15046935? ago

peaceseeker is actually one of them if you do some investigation of him

15046578? ago

Probably because youre gay.

15046187? ago

Please substantiate your claim.

Until you do, I will assume you are attempting to incide down-vote-brigading.

15047229? ago

There's countless evidence, and it's all day every day. Wake up. Look at the users and the posts they make out in the open.

They make anti-Q posts all day, everyday.

Almost like it's their job. Anyone can see it when they monitor "all" all day.

15047274? ago

There's countless evidence, and it's all day every day

So you'd have zero problem substantiating your claim then.

So please substantiate your claim.

15047377? ago

Use your own eyes. Besides, I'm not done gathering information on them. Including the fact that YOU are likely one of the idiots I've been hanging around the past year building relationships and getting them comfortable... I'm not sharing anything with you.

See you back in the Soapbox.

15046387? ago

15046695? ago

Looks like you are the only downvoter.

15047256? ago

OP is over target. See you back in the Soapbox.

15047295? ago

It is happening