15057283? ago

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15038832? ago

You wouldn't believe how important it is to have more asswipe on hand when you run out...

15033794? ago

GREAT advice. Do you all remember back when someone asked Q for a song for his wedding and Q responded with "MAGIC SWORD". I decided to make that song my inspiration for the upcoming fight. I have also used it to identify other Patriots when in a group. You would be surprised when you play it in your car [LOUD] How many of your brothers in arms show themselves. I work DOD and it's amazing the response you'll get.

15032052? ago

Its not time yet, bottle that shit up for 3 months, is nothing by mid January come by and get me im ready.

15031987? ago

Why is nobody talking about how to locate the Rothschild's current residence?

15031958? ago


15031202? ago

Look, if and I do mean if Trump/Q fails take the military's lead, I'm sure they are on our side! I truly believe that if Trump had not won their would have been a military coup to stop the deep state from blowing up the world! So be prepared absolutely but don't be stupid , it's always the dumb ones who die first. wwg1wga

15030728? ago

Hitler lost too, but made one hell of an effort.

Be like Hitler, change history. Correct the wrongs of the past.

15031963? ago

Hitler was working with the zionists.

15029927? ago

We’re fucked, time to just accept it. The government would come and crush us as soon as we rose up. 1700’s we might have a chance, but now? Yeah right

15030174? ago

Sometimes, it's not about winning. It's about fighting.

15030818? ago

The Reich understood this.

Yes, they "lost", but they sent a message that will ring forever through history.

Push us against the wall, we'll rain hellfire.

15029422? ago

Its time for each state to form a peoples militia. Once it gets millions strong then the arrest warrants go out.

15029247? ago

The US is not prepared for an EMP! You must be mentally prepared for millions of casualties due to failure of the electrical grid!

15029200? ago

There are some that refuse to take responsibility for themselves. They will flood the community food banks and such and wipe them out before all the poor, or elderly, or uninformed can get food.

15028946? ago

Not sure about a civil war, but who knows what the Deep state will throw at us. They will go toe to toe with DJT. Could all go down very quickly.

15028774? ago

How about you soul? Better make provisions for that too!

15029579? ago

Most important of all.

15028726? ago

When QRV turns into /collapse

15028522? ago

Civil war my ass. The blue haired feminazis and their soy boy bash toys wouldn't last a day of urban combat. I'd give it a week tops and it'd be over. The civil war of 1861-1865 was fought by MEN. With muskets and long rifles. Today's weaponry ...are you kidding me? Sure it often starts with skirmishes here and there, a tit-for-tat affair they may last a few days or months. But once it kicks off, full blown conflict? A week tops. That's it, bury the dead. Still doesn't hurt to be prepared though. Oh and if it happens and the real men come through? Make sure above all else to have and wear a MAGA hat. Identification can be the difference between life and death - no jokes.

15028324? ago

We need to get organized. What are the best books/manuals for citizen militias?

15031423? ago

8ch.net/k Best of that stuff will be found there.

15030830? ago

The anarchists cookbook is pretty handy.

15029869? ago

The Turner Diaries, Fry the Brain, or just go to /k/ and they should have quite a few military manuals.

15028314? ago

All able bodied males above 17 are constitutionally already in the militia. Quit waiting to get enlisted. Get trained and armed

15030756? ago


19 and I have my own fucking Company! Current status: 1 member.

15033216? ago

You have a fucking company. Are you shooting porn flicks or just not delivering on promises made (fucking people on a deal)

15038135? ago

You don't know what a company is do you?

So much for that militia...

15030269? ago

US Code 10

15028301? ago

We're already at war.

15028004? ago

I plan to eat my neighbours and fuck their dog.

15031502? ago

Kill their women and rape their livestock!

15028146? ago

FUCK the neighbors...a dog makes a good meal

15033329? ago

You haven't seen my neighbours.... the dog would be a better fuck.

15028099? ago

You’re barking up the wrong tree, mister.

15027842? ago

There is great app in play store called Survival Manual.Has everything you need for preperation and more.

15028381? ago

Downloaded a few. There’s also a great book titled Hitlers Armies. It’s pretty legit. The way they organized and their strategies etc

15030775? ago

They were way ahead of their time.

We used Blitz tactics on Iraq and they folded up like a kid crushing a bad homework assignment.

15027818? ago

Like a good patriot, I am fully stocked with mountain dew and Manga body pillows. The meme war will be brutal!

15027743? ago

Alright I haven't really done any prepping yet. I basically just grabbed some old camping stuff from my grandparents, lantern and stove, and bought some rice, beans and propane.

Open for suggestion on what else to do.

15032289? ago

I got some ideas off v/preppers for you: Buy a propane tank adapter hose so you can run your camp stove off a BBQ 20 lb. cylinder. Under normal use it will last weeks. Disposable cylinders go quick and may be hard to find in an "event" if you run out. Practice making rice on the stove as well as make a meal with the food you've stocked. No use having it if you can't cook it or don't like it after you prepare it. If it is a propane lantern ditch it and get an LED lantern that recharges from a car cig lighter. Even if you run out of gas the car battery will last a long time before dead. Make sure you have plenty of warm clothes, blankets, etc. so you don't have to rely on another heat source to stay warm.

15029035? ago

Can join 3 percenters on Facebook for your state. Can ask questions there.

15029969? ago

facebook...? facebook is a part of the problem, get ye off facebook, quit serving the Enemy.

15034364? ago

They are on our phones with or without the app. At least I can use their weapon against them, just like Trump is doing.

15029386? ago

DO NOT join the one in Colorado. They are FULLY compromised.

15028977? ago

You can pickup a shotgun without much paperwork same day. Cheap. Watch some YouTube videos. Get some shells. Pray you don’t need to use it.

15030844? ago

Shotguns are terrible for reaching out and touching someone though.

If you catch my drift.

15032336? ago

A slug is very capable and accurate at ~125-150 feet.

15047871? ago

I've hunted mule deer with a sabot slug at 80 yards easy.

15027898? ago

  • medi kit backpack, 50-100$
  • kevlar vest
  • some guns and ammo
  • water filter or water purification device
  • nano mask
  • gas mask
  • print or buy surviving guide books keep them in strong plastic bags
  • seeds
  • coffee
  • sugar
  • tea
  • tobacco


15033259? ago

Lots of usual links here:


15027709? ago

Does this mean I dont have to pay my credit card?

15031481? ago

If you have a credit card you already lost...

15027540? ago

Shoot first ask questions later.

15027579? ago

By their nose you shall know them.

15057286? ago

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15027698? ago

da nose knows

15027507? ago

Nah, I will decide for myself what my duty is.

Better results can be achieved by educating more and lecturing less.

15028190? ago

Good for you! Ignore the negative posts and live in LIGHT. :)

15030195? ago

That is what being an American is all about!


15027570? ago

Found the triggered liberal who takes offense at anything posted. FUCK YOU CUCK

If it is not your duty, you must not be a citizen. If you are not a citizen then shut the fuck up you bleeding baby dick sucking kike lover.

15057287? ago

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15030155? ago

Found the short man who takes offense to someone disagreeing with his opinion.

Not a liberal nor will I be told what to do some alarmist.

Oh, you get to decide who is and is not a citizen? That's delusional.

And you seem rather disturbed in the mind with all of that distasteful language.

15030410? ago

Metzitzah B'Peh (oral suction)


try to keep up you dumb nigger

15057288? ago

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15030533? ago

Not interested in what others say or do. Sorry, little man.

I'm white as the driven snow.

Projecting your fantasies is proving my point that something isn't right with you in the head.

You seem no better than the Antifa crew.

15028180? ago

Wow. You guys are ridiculously obvious. Just go, you've already lost.

Posts like yours are designed to get people to live in fear, thus lowering their vibrations, kinda like what 9/11 did on a mass scale.

We've already won, silly fool.

15028496? ago

"lowering their vibrations" And people think survivalist are nuts. haaahahahaahahaa

For all you light seekers, this place is hell. You will live in the light when you die. If and only if you lived well enough in life. Living well includes fighting for what is righteous and just. Killing off the enemies of your people is righteous and just.

15029702? ago

This place is MAGICAL, I love it here and I can't wait to come back again, and again, and again.. Spreading light and LOVE is awesome, sooo much opportunity to do it here!!

15028416? ago

Don’t be an idiot. Read the book titled Guns Germs and Steel.

15028505? ago

I have! Horribly depressing book that fails to take into account our spirituality - It's good resource for someone in a lib arts degree writing depressing papers, though.

15028683? ago

Yes, but spirituality doesn’t win wars (sad to say). We need a lot of guns and men who are willing to aim them at disgusting pedophiles and pull the trigger

15029597? ago

All wars are spiritual, there is a reason bible verses are stamped on the side of the firearms we hand out to our soldiers... ; - )

15027403? ago

when you aid in suppression of insurrection and rebellion your debts can not be questioned