15051788? ago

You have to control both sides. Fox and drudge are msm. Even infowars seems like they are having strings pulled...fuck em. Fuck em all don't care they can burn with the Pedos.

15054274? ago

The challenge is to recognize truth in all mediums. A case of eating the chicken and spitting out the bones. Of course, some venues have so much bull shit it is not worth wading through to find the few nuggets of truth that might be there.

15049635? ago


Crowd manipulation is the intentional use of techniques based on the principles of crowd psychology to engage, control, or influence the desires of a crowd in order to direct its behavior toward a specific action.[1] This practice is common to politics and business and can facilitate the approval or disapproval or indifference to a person, policy, or product. The ethicality of crowd manipulation is commonly questioned.

Crowd manipulation differs from propaganda although they may reinforce one another to produce a desired result. wikipedia

15049777? ago

Another person pointed out the literal meaning of "government". Govern means "to control" and -ment means "the mind". So literally, government means to control the mind. Which in the American historical sense of "self government" used to mean "to control our own minds". Not anymore.

15048269? ago

Quote is from Noam Chomsky

15048628? ago

Can you reference it? I like to be accurate, too.

15048015? ago

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum?—?even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on...

Kind of like QRV were the moment you say anything sceptical about a claim you get called shill yet there is lively debate on how Q will save the world and what will happen "tomorrow".

15048600? ago

I would not call QRV controlled opposition, but you are right that people jump the gun on name calling, and that is foolish and unfair.

15048731? ago

It will hurt your movement if bullshit stays uncontested and people are not expected to provide sources


15049127? ago

I have no movement, but I agree regarding sources. In a later post script I added this link as an example of Fox news being controlled opposition.


15048075? ago

Qtards love calling anyone who doesn't completely conform to their hive mind shills, even people who have legitimate questions. It's pretty sad to watch, honestly.

15047740? ago

Entertain the idea of no limits on speech, and even the right will call you a "nazi".

Everyone seems to be afraid, or follows the lead of the controlled opposition.

15047889? ago

Good point. Can't tell you how many times I have been rebuked for both my politically incorrect and religiously incorrect views. Everyone wants their view to be the correct one.

15048046? ago

We all want to be right, when what we should want is to know the truth.

Wanting "rightness" leads to close-mindedness, lack of empathy and exclusion.

Wanting "truth" leads to open-mindedness, humility and togetherness.

If we are to be united as we search for truth, we must remain questioning, and always consider we might be wrong about all of it.

15048723? ago

Extremely well said. I agree with you 100%.

15047406? ago

Good post OP. Shills are heavy today. Butthurt that yesterday's efforts were futile.

Please ignore them and share more.

15048151? ago

Shills are heavy today.

This attitude is exactly causing what OP's quote is about.

Yesterday I made a bullshit post about avenatti actually being detained by the deep state. It was the second highest upvoted comment. I edited for proof: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2853438/15036518

The few anons who questioned me were called shill and downvoted.

Your echo chamber is such a safe space that I can make obvious bullshit up that gets heavily upvoted and the people who question my bullshit get downvoted and called shill.

On this place you are not allowed to ever question the movement but there very lively debate on how Q will safe the world "soon".

God bless president trump. Think logically.

15048178? ago

I am thinking logically. I'm aware of the bullshit posts.

You are not revealing anything unknown.

15048366? ago

I bet you upvoted at least half a dozen of my bullshit posts without realizing it.

This is the most gullible echo chamber I've ever seen.

15048419? ago

I bet you think I'm your buddy back in the open subverses. You have no idea what I'm up to.

Keep assuming things in your imagination.

15048511? ago

Damn youre woke girl

15079777? ago

So, have you guessed already who I'm? Shouldn't be hard, I make no secret of my opinion about qultists.

15080506? ago

Looks like GhostFag is rather well hated everywhere.


Cheers ya cunt!

15080143? ago

I know this one! GhostGay or something right?

15080074? ago

You sound gay, so I'm going to guess clamhurt_legbeard.

15047590? ago

I do no. And on the other subverses I down vote them to prevent them from making posts.

15050210? ago

Here's another way to locate them. https://voat.co/v/voatdev/comments/2854926

15054339? ago

Thank you. I will keep those names in mind.

15047678? ago


15047897? ago


15047362? ago

Xpost much? Anyway, Sounds like the idiot wrecking this sub.

15047580? ago

I don't know what you are talking about.

15047324? ago

What if Q is controlled opposition?

15051838? ago

Msm wouldn't come out with "bombshells" everyday if Q was controlled op. If they had control they wouldn't care. They would laugh at Q and move on. Doesn't seem to be the case...

15048515? ago

"We'll save Israel for last!!!!"


15051131? ago

Trust the (((plan)))

15054208? ago

bomb bomb bomb bom bomb Iran OY VEY!! But israel is our bestest friend and ally. That's why we give them billions yearly in welfare. Jews are gods chosen, ya know

15047778? ago

Controlled opposition would never tell this many secrets that checked out. If Q were controlled opposition, why reveal your handler's greatest weakness? Which is clearly the massive massive pedophile ring. Even if all you exposed is the satanic cult that likes children, once you proved yourself "fake" or controlled opposition, you've created a bubble of people who know the truth and wield the evidence and who have that much more passion to defeat you.

15048813? ago

This doesn't support the validity of Q, because this info was already out there. It was not first released by Q.

Q does a lot of repeating of stuff that was already being talked about.

Q may still be valid, but this argument doesn't help prove it.

15048057? ago

Seems to me like wikileaks and project veritas provided plenty more than Q ever did. Can you give some examples of the secrets?

15051210? ago

kill a shill. leave

15047572? ago

That is always a possibility. However, having read all Q posts since and from October 2017, I don't believe that.

15048143? ago

Finally, a reasonable person here. I think Q is controlled opposition and a lot of Q followers are extremely ignorant about opposing ideas, but if more people took your approach, this sub probably wouldn't get attacked so hard by people who are tired of being called shill when they're only concerned about the truth.

Again, great response and attitude demonstrated in your post here.

15051860? ago

Enlighten me dumbfuck. How is Q controlled op?

15049053? ago

If I have an approach it is a product of old age. The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

We all need a yardstick by which to measure what people say. Jesus gave us a yardstick, "By their fruit you shall know them." In other words, what are the actions and the consequences of their words? Do they match or are they different? With Q I understand that they have to write deliberate misinformation since they are also speaking to the deep state agents who monitored 8chan, reddit and now VOAT. So I have to keep track of what actually happens to understand what they have said. If their only objective was to arrest the criminals, I would be more frustrated too. However, I don't believe that is their objective. I think their objective is to dismantle the deeply entrenched infrastructure created by controlling families that have rewritten the laws of our government to make our government against us, the American people.

We are like Gulliver in Lilliput. The rich aristocracy is the extremely small minority that has tied down the giant of the American people with millions of little laws that most of us do not even know about. And they have perverted our language to confuse us to the real meaning of words upon which laws are based upon. For example, we are called civilians if we are not in the government. It was pointed out by Randy Kelton, of Rule of Law Radio, that "civilian" is a military term that refers to the people of an occupied territory. We are not civilians, we are citizens and sovereigns. Government officials are not our lords but our servants. But they have ensnared us with terms that they redefine while using the terms as historically known and understood for themselves.

As American citizens we are covered in deep doo-doo and do not even know it. Thank you for your kind words.

15049461? ago

I understand why you believe what you do. I hope you're right and Q really is on our side, but I'm skeptical.

One thing I wanted to respond to was what you mentioned about language, because it's 100% correct. Language has been corrupted in so many ways. Here's an article that goes into that idea a bit more, it's really interesting and made me start to pay more attention to the words I use.

May God bless you.

15049732? ago

What an excellent article! I am both bookmarking it and saving it offline. As a young adult I always carried with me a pocket dictionary (now I use my spy [smart] phone) and whenever I came across a word I was not certain of its meaning, I would look it up both for the definition and its etymology. I took a pro se class in law called, "Jurisdictionary", which is a class taught by Dr. Frederick Graves, who made the meaning of legal terms clear since most pro se attempt to defend themselves with a wrong understanding of the terms.

God bless you, too, patriot. Remain skeptical. Even God tells us that we can "reason" with Him (Isaiah 1:18). This implies a healthy skepticism towards God that God is not afraid of.

15048043? ago

Are you ready for arrests?

15048710? ago

Are the normies ready? I am.

15047390? ago

What if you had a brain?

15047460? ago

Shill get out.

15047802? ago

I feel like calling someone a shill because they made an attack on your intelligence isn't called for. You asked a very answerable question and when someone mentioned it's probably easily answered if you think about it a little bit, you call them a traitor to their cause/nation? We need no more division than what we've already had sewn into our site.

15049614? ago

"What if you had a brain?" = " Someone mentioned it's probably easily answered if you think about it" ???? That's some garbage mental gymnastic shit right there.

Don't make douchebag faggot talk seem so flowery. Fuckfaces make points by asking snide fuckface questions because they're too dense to give a proper negative answer.

15055106? ago

Seem so flowery? I'm deriving what he actually meant without being insulted that I wasn't treated like a child. I was smart enough to understand his answer because guess what? I DO have a brain.

15048089? ago

it's probably easily answered if you think about it a little bit,

You're in an echo-chamber. You're like this moslem/christians/scientologist/esoterics who are like "well if you just look for the truth and think a bit about it you'll easily find it".

People outside echo chambers and cults provide facts and arguments to convince others and don't assume they'll come to the same conclusion.