14978190? ago

Uh oh. Now we are seeing hidden messages in memes? WTF Q. This is fantastic.

14977852? ago

You can't find it anymore, because the subs have been banned.

the only remnant i found is here:

there is some 4plebs link to the original, but the main discussion and full analysis are lost by the banhammer :(

PS: Mwhahahaha! and THAT IS why archiving is so important! Found it: http://archive.is/iiZbs

14977892? ago

You are awesome. Thank you so much.

I learned my lesson about archiving. Unfortunately it was a little to late and lost some things after they banned us. I will have to decipher it again but it’s already saved to my computer now so I don’t lose it again. I am I debit to you however since we are anon I will pay it forward to the next person in need.

14979264? ago

Fwiw if it's what I am thinking of, there was no confirmation by others that it decoded to that, but i could be wrong. For most of this stuff make sure multiple people are confirming it or confirm yourself if they put the string to decode it.

14977683? ago

Don't have any info, but is your question related to this: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2847492?

14977721? ago

Yeah I mean that is why I am looking for it. Lost the info when reddit banned us. It popped into my head with all the DEW talk. I spent a good amount of time deciphering the message that was found and had discovered that ALL stood for airborne laser laboratory which is a military project that has existed since the late 50’s. Anyway it mentioned that the ALL had been taken over and the person communicating was generally concerned. Was just trying to connect those dots for some people and that all of this has been given to us at a much earlier date. You can read more about the ALL here.


Thank you though

14977835? ago

Ahh interesting...thanks for the link, and good luck anon!