15059321? ago

Imagine if there was militia like the minute men, or Bikers for Trump, or a new generation of 3%ers mixed with 1%ers. The tide has already shifted and it just a matter of time until the 'criminals' are held accountable. lll%

15058845? ago

Well, exactly as predicted. This tweet sounds exactly like the shill SBBH attacks, using Shill SSBH attacks as evidence. He's one of them.

15058692? ago

Like a moth to a flame they come.

15058593? ago

Mike, The NSA knows you made those posts. :-) They have the evidence. So fucking bring it. You'll end up in cuffs faster if you play the game. You are just another rat face in a trap. You might want to run and hide in the deepest cover you can find. Maybe it will take a few years to drag you out of your hole like they did Saddam Hussein.

15058459? ago

More agit prop to get the useless idiots ready to riot when these globalist elites are arrested. They are ramping it up on. They must believe arrests imminent. I hope their information is correct.

15058429? ago

what a bunch of crap...

15057285? ago

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15057003? ago

So funny!

15055115? ago

This just kinda begs the question as to what the heck he was doing on voat in the first place...

15060561? ago

He was probably here laughing at yous.

15054677? ago

Yup here it comes but it won't work! The more they do this the more it all looks like set ups! Even the dummies are starting to see a pattern! So keep on truckin mike!

15054480? ago

You mean false flag incoming.

15053672? ago

Couldn't make this stuff up! SOOO predictable. Double kek.

15053096? ago

That's not us.

15053012? ago

I'm totally surprised none of (them) have gone after and made an issue of the 'hate speech' on Voat, e.g., nigger, fag, kike, etc.

15052873? ago

They are scared shitless and trying to discredit us. Why cant we go and reply to the threads? I did, and told him how all he was doing is showing Q Anon how scared they all really are. Your turn!!!

15052136? ago

If we are so insignificant and a bunch of lunatics, then why legitimize us by posting this garbage? I swear they love to talk on both sides of their mouths. The sheer desperation has them all over the place. time to face justice Rothschild.

15052058? ago

Q is being validated. No conspiracy theory anymore. The movement will be vindicated.

15051926? ago

We've known for a while they'd try this

15051920? ago

Expect a false flag blaming us

15051528? ago

Globalists have NO IMAGINATION nor CREATIVITY - so lame and PREDICTABLE

just proves that they NEVER ever held their positions of Control by their own MERIT because they HAVE NONE

15051348? ago

Bet that whole thread is fabricated. Dont remember seeing it either.

15051802? ago

I remember seeing it. Then I remember seeing the threads and comments to follow warning of something exactly like this. Anons trying to explain to other anons how it's an obvious shill tactic to call for violence, when this movement has never been about violence at all.

15051337? ago

Ok, so what does it mean? I am confused.

15051205? ago

He uses the term Qanon like its a common household name. My guess is he spends a lot of time here. He needs the anons to interrupt the Q message and so he can anticipate his demise.

15051182? ago

HA HA HA, man when I see that name the only thing that I can think of is that Q post where it was said :

"At some point the streets (for them) will not be safe." Q

They know they're in trouble ;)

15060599? ago

Sounds kind of...VIOLENT.

15051120? ago

They are being concern fags about something that doesn't matter? We have been told by the shills that Q is a larp. Why are they wasting their time with us?...lol. They can feel the pain coming.

15051067? ago

So Rothchild has been posting all the shill comments?

15050982? ago


15050950? ago

FAKE FAKE FAKE! It will not work here Rothshills! We don't believe in violence unless in self defense. We empower with knowledge and exposing people just like the rothfags. We are not making any calls to action that is done by your boy George Soros and the people without borders. Q is all about dismantling the criminals that are above the law at the current moment by exposing them for what they are, pedo's, satanists, creepy porn lawyer retards. He is just worried about us taking all the money back he made off the backs of Americans by robbing us blind.

15050930? ago

mike ROTHSCHILD spreading disinfo as usual.

15050777? ago

All it take is one FF from the deep state global cabal to cause considerable damage.

15050757? ago

Oh, yep. FF incoming. And a Rothschild is getting involved personally with a tweet. Interesting. Running out of lackeys and minions are they?

15050222? ago

The Rothschilds helped to create Israel in 1917 by establishing a home land for Jews via the Balfour Declaration.

Within thirty years, Jews were culled all across Europe and scared off to Israel.

Today, Israel is the blackmail capitol of the world, ripe with trafficking of all kinds, including children, and regularly murders citizens due to age old religious tensions.

I wonder what the Red Shields saw that they could benefit from due to the establishment t of Israel. Why did the Rothschilds care about Jews or Israel in the first place?

Why don't Rothschilds condemn all of the suffering and tensions they caused both during WW2 and today? Why do the Rothschilds sponsor so much corruption within governments across the world? What is the Rothschilds relationship with George Soros?

Finally, how do the Rothschilds connect to the Payseurs?

Dead the Red, Anons. The wolves are circling their prey. All they can do is squirm. Good luck, Red.

15050214? ago

Oh Mikey, we're peaceful people us Qanon. You should be more worried about, as a group, how intelligent we've become.

15050146? ago

Their words, only takes one of us to start the civil war and end them forever

15050126? ago

His name is literally Rothschild. Lol.

Why is this all so obvious?

15049622? ago

I don't know about you guys, but that sounds like a veiled a threat to me.

15049574? ago

We the People know.

We have their attention. Their thought. I can't imagine how a man who had all this power in the form of money is handling feeling powerless for the first time.

Gods is true power and money can't buy his judgement.

Hi Mike ;) this anon redneck from kentucky knows who you are and what you represent.

15049508? ago

I guess this confirms that many of those shills are literally the cabal. I always thought they were maybe from just bored democrats.

15049472? ago

This is an Anon board He probably wrote that himself

15049428? ago

So, when will this FF be?

15053902? ago

The Rothchilds are going to "kill" off one of their own members, conveniently one who has the most serious pending charges. Of course they wont be killed, if there is a body it will be some clone or poor soul made up to look like one of them. The real version will go hide on one of their private properties somewhere and then allow the left to become "outraged" that this happened and convince (easily) those morons that they are next and it was a racially motivated attack by some straight white man.

15050228? ago

If any real Q follower were going to go rambo, it wouldn't be on a school. They know who the real enemy is.

15051412? ago

Certainly conceivable that they would attack their own lackeys and blame Q followers.

15049773? ago

The next time they want to change what's on the news.

15049427? ago

I'm famous!

15050708? ago

And I confronted your ass months ago, saying you were a bit too interested in debunking #QAnon and oh, you aren't much of a "journalist" when you can't figure out that US Code 10 is where "Citizen Militias" are actually, legal and I don't know your age, but you probably qualify. Go shill somewhere else.. we aren't violent, YOU are violent and Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi and ANTIFA prove us right, every single day. Live with it Mike, you are going down and I will smile, you unimaginable bastard.

15050915? ago

No you didn't. Who do you think I am?

15049419? ago

We are not violent. We are not affraid. They are just trying to scare us.

15049702? ago

That doesn't matter if they make us look violent.

Read his tweet again. That isn't concern. That's a threat.

15049378? ago

So by posting anonymously here a person is a loyal and faithful Q follower. And we all lock step to a single thread by an anonymously poster. As far as I can tell from the twitter, it may be a shill spreading deceipt. Hey rothy boy, what other things has that poster stated to support your claim? What about recommendations for violence from mad max waters and eric holder, guess they are Qanon by your definition. As for the post referenced, I am a loyal and frequent poster and Q following Patriot and did not read the thread... the title said possible shill to me.

God bless Q and the work the Trump Administration is performing, I trust as faithful servants of God.

15049356? ago

So, everytime I see what I think is a shill here, I now have to simply reply with..

"Mike? Is that you Mike?"

15052092? ago

LOL I like that!!! Fuck Him!!

15049324? ago

How awesomely fucked is the shill that made that post to begin with.

15049299? ago








15049581? ago




15049227? ago

Rothschild and friends Write posts of alleged dissilusioned Q followers Write posts of alleged armed militias

Then report about it. See how that works?

15052585? ago


15050269? ago

Hmmm...sounds familiar.

Wrap-up smear, anyone?

15050353? ago

Sounds like they're warning against a threat they created. As usual.

15050399? ago

Solution to a problem they created. Textbook pussyhat book.

15051163? ago

Yep. This.

15049177? ago

Looks to me Mikey has been shilling all over Voat now he's planting fake news to frame Q and anons. Shows everyone how desperate the shills are.

15049441? ago

Nah, that was me.

15049087? ago

Get used to 8chan everyone!

15051009? ago

Unfortunately, 8chan is blocked by my IT Dept. here at work.

15058729? ago

vpn bro

15049895? ago

You clearly have no clue how fragile 8chan and its single, carbon-based, publicly-identified site owner really is.

15049605? ago

Voat isn't going to kick you out. Putt doesn't give a fuck.

15049707? ago

All the shilling by sbbh is going to make everyone leave.

15051309? ago

Maybe, but that's their choice. They're not being forcibly removed by management.

15052088? ago

Admin condones and participates in this BS.

15054725? ago

Admin doesn't care about you

15049547? ago

All joking aside, those of us who are not should seriously do that.

get used to 8chan, because by the looks of it, it's going to eventually be the last place we can only talk without being banned or the site taken down.

15050693? ago

That’s where I was headed

15050147? ago

/qresearch/ threads load very very slowly, auto-refresh for no goood reason, require a very very slow longpress to view any of the many many popups and you can't even download an image from a popup without viewing the entire original thread... The catalog loads slowly (instead of very very slowly) and reorganizes itself so you click the wrong thread sometimes... The site is just awful for usability!

15054963? ago

Well ain't you a wuss.

15050165? ago

well. Beggars can't be choosers, now can they? lol

15050136? ago

The fact that 8chan is still operational is the greatest evidence that exists proving Q is a LARP. It would take virtually no effort to shut down 8ch.net for good. Everyone here is to buys performing esoteric calculations and digging for relevant Bible verses to understand how the internet actually works and what it takes to pull the plug on a tiny site with a paper trail of domestic ownership like 8chan.

15050203? ago

wouldn't you think that would be the other way around?

15050229? ago

No, because I understand the technology behind the network we call the world wide web. Go ahead and picture a bunch of soldiers standing around the little dinky 8chan server somewhere if it helps you sleep at night.

15050590? ago

Do you know where the server is located and who hosts it?

15050633? ago

Yes, I won't go so far as to post the information here, but I spent an hour digging a couple weeks ago and found enough information to act on, if I were actually looking to physically disrupt the ISP where the server is kept.

15050728? ago

Makes me curious what the security of their physical location is.

15050778? ago

Do your own research. It's pretty amazing how low level their whole setup is. Remember the idiot IT guy who posted to reddit for advice on scrubbing Hillary's server? These are the types of people responsible for the single remaining communication hub, once Voat is terminated.

15050823? ago

this begs the question if it's so easy to stop them, why haven't they done it yet?

Sure, they could do something about the 8chan location, but what about Q themselves? Wouldn't they have found and stopped them by now?

15050895? ago

Because we're not actually a threat to anyone yet. Voat and 8chan are small corrals housing relatively small groups of pacified, preoccupied individuals who would otherwise be making noise elsewhere. If I were running a deep state psyop, I know I'd gradually squeeze dissidents into smaller spaces until they ultimately tore each other apart from infighting; harnessing and then diffusing what could have otherwise been a real movement.... After Voat is gone, it'll be easy to just let it all die quietly on 8chan... But if it doesn't die there, it'll be very easy to just pull the single remaining plug. That's my theory at least... But I, for one, don't believe any of the bullshit I read around here, and neither should you.

15051057? ago

I mean, not "us," I meant Q themselves. Wouldn't it be easiest to just Handle Q?

And you seriously under estimate this movement. How it has grown, what it has alerted people to, etc. Why do you think the media attacks it so hard if it was just a psyop to distract and pacify people?

I mean no offense when I say this, but it's ignorant if you honestly believe that. Just what do you know about Q, what they tell us, and what people do with this knowledge?

15051184? ago

It's amazing how loud it can get inside an echo chamber. A hundred people can quickly start to sound like a million. Q is no real threat to anyone, which is why nobody is actually trying to stop Q. Q is either a LARP or a CIA psyop to control opposition. Both of these explanations fit the data far better than the so-called truth of an omniscient omnipresent omnipotent military intelligence force who continues to allow satanic pedophiles to rape and murder children because "trust the plan."

15051694? ago

You don't seem to under stand what I am saying. In fact, you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what this movement even is. it's not to draw in and hold people. It's not to make people complacent and "just trust the plan and do nothing."

That is the single biggest misconception Qanon has. That we sit around and do nothing, expecting everything to be solved for us. The reality is the opposite.

https://qmap.pub/read/812 https://qmap.pub/read/839 https://qmap.pub/read/1328 https://qmap.pub/read/1646

it's to actively go and wake people up. In real life and online. To actively cross to the other side of the political aisle and wake them up to the world around them. bringing them back with is not what is important. if they happen to follow us back to places like voat, that is their choice. however many do not.

Let me put it this way: https://qmap.pub/ has had almost 140,000 people visit it in the past 24 hours. Q hasn't posted in a few days, so that number is a bit lower than usual. (around 160-180 last week) This is just 1 site that hosts the drops that people visit. There are many others, including phone apps that do.

This is spreading like wildfire. It's a global movement to wake people up to the cabal. There is no "control" to at all, no pointing away, only to things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ermHx3akejc

Many things.

15051985? ago

All you point to is the astounding amount of cognitive effort being completely fucking wasted on a fantasy. MILLIONS OF MAN HOURS, WITH ZERO RESULTS. You've done nothing to convince me this is anything other than a total waste of time for those who take it seriously. I just come here to blow off steam, and to catch the day's news with this humorous Q conspiracy twist on it.

15052039? ago

You are being irrational. This is an emotional response. It's cognitive dissonance.

You should probably be more aware of what something is before you make fun of it. Watch that video I linked at the bottom. Though be warned, you'll never be able to look at the world the same again.

15052087? ago

Nah, I've watched too many videos produced by schizophrenic zealots this year. I'm done listening to you mental patients trying to convince me you're actually Jesus Christ. We can just agree to disagree, and we'll see in a year which of us is living in a delusional fantasy land.

15052192? ago

It is you who is lives in the disillusion fantasy land. You just don't realize it yet.

9/11 happened by a directed energy weapon that turned the towers to dust. That video lays out all the scientific evidence behind it.

Then there is geoengineering. We can control the weather, make rain, hurricanes, tornadoes.

Many, many things. But the media doesn't want you to know that. Q? They want us to, and to tell people like you. To show you the proof.

15052252? ago

Oh wow. You've got it bad. I thought you were just a regular nutter, but you're on some next level shit evangelizing laser weapons that destroy skyscrapers with surgical precision and the Chinese hurricane wizards trying to put out all the fires Pelosi started in her backyard.

We're done. You have not reached me in the slightest; nor I you. A prime example of how we're all wasting each other's time in our post-truth society while Rome crumbles all around us. Farewell. Adieu. Good luck out there.

15052288? ago

I just sent you the proof.

it's up to you if you want to accept it or not.

15052318? ago

It's only proof of your own confirmation bias. Fuck off now niggerfaggot, we're done.

15052364? ago

You are suffering from cognitive dissonance right now, you just don't realize it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance

I' trying to wake you up, but you are subconsciously fighting it.

15049337? ago

Awww... shit!

15049319? ago

This is the only answer. Voat is training wheels for the redditors.

15049049? ago

Right minded people protecting themselves, their homes and their families are far more dangerous than Antifa!

15049038? ago

Oh look, a Rothschild is scared of us! Over target!

15050187? ago

Don't think so, more likely setting the stage for a FF...

15048979? ago

Who cares. If they FF a Q follower in a mass shooting, is that going to make the revelations any more or less true? It doesn't matter. They can't shut down 8ch or voat over that.

15049596? ago

This certainly looks like a setup for a FF to me.

15048920? ago

See! We need a new home. $2 says Rothschild is one of the ones posting this junk anyways. (I only have $2 :/ )

15050255? ago

Dude...wutz ur paypal??

15050347? ago

You just won the internet

15049309? ago

lol and it isnt even worth $2

15049155? ago

Props for honesty.

15048860? ago

Welp, can't say this script wasn't perfectly predicted.

15050075? ago

yeah buddie......they are reading it word for word........

15049518? ago

Yep. Saw this coming a mile away.

15049345? ago

Haha, no kidding.