14962567? ago

Vengeance is The Plan.

"Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged." - Samuel Johnson

14960305? ago

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14959420? ago

Q told us awhile back that EVERY group the military deemed dangerous or corrupt MI inserted undercover folks in to monitor activities, ANTIFA, BLM & Possibly Voter fraud?!?!

14959052? ago

I hope your right! I faith in Q, but reading and hearing all the news about the recounts is stressing me out.

14961570? ago

Me, too. Can you imagine if they steal back the Senate?! What's the plan, then? An outright full-force military coup? Yeah. Those always go so well.

And honestly, have you seen the enemy (Antifa, BLM, etc)? Under what circumstances will the sane ever be reunited with them?! Is not going to happen. So this had better be a nationwide sting, or we're deep trouble! And we are going to have to do what we have to do to the Left, because their mindless screeching tantrums are NOT going to stop, and we can't let their "protests" stop us; we can't even be concerned or take their silly opinions into consideration. Reunited my ass.

14958957? ago

If this whole voter fraud thing is a sting to nail democrats then I see two great outcomes. National Voter ID laws and a bunch of liberals making license plates.

14959075? ago

"National Voter ID laws"

I think this is ONE of the ultimate goal of white hats to take back the country

14961385? ago

And we mean NATIONAL as in EVERY state must comply (NOT as in we need a National Real ID; that way lies tyranny), or else Hell will be unleashed upon noncompliant states. How about, the state that doesn't comply -- it's citizens' votes will not be counted. And if those citizens don't like it? Well then, maybe they'd better do something about their state's unwillingness to institute a solid voter ID law!

14958582? ago

Give this Patriot a Goldstar. "We got what we needed, thanks patriots". That sent a chill down my leggs, because I knew what that meant. They just had to catch them red handed.

The election will be redone, first time in history this will occur, and the last. God wins.

14958542? ago

That temp affidavit read like a police report written by someone who has written those types of documents many times ...

14958375? ago

That chick worked for KForce. I worked for them. Very shady company indeed.

14958301? ago


14958167? ago

Why else would they have left Snipes in office when she admitted on tape that she illegally burned ballots in 2016. They gave her the rope and she hung herself! Lol

14958032? ago

Lots shills here

14958023? ago

I have wondered just recently, how easy is it to MKultra the masses via MSM?.

After I watched them hypnotize people to kill, with very little effort, it seems the insanity on the left when "Trump" is mentioned, could easily be the trigger word.

14959499? ago

They've been working on this since the sixties; it went hand in hand with the roll out of television.

14957892? ago

Exactly. I posted this on Wed

"Plus I have a feeling that the Q team set the trap in FL & AZ to expose the voter fraud. Q team need undeniable evidence to show the public and institute new Voter Laws. Q stated that the midterms were safe. How do you catch a FISH?...... Its happening!"

14957832? ago

There absolutely is a plan. One way or another shit will happen. Potus knows that. He will not allow us to 'civil war' or divide. Justice is coming. If you can't see it, then you are an official moron.

14957699? ago

Patience is the art of getting angry slowly.

14961792? ago

Excellent quote, is there an original source you could share?

14966236? ago

German saying. 'Geduld ist die Kunst, nur langsam wütend zu werden.'

14966401? ago

Translation please...

14961006? ago


14960145? ago

Awesome saying! Well done!

14958698? ago

Love that saying!

14957672? ago

And the best may be yet to come while we are distracted with Florida: CA coming

14957640? ago

I'll believe it when i see it. Right now it's just words and tweets. Worthless.

14958744? ago

Hi, This is God, you ain't seen nothing yet. Have faith and stop touching yourself.

14959565? ago

Real Genius reference? Love that movie!

14960045? ago

Come on god lemme have it! Grab the popcorn.

14961060? ago

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"

14964020? ago

So much of that movie turned out to be true. Except Jerry’s car.

14964321? ago

No doubt!

14957638? ago

I agree. We just have to be patient and have some perspective. Does anyone think for a second that Trump and Q team will have 2020 be dedicated to arrests? NOPE!! That’s a re-election year. 2019 is the year where shit will hit the fan. These next two months are the prep work to get it done the second Jan 1 hits. Remember the executive order folks.

14959032? ago

Fuck that shit. The prep work should have already been done, the arrests should have already been done.

Not going to happen.

14959239? ago

I’m unsure what do you want as of now? We can’t believe that we want our institutions and pillars of our country to work and at the same time approach things like they would in a dictatorship. We have tons of moving pieces and we want the rule of law to prevail. This is why it has taken a lot in order to execute. Sure we could do it like the Saudi Prince did and arrest everyone in one room. But we are not an absolute monarchy.

14959608? ago

If you or I had committed even a small fraction of these crimes, we would currently be rotting in cell for life.

14962977? ago

Not saying we should let them off the hook. What I am try My to convey is that the corruption is deep rooted and part of our everyday life. You can’t possibly take out the whole thing. So you have to isolate the most agregious cases and understand that the system has to work correctly going forward for all AND for the rot not to come back again. It’s also about empowering the masses who have been asleep. It’s no simple task and no amount of immediate arrest will make it completely go away. It has to be done right. It will be done right

14958020? ago

Not everyone will be under the executive order. Not sure why we can’t get some raw meat with an arrest as an ultimate Q confirmation. Doesn’t have to be a top criminal, nor someone slated for tribunal. But someone with a judge that isn’t corrupt so we can get more redpills going.

14957908? ago

Well, it will have to happen in 2019, or POTUS probably won't be elected again.

14959263? ago

That’s correct. They won’t allow it to be dragged to 2020. By the time 2020 hit, everyone will know who the perps are and what must be done to move forward in civility and rule of law

14965742? ago

There won't be a country in 2020 if the current shenanigans are allowed to stand.

14958008? ago

If no perp walks in 2019, no chance he gets elected again. He was elected because he could deliver. If he doesnt, hes not going to get the votes.

14958377? ago

And who would we vote for in 2020? It'll just be another globalist sellout running against him.

14958459? ago

I think some would abstain from voting. Hypothetically, if after 4 years, they havent accomplished anything in the direction of justice, then why would anyone trust them for another four?

14957614? ago

Yeah I would also think that ESPECIALLY in the key places that are always culprits, they have infiltrated / surveilled so that they have evidence to drop as needed. And therefore could allow the "slack" of having fraud occur. Without losing complete control.

14957418? ago

Call me when she’s in cuffs

14960806? ago

You realize she is small potatoes. A token black to do as she's told. I want her bosses.

14957468? ago

You'll never receive the call.

14958732? ago

She'll slip away quietly into the night. Just like Bin Laden, Hitler, and other Historical (some made up) Barbarians. She has earned her spot among the Elite.

14957393? ago

This is just what I was thinking, but so many of these people here keep crying.

14957525? ago

shills en masse. never been this close to over the target.

14957685? ago

Not everyone who is being negative is a fucking shill. You want to know what would stop the pessimism and make this qanon stuff take off in an instant? Somebody in jail. Action. Words and "investigations" and angry potus tweets mean fuck all until something is actually done.

14958011? ago

You think it's bad now, wait until today 11.11.18 comes and goes and nothing happens.

why is something happening today significant? did someone predict something?

14958248? ago

Q said on 11/11/18 the country would be reunited.

14958478? ago


14961500? ago

One of the old Q posts. Sorry, don't remember which one but shouldn't be hard to find.

14960808? ago

nah just wanted someone to post the link for me.

thanks bud.

14957737? ago


but we ain't divulging shit cuz that's really the plan!

14958050? ago

why tell your enemy what you have? fucking think dude

14957595? ago

I see, not true patriots. I'm so freaking excited, are there are so many here complaining. I can't reach through my keyboard and slap some sense into them.