millennials.

15055376? ago

You are going to be called Nazis by the left no matter what because you are naming Jews such as Soros and the Rothschilds. Just stop cucking and attacking other patriots.

15056461? ago

Actually... we're attacking satanists.

Read your bible, newfag.

15060209? ago

Funny if you actually read yours you would know to avoid idolatry and your false worship of Q. Besides you have no rebuttal, you are still going to be called a Nazi so why attack your allies?

15060293? ago

We know you're here to waste time/energy.

We know why you don't want us to talk about these things.

I tried to warn you.

15060576? ago

You are warning me to stop naming the Jews? I am here to converse, and point out a key flaw. A flaw that led to the Republican party cucking to the point they are just a lighter version of democrats.

We know why you don't want us to talk about these things

You are the one trying to shut down conversation, not I. I do want to talk about these things and have shown that by trying to start a conversation.

15052303? ago

Pretty sure zyklon is a preteen Jewish boy

15052437? ago

I'm pretty sure he works for Aman/MOS/Unit 8200/Shin Bet

15052094? ago

I aint framing nobody I am painting muh mastapeace