14953898? ago

Nice find OP anon!

14952354? ago

@tallest_skil will be on the news soon, a deranged wannabe mass shooter, he'll be lucky to hit 5 targets. LMAO.

14953970? ago

Cry more, kiddo.

14953885? ago


14953384? ago

And David Hogg will be there crying harder for him!

14951981? ago

Nah he is legit and youre all faggots.

14953880? ago

You suck his dick so you should know!

14952805? ago

He is a legit delusional faggot for sure.

14951934? ago

Go fuck yourself, coward. If you stay in your containment board and quit fucking whining about me, I won't care about you. Spam other boards and yes, you WILL be smacked the FUCK down.

14953857? ago

You dumb ass! I fuck with you all the time. Because you are my toy.

14953846? ago

Who the fuck is fucking with you?

14953298? ago

You can’t smack down anybody even in public. What the hell are you smoking because I want some of that!

Don’t like people seeing the truth about you, do you!

Think you are all tough and bad ass and even in public all you do is talk shit, and say cry harder, reported and libel.

Post the full lyrics to “I’m a little teapot” and I will leave you alone. You can even post them in this post. It’s anon after all!

14952083? ago

You realize whomever it is, is purposefully pointing you here. No one in here cares or knows anything about you.

Why is someone trying to get you upset at QRV?... and why are they targeting you?

14954023? ago

Because I've proven them wrong and since they're clinically insane leftists (but I repeat myself) they can't comprehend objective truth which exists outside their worldview.

14954273? ago


14953307? ago

Because he thinks we are larpers.

14953871? ago

Because you are! It’s true.

14952102? ago

You realize this is most likely ESOTERICshade, who attacks people on the Pizzagate sub for believing or even mentioning Q? He will also makes fake upvotes for himself. Our mods called him out.


Many good researches got sick of it and left the sub because of this fucking asshole.

14953867? ago

Go rape your mother and fuck off!

14953315? ago

Reported for being a kike.

14952146? ago

Good to know. Appreciate the information. I've heard similar before about the user.

14951542? ago

We are watching you @tallest_skil / @esotericshade!

14951626? ago

Ah Esotericshade. It's not enough a giant sticky post calling him out as the fucking shill that he is but feels the need to come to QRV to do it to. Maybe tallest_skil will also yell about Civil Nationalism more?

14953841? ago

Notice how he keeps talking to himself the last 2 -3 days. He posts about himself calling Q anons larpers here to draw attention away from himself. Nice call! +1

14953403? ago

Libel. Reported.