15033079? ago

Wow, I had forgotten about this - and it is so clear. At the time, I thought he meant CA might have surprising election results. It is terrifying, though, if Q predicted or had inside knowledge of the CA fires. How? What? Why? What does this mean? Just leads to more questions - that for now are unanswerable.

15032907? ago

Yeah, it's freaking Hell on earth here. Some schools closed due to air quality. What air? It's brown out, sun can't shine through. Looks like the apocalypse. And, this is a couple hours drive from fires. These luciferian bastards are probably loving what they've done to CA.

15030689? ago

Midterms were not safe, we are losing. CA is always on fire this time of year, this q proof isn’t proof of anything.

15032961? ago

You must not know or have lived in CA. I have lived here all my life and in the insurance business. THIS is NO WHERE NEAR NORMAL.

15030097? ago

Crazy that even in April the Q intel knew what the deep state players would be doing 7 months later. PGE electric tower supposedly started the Camp, Ca. fire. PGE with Rothschild's controlling interest and their re-wilding plan for California first, all North America next. Never give the families enough federal funds to build back the whole community, move them towards large Urban settings. It will be interesting to see when the ballot dust settles will the numbers in senate/ house actually be 53-47? It is not looking that way right now.

15029985? ago

Means it's a sting. These people are absolutely fucked n_n

15029498? ago

And just how we’re the midterms fucking ‘safe’? We lost the house in case you didn’t notice and if history is a guide, nothing will get done over the next 2-3 years and oftentimes Presidents find a reason to go to war in a way to distract the low education idiots. Do you consider that ‘safe’? I sure as shit do not.

15030440? ago

You don't know about the Consent Decree from 1982 that forbade RNC from contesting voter fraud? And that expired in 2017? You can't go by what's happened in the last few decades. The world has changed.

15039948? ago

It was because it was alleged that republicans try to suppress minority votes. I'd keep that to yourself.

15041068? ago

Why? Either they did or they didn't. I'm not Republican or Democrat. I'm a member of the hostile takeover of the Republican Party.

15030149? ago

Yeah. OP is a tard.

15029724? ago

Because they have 45 days from the election date, what part of that do you not understand? Stop expecting everything instantly and have some damn patience. This is a hell of a lot bigger than you and your emotions.

15030041? ago

Love how all are obsessed with instant gratification. Legal BS takes FOREVER and is entirely pointless if a activist judge gets a hold of it.

15029519? ago

And sorry for the run-on sentence.

15029457? ago

They are really trying to ruin our communication here. They are trying hard to ruin this site so people turn away. Just keep posting information peeps. Give sources if possible. Let this site be a beacon of information.

15039890? ago

I've been here before you guys came. At least a year or 2, I think it's just people reacting to you guys. Most if it looks like trolling and concern fagging but some of them might be legit worry warts. Just ignore goats I'm sure you guys will be fine and for the love of god don't try to makes us as shills just because some simply don't believe you guys. There are definitely people here who want to believe but it's hard when you get called a shill for questioning something. I'd keep the buzz phrases to a minimum.

15032538? ago

Why is there not one down vote for this post other than mine. If you don't have down vote rights then add theawakening board and build up the right.

15029683? ago

Everyone needs to post only research oriented posts with links etc. Cut out all these anons that simply post their opinion on something. This is where they will divide us. If u have an opinion, by all means post it but back it up. With links and references. Make sure it’s a rock solid argument. It’ll make this site much more useful and would harm their attempt at dividing us.

15029249? ago

Yes, it is coincidence. Next question Mr. Acosta!

15029146? ago

Yes, actually

15029125? ago

And CA is being invaded by the caravan now, right?

15029123? ago

The pedo homes are burning down.

15029106? ago


15031266? ago

Someone's tin foil hat is on too tight.

15039978? ago

This is the same guy that probably made that other thread that would caps lock everyone and call them shills. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2852758

15031378? ago